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独臂女孩成游泳尖子生 拥有“隐形的翅膀”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF EF T: 10px">    T: 10 px">   编者按: Editor's note:五年前,一场车祸让她失去了一手一腿。 但她没有向不幸屈服。 在班级里,她的成绩名列前茅;用左手写出一手漂亮的字;她还是游泳尖子生。蒋裕燕就是绍兴版的《隐形的翅膀》 …… Five years ago,A car accident that she lost one hand and one leg. But she did not yield to misfortune. In the class,Her result is among the best;Write with the left hand with beautiful words;She was swimming top student.JiangYuYan is shaoxing version[Invisible wings] ...更多精彩新闻进入搜狐教育>> More exciting news into sohu education>>4岁时,遇车祸失去右臂右腿,截肢处的骨头还在长,孩子常要咬着牙“锯骨头” At the age of 4,In the car accident lose his right arm right leg,Amputation place bones is still in long,Children often want to bite a tooth"Saw bone"


8 years old,Her character is composed granite,Practice swimming,1 months grades than healthy children practice three months to be good


独臂女孩,拥有“隐形的翅膀” Single arm girl,have"Invisible wings"


"Only an arm a leg,Swim better than limbs sound child is fast,More than a month learned to improve the child 3 months time content."These two days,Shaoxing city sports school swimming coach ChanYongGang of a micro bo cause the attention of many people.


ChanYongGang said the child that JiangYuYan,8 years old this year.

  五年前,一场车祸让她失去了一手一腿。 但她没有向不幸屈服。 在班级里,她的成绩名列前茅;用左手写出一手漂亮的字;她还是游泳尖子生……

Five years ago,A car accident that she lost one hand and one leg. But she did not yield to misfortune. In the class,Her result is among the best;Write with the left hand with beautiful words;She was swimming top student...


JiangYuYan is shaoxing version[Invisible wings].


截肢女孩,还需要不断去“锯骨头” Amputation girl,Also needs unceasingly to"Saw bone"


Small yu yan live in shaoxing city no country a ordinary apartment room,42 years old WangZhiFang was sitting to one side,Quietly looking at her.

  2004年出生的小裕燕,长得非常秀气,大大的眼睛,清秀的脸庞,如果不细心看,跟普通的女孩没有什么区别。 不过由于失去了右手,她只能用左手握笔,但一手字却写得非常漂亮,作业本也十分整洁。

Born in 2004 small yu yan,Long very delicate,Big eyes,Comely face,If not careful to see,With the average girl does not have what to distinguish. But because of lost the right hand,She can only use left hand to hold the pen,But a word but write is very beautiful,Exercise book is also very clean and tidy.

  小裕燕的老家原在绍兴县富盛镇,在她4岁前,从事装修工作的爸爸、妈妈在厦门打工,她平时由爷爷、奶奶抚养。 2007年9月16日下午,小裕燕在富盛镇的马路边上玩,一辆疾驰的自卸车突然撞向了她……

Small yu yan hometown original in shaoxing county rich cheng town,In her before the age of 4,Engaged in the renovation of the father/Mother in xiamen jobs,She usually by grandpa/Grandmother raised. PM on September 16, 2007,Small yu yan in the rich cheng town on the edge of the road to play,A car hurtling dump truck suddenly crashed into her...


She lost her right arm and right leg.


4 years old children lose his arms and legs,Pain one can imagine,But this is not all.


In the middle of the,WangZhiFang is often daughter groans of pain wake up with a start,With small margin yan body growth,Amputation place bones will top the skin"take"out.WangZhiFang bite a tooth,Again and again take my daughter to the hospital"Saw bone".


The pain after operation,Small margin YanDou stand down,It also gradually made her strong nerve.


上小学的第一学期,她就被评为五星学生 The first semester in elementary school,She was awarded a student


The second half of 2008,Has the exhaustion of body and mind WangZhiFang made a tough decision:Shaoxing city to buy a house,Her daughter in a living environment.She really don't want to see the place where a car accident,Also let be stressed out family can breath.


At the beginning of 2009,WangZhiFang with two daughters came to live with the city,Start in a unfamiliar environment of a new life.Let the mother and daughter 3 people surprise,When know her after the encounter,Community cadre/Disabled persons' federations and the city,And the city education bureau comrades have put out a helping hand,Small yu yan life is on the right track,In lu xun's kindergarten.


Last September,Small yu yan from kindergarten to the DaShan elementary school.here,The teachers and students gave her a lot of help,And the little yu yan also exceptionally try to make a good showing,Use action to prove his excellent the first semester,Her math test often is 100 points,Huashanyuan is also Chinese reading excellent students/Five-star students.


Her teacher in charge LuoXiaoFei teacher said,In the class,Small yu yan hope oneself can be treated the same as incompetents:As for the cleaning of the classroom/Clean the blackboard,Even want to go to gym class.


In order to realize her wish,And considering the actual situation of her,By the teacher often let her help students send the exercise book,Let her on duty as a monitor, etc.


一个月,她完成健全孩子3个月的训练 A month,She finish the perfect child 3 months of training

  而在去年暑假,王志芳动起了让小女儿去学游泳的念头。 这位农村妇女的想法很朴素:女儿不能比别人落后。

And in the last summer,WangZhiFang moving up let little daughter to the idea of learning to swim. The rural women's idea is very simple:Daughter can't behind than others.


WangZhiFang with daughter found the shaoxing city sports school swimming coach ChanYongGang,When single coach is to a group of children of migrant workers in the public training.To understand the wishes of both mother and daughter after,ChanYongGang immediately said let little yu yan to learn together,Not only training expense don't accept a penny,But also gave her bathing suit/Swimming cap and swimming goggles.


Because only single arm single leg,Small yu yan will have to pay more efforts,Training is often water choke the,But little yu yan but never lose,The more did not expect to give up practice.


ChanYongGang said,Engaged in swimming training for more than 10 years,Small yu yan he is the first disabled students,But her suffering spirit is all children in the rare.


This summer,Small yu yan and follow ChanYongGang coach learning to swim.With high body,Small yu yan progress also particularly fast,Can in 3 minutes well at the end of 100 meters.


"Even if the body healthy children,This is not an easy thing.She used a month much time,Finish the other children 3 months to complete content."Single coach exclamation.

  9月份新学期开始后,小裕燕被单教练吸收为游泳尖子生培养,一周3次,到体校游泳训练场,与其他优秀苗子一起接受训练。(通讯员 钱峰本报驻绍兴记者 史春波)

In September after the start of the new semester,Small yu yan sheets coach absorption for swimming top student training,Three times a week,To the sports school swimming training,And other outstanding young plant training together.(Reporter QianFeng our newspaper reporter ShiChunBo in shaoxing)
