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“Ipad试点班”不关网不禁游戏 亦有安卓微软班--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  “完成题目的同学可以用你们的Ipad拍下来,直接提交到老师这里,我会在投影上分享你们的解题……”昨天下午1点半,南京弘光中学初一(1)班正在上数学第三章第四节《合并同类项》,原本一本正经的课堂却因为引入Ipad功能变得生动有趣。据悉, 今年9月开学,弘光中学初一(1)班在南京率先开办“Ipad试点班”,经过一个月的摸索,如何用好“电子书包”,老师和学生都积累了不少经验。

"Complete the questions of the students can use your Ipad down pat,Directly submitted to the teachers here,I will share your projection on the problem……"Yesterday afternoon at half past one,Nanjing HongGuang junior middle school(1)Class is the third chapter fourth quarter in mathematics[Merge similar terms],Originally in all seriousness of classroom but for introducing Ipad function become lively and interesting.It is reported, September this year,HongGuang junior middle school(1)Class in nanjing takes the lead in open"Ipad ShiDianBan",After a month of exploration,How to make good use of"Electronic schoolbag",Teachers and students are accumulated a lot of experience.


The headmaster LiuHao told reporters,The most hot spot is three topics:Ipad instant switching the child will not distracted,Do you want a system a program close switching function?The opening of the network is to have a limit,So that the child can't surf the Internet at any time?After the children home will play the game,Do you want the school Ipad charge up?"The actual operation we found plugging as hydrophobic,Up to now the new moon(1)Class has opened four parents,Schools and parents agreed,For example we allow kids to download some puzzles,Such as make pottery/Mazes, etc,But every time the game time control in 15 minutes;Allow the child Ipad home,Urged by the parents every day at home Ipad check material learn English time control in 40 minutes."

  据南京市电化教育馆馆长陈义柏介绍,有21所中小学参与了本次网络与数字化环境下的教学试验。目前采购的终端平台包括苹果、安卓和微软三套系统。据悉,在此次试点中,中华中学、金陵中学和雨花台中学3所高中使用的是苹果系统南京市十二中初中部、马群中学、南京市二十四中和白云园小学使用的是安卓系统,而其他14所初中和小学使用的则是微软系统。 实习生 金菁 记者 王璟

According to the nanjing electronic education ChenYiBai curator is introduced,21 middle schools and primary schools to participate in the network and the digital environment teaching test.At present purchasing terminal platform including apple/Two and three sets of Microsoft system.It is reported,In the pilot of,The Chinese middle school/Jinling middle school and high school high school YuHuaTai 3 use is malic system,Nanjing ShiErZhong ChuZhongBu/Horses middle school/Nanjing 20 fourth and BaiYunYuan primary school is the use of zhuo system,While the other 14 junior middle school and primary school use is Microsoft system. JinJing intern reporter Jing king


(Yangzi evening news)
