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莫言获诺贝尔文学奖 中国籍作家实现零的突破--亲稳网络舆情监控室

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我国山东籍作家莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖 Shandong province in China by writer, mo yan won the Nobel Prize for literature? ?? ?[相关]山东籍作家莫言成诺贝尔.. |  作家莫言获诺贝尔文学奖.. [related] shandong by the writer MoYanCheng Nobel.. |  Writer, mo yan won the Nobel Prize for literature..


Chinese writer, mo yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature



  北京时间10月11日19点,瑞典文学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会宣布, 中国作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖。

Beijing time on October 11 19 points,Sweden college of liberal arts the Nobel Prize committee announced, Chinese writer, mo yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature.


Chinese writer and Nobel Prize for literature in 108 times after passing by,Mo yan finally won the title.The Nobel Prize given reason says,"Will magic realism and folk story/Historical and contemporary society fuses in together".The Chinese one vice President has become the focus of world attention,He himself is"Ecstasy and fear"the.


Mo yan,On February 17, 1955 was born in the shandong densified county,Formerly known as GuanMo industry,Chinese contemporary famous writer,Communist party member,Vice chairman of the Chinese writers association.The Open University of Hong Kong honor doctor of literature,Qingdao university of science and technology visiting professor.He since the 1980 s with a series of works in the local rise,Full of"homesickness"and"Quarrels with his country"Complex emotions,Is classified as"Root-searching literature"writer.Its work by magic realism influence,Write a happened in shandong and high-density northeast of the country"legend".Mo yan in his novel structure unique subjective feeling the world,A powerful and unconstrained style of narrative,Defamiliarization processing,Shaping mysterious transcendentalism object world,With obvious"pioneer"colour.In August 2011,Mo yan's novel creation[frog]The eighth maodun literature.


名人评价 Celebrity evaluation

  瑞典著名汉学家、诺贝尔文学奖终审评委马悦然评点莫言说:“莫言非常会讲故事,太会讲故事了。他的小说都是很长的,除了在《上海文学》发表的《莫言小说九段》。”,“我感觉他写得太多了,他的书有现在的一半厚就更好了。”他还曾亲自对莫言说:“你的小说太长了,你写得太多了。”,莫言幽默地回答:“我知道,但是因为我非常会讲故事,只要开始了就讲不完。” 日本诺贝尔文学奖获得者大江健三郎认为,莫言是中国作家中有资格问鼎诺贝尔文学奖的人选。

Sweden famous Sinologist/The Nobel Prize in literature on the final judge MaYueRan mo yan said:"Mo yan is very will tell a story,Too will tell a story.His novels are very long,Except in[Shanghai literature]published[Mo yan novels nine section].","I feel he writes too much,His book has now half the thickness is better."He also have personally to mo yan said:"Your novel is too long,You write too much.",Mo yan humor to answer:"I know,But because I'm very will tell a story,As long as the start and speak not over." The gainer of the Nobel literature prize in Japan that kenzaburo oe,Mo yan is Chinese writers have qualification won the Nobel Prize for literature candidate.


创作年表 Creation chronology

  1981年 开始创作生涯。迄今有长篇小说《红高粱家族》、《天堂蒜苔之歌》等,中短篇小说集《透明的红萝卜》、《爆炸》等。另有《莫言文集》五卷。 1981年秋,在河北保定市的双月刊《莲池》第5期发表处女作短篇小说《春夜雨霏霏》。

1981 start writing career.So far have novel[Red sorghum family]/[Heaven garlic moss song], etc,ZhongDuanPian stories[Transparent carrots]/[explosion], etc.otherwise[Mo yan corpus]Five volumes. In autumn 1981,In hebei BaoDingShi's bimonthly[lianchi]The fifth period published a maiden work short stories[A spring night rain falling thick and fast].


In 1982,,in[lianchi]The second phase of the published short stories[Ugly soldiers]/The fifth period published short stories[For the children].

  1983年春,在《莲池》二期发表短篇小说《售棉大路》并被 《小说月报》转载。秋,在《莲池》五期发表短篇小说《民间音乐》,此文得到老作家孙犁赏识。孙在一篇短文中说这篇小说有一种空灵之感 。

In the spring of 1983,in[lianchi]The second phase short novel published[Sell cotton road]And was [Novel monthly report]reproduced.autumn,in[lianchi]Five period published short stories[Folk music],This article get I appreciate sun li.Sun in a short essay said this novel has a sense of emptiness .


In the spring of 1984,in[The Great Wall]The second phase is the bimonthly published novel[Island wind]/Five period published[The rain river].autumn,Get from goshawks literature department head/Famous writer Mr. XuHuaiZhong recognition,Into learning the department.


In the spring of 1985,in[Chinese writers]In the second phase of published medium-length novel[Transparent carrots],reaction,[Chinese writers]Organization in Beijing writers and critics in the overseas Chinese building seminars the discussion.body,In several journals also provide novella[Ball lightning](harvest)/[Blonde baby](zhongshan)/[explosion](People's literature)/And short stories[Dry river](Beijing literature)/[The old gun](kunlun)/[White dog swing frame](Chinese writers)/[winds](Novel creation)/[Three horses](torrent)/[circles](torrent)/, etc.


In the spring of 1986,stories[Transparent carrots]The writers publishing house.in[People's literature]The third period published medium-length novel[Red sorghum].When the,sensation.Then published medium-length series[kaoliang](Liberation army literature and art)/[Sorghum their](Beijing literature)/[The dog way](October)/[Odd death](kunlun),At the same time also published medium-length[road](Chinese writers),Short stories[Straw sandals will matter son](Youth literature)/[flies/incisor](Liberation army literature and art), etc.summer,And zhang yimou, cooperation,will[Red sorghum]Adapted into a movie script literature.


In the spring of 1987,novel[Red sorghum family]Published by the people's liberation army (PLA) WenYiShe.novella[joy]in[People's literature]a/The second phase published international,criticized,Matter years,The beginning of the writers and critics have made new evaluation.autumn,novella[Red locust]published([harvest] three phase),Because of the strong individual character style and bold and blasphemy spirit,Even the so-called fashion critics also can't accept,Have written civil criticism.Is after many years,Just have to do critics issued another voice.


In the spring of 1988,The film red sorghum west Berlin festival,Cause the world to the Chinese movie's attention.in[October]Magazine published novels[Heaven young garlic shoot song],In the same year April,The writers publishing house published book form.[Youth literature]The first published ten[Revenge of]/[Pony across marsh](The two articles income[Grazing family]).autumn,Shandong university/Shandong normal university high-density held a joint in my hometown"Mo yan creation seminar",The thesis compiled into[Mo yan research data]By shandong university press(1992.8).September,Was admitted to Beijing normal university graduate student class creation.Stories explosion by the people's liberation army publishing.

  1988年秋,长篇小说《十三步》首发(文学四季)随 即由作家出版社出版。此书出版后,大概只有一个名叫林为进的人,在河北的(文论报)发表过一篇评论文章。后来又有港台的几个人写过评论。作者认为此书是一部真正的“先锋”之作。

In autumn 1988,novel[Ten three steps]starting(Literature four seasons)With which the writers publishing house.The book was published,Probably only one named Lin for the people,In hebei province(Literary newspaper)An editorial published articles.Later, Hong Kong and Taiwan and some people have written comments.The author thinks that the book is a real"pioneer"work.


In march of 1989,novel[White dog swing frame]The Associated Press by Taiwan prize for fiction.April,ZhongDuanPian stories[Joy chapter 13]The writers publishing house.June,in[People's literature]Published medium-length novel[Your behavior made me fear].winter,Start writing novels[Wine countries].


In 1990,,novella[Do not withhold your father in civilian worker]in[huacheng]published.Continued to write[Wine countries].


In the spring of 1991,In high-density home creation novella[White cotton](huacheng)/[Comrade-in-arms reunion](The Great Wall)/[The woman with flowers](People's literature)/[Red ears](Novel forest),summer,creation[Use the god]/[Night fishing]/[Fish market]/[soar]Short stories such as twelve article.autumn,ZhongDuanPian stories[White cotton]The hua yi publishing.


In 1992,,Creation novella[Humor and fun](Tianjin novelist)/[Model and prototype]/[Dreams and hybrid](zhongshan).


In 1993,,February,novel[Wine countries]In hunan literature and art publishing house.march,Medium-length stories[The woman with flowers]The social sciences press.December,novel[Grazing family]The hua yi publishing.December,Beijing normal university press short stories[Kill time].


The Spring Festival in 1995,In high-density novel creation[Abundant breast fat buttock].autumn,Five volumes this[Mo yan corpus]The writers publishing house.winter,[Abundant breast fat buttock]in[everyone]serial,And won the first"We prize for literature".Book form by the writers publishing house.The movie[The sun has ears]The YinXiongJiang Berlin film festival.

  1997年创作话剧《霸王别姬》(与人合作)。 以长篇小说《丰乳肥臀》夺得中国有史以来最高额的“大家文学奖”,获得高达十万元人民币的奖金。 脱离军界,转至地方报社《检察日报》工作,并为报社的影视部撰写连续剧剧本。

1997 drama creation[Farewell my concubine](To work with people). With novel[Abundant breast fat buttock]China has won the maximum amount"We prize for literature",Get up to one hundred thousand yuan ($) prize. From military,Turn to the local newspaper[Procuratorial daily]work,And for YingShiBu newspaper writing script series.

  1998年,发表中篇小说《牛》([东海]六期,[小说月报]九期、[小说选刊]九期转载)、《三十年前的一场长跑比赛》(《收获》六期,短篇小说《拇指铐》([钟山]一期,[小说选刊]转协)、《长安大道上的骑驴美人》([钟山]五期)、《白杨林里的战斗》([北京文学]七期)、《一匹倒挂在杏树上的狼》([北京文学]十期 )、《蝗虫奇谈》([山花],[小说选刊]五期选载)。十二月,人民日报出版社出版散文集《会唱歌的墙》。

In 1998,,Published medium-length novel[cattle]([east China sea] six period,[the novel monthly report] nine period/[novel offprint] nine phase transfer)/[Thirty years ago a long distance race]([harvest]Six period,Short stories[Thumb handcuffed]([zhongshan] a period,[novel offprint] turn association)/[Changan avenue of riding donkey beauty]([zhongshan] five period)/[Poplar forest battle]([Beijing literature] seven period)/[A horse hangs upside down in apricot tree on the Wolf]([Beijing literature] ten period )/[Locusts yarn]([pediment],[novel offprint] five period XuanZai).December,People's Daily publishing essays[Singing wall].


In 1999,,Published medium-length novel[Master more and more humor]([harvest] the second phase).Works about a laid-off worker in the lake open a quiet place"Yellow cottage",For men and women who surnamed ji...This is[Master more and more humor]The outline of the.Zhang yimou use this story further knitting away,Have zhao4 ben3 shan and fast film starring[Happy time],A few celebrity a stirs up the,Movies and novels can make money.stories[Master more and more to the humor]Published by the people's liberation army (PLA) WenYiShe.

  《我们的七叔》([花城]一期),短篇小说《祖母的门牙》([作家]一期),另有中篇小说《野骡子》、《司令的女人》[收获]、 《藏宝图》[钟山]发表,短篇小说《儿子的敌人》、《沈园》[长城]发表。三月,海天出版社出版长篇小说《红树林》。十二月小说集《长安大道上的骑驴美》人由海天出版社出版。

[Our seven tertiary]([huacheng] a period),Short stories[Grandmother's front teeth]([writer] a period),Otherwise novella[Wild mule]/[Commander woman][harvest]/ [Treasure map][zhongshan] published,Short stories[Son of the enemy]/[Shen garden][the Great Wall] published.march,The Haitian publishing full-length novels[mangrove].December stories[Changan avenue of riding donkey beauty]People from the press.
