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留西签证申请要求渐多 运尸费是保险之一--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  滴答网讯 最近,有媒体报道称西班牙收紧留学生签证,中国留学生西班牙申请延期签证困难越来越大,除各类证明外,还多了一项“运尸费”。无论留学生是自然死亡 还是意外死亡,要保证有足够的钱让别人将自己的尸体运回国。

Tick webex recently,Media reports said the Spanish tightening student visa,Chinese students apply for visa extension in Spain more and more difficult,In addition to all kinds of the proof,Also has a"Luck resin fee".Whether students is a natural death or accidental death,To ensure that there is enough money to let other people will give their bodies to transport.


The report on the Internet caused a hot debate.however,The yangcheng evening news reporters found in further investigation,"Luck resin fee"Is not the so-called new project,It in insurance certificate has been exist,And Spain's study abroad visa in general to relax,Just in Madrid parts such as tightening.


"Luck resin fee"Is one of the insurance

  一位不愿透露姓名的西班牙驻中国领事馆认证的保险机构工作人员告诉记者,“运尸费”其实就是保险条款 中的“遗体运送费”。如果被保人于境外身亡,保险公司 会负责遗体运送回国的费用。这个条款广泛存在于境外旅游保险中,并不是单单针对赴西班牙留学所购买的保险类型。中国学生申请西班牙留学签证的所需材料当中已包括了涵盖申请居留期限的保险,此保险的保额为3万欧元以上,同时也包括了遗体运送的费用。

One does not wish to disclose the name of the Spanish embassy in the Chinese consulate in the authentication of the insurance agency workers told reporters,"Luck resin fee"Is actually the insurance clause"Remains delivery costs".If the insured person (s) in overseas died,The insurance company will be responsible for the cost of carrying home remains.This clause exist widely in overseas travel insurance,And not only for study abroad to Spain purchase the types of insurance.Chinese students apply for the Spanish study abroad visa needs of material already includes the application of the insurance cover for the extension,The insurance coverage for more than 30000 euros,At the same time also includes a body transport costs.


In accordance with the provisions,The Spanish government requires that all overseas students in the application for a student visa,And every year when the application continues residence status,Last year must be attached to the insurance certificate,This insurance certificate with the usual purchase contain travel insurance"Remains delivery costs",The so-called"Luck resin fee".

  广州留学人员服务管理中心出国留学部白女士表示,这项费用是一直存在的,保险费 每年约200欧元。由于西班牙采取各个地区自行制定外国学生续签居留政策,该要求在5年前已经开始在西班牙部分地区实行,但并未被推广到全国实行。

Guangzhou students studying abroad service management center study abroad department white woman says,The cost is always there,Insurance premium of about 200 euros per year.Since the Spanish take each region on its own, formulate foreign students renewal residence policy,The requirements in five years ago has started in Spain part of the region,But has not been extended to the practice.


Not body unattended processing


Guangdong education international communication service center Spain consultants to study the CengQingXing said,Transport body cost is just the general term insurance,Without excessive sensitive.Each city renewal requirements are different,For example, in Barcelona renewal need not to purchase medical insurance,But to provide residential proof,The southern granada the exact opposite,So should pay attention to in the renewal to the specific requirements of the city,Not ravel in the contents of the insurance,Because insurance itself is a nip in the bud,"Remains delivery costs"Not personal discrimination,The original idea is to ensure that once produced accident situation,The insured person (s) can get the most basic arrangement and compensation.because"Luck resin fee"The word and cause fear is misunderstanding.

  关于报道中援引某位“不愿透露姓名的西班牙移民局官员”的话,称:“一般留学生都是独自来西,出问题后没有家属料理后事。为解决运尸费用,有关方面伤透脑筋,政府部门没有预算给外国人支付丧葬费。”曾庆兴表示,这种说法并不合理。一是出问题的学生并没有多到足够使“有关方面伤透脑筋”;二是学生出问题后,家长肯定会前往处理,很少出现遗体没人处理的情况;三是如果留学生发生各种突发事件,当地使领馆和华人华侨 也会提供尽可能的帮助,不至于遗体无人处理。综上所述,报道中有关说法并不合理。

About the report quoted a"Do not wish to be named, Spanish immigration officials"words,says:"General students are alone west,Out of the question without family cooking experience is.In order to solve luck resin cost,The break brains,Government departments to not have the budget to foreigners pay the funeral expenses."CengQingXing said,This statement is not reasonable.One is a problem of the students did not have much enough to make"The break brains";The second is the problem students after,Parents will certainly to deal with,Rarely appears remains no person to handle the situation;Three is that if students to produce all sorts of emergencies,Local and overseas Chinese embassies and consulates and also provide the help of as much as possible,Not body unattended processing.To sum up,The report about is not reasonable.


Only Madrid tightened visa


After the yangcheng evening news reporter polytropic verification,The so-called"Spain to foreign students tightened visa"Is actually a misunderstanding,Spain not only tighten the release of the student visa,Instead as the end of last year the Spanish consulate in guangzhou open,2011 will be put on the more study visas to Chinese students.The phenomenon of the reports are mainly embodied in students apply for continue study in Spain when residence,Part of students failed to successfully obtain continue to study abroad residence approval.That is worth,In addition to Madrid outside the district,Other places and no obvious tightening phenomenon.


Madrid region tightened visa,The most basic reason is due to the partial students in recent years by the students in the local legal residence identity play"HeiGong"Make money.Kai tak education Eurasian education center senior Spanish consultant HuangYanJun said,Some students long-term to provide the same Spanish language school used to continue proof of residence;Some waste academic,At public universities continuous to repeat a year;Even students buying counterfeit study proof.Spain is affected by the financial crisis the most serious one of European countries,In recent years the unemployment rate has been high.In this background,The Spanish government restrictions by the name of study to the west to seek work visa applicants is very normal.


Along with the policy tightening and are modifications of[Immigration law],False study abroad such as real work play edge ball opportunity will be less and less.CengQingXing said,At present there is no denying the visa process,There have been some overcorrect phenomenon,The real study abroad students also was wrongly accused of being a"Non study purpose"And refused.At present,Chinese students are gathering stable Spain international students in visa problems,After collecting to Spain immigrant visa department report,In order to make Spain visa department to make reasonable adjustment.(Ticking network)
