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可持续发展教育即天地人和 主题:中国可持续发展教育 theme:China's sustainable development education


time:On September 19th, 2012


site:Tongzhou district teachers research center


The speaker:TaoXiPing


The speaker bio:TaoXiPing,Famous educator,The current national education advisory committee/National ZongDuXue consultant/Chinese private education association, honorary President/The asia-pacific region the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association federation honorary chairman/The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization association, vice chairman of world federation of/Beijing SheKeLian honorary chairman and so on.Once was appointed secretary of the Beijing municipal bureau of the party/chief/Beijing mayor assistant/Beijing people's congress standing committee deputy director/Education committee of the National People's Congress.Chief editor zeng[Education evaluation dictionary]/[Multiple intelligence and curriculum reform series],Have the[Let failure rate to zero education reform thinking and practice]/[Along the way TaoXiPing education ramble], etc.


Featured presided over:


In 2012,"Rio + 20"Summit is the common commitment to sustainable development important milestone.Education is to promote sustainable development"Rio + 20"Summit attention on the agenda.In this context,In order to raise the headmaster/The sustainable development of teacher education theory quality and practice ability,The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization by the China national committee/China's sustainable development education national working committee, and other units co-hosted Chinese sustainable development education 11 times national workshops in this hold.


The first field report the speaker is TaoXiPing chairman.TaoXiPing President long engaged in education work,Education for all areas of have a deep thinking,The sustainable development education is TaoXiPing chairman attention for a long time/Long-term guiding a field,Today we please ceramic President give us a sustainable development education report.


Kofi annan said:"The new century,Our biggest challenge is to set up a sound seems very abstract concept of sustainable development and its into the reality of people all over the world."


Global warming brings dangerous


At the beginning of this century,Former United Nations secretary general kofi annan said:"The new century,Our biggest challenge is to set up a sound seems very abstract concept of sustainable development and its into the reality of people all over the world."I want to,After more than ten years of time,The abstract concept of sustainable development is gradually become a reality,Sustainable development education in the process of deepening.


In 2005,,The general assembly of the United Nations has declared 2005 to 2014"Sustainable development education ten years",And start[The United Nations sustainable development education ten years(2005-2014)The international plan](Referred to as[10 year plan]),For governments around the world in the past ten years the sustainable development education into the national education strategy and action plan of.For more than eight years,Sustainable development education has made great progress in at the same time,Also promoted the us to the further understanding of the development/For the further understanding of the education,And to the further understanding of the education practice.


Through the years of sustainable development education,We have a profound understanding of development.The first performance in,We deepened to the understanding of the urgency of the sustainable development.This kind of understanding is objective existence,Is our education results.Beijing the early days of the jumbo rain-storm disaster,This is more than 60 years to one of the biggest rainstorm,And in the storm we have dozens of people were killed,This thing once again gave us a very important tips and keep watch must save the earth.


On December 4, 2009,Nepal's prime minister and 22 ministers in the Himalayas to 5262 meters above sea level at a cabinet meeting,Discuss global warming to the influence of the Himalayas,Called on people to take action,Environmental protection.The maldives held underwater cabinet meeting,Warning rising sea levels,Peru sacred glacier is melting/Venice is facing the risk of flood/Saudi encounter the strongest dust storms/Climate warming make arctic melting glaciers,Polar bears start cannibalism/Antarctic ice ablation speed up,China's north of years of great drought/Jade dragon snow mountain continuous melting,, etc,With global warming,The more frequent extreme weather……All these tell us global climate warming to bring a lot of danger,A serious threat to the survival of humans and other creatures.


The world every 20 seconds a child died and water pollution related disease,A lot of people predict,The future war will be some of the causes of water resources for control.


Sustainable development face five big challenge


Columbia[week]Weekly on June 17 website published an article entitled[The global sustainable development face five big challenge]article.


The first big challenge is the sustainable development of the city.Shanghai world expo had a slogan call"The city better life".But in reality I believe this is actually a struggling slogan,What is the city can't make life more beautiful?United Nations statistics show,Nearly half of the world population lives in the city,By 2030 this ratio will be increased to up to 60%,This phenomenon in developing countries particularly,For such a trend,City must put forward new ideas,In response to the challenge of urban growth.Because the city disease in every big city has very obvious,How can does not destroy the environment in the premise of,To ensure that the development of the city is a big challenge.


The second challenge is the challenge of Marine resources.Around the world, about 3 billion people rely on the activities related to the survival and the ocean.Climate change/Ocean transportation caused by environmental pollution/Including destructive Marine fishing and seabed oil and gas development, Marine resource overexploitation,And various aggressive species and the emergence of the constantly expanding of the coastline construction,Let the Marine environment and Marine resources is facing serious challenges,This is a great threat to the survival of mankind.


The third is the challenge of energy efficiency.The United Nations development programme (undp) report,The city accounted for 75% of the world's energy consumption,But countries but to find effective renewable energy the lack of effective measures.


The fourth is the challenge of water resources.The United Nations children's fund data points out,Developing countries so far about 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water,Each year the number of people died in the water pollution disease more than died in the war and the number of natural disasters.According to the statistics,The world every 20 seconds a child died and water pollution related disease,A lot of people predict,The future war will be some of the causes of water resources for control.


The fifth is food security challenges.We have now deeply feel food safety for human security threats,To ensure food security basic agricultural production activities,Must also change,In response to the challenge of sustainable growth.


In addition,Human is faced with great threat from the war.We have experienced the first world war/The second world war,Part of the region and country has experienced the war in Afghanistan/Libya war/O the falklands war/"The September 11,,"Terrorist activities……This a series of human activities also threatens the human sustainable development.So we should adhere to the purpose of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization,namely"Through the education/Science and culture to promote the cooperation between countries,To contribute to peace and security,To promote to justice/The rule of law and the charter of the United Nations have confirmed the people of the world, regardless of race/gender/Language or religious all enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms universal respect".


We are now facing many crisis.Between man and nature have the ecological crisis,People with social developed between humanistic crisis,People with person's own developed between moral crisis,People have their own with the psychological crisis,Countries and between nations have the security crisis,Culture and cultural values between crisis,This a series of problems are put in front of us.


In 1992, the United Nations conference on environment and development through the[Rio declaration],[Rio declaration]Is such words as a start"Human beings are the sustainable development of the core concern,They have the right to obtain a and the nature harmonious coexistence health and rich life."In 2002,[World summit on sustainable development]Held in South Africa,Through the[World summit on sustainable development plan],Put forward"To establish a humane/Equality of the international community,Understanding about the needs of all human dignity".visible,We know the sustainable development view in the gradually deepening,From the original disordered development to sustainable development.


Sustainable development is a respect for our common heritage/Live the way planet,To ensure the current and future generations of quality of life improved steadily.


The sustainable development to abandon the GDP of the narrow sense


Sustainable development is mainly respect our common heritage/Live the way planet,To ensure the current and future generations of quality of life improved steadily,This is the concept of sustainable development brought out a concept,Also is to narrow sense from the past to GDP development level as the standard development turn to the more general/In human development index to evaluate the development,So that we have to change to the connotation of the development of,The development of absolute not pure is a economic growth,But the development of the entire human race.


Of course,Human development is an eternal theme,At the same time also is dynamically.The evolution of the concept of recently have a kind of view,Think that there are three versions,Were the earliest"Version 1.0",That is, we should take care of the environment,Reduce waste;Then is"Version 2.0",That is, we should not only in the existing way of life and production in the way to economize and reduce waste,At the same time more to improve our mode of production and way of life.Now enter the"Version 3.0",That not only is to general to improve some mode of production and way of life,But should be in the human society, the whole production system of systematic reform.This should be our for deepening understanding of the sustainable development.


Sustainable development is still to adhere to the development is the hard truth,So not don't development,But the pursuit of higher/More sustainable development.This is what we are currently having the very big contradictions and conflicts,If development may damage the environment,But if the protection of the environment and may affect the development.Many developing countries,Especially in many poor countries now is still in the JiEXian,If you just tell him to protect the environment/To green,He may even meal can not,This case,How to deal with this contradiction?


This year's June 18,/19 the G20 summit held in Mexico issued a joint statement,Joint statement pointed out that:Current and future generations of development and prosperity,We need to beyond the immediate economic crisis,We recognize that let economic growth/Environmental protection and social inclusiveness complementary importance.Is not merely emphasis on economic growth,Also is not merely emphasize environmental protection and social tolerance,But see this three kinds of complementarity.So there it is further emphasized,Our future depends on included in sustainable development and eliminate poverty under the background of green growth.Inclusiveness green growth should not be protectionism borrow against growth,We are not not growth,But to achieve a inclusiveness green growth.


The statement also pointed out that,"We promise to through the appropriate measures,Continue to help developing countries to maintain and strengthen their development,Including encouraging inclusiveness green growth action".Inclusiveness growth seeks to social and economic development and sustainable development,And simple to pursue economic growth relative made;Inclusiveness growth advocates the growth of equality of opportunity,The most basic meaning is a fair share of economic growth.


This year, on May 9, held in Seoul"Global green growth summit"on,The world bank released[Inclusiveness green growth:The road of sustainable development]report,Pointed out that green growth is not most countries can't afford luxuries,instead,Green growth is necessary/efficient/affordable.To realize the green growth is to ensure that the earth's natural capital can provide full human beings rely on resources and environmental services,Make resources to better the human development service.


In today's world,The national interests and the interests of the global ecological conflict played very fierce,Because of countries in different stages of development.In 2011 at the Copenhagen climate summit is fully shown in the conflict severity.On the one hand some African countries and the Pacific island countries faced with serious ecological crisis,On the other hand, some developed countries in order to its interests,Don't promise easily medium and long term goals to reduce emissions.According to the calculation,The United States/The European Union/Japan is climate debt big three,In 88 billion, respectively/64 billion and 26 billion dollars.Developed countries should for the global environment protection to greater efforts,They pay in industrialized stage to global pollution brought about by the ecological debt.


Not only focus on resources and environment,Pay attention to the social and cultural,To cultivate students more sustainable future need core values/Scientific knowledge/Learning ability and way of life.


"In order to and the sustainable development of society"


In 1998,,The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization puts forward"environment/Population and the sustainable development education project",Namely EPD project,Evolve into after"Sustainable development education project",Namely ESD project.This actually reflected the us to the further understanding of the education.


Sustainable development education,Emphasize education must serve the people and the sustainable development of society,This has become the new century global education common pursuit.Sustainable development education is to make the abstract concept of sustainable development through the development of the individual and society as the future sustainable development ability to work and make the actualization.Therefore from EPD to ESD has more clear education goal,That education is to human sustainable development.This should be the ultimate goal of education,Education is not just a content.


The core of sustainable development education is values education.It has a wide range of education content,Emphasized not only pay attention to natural ecological environment,While at the same time emphasizing the social attention/Economic and cultural,A more specific education function,Through education training the sustainable future need values/Scientific knowledge/Learning ability and way of life.It is summarized,Education for sustainable development.


The basic idea of sustainable development education is to change the human way of life will have to start from the basics,In order to pass the education form which the sustainable development of knowledge and ability as a starting point.In the long run,Final solution sustainable development problems are the most sharp weapon is education,Is to develop a generation of high quality/With the sustainable development thought and ability of the citizens.Citizens here includes both policymakers also includes all of us.


Sustainable development education includes resources - environmental and social cultural two big dimensions,The former focus is to deal with the relationship between man and nature,The latter is mainly to handle the relationship between person and person;The former is in order to save the earth,The latter is to maintain peace.


The person and the natural activity to return uncut jade to return true


First they should take the sustainable development education quality education as an important content.[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]in"Strategic theme"Part put forward"Attention should be paid to the sustainable development education",At the same time in the process of practice we also introduced two key,One is the sustainable development education to promote environmental protection and resource conservation,The second is the sustainable development education to promote international understanding.The former focus is to deal with the relationship between man and nature,The latter is mainly to handle the relationship between person and person,The former is in order to save the earth,The latter is to maintain peace.


In the sustainable development education driven,In recent years,There are many new education content in school education.Such as low carbon education,Now not only become the important education content,At the same time also become an important practice sustainable development education activities.At present,Beijing has many schools are carried out a low carbon economy and low carbon life related social publicity and public welfare activities.What we say is low carbon is refers to reduce carbon dioxide to give priority to greenhouse gas emissions,Thus helps to slow down global temperature rise.And a low carbon economy,It is emphasized in the concept of sustainable development guidance through the technological innovation/System innovation/Industry transformation/The new energy development and so on the many kinds of means,As far as possible to reduce the high carbon energy consumption,To reduce greenhouse gas emissions,To achieve economic and social development and the protection of the ecological environment win-win development form.


The other is the low carbon life,Low carbon life actually represent more healthy/More natural/More secure life,At the same time also has low energy/Low consumption/Low cost/Low cost way of life.Simple to understand,Is to return uncut jade to return true to the activities of man and nature.Low carbon is not only the enterprise behavior,At the same time is also a conform to the trend of The Times way of life.


At the same time,International understanding education has become an important education content.Under the background of globalization,,Education should cultivate with respect and understand the cultural diversity and difference/Have mutual absorbing and coexisting spirit and ability of the earth's villagers,So as to promote the sustainable and harmonious development.International understanding education is to strengthen the basis of multicultural understanding,Strengthen the communication between different cultures,Emphasis on respect for cultural diversity and difference,In reference to further promote the cultural diversity of national culture development.This is the contemporary world development,Especially as the background of globalization, the global village villagers should have one of the important quality.


To respect others,Including the current and future generations,Respect for differences and diversity,Respect for the environment,Respect the resource on the earth.


Make the sustainable development become a kind of emotion


With the sustainable development education to promote the transformation of education way.At present the sustainable development education are already beginning to infiltrate the national curriculum construction and implementation/Campus environment construction/The construction of campus culture and school education teaching activities of all kinds of.About the talent training mode,[Plan for]Put forward three aspects,namely"Learning thought combining,unification,Teach students in accordance with their aptitude".Sustainable development education is to put the concept of sustainable development/Knowledge and ability as the focus of education,Through optimizing knowledge structure/Rich social practice/Strengthening ability training,To improve the students' learning ability/Practice ability/Innovation ability,Education students learn knowledge skills,Learn to corretly,Learn to live life,Learn to do the person to work,To promote students' active adapt to society,To create a bright future.


To adhere to the correct orientation of sustainable development education.To maintain sustainable development education continuously push forward the transformation of ideas,Because sustainable development education is the key of the values education,And sustainable development are the core of values"Four respect",That respect people,Including the current and future generations/Respect for differences and diversity/Respect for the environment/Respect the resource on the earth.At the same time we constantly promote the cultivation of emotion,To make the sustainable development become a kind of emotion,Once see environmental damage and multiple culture,Emotional to respond.


We are now confusion is our cultural heritage into a tourist resort,This kind of tourism development in turn of the cultural heritage to break off.


Cultural heritage protection faces confusion


To maintain sustainable development education correct guide also need to adhere to the aim of sustainable development,Prevent function alienation.


The Chinese delegation to Cairo Egypt at the UN educational, scientific and cultural organization committee meeting world federation of time,Through the local residents to understand the puzzle of Cairo.Cairo has a piece of slums,And this piece of slum is also a world cultural heritage.The inside of the slum residents living conditions very difficult,But each year has millions of tourists from all over the world to come to visit,Make slum became rich people travel place.therefore,Cairo is confused,How will the world cultural heritage protection and improve the people's living standards combination?This is a difficult problem.


We also have confused.Our cultural heritage is now a tourist resort,And abnormal huge tourist visitors.Why many local governments are willing to denounce is gigantic endowment to "left?Is because "left after the success means will bring huge tourism revenue,And have a large number of tourists at the same time,A lot of the world cultural heritage also suffered great damage.China's cultural heritage protection faced with many challenges,For example of urbanization in get rich quick/Seeking pure economic interests/Property rights are not clear/Management confusion/Cultural heritage preservation and protection of the lack of funds/The phenomenon of cultural relics were destroyed seriously/People's cultural relics protection concept indifference and a series of problems.


To maintain sustainable development education correct guide,To prevent the irrational behavior.


Earth and is the sustainable development of the Chinese interpretation.


"Overhead creditably in day,Prone to open and aboveboard and feel no qualms"


The slogan of the 2008 Beijing Olympics is"One world/One dream".We are glad to this slogan can be accepted by many countries.Recently I participated in the Mongolia in east Asia in ulan bator children's art festival,Arts festival also USES the same slogans.So I want to,Sustainable development should become us in"One world"Life, each and every one of you"One dream",It actually reflects the essence of Chinese culture,Is the northern song dynasty neo-confucianism cheng hao finds proposed"generous,Completely and things consubstantiality".Mencius said that the"Overhead creditably in day,Prone to open and aboveboard and feel no qualms"Is a true gentleman.A true gentleman should rise not only natural/And human face.China has been talking about"Conditions and","Conditions and"Sustainable development is the Chinese interpretation.



