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四川渠县小学操场当商用地出售 错峰上下学(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

EF Ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:"再穷也不能穷教育"这话一直喊了很多年,可优美洁净的校园、崭新现代的教学楼、功能齐全的先进教学设施和一流的建筑质量还是很多孩子们的南柯一梦,甚至很多地方连给孩子一个安静的读书的校园都做不到。 "Then the poor cannot poor education"This has been shouted for many years,Can be beautiful clean campus/A brand new modern buildings/Complete functions of advanced teaching facilities and the first-class construction quality and many children's fond dream,Even many places even give the child a quiet reading campus can do.更多教育热点资讯>> More education hot information>>

  操场之忧 Worry about the playground


Developers build by laying bricks or stones wall on the school playground,Just leave children a less than two meters wide channels;


Side walls is,On one side of the cliff landslide happened,


In order to ensure safety,The children in the teacher led ShangXiaXue peak……


"The playground was wall inclose,The children lose activity places,ShangXiaXue crowded."recently,QuXian experiment elementary school students reflect parents,National Day long vacation,The school playground is missing.


verified,The school playground is by sichuan keda real estate development companies inclose,The company said the playground is this year from QuXian government auctions gain,Around the playground is to ensure that students' safety.QuXian test primary school as well as the relevant person in charge of QuXian education bureau, said,According to the first planning,Property developers should wait for the school to build new playground started again.yesterday,QuXian government officials say,Developers should be shut down,To channel and the playground after build any construction.


现场 field

  围墙占道学生出入难 The fence ZhanDao students access difficult


recently,QuXian experiment elementary school students generally reflected parents,The school playground people use to develop real estate,Hope that relevant departments consider students go to school practical difficulties,Coordinate and solve the matter.


yesterday,Chengdu commercial daily reporter walked into the school saw,A two meters high walls will campus playground surrounded,To the school teaching building campus channels to be wall occupy after leaving only about 2 meters wide corridor.It is understood,Channel next to the other side of the cliff,The cliff landslide had last October,Breaking the walls of the school,Such security situation really alarming.


The school's headmaster, XiongFuWen said,The playground is this year May 16 by government bidding, auction, hang out to sichuan keda real estate development company,Sell land before,QuXian planning department of the school for the new campus planning,August schools completed the planning,The new teaching building planning will be behind a piece of more than 20 acres of land for a new teaching building and playground."According to the planning ideas at the beginning,The school was the playground after transfer,Should by keda real estate development company in WanXing square(School back door)Back to our school teachers and students access and build new playground started again after."


开发商 developers

  砌围墙是保学生安全 Build by laying bricks or stones wall is the students' safety


then,Reporters from QuXian planning department to know,QuXian experimental primary school playground block in 2006 planning into the land for commercial use,And in this year May 16 auction to sichuan keda real estate development companies.


yesterday,Sichuan keda real estate development company manager wang mou says,The five acres of land is the company spent 4000 yuan buying legal auction,And build by laying bricks or stones wall is in planning red line range,"Because block has been my company do it,In order to ensure students' safety,And construction smoothly,To build the wall."


When a reporter asked,In accordance with the original plan,Should students before the start of the teachers and students will build a channel,Wang mou said he hasn't received instructions,"Don't know it."


渠县政府 QuXian government

  停止开工先建新操场 Stop first start a new playground


Sichuan keda real estate development companies build by laying bricks or stones after a good fence,The headmaster XiongFuWen will give relevant government departments played three emergency report,But up to now still not see new access to start construction.QuXian experiment elementary school from 7 day,Will require schools to all teachers and guard personnel in advance to school every day,Lead students to go to school.Not only that,The school also implement wrong peak after school,And every class must be in teacher in charge teacher led to through the channel after school,"This virtually increased the burden of the teacher."


yesterday,QuXian education discipline inspection commission secretary SunChengBo said,Education bureau to pay great attention to the matter.SunChengBo said,According to the planning,The school of the original channel as construction channel occupied,But the premise is to be in the school behind the other open up a channel,At the same time flat out after the playground to start,"According to the survey,During the National Day long vacation was ready to approach leveling the playground/Opened up access,But because some legacy,Construction been shelved."At present,Education bureau are actively coordinate the matter.


yesterday,QuXian government officials say,The site must stop to start,To the playground and new channel to build again after the construction.


Chengdu commercial daily reporter ChenKeJiang photojournalism

  相似案例 Similar case



陕西小学操场被圈租给商户 村委会可收入47万元(图) Shaanxi primary school playground is ring to merchant village income is 470000 yuan(diagram)


Xu said,Not long ago,His mouth to zero in the street market,See center primary school gate open,Went in the toilet.He found,The school playground bind up a wall,Are construction.Mr. Xu for someone asked,This just know,Zero mouth village village committee cadres will the school playground to the outside merchant,The lease contract for 30 years."The school hundreds of Eva,So point in the playground,How can the Eva activity places to make money?"Xu said,His children in the primary school to go to school,Rural children was nothing sports equipment,Now even this activity places almost everything,The original is not big playground has been"balkanization"By one-third.


商户: merchants:每户一次性交租金4.3万元  

Every disposable pay rent 43000 yuan村主任: CunZhuRen:出租操场是想搞点盈利

Rent the playground is to want to make some profit   街办: JieBan:操场是教育资源不能出租【详细】

The playground is education resources can not rent[detailed]


河南一小学操场被政府征占 学生五年未上体育课 Henan a primary school playground by the government in five years on students patients not physical education


 July 11,,Oriental today newspaper flat Lei newsweek to the whole length LeiHeShi reported a Yan city with one hundred years history in the school the flat primary school was the playground was patients,Student 5 years not to PE class on the business,After the media exposure,The government immediately near the school row to build a new playground,However the school teachers and students haven't really use new playground,The playground was occupy,And ShangPinLou built.After many confirmed,Short-lived new playground occupied land,In fact is the school had a government road as the original old patients the part of the seat.[detailed]


