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坚强父辞职陪自闭症双胞胎训练 一声爸泪如雨下--亲稳舆论引导监测室

坚强父辞职陪自闭症双胞胎训练 一声爸泪如雨下图为:女儿跟在父亲后面爬楼梯 The graph is:Daughter behind him climb stairs坚强父辞职陪自闭症双胞胎训练 一声爸泪如雨下图为:耐心陪女儿做康复训练,是肖海斌的每日必修课 The graph is:Patience with daughter to do rehabilitation exercises,Is XiaoHaiBin daily a required course


Two years to learn to eat with the spoon,Four years old will mouth call"dad",At the age of six know how to twist towel...This is the silk road in wuhan district liberation community twin sisters yingzi and valiant growth experience.These ordinary children to learn the self-care ability,But their father XiaoHaiBin 1460 day care for results.


In 2008,,Valiant and heroic bearing 2 years old are identified as severe autism,Can't speak,Unable to communicate with people.With all my heart to care for her daughter,XiaoHaiBin resolutely resigned from his job,Become a"Full-time milk dad".Four years,He bear the pressure of the life and the world different vision,Every moment not depart from children around,With them take up bag,Entered the classroom lesson on rehabilitation,Just to change a close to fantasy hope to make the children can look after themselves.


痛心!双胞胎姐妹花患上自闭症 hurts!Twin sisters flower autism


“拿到诊断报告,我觉得天都要塌下来了。” "Get diagnosis report,I think days is coming down."


On October 11,,XiaoHaiBin is the apple of twin daughters yingzi and valiant six years old birthday.


The reporter walks into XieFangShe located in the area of clean our rehabilitation center,See the strong XiaoHaiBin father.It is a pair of baby's birthday,He also want to accompany their rehabilitation in class,This is four years, he compulsory every day.


On October 11, 2006,Already at the age of 36 XiaoHaiBin usher in a pair of twin daughters,Two children born time only 3 minutes.Look at the bassinet lovely daughter,XiaoHaiBin mouth always involuntarily smiled.For him,This is the most beautiful gift gift.


however,As children grow up day by day,The family found that they and other children some different,The most outstanding performance is they don't talk,Don't communicate with people.Two years old,The children can't speak,even"Mom and dad"Won't call.


XiaoHaiBin has a bad foreboding:He was in a magazine read an article about autistic children articles,It describes a variety of performance and heroic bearing and valiant strikingly similar situation.


XiaoHaiBin and his wife led the twins,Into the provincial maternal and children health care centers of inspection.After all kinds of diagnosis,The doctor preliminary determined for suspected autism."autism"Three words like a bolt from the blue,Let XiaoHaiBin a into extreme pain.Shaw family can't accept the results,Then three times repeatedly to the hospital diagnosis,Final diagnosis of severe autism.


"Get diagnosis report,I think days came down."XiaoHaiBin said.


辞职!走进康复中心当“全职奶爸” resign!Into the rehabilitation center when"Full-time milk dad"


“看着孩子额头青一块紫一块,我的心像被刀扎一样。” "Look at the child forehead black and blue,My heart is like be the same knife."


In desperation at the same time,XiaoHaiBin and be unwilling.He took a daughter to the neighborhood of ordinary nursery school study,Hope they can be like normal children,In the teacher under the teaching slowly the academic society to themselves.however,In the kindergarten don't speak daughter can't teacher and classmates normal communication,Five months attempt ended in failure,XiaoHaiBin had to his daughter back home.


In 2009,,With all my heart to care for her daughter,XiaoHaiBin moving up the idea of resignation.Is the hesitant,Mother-in-law's a"Tried won't regret",Let he made up his mind to quit the chef,Home when the"Full-time milk dad".Since then,XiaoHaiBin top with the outside world"A big man not to go out to make money"Indifferent eyes,With her daughter walked into the specific to autism Lin jie rehabilitation center,Start day after day of training.


XiaoHaiBin told reporters,Before into rehabilitation center,Daughter won't even up the stairs,Will only use both hands to climb.Look at children hand full of dust,He the heartache,Then secretly swear:Must let the daughters learn to independent living.He still remember,Just to rehabilitation centers,Because of his impatient,General requirements children learn fast action,Which know,It is this eager for success,Let him have a most difficult days.


That moment,Two daughters because can't do the teacher professor's action,Will regularly up crying,Even with his banging your head against a brick wall."Look at the child forehead black and blue,My heart is like be the same knife".To avoid the child"self-injury",He can always took them."It was winter,But every day I shall go out a sweat."later,In the teacher's suggestion,XiaoHaiBin not importune children learn action,Sometimes deliberately ignore them,This just let two sisters will no longer use against knock at the door.


流泪!一声“爸爸”让他等待了四年 tears!A sound"dad"Let him wait for four years


“正常孩子学一遍就会,她们要学一千遍,甚至一万遍。” "Normal children learn again will,They want to learn one thousand times,Even ten thousand times."


In the system of the rehabilitation training,Two sisters have a little progress every day:Now they have learned to use spoon to eat,Will take off clothes,Will throw the ball/Up the stairs,A few days ago also learned to twist towel.And the most let XiaoHaiBin happy,Daughter finally learn to open that way"dad".


XiaoHaiBin clearly remember,One day in 2010,The teacher said to him,Two children learned"ah"/"blare"And so on some simple pronunciation,Can even speak"dad".Hearing the news,XiaoHaiBin eyes to the red.He hurriedly find two children,Want to ears to listen to their small mouth of how to shout"dad"."to,Call father,dad."In his guidance,Two daughters also imitate the call"dad".Listen to two simple pronunciation of words,XiaoHaiBin tears can't help to outflow.To this day,He has been waiting for four years.


now,"Into long illness;"XiaoHaiBin of,Has not the original at a loss.now,He woke up at six every morning,After the dress for her daughter,They would be sent to the rehabilitation center,Move a little the bench sit children behind,Time from the local guide they pinch plasticine/Do hand operation.See which children behave well,He will open carry zero hamper,Will break crushed potato chips in a little bit of feed into her mouth."Normal children learn again will,They want to learn one thousand times,Even ten thousand times."XiaoHaiBin told reporters,Autistic children's cognitive ability is very poor,A basin of water away action,Even to teach thousands of times.Just began to,He will also impatient,But only bite a tooth insist on,And for the children a little tiny progress delighted.


坚持!训练再艰难也不抛弃不放弃 Adhere to the!Training again difficult don't abandon don't give up


“活着一天,就要对女儿努力一天。” "Live one day,Will one day to her efforts."


The great ocean drifting above with a in a boat,A tentative father with a son of autism,Sitting in the boat alone,Desperately looking at the vast sea and then take son hand,Two people together jump a body to jump into the sea...This is the movie[Marine heaven]One of the lens,This reflects the autistic film,XiaoHaiBin saw countless times,But to the lens impression:"I'm afraid I old,And who can take care of them."


XiaoHaiBin told reporters,Since he quit after go home to take care of the children,The family is broken economic source.His wife unable to bear the pain and pressure,Finally also go from him.now,He can only by low gold,And disabled persons' federations and other parties subsidies life.but,Because the child in the rehabilitation center,Monthly tuition fee only have 4000 multivariate,Don't talk about his children and other daily expenditure.


XiaoHaiBin said,Due to the two daughters moment can't leave himself,Himself could not work,Only by father and mother in law aid.In order to two children,Years past sixty mother-in-law after retirement,Also in the liberation park to look for a cleaning job,From time to time to pick up garbage to contribute to the family."Have good intention advised me to take the children to the welfare home to,Where can I make!"


When a reporter asked about XiaoHaiBin future when going to,He said still want to go out to work.But this desire,Only daughter training is good cases can be achieved.


Although the day of training is very difficult,But XiaoHaiBin said won't give up."I live a day,Will one day to her efforts."Said at this time,42 years old XiaoHaiBin touched his afterbrain white hair,Eye some red.


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autism,Also known as autism,Is a kind of extensive development obstacle,In serious/A wide range of social interaction and communication skills of damage and stereotyped behavior/Interests and activities for characteristic mental disease.People with autism average performance is not willing to contact with people,In the process of growth of few words,Verbal communication ability of the poor,Repeat stereotyped behavior,Stubborn willfulness,hyperactivity,distraction,Self-injury, etc.The majority of patients intelligence dysplasia,About 70% of the autistic children mental retardation,But its some aspects of the intellectual activity and has strong ability.People say the autistic children"Stars children".

  据保守估计,目前仅武汉市就有近4000名自闭症患儿。(楚天金报 文/记者叶纯 通讯员陈美丽 祝丽芳 实习生陈露 金雪娇 图/记者邹斌)

According to conservative estimates,Currently, only wuhan have nearly 4000 autistic children.(Chutian 27 text/reporter correspondent music ChenMeiLi ZhuLiFang interns JinXue lu Chen jiao chart/reporter ZouBin)


(Sources: JingChuWang)
