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初三生网晒中国好作业 调侃假期作业多引围观--亲稳网络舆情监控室

初三生网晒中国好作业 调侃假期作业多引围观 海报“中国好作业”。 网络截图 posters"China's good work". Network screenshots


核心提示 summary


Popularity shows"China's good voice",Not only let more people love to sing,Also stimulate the creativity of people's thinking.National Day since,A imitation"China's good voice"poster"China's good work",In micro blog net friend draws tens of thousands of times reproduced.And this poster of the originator micro bo name"Metal lads"Yichang city is actually a junior high school a grade girl.


赶作业时突发奇想 When working out a whim


"China's good work"Micro bo starting on October 4,,Posters background for mathematics and teaching materials books,Signboard action is still"v"gestures,But the hand is no longer a microphone but a pen.A few days ago,Reporter through the micro bo usually letters tell,Contact the girl.


She told reporters,His was the three gorges evening little reporters,Like new things.She has been very like to see China's good voice,National Day period,She felt a lot of homework,So abrupt fantasy will both close 2 for one,Will also good sound judges become physical/chemical/English/Mathematics and so on,"I actually is taking pains.Face tests,Really want to do a lot of homework,Each course is a lot of homework,I'll do the poster poking fun at once".


For this"China's good work"A poster of,Many netizens said very mixed feeling and can cause resonance.

  包括网友 “李剑天地”在内的成年网友,都认为这个海报创意无限,很赞。而学生网友大多“吐槽”,网友“小小小虾米寻找海洋”看到海报后就在着急,“自己每天要写作业到很晚,不知如何是好!”网友“yangyx”则说,“每次放假时都跟父母说作业做完了,然后上学前一天晚上拼命赶作业。

Including net friend "LiJian heaven and earth"In adult net friend,All think this poster infinite originality,nice.And students most users"vomit tank",Net friend"Small shrimps looking for Marine"See the poster after in hurry,"Every day his homework very late,Don't know how to do!"Net friend"yangyx"Is said,"Every time when off with parents said the homework finished,Then go to school the previous night desperately drive operation.


Some workers are also online message,"Student work is gone,Can work assignments to the indefinitely……"


学生:好作业不“批发” students:Good work not"wholesale"


The students are really like what kind of work?16,Reporters invited city fifth class 905 and 906 of the part of the students a little discussion.


A few students said,They feel now the work is not very big,At 7 o 'clock began to write,Before 10 PM basic can complete,Compared with,Science homework to spend more time.


905 class a student told reporters,He likes mathematics teachers layout hierarchical operation,For the mathematical basis of poor students,Only required to perform a basic operation,But the teacher will every day a few ways of high education,Let the students have the ability to choose to do,The class has more than ten students can insist to do every day,The teacher will also corrects seriously.


The other girls also said,She hope the teacher homework can be more specific,For example for English homework,There's no point in asking everyone to write in Chinese and English,Because if English good student,You will have to spend time write Chinese explanation,Are a waste of time,Return not equal to do some English reading.


906 class a student also said,The class which students work well done,Everyone will often went through,Because work well done,Study result general are also very good.


老师:好作业工整、准确 The teacher:Good work neatly/accurate


Yichang fifth grade Chinese teacher at the teacher told reporters,The students can have such ideas,Shows that they are not"Die reading",But as the sunlight in your heart to treat nervous learning,This is a good thing.


Hope the teacher said,For the language discipline,Although the current operation to copy/Write from memory and dictation is given priority to,But the most important thing is accumulated,The aim is to let each student become the eclectics.therefore,In addition to completing the teacher the assignment,The students at ordinary times should read read news,Break through the scope of the routine work.


The school grade nine English teacher LinTing said,English homework revises quantity is the biggest,Each letter/Every word to see one,Every day she to take half a day time correcting the homework more than 200,Her favorite assignment is to write neatly/High accuracy operation.

  几位老师还向记者展示了几本好作业。记者注意到,一本数学作业本上虽然写得密密麻麻,但字迹整齐,一看就令人赏心悦目。在另外一本语文作业本上,学生在抄写时还将重点的字词用红笔写,非常醒目。对于英语作业,字母写的大而且清楚的作业,是老师批改速度较快的作业。(三峡晚报讯 记者汪蕾 通讯员别晔)

Several teachers also show to the reporter a few this good work.Reporter noticed,A mathematical workbooks although write thickly dotted,But the writing in order,A look at is pleasing to the eye.In another this language on the exercise books,Students in the copy will be the focus of the words with a red pen to write,very eye-catching.For English homework,Letters big and clear operation,Is the teacher corrects faster operation.(The three gorges evening news reporter WangLei correspondent don't Ye)
