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“国立武汉大学”牌坊被拆 学生抢石块留念(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

“国立武汉大学”牌坊被拆 学生抢石块留念(图) 劝业场尽头的武大民国牌坊 At the end of the republic of QuanYeChang wu3 da4 arch. “国立武汉大学”牌坊被拆 学生抢石块留念(图) 许多学生在拆除现场拍照留影。记者李子云 摄 Many students in the demolition field were taking pictures.Reporter LiZiYun perturbation

  原标题:武大牌坊拆除 学生抢石块留念

Original title:Wu3 da4 memorial arch dismantle students rob rocks as a souvenir


Be taken memorial arch is"strongholds",But ChengWuHan landmark one scene;"scientist"Lonely stealth in city,Slightly shabby

  记者杨佳峰 实习生吴轲

Reporter YangJiaFeng interns WuKe


"LuoJiaShan blossoms"and"Old wu3 da4 of memorial arch",Has been wuhan university in wuhan city and even the most famous two place landscape,But the latter,From yesterday on,Will be temporary and people say goodbye.

“国立武汉大学”牌坊被拆除 "National wuhan university"Memorial arch been demolished? ?? ?


2 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,A excavator raise long arm,Just two minutes,A has 20 years history in the wuhan university landmark building,In the send-off person in the gaze of the fall.


"Old wu3 da4 of memorial arch",Is WuDaShi will visit the place of time.2 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,with"boom"A sound dull noise,A excavator only 2 minutes will finish the task,A has 20 years history of wu3 da4 landmark building had ceased to exist.


Some onlookers students have come forward to,Raise the camera photo as a souvenir."This is to ruin our all of its memory ah,As soon as you come back after things not the non-human."From wu3 da4 surveying and mapping professional level 2010 students WuTianWen said,3 years ago from their hometown lanzhou father sent her to wu3 da4,For the first time see wuhan university symbolic gate house,Under the excitement and father were taking photos of each other,Didn't expect no longer exists.


The session of wuhan university business school graduates ZhuHuanHuan steps that will be removed,Immediately came from the unit,After all did not see tall gate house,In the ruins turned half a day to find a piece of marble fragments,It has a"wu"word,Prepare to take home collection."Didn't expect such a heavy,Less said 20 jins."ZhuHuanHuan hold this"wu"Word didn't walk far and down,He said no arched,Hope collection point for a memorial archway debris.


Speak with reporters in the moment,A ride a bike of college students will be immediately"wu"Words picked up on the bike,ZhuHuanHuan haven't enough time to hail a sound,The boy will disappear in the stream.


Responsible for the demolition of the black dragon JiangLong arched bridge building company Mr. Zhang witnessed this scene was curious,Can't understand the students for the ruins."Does not the ancient archway,Then take a seat is."


[拆除倒计时]百岁教授特地前来留影 [dismantle countdown] - year - old professor come specifically to images


9 o 'clock yesterday morning,Reporter arrived at the wuhan university) in front of the board,Blue WeiDang gradually surrounded front,The door had long grass/Open delicate and charming flower bed disappears already,See ground soil/Be dug in the one each one small pit/Busy workers,And stood alone the wu3 da4 memorial arch.What a blast machine operation sound,Mix the vehicular traffic sirens,jangling.Even so,Arched or stand around with a lot of pedestrians and students,Regardless of the workers try to keep taking pictures.


"This is wu3 da4 the most beautiful scenery",Has set up a file in the WuDaZheng door is engaged in the 3 years of cleaning they share lee said,Every day there are hundreds of people come here to photo as a souvenir,Have the students,A citizen,Also have visitors.He regrets way,"Down a pity,Memorial arch on this,In the landscape looked at the beautiful,Also have history".In clean road at the same time,Lee and enjoy every now and then stop,Watched the familiar memorial arch,Seems to want to have it deeply carves into mind.


Live in the XuLao) Mr. Push bicycle,Looked at engraved with"National wuhan university"Of memorial arch,Walk off,Face has a faint give up love."So many years,Or a little emotional.Hope to be able to rebuild,Can build more beautiful."


From the central China normal university students especially over the CuiZhen frame with my classmates in the memorial arch were removed out before photo as a souvenir.She told reporters,This is the memorial arch wuhan promotional material,Now it didn't,Close a shadow,Leave a read for later want to.


The 100 - year - old wuhan university professor LiuXuYi learned that gate house to dismantle,In the big daughter have helped to under the archway photo as a souvenir.He told reporters,He in the 1940 s was wu3 da4 teaching,He is worried about never see wu3 da4 the archway,Though the regret,But it is also due to the change of social development.


[被拆反应]学子抱怨,校长发帖安抚 [be taken reaction] students complain,The principal post appease


"Why a down,Without translation retained?"Graduated from the wu3 da4 ZhuHuanHuan idea represents a lot of people's point of view,He thought that even if the future rehabilitation of site,Historical heritage interrupted,Less historical massiness and humanistic reflect.Shanghai a 700 seat theatre in the encounter is not been demolished,But the whole translation save,How much more will a little archway,Cost is not high also,Technology is also feasible."Say demolish rebuild,The imperial palace also can demolish rebuild ah."ZhuHuanHuan said excited place some sad.


"No cultural value,Not worth translation."Wuhan university construction management planning and land management office director HuJun response says,Wu3 da4 the earliest memorial arch,Street is located in the mouth of the QuanYeChang (old memorial arch place,For wooden structure,Was built in 1931,Copy the north memorial arch style,Four column three intermittent mountain type structure,Glazed tile roof,Slightly shi bracket system,Paint coloured drawing or pattern,Of primitive simplicity and easy.then,There is a piece of open ground,Wooden memorial arch built next year,Is destroyed by a tornado.In 1937,,Wu3 da4 built at the site where the reinforced concrete arch type,Along with the time changes,The republic of wu3 da4 old memorial arch was gradually surrounding high-rise surrounded,Stay in QuanYeChang;And the door of wu3 da4,Also returned to the position of the now.


In 1992,,To meet the 100th anniversary of the founding of,In the republic wu3 da4 old memorial arch is based,Start the construction of a new gate memorial arch,In 1993 teachers in the Passover.The dismantling,Namely for this memorial arch."Artificial archway,Only 20 years,Do not belong to history for the protection of cultural relics,No cultural value."


HuJun introduced,) underground passage engineering in June 20, to start,October next year is expected to completion.the,The new school memorial arch will to the 120 anniversary at the original site before a retrusion reconstruction,Planning scheme is extensive solicitation experts at home and abroad and the vast majority of the alumni's comments and Suggestions.


Yesterday afternoon,Memorial arch after been demolished,Wu3 da4 principal long LuoJiaShan water BBS in the post[Care for students is the school's bounden duty]said:"Now the big school according to the planning to open,But near reconstruction,Not down is not.The old school city near a promise of improvement,Also wu3 da4 history style.You don't have to worry about,You will find your favorite school gate."


[记者探访]“真身”隐身闹市,留有牛皮癣痕迹 [reporter visits]"scientist"Stealth city,With psoriasis trace


If wu3 da4 main been demolished the memorial arch is"Fortress version",So the expense of the real in where?yesterday,Reporters from wuhan university based on front,Walk km,In the end of the QuanYeChang met wu3 da4 arch of the republic of the expense of the real.And has been compared to dismantle memorial arch,The republic of old memorial arch appears some"old",Stand in commercial street road appear some neither fish nor fowl.


It is reported,This has more than 70 - year - old memorial arch,Is the national key cultural relics protection.but,Memorial arch peripheral small restaurants in the sewage,From the memorial arch under the base flow,Column and all kinds of traces of psoriasis.


"I don't know,How the ornamental archway of the wuhan university is built on the streets?"A passing people told reporters,Here from wuhan university has a kilometers,With wu3 da4 irrelevant,Stay here is not appropriate.


HuJun introduced,In the past in the new old between floor there is a"University road",Both sides are trees,Very deep mystery,Feel very sacred,Both sides also does not have the building,Is that year, li siguang design.About in the s and 60 s,On both sides of the building more gradually up,After reform and opening up,"University road"Then gradually out of sight,The republic of arched also gradually away from wuhan university.


HuJun revealed,The republic of arched used to repair a.It is said that the municipal government must carry on the overall packing,As a cultural attractions launch.


[网友热议] [netizen hot debate]


In addition to the reality of photos as a souvenir,There are many online FaWei bo/Post to discuss/remember.


Wuhan university official BBS BBS"LuoJiaShan water"in"Wu3 da4 express"Plate 14 post yesterday,Eight of the article and memorial arch be taken related.in[By what support students and school?!!]In a post,The building Lord"songxuan6970"said:"A use for 20 years of school,Graduation in the photo deeply YinKe school and said it down,Was pilloried as the stronghold cargo,Call us these graduation N years of alumni what about me ah."


Net friend"LiXiang"Is refute way:"Although I graduated,But I also support open.Everything is changing,Don't broken how to set?Don't you hope oneself home ten years for eight years,And one hundred years all don't make construction yao?Don't you go home now or you just was born to the house?"


Micro Po go up to also have a lot of net friend comment.


Micro bo net friend the 2012 the first snow:"Learn the big fellow,WuLiGuo".This picture is the spring of this year to wuhan,A colleague drive me to wu3 da4 the campus of photographed,Suddenly the monument will be taken to the scattered here and there,Although the memorial arch is 93 years made,Is not cultural relics,But built and,Down built,Have you considered cement feel it?


echoo0o0o0:Wu3 da4 of memorial arch didn't,Then the and the green memory,? What is?Seem to forget……
