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考90分竟然全班倒数第五 妈妈纠结“要不要打”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  近日,西祠胡同一位家长因为儿子月考考了90分,竟然是全班倒数第五,发帖征求网友意见,“要不要打?”虽然绝大多数网友都反对打孩子,却在90分的问题上产生了分歧。一些孩子还没上学的家长觉得考90分已经很高,劝这位妈妈不要纠结;而另外一些小孩已经上小学的家长却认为90分是低分,家长应该找找原因。扬子晚报记者在调查中发现,一二年级孩子考了90分左右,基本上就处于班级的后几名。 recently,XiCiHuTong a parents because son test on 90 points,It was the fifth countdown,Post for net friend's opinion,"Do you want to play?"Although the vast majority of users are against playing children,But in 90 points were divided on the issue of.Some of the children haven't school parents feel exam 90 points is already very high,Advise the mother do not ravel;Other children have elementary school parents but think 90 points is low,Parents should look for reason.Yangzi evening news reporter in the survey found,A second grade children took an examination of 90 minutes or so,Basically is in after class a few.


For the mother"Do you want to play"Heart ravel,In XiCiHuTong pupils parents network alliance on the net friends also not calm the,Some parents think 90 points is already high scores,The mother should be happy to.but,Your home is elementary student's parents found a grade exam 90 points really low,Advise the mum have a good look for reason.Net friend the silence of the small horn says:"In a grade exam 95 points the following is the middle rdi,Often is 100 points, have a dozen,99 points and N,So 95 points below one can imagine the place";And net friend Sue resource dangerous are said to have children because took an examination of 94 minutes was playing;Net friend small pea grow a tree also because son took an examination of 93 minutes and become very severe.Although these parents are not in favor of playing children,But for 90 points grades,But think need to improve.


Took an examination of 90 minutes in class or bottom?With this problem,Yangzi evening news reporter morning came to BaiXiaOu ruijin north village primary school,Ask parents to 90 points of view.Sun told reporters,Their children read grade four,The number of language results in 96/The appearance of 97 points,In the class belongs to medium.


In the investigation,A lot of parents said school exams although not rankings,But parents saw fraction basic is clear about children in what position,Medium can accept,Reciprocal not.When a reporter asked if the children took an examination of 90 branch will not take a beating,Most of the parents said can't dozen children,But the heart can be uncomfortable.


In the face of the parents do not calm,Ruijin kitamura academic director Mr Li advised parents do not be too care about students score,Children can't beat and scold,But to gently lead,Help them form a good habit of studying.

  李老师坦言,一到三年级的孩子考个95分也只算中等,但是这一阶段孩子的潜力还没有被激发,其实90分和100分的差别并不太大。“家长通过严厉紧压,可能会令孩子短时间内提高成绩,但易引起孩子提早产生逆反心理。”李老师还告诫,现在孩子学的东西很多,心思也不容易集中,大部分孩子没考好是因为粗心大意,家长要在这方面注意。 (记者 韩飞)

Mr Li said,One to three grade children take an examination of a 95 points can only be reckoned a medium,But this stage the child's potential has not been excitation,Actually 90 points and 100 points difference is not too big."Parents through the strict press,May make children improve their performance in a short time,But easy cause children early produce negative mentality."Mr Li also warned,Now children learn many things,Mind is not easy to focus,The majority of children failed the exam because of carelessness,Parents should pay attention to in this respect. (Reporter han fei)
