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国家公务员考试面试弃考将留案底 骗考禁考5年--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  面试弃考“留案底” “骗考”禁考5年 Interview abandon exam"Leave," "Cheat exam"Forbidden exam 5 years


National civil service bureau yesterday issued notice to remind integrity enter oneself for an examination,examinee"Petty action"A specific treatment measures

国家公务员考试面试弃考将留案底 骗考禁考5年 公务员考试中的试考、骗考、弃考等行为有了明确的处理办法。新华社发 Civil service examination of the test/Cheat exam/Abandon exam, etc have definite treatment method.The xinhua news agency hair


today,The 2013 national civil servants ZhaoLu test will begin online application.yesterday,State bureau of civil servants on the registration officer online publishing important notice,Remind the examinee enter oneself for an examination integrity.With the previous years is not the same,This year's remind more clear.test/Cheat exam/Abandon exam……Some of the examinee enter oneself for an examination is petty action in the past"Fuzzy zone",The examinee seem to have a loophole,Now have clear treatment method.

Civil service exam 15 countries within the network? ?? ?


试考 将取消报考资格或成绩 Test will cancel the enter oneself for an examination qualification or achievement


名词解释: Nouns explain:每年公考的“百万大军挤独木桥”,百万大军中其实并不是每一个人都名正言顺。今年的考试指南中有明确提出,在读的非应届毕业生不能参加考试,但在以往的考试中,由于在第一个网报环节中资格审核以考生书面填报的信息为准,并不需要提供证书等实物证明,所以也有在校非应届生通过虚构报名信息,来获得考试机会,达到“练手”积累考试经验的目的。

Every year and take an examination of"A force crowded wooden bridge",A force actually not everyone be perfectly justifiable.This year's examination guidelines are put forward,Reading is not fresh graduates cannot to take an examination,But in the past exam,Because in the first network to link of qualification audit to the examinee provided written information shall prevail,Does not need to provide certificate of proof material,So there is a school not fresh birth through the fictitious registration information,To get chance to test,achieve"under"The purpose of the experience accumulated examination.


特别提醒: Special remind:尽管现实中存在考生试考的情况,但以往的招录说明并没有单独提起过。在昨天发布的“国家公务员局考试录用司负责人就考生诚信报考有关问题答记者问”中,明确提到了试考的处理办法。国家公务员局考试录用司负责人表示,试考属于不诚信行为,但情节比较轻,将给予取消本次报考资格或者该科目(场次)考试成绩无效的处理。

Although existing in reality the examinee test situation,But before ZhaoLu description and no separate mentioned.In the released yesterday"National bureau of civil service examinations department person in charge is the examinee enter oneself for an examination integrity problems related to a reporter asked"in,Clear mentioned the test processing method.National bureau of civil service examinations department person in charge said,Test belong to dishonest behavior,But if the circumstances are comparatively light,Will give cancel the qualification or enter oneself for an examination the subject(session)Test scores invalid processing.


Personnel experts say,Because there is still qualification review condition exists,So try to test the examinee even through the test through the written exam,Cannot enter interview link,Ranking will be for natural reserve,For other candidates will not cause substantial influence,This is also the reason of lighter treatment method.


骗考 取消报考资格且禁考5年 Cheat exam cancel enter oneself for an examination qualification examination and the five years


名词解释: Nouns explain:与试考不一样的是,骗考存在主观上恶意,并且会影响考试结果。在今年的《公务员录用考试违纪违规行为处理办法(试行)》中对骗考列举了两种具体情况,一是报考者恶意注册报名信息,扰乱报名秩序;二是伪造学历证明及其他有关证件骗取考试资格。第二条并不难理解,关于第一条,在以往的公务员考试中,出现过考生利用他人信息虚假注册,造成某职位报名人数虚高假象,致使其他考生再选择相关职位,从而减少竞争压力的情况。另外,还存在考生用他人名字和身份证信息,选择一个职位进行注册被审核通过,导致被恶意注册的考生本人无法报名的情况。

And the test is not the same,Cheat exam exists subjectively malicious,And will affect test results.In this year's[Civil servants employed exam discipline violations treatment method(trial)]To cheat in the exam lists two specific conditions,One is the candidate malicious registration information,Disturb the order;The second is forged education certificate and other related certificates diddle exam qualification.Article 2 is not difficult to understand,On the first,In the past in the civil service examination,Seen by others the false registration information,A position by enrollment is virtual high gloss,The other candidates to choose relevant position,So as to reduce the pressure of competition situation.In addition,There are the examinee name and id card information with others,Choose a position to register is approved,Lead to be malicious registered the examinees can't sign up situation.


特别提醒: Special remind:国家公务员局考试录用司负责人表示,对发现有上述两项行为的,由省级以上公务员主管部门给予其取消本次报考资格且5年内不得报考公务员的处理。

National bureau of civil service examinations department person in charge said,To have found the above two behavior,At or above the provincial level in the administrative department of civil servants to give its cancel the enter oneself for an examination qualification and five years shall not enter oneself for an examination officeholder processing.


Malicious registered enter oneself for an examination information,Seems it's really hard to be caught,Treatment is an empty talk?And the reporter understands,This year in all the provinces of the civil service examination,Have provinces began to enter oneself for an examination the examinee of malice registration information to handle.For example in April this year in shandong province, civil servants employed during the test registration,Technology researchers found examination district of yantai a examinee fabricated and falsely use another id number,In the same position to forge the 69 false registration information.The candidates was finally cancel the qualification to enter oneself for an examination,And five years civil servants must not enter oneself for an examination.


弃考 从面试开始,弃考将“留案底” Abandon exam from the beginning of the interview,Abandon exams will be"Leave,"


名词解释: Nouns explain:报了名、缴了费,也并不是每一个考生都会坚持到底。在笔试、面试都会出现考生缺考,自动放弃考试资格的考生,即使到了最后的政审、报到甚至是试用期环节,也会有考生因为个人原因自己放弃资格。

Applied to/Paid the fee,And not every examinee will persist.In the written examination/The interview will appear the examinee lack of exam,Automatic give up examination qualified candidates,Even at the end of the politics of/Report to even the probation period link,There will also be candidates for personal reasons to give up their qualifications.


特别提醒: Special remind:国家公务员局考试录用司负责人表示,对构不成违纪违规的行为,如已经确认参加面试却在面试当天临时弃考,在报到环节提出放弃报考职位等,将纳入公务员录用考试违纪违规与诚信档案库。每年笔试缺考人数并不少,在昨天的公告中并没有被提及。这名负责人同时介绍,从2008年开始,公务员局考试录用司对中央机关和地方公务员招考中的违纪违规和不诚信行为信息进行汇总,在此基础上建立了“公务员录用考试违纪违规与诚信档案库”。档案库是全国联网的,并且每年更新。中央机关和各地在组织公务员录用考试时会将报名人员信息与档案库中的人员信息进行比对,使在任何公务员录用考试中有违纪违规行为并仍处于禁考期的考生都不能报考,确保考试的严肃性。同时,招录机关也将考生是否在档案库中有不诚信行为记录作为重要的诚信参考。

National bureau of civil service examinations department person in charge said,To construct a discipline illegal behavior,Such as have been confirmed to participate in an interview on the day of the interview but in temporary abandon exam,In the report to link to waive enter oneself for an examination position, etc,Will into the civil servants employed exam discipline violations and integrity archival.Each year the number of written examination and many,In yesterday's announcement did not mentioned.A person in charge introduced at the same time,Begin from 2008,Bureau of civil service examinations department of the central authority and local civil servants in the recruitment of discipline violation and dishonest behavior information summary,On the basis of the established"Civil servants employed exam discipline violations and integrity archival".Archival is the networking,And is updated every year.The central authorities and the local organization civil servants employed will test the personnel information and archival information the personnel comparison,In any civil servants employed in the exam discipline violations and still in the exam's examinee can enter oneself for an examination,Ensure that the seriousness of the exam.At the same time,ZhaoLu authority will also whether candidates in archival are dishonest behavior record as important credit reference.


Reporters also learned,During the exam,The civil servant management authority will strengthen and public security/Work letter/education/Health and other departments of the cooperation,Increase anti-cheating technology and means applied dynamics,To combat illegal training institutions and help exam cheating group,Build safety test environment;Earnestly implement the central organization department/Human resources social security/State bureau of civil servants[On correcting civil servants KaoLu and state-owned enterprise or business the unit recruitment unhealthy tendency of the implementation opinions],Increase discipline violations of acknowledgment and investigate,The prevention and control of civil servants KaoLu practical work of the unhealthy tendency.


国家公务员局提醒: National civil service bureau remind:


所谓的“命题专家”不可信 The so-called"Proposition expert"Not believable


National bureau of civil service examinations department person in charge also remind yesterday,Civil servants employed test is a kind of ability test,Pay attention to examination civil servants position requires the basic skills and basic quality.These ability and quality depend mainly on the daily work and study of accumulated for a long time,So don't advocate the examinee to improve the examination-oriented ability and take part in all kinds of training before.Social many training institutions do not understand civil servants employed examination proposition of the basic thoughts and ideas,Some even have serious misdirect examinee's behavior,Have more very person also dozen invited the so-called"Proposition leader"/"Proposition expert"/"Mark a experts"/"interviewers"As the instructor banner deceive the examinee.In fact,Participate in civil servants employed examination proposition of experts have been carefully selected the department in charge of,Have a certain political quality/Business ability and professional ethics,Personnel less,There is no found a proposition expert for the social training institutions teaching and publication of training materials.


this,Examinations department statement again,The central in the administrative department of civil servants have never specify any unit and individual writing relevant civil servants employed test materials,Don't hold nor entrust any unit or individual concerned officeholder exam held employment training.The current social training good and evil people mixed up,Many candidates to cheat money regardless of moral/By hook or by crook.Hope that the examinee alert/To polish eyes,Lest be deceived.


In addition,Civil service examination have some"High pressure red line",ZhaoLu unit remind candidates don't touch.For example in collusion with cheating or organized the cheating/TiKao or an impostor others to take an examination/Copying or assist copy, etc,Once found thorough check will be dealt with harshly,If the circumstances are serious will also be banned for life test.


最新考情: The latest test feeling:


职位表有微调 考生别忘更新 Position table have fine candidates don't forget to update


From today to 24 8:00 PM,Will be the ZhaoLu test online time signing up.Enter oneself for an examination personnel can log on human resources social security gateway website(http://www.mohrss.gov.cn)/National civil service bureau portal(http://www.scs.gov.cn)And examination employ civil service project site(http://bm.scs.gov.cn/2013)Inquires the ZhaoLu department/ZhaoLu position information,Choose to enter oneself for an examination post.


However, with 13 published position compared to the table,At present the male exam post has been fine-tuning,Such as the central state administrative organs and their directly under the body and the agency,Increases the taiyuan railway public security bureau of 26 position,Also has the extremely individual reflect the original post has been deleted,No change in Sue post temporarily.In enter oneself for an examination before,The examinee don't forget to download the latest position table.

  除此以外,在以往的报考中,网上报名开始后岗位仍然会出现微调,有些岗位也会根据报名情况调整招考条件。考生应注意及时更新信息,以免错失报名机会。(记者 杨彦)

In addition,In the past in enter oneself for an examination,After the start of online registration post still will be fine,Some jobs will also register according to adjust admit by examination conditions.The examinee should pay attention to update information,In order to avoid miss the opportunity.(Reporter YangYan)


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