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国家公务员考试报名 22家涉陕单位共招录462人--亲稳网络舆情监控室


2013 annual central organs and institutions directly under the civil service exam employed on October 15, to begin to sign up,National bureau of civil service examinations department person in charge is the examinee enter oneself for an examination credit related problems answered the reporter's question.


组织作弊替考等终身不得报考 Organizations such as cheating TiKao life must not enter oneself for an examination

2013年国家公务员考试15日起报 In 2013 the national civil servant exam 15th newspaper? ?? ?[相关]2013年国家公务员考.. |  国家公务员考试公告公布.. [related] 2013 national civil service exam.. |  The national civil servant exam announcement released..


In response to reporters about"At present civil servants employed examination in good faith to enter oneself for an examination the aspect faced situation"and"The good faith examination situation"when,The officials say,Civil servants employed test overall situation is good,But have a few candidates in the test registration/Exam preparation/Written examination/interview/investigation/medical/Report to the links such as some dishonest behavior,Individual candidates even with cheating group through the high-tech means cheating.


The officials say,To constitute a discipline illegal behavior,Main basis[Civil servants employed exam discipline violations treatment method(trial)](People club department is sent [2009] no. 126)treatment.If the circumstances are especially serious/Impact of poor,Such as in collusion with cheating or organized cheating,TiKao, etc,Give life must not enter oneself for an examination the processing of civil servants;If the circumstances are serious,Such as malicious registration information,Copying or assist copy,Give five years shall not enter oneself for an examination officeholder processing;If the circumstances are relatively minor,Such as providing false registration information,On answer(Answer sheet)On special marks, etc,To cancel the qualification or enter oneself for an examination the subject(session)Test scores invalid processing.


没有指定国考教材 No designated countries take an examination of teaching materials


This person in charge said,Civil servants employed test is a kind of ability test,Pay attention to examination civil servants position requires the basic skills and basic quality.These ability and quality depend mainly on the daily work and study of accumulated for a long time.We do not advocate the examinee to improve the examination-oriented ability and take part in all kinds of training before,Because this kind of training out"ability"And is not the true level of the examinee.In fact,Social many training institutions do not understand civil servants employed examination proposition of the basic thoughts and ideas,Some even have serious misdirect examinee's behavior,Have more very person also dozen invited the so-called"Proposition leader"/"Proposition expert"/"Mark a experts"/"interviewers"As the instructor banner deceive the examinee.The central in the administrative department of civil servants have never specify any unit and individual writing relevant civil servants employed test materials,Don't hold nor entrust any unit or individual concerned officeholder exam held employment training.Hope that the examinee alert/To polish eyes,Lest be deceived.


填报技巧 Fill skills


留出职位备选 Set aside position optional


National public servant admit by examination of position,There are many requirements,Suggested that the examinee in screening position to at least three position optional,The advantage of this is one thousand examination not through we don't have to spend a lot of time and energy to screening,In addition,If this position to enter oneself for an examination people too much,competitive,Can adjust,Give yourself more choice.


注意填报时机 Pay attention to fill time


The examinee in position provided choose as far as possible when the registration time intermediate partial later time,Registration leading words,Enter oneself for an examination information is not comprehensive and once approved,No room for change.After registration by words,Once the examination not through will lead to application is not successful.So choose middle period of time can not only fully understand the information of the enter oneself for an examination and set aside time to make adjustment.


保持心态平和 Keep gentle state of mind


In the face of the annual public examination,The number of enter oneself for an examination,The pressure of competition,Make the examinee produce some anxiety.So in position choice,A lot of the examinee is not rational/blind/Try so hard,Not a very good state of mind,This is very unfavorable to our position enter oneself for an examination.To actively cultivate optimistic state of mind/Be common in mind with the exams,Seriously to review preparation,Believe in yourself's efforts will be rewarding!

国家公务员考试报名 22家涉陕单位共招录462人


>>点击进入职位信息检索库 查询各系统12901个职位信息 >>Click into the position information retrieval library inquires the each system 12901 position information


2013年招考职位相关信息: 2013 admit by examination position related information:


专题:2013国家公考报名必知技巧 project:2013 national public examination registration will know skills

  2013国家公考报名指导最新新闻列表2013国家公考招考人数最多的50个职位排行榜2013国家公考要求硕士学历的职位汇总表中央国家行政机关要求两年工作经验占61%2013国家公考招收中共党员的职位汇总“三步”走读懂2013年国家公考招考职位表2013国家公考浙江招录人数最多的十个职位2013年国家公考山东职位表解读2013年国家公考招录20839人 各系统招录共12901职位2013国家公考各系统招录基层工作条件职位信息汇总2013年国家公务员考试招录机关联系方式2013年国家公务员考试报名推荐表2013国家公务员考试报名登记表

2013 national public examination registration guide latest news list 2013 national public examination admit by examination by the largest number of 50 position list 2013 national public examination requirements master degree position summary the central state administrative organs for two years working experience accounted for 61% of 2013 national public examination recruit Chinese communist party members position summary"Three steps"Day understand 2013 national public examination admit by examination position table 2013 countries and take an examination of zhejiang ZhaoLu by the largest number of ten jobs in 2013 countries and take an examination of shandong position table reading 2013 national public examination ZhaoLu 20839 people each system ZhaoLu 12901 position 2013 countries and take an examination of each system ZhaoLu grass-roots work condition position information summary the 2013 national civil service examination ZhaoLu authority contact the 2013 national civil service examination registration recommended list 2013 national civil service examination registration form


2013国家公务员考试 2013 the national civil servant exam招考职位如下: Admit by examination position as follows:2013国家公务员考试 2013 the national civil servant exam招录机关部门代码 ZhaoLu authority department code


本地信息 Local information


22家涉陕单位共招录462人 22 home in shaanxi unit were ZhaoLu 462 people


国税系统招200人 其中西安30人 National tax system for 200 people including xian 30 people

  中国延安干部学院 10人

China yenan cadre institute ten people

  陕西测绘地理信息局 6人

Shaanxi bureau of surveying and mapping geographic information 6 people

  审计署驻西安特派员办事处 6人

The special offices in xian 6 people

  民航西北地区管理局 1人

Civil aviation administration of northwest area 1

  民航陕西监管局 3人

Shaanxi bureau of civil aviation supervision of three people

  陕西省国家税务局 200人(西安30人、宝鸡18人、咸阳18人、渭南18人、铜川12人、延安30人、榆林30人、汉中18人、安康16人、商洛10人)

Shaanxi state tax bureau 200 people(Xian 30 people/Baoji 18 people/Xianyang 18 people/Weinan 18 people/Tongchuan 12 people/Yenan 30 people/Yulin 30 people/Hanzhong 18 people/Well-being 16 people/Paper 10 people)

  陕西煤矿安全监察局 6人

Shaanxi coal mine safety supervision bureau of six people

  陕西储备物资管理局 2人

Shaanxi reserves administration 2 people

  西安海关 20人

Xian customs 20 people


The ministry of finance in shaanxi financial ombudsman office 2 people

  陕西出入境检验检疫局 17人

Shaanxi entry-exit inspection and quarantine 17 people

  西安铁路公安局 70人

Xi 'an railway public security bureau 70 people

  陕西省邮政管理局 12人(西安1人、宝鸡1人、咸阳1人、延安1人、渭南1人、榆林1人、安康1人、汉中1人、铜川2人、商洛2人)

Shaanxi province postal administration 12 people(Xian 1 person/Baoji 1 person/Xianyang 1 person/Yenan 1 person/Weinan 1 person/Yulin 1 person/Well-being 1 person/Hanzhong 1 person/Tongchuan 2 people/Paper 2 people)

  国家林业局驻西安森林资源监督专员办事处 2人

State forestry administration in xian forest resources supervision and specialist office 2 people

  陕西黄河河务局 4人(韩城2人,大荔、潼关各1人)

The Yellow River in shaanxi province HeWuJu four people(Hancheng 2 people,Big li/Tongguan each one)

  陕西省地震局 2人

2 the seismological bureau of shaanxi province

  西北电监局 2人

Northwest electric inspect bureau 2 people

  陕西省气象局 9人(榆林、延安、铜川、宝鸡、咸阳、渭南、汉中、安康、杨凌各1人)

Shaanxi province meteorological bureau 9 people(yulin/yenan/tongchuan/baoji/xianyang/weinan/hanzhong/health/Yang ling each one)

  国家统计局陕西调查总队 45人

The national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in shaanxi province 45 people

  中国保监会陕西监管局 5人

China insurance regulatory commission shaanxi supervision bureau five people

  中国银监会陕西监管局 29人(陕西银监局机关7人、咸阳1人、宝鸡2人、渭南3人、铜川2人、商洛3人、汉中3人、安康3人、延安3人、榆林2人)

The China banking regulatory commission shaanxi supervision bureau 29 people(Shaanxi silver prison JuJiGuan 7 people/Xianyang 1 person/Baoji 2 people/Weinan 3 people/Tongchuan 2 people/Paper 3 people/Hanzhong 3 people/Health 3 people/Yenan 3 people/Yulin 2 people)

  中国证监会陕西监管局 9人

The China securities regulatory commission shaanxi supervision bureau 9 people


数字播报 Digital broadcast


国考职位各省分布情况 Countries provinces distribution test position


The future work of the city as a professional choice of an important condition,Also is the majority of examinee's attention.Experts after analysis all admit by examination situation found,ZhaoLu position and number of guangdong province is far ahead,The rankings than the second jiangsu province ZhaoLu position more than 182 a,Number 202 people.the,For more than 1000 people in guangdong province only one place,More than 500 people have nine,The rest of the majority of provinces and cities focus on below 500 interval,A minimum of ningxia only recruits 108 people.


In order to avoid excessive competition pressure,The examinees in the choice of regional position,Remember don't too rigid,But should the area and position the combination of registration,Select the optimal scheme.


10个中央部门职位 10 the central positions


应届生较易报考 Fresh life more easily enter oneself for an examination


A lot of fresh student wants to enter oneself for an examination especially central departments at or above the provincial level position,But suffer from does not have grass-roots work experience by the lack of choice,In fact after experts carefully chosen,There are still some found at or above the provincial level position is allowed to enter oneself for an examination the fresh birth,In this special summary out 10 central position,The candidates for reference.


The China securities regulatory commission system:


System GanBuChu deputy section head and below


The China securities regulatory commission system:


ZhengYanChu section head and below


The China securities regulatory commission system:


Training and education section deputy section head and below


The supply and marketing cooperative principal office:


The finance office cashier section accounting work


Human resources and social security:


Division of section head and below


The ministry of health:


Position 1/position
