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重庆大学生“村官” 转发微博被劳教申诉案开庭--亲稳网络舆情监测室

上图:任建宇;下图:任建宇父亲接受采访。 the:RenJianYu;the:RenJianYu father interview.
  重庆市第三中级法院10月10日公开开庭审理重庆市彭水县大学生“村官”任建宇因言论被劳教申诉案。任建宇在QQ空间和微博上转发或发表时政评论信息,被指“煽动颠覆国家政权”,2011年9月被处以劳教两年。10日,还在接受劳教的任建宇参加庭审。17时,审判长宣布,因案情重大,案件在程序、实体等问题上都需要进一步核实,合议庭决定择期宣判。 Chongqing third intermediate court on October 10, open court session PengShuiXian college students in chongqing"Village official"RenJianYu because of the detention quest.RenJianYu in QQ space and micro bo forward or published the current politics review information,Referred to"Incitement to subvert state power",In September 2011, be fined the detention for two years.10,Still accept the detention of the RenJianYu go to trial.And when,Presiding judge announced,For the case major,Case in the program/Physical problems that need further verification,A collegial panel decision option forward sentence.


This is more than a chongqing in recent years by the speech is caused by the detention of the case,the"One tuo excrement case"/"Light butt the detention case"And after some cases in different ways for part"rehabilitate".




Published commentation


Referred to"Suspected subvert the state power"


RenJianYu,In July 2009, graduated from chongqing liberal arts college,Was chosen to PengShuiXian town, yu as college students"Village official".On August 17, 2011,Chongqing PengShuiXian public security bureau will RenJianYu take away the survey,Ask the QQ space forward the origin of the picture.In short RenJianYu at noon the following day"released",In the evening and taken away,The police to show its"Alleged incitement to subvert state power".


On September 23, 2011,The chongqing municipal government reeducation through labor management committee to make [the detention review(2011)Word no. 3954][The decision of reeducation through labor],that:"April 2011 to August,RenJianYu has many times PengShuiXian depression in town government in the office or use the computer to the Internet,In the QQ space/Tencent micro blog attention/browse/copy/paste/post/Post published means such as domestic commentation and political system reform of the negative comments and information more than 100,Advocate the western power mode,Against the party/The government,Netizen incitement to subvert state power."


Chongqing law education commission says,"RenJianYu incitement to subvert state power a case facts are clear,Evidence really fully",Decided to RenJianYu reeducation through labor two years.The detention period since on August 18, 2011 until August 17, 2013 to stop.




The detention decision was absurd


Do not have practical significance


August 15, 2012,RenJianYu by his father RenShiLiu agent,The third then to chongqing institute an administrative lawsuit,For canceling labor education commission of chongqing make[The decision of reeducation through labor],Or make a confirmed the decision is invalid.August 21,The court decided to hear the case.


RenJianYu think,The reeducation through Labour decided to punish the speech online,No basis in fact:Freedom of speech and criticism of government supervision,Is the basic rights and interests of citizens,The plaintiff attention/browse/copy/paste/Forwarding online domestic commentation and political system reform speech information,Do not have meaning,No harm to the society.


At the same time,RenJianYu think,The reeducation through Labour decided to applicable laws error,With the[constitution]Article 37 the conflict and invalid.


RenJianYu think,The detention decision was absurd,Do not have practical significance a can't universally applicable case,Doomed untenable."30 years of reform and opening up,Let the social change snafu,Now early is not‘Cultural revolution’period,Is no longer fascist aggression era,Although reverse human thoughts may be short-term restoration,But it will difficult to resist civilization spring.The reality is every moment,Millions of people talking about leaders there unworthy,Praise or blame political system, which is better or worse,What the Chinese think about where to go,Don't the defendant law education in chongqing,Can make it by the detention the plaintiff a person,To seal the whole mouth?therefore,The words of the detention decision because punished,Profane is the dignity of law,Trampled is a civil right,In unsupported by reason this cancellation."


Chongqing law education commission:


Its lawsuit already super legal term


And the detention lawful right decision

  重庆市劳教委于8月30日作出答辩状,认为任建宇的诉讼已超过法定起诉期限,且该劳教决定“事实清楚,证据确实充分,适用法律法规正确,程序合法”。 重庆市劳教委称,劳教决定作出次日即将劳教决定书送达任建宇。在决定作出之日起三个月内,劳教场所充分保障其通讯、通信、会见权利,期间任建宇共会见父亲一次,与亲属电话联系两次,寄出信件一封。“任建宇未在法定时效内自己或通过其亲属代为提起行政诉讼,其本人亦未向管教民警、驻所检察官提出诉讼意愿,其诉讼权利已经丧失。”

Chongqing law education commission on August 30, which make,Think RenJianYu lawsuit already more than legal prosecution deadline,And this the detention decision"Facts are clear,Evidence really fully,Applicable laws and regulations correct,The legal procedure". Chongqing law education commission says,The detention decision to the detention decision RenJianYu service.The day when the decision is made within three months,The detention site fully guarantee the communication/communication/Meet right,RenJianYu during were met with a father,And family telephone connection twice,Send mail a letter."RenJianYu not in the statutory limitation inside yourself or through its relative to bring an administrative lawsuit,Its I also fails to police discipline/The prosecutor in court intend to,The litigation rights has lost."


Chongqing law education commission in the defence also says,RenJianYu in the QQ space/Tencent micro bo in map/Post and means such as a post published about the reform of the political structure of the negative comments and information,preach"One ticket,Change China", etc,To attempt to change China's political system,Incitement to subvert state power.therefore,Law education commission think RenJianYu action has constituted an incitement to subvert state power this fact.Because if the circumstances are minor/Don't think that was a crime,Thus make the detention decision,"Conform to the laws and regulations".


Lawyer PuZhiJiang:


Personal freedom is restricted time


Do not calculate in the prosecution period

  根据2000年最高法院关于执行《行政诉讼法》若干问题的解释第四十三条规定:因人身自由受到限制而不能提起诉讼的,被限制人身自由的时间不计算在起诉期间内。 任建宇的代理律师浦志强表示,该司法解释已明确规定了人身自由受限者的起诉期限。

According to a 2000 on the implementation of the Supreme Court[Administrative procedure law]The explanation of some issues of the provisions of article 43:For personal freedom is restricted and not a lawsuit,Whose personal freedom is restricted time do not calculate in the prosecution period. RenJianYu attorney, PuZhiJiang said,This judicial interpretation has clearly define the personal freedom of action the limited period.


secondly,PuZhiJiang says,Administrative organs after belongs to burden,The work camp and its discipline issued by police evidence,"The witness itself have interests",And the witnesses no id card/Proof of qualifications, etc.


In addition,RenJianYu was the detention period,meet/Communication rights is restricted.August 15,,PuZhiJiang to fuling reeducation-through-labor camps, puts forward the requirements of the meet with the parties,Be with all sorts of reason to refuse.

  (新华 财新)

(Xinhua new wealth)



  劳教制度有问题 正研究改革方案

The detention system has a problem is the reform plan

  晶报讯 国务院新闻办公室9日发表了《中国的司法改革》白皮书。这是中国首次就司法改革问题发布白皮书。在当日的新闻发布会上,针对记者提出的有关劳教制度改革的问题,中央司法体制改革领导小组办公室负责人姜伟表示,改革劳动教养制度已经形成社会共识,相关部门作了大量的调研论证工作,广泛听取了专家学者和人大代表的意见和建议,正在研究具体的改革方案。

Crystal alarm the state council information office 9 published[China's judicial reform]White paper.This is the first time China will judicial reform white paper released.In the news of the day conference,According to reporter put forward about the problem of detention system reform,The central judicial system reform leading group office chief JiangWei said,Reform the system of reeducation through labor has been formed social consensus,To relevant department for a large amount of research demonstration,Widely listen to the experts and scholars and the National People's Congress's opinion and the suggestion,Are studying specific reform plan.


He said,The detention system is made up of China's legislature approved legal system,Has a legal basis for.The detention system to safeguard our country social order played an important role.He also said,The detention system some regulations and decision procedures, there are also problems.(xinhua)
