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上下班电梯难乘 白领研究挤梯秘笈--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


       Now to the elevator,Many people have a headache!The peak of the early late every day,A lot of office worker all keep up with battlefield like war,why?Crowded elevator!Waiting for a trip to the elevator at least ten minutes.Before work of long queues waiting for the elevator,Become the office worker everyday"The first lesson".Reporter survey found,The main or the use of the elevator number far more than the initial design standard.


       无奈之举 怕迟到只能爬楼梯    Zoology-designing changing afraid of being late can only climb stairs

       市民周女士在位于西安路的一栋高层写字间工作,每天早晨到达大厦,乘电梯成了她最头痛的事情。有时候为了“错峰”上班,她会提前半小时赶到,但电梯前早已挤了上百号人!电梯一开门,便会有人拼命地向门口挤,如同挤公交车。“高峰时段,等电梯的人排到大厦门口是常事,从楼下上到公司,花费五六分钟是运气好,10多分钟是经常的事。 ”周女士说。“我们单位上班时间卡得比较严,迟到了就罚50块钱,超过30分钟当天就算旷工。”为了缩减“电梯之旅”的时间,周女士有时会先走到10楼,再搭乘上行货梯到20楼,有时甚至要一路跑上20楼,“最近一段时间,经常跑全程,哎,权当锻炼身体了。 ”周女士无奈地说。

       Citizens weeks lady in xian the way a high-rise scriptorium work,Every morning to building,Take the elevator became her headache.Sometimes in order to"Wrong peak"work,She will advance to half an hour,But before the already crowded hundreds of number one!Elevator opened the door,Will someone desperately to the door crowded,As a crowded bus."Peak time,People queued waiting for the elevator to building the door is common,From the top to the company,Spend five or six minutes is good luck,More than 10 minutes is often things. "Weeks lady said."Our unit work time card more strict,Late punish 50 dollars,More than 30 minutes day even if absenteeism."In order to reduce"Elevator ride"time,Weeks lady sometimes go first to 10 floor,To take up cargo lift to 20 floor,Sometimes even ran on the 20th floor,"A recent period of time,Often run the whole,ah,Replace the physical exercise. "Weeks lady reluctantly said.

       周女士告诉记者,除了早晨上班时间,午休时间以及下班高峰,同样也是“一梯难求”。昨日中午,大厦内的上班族们开始下楼吃午饭。大厦20楼,等电梯的人渐渐站满了电梯间。记者看到,不少人伸手按了向上的按钮,准备先上到顶楼再下楼。“不然等电梯下来,早就满员了。 ”

       Weeks lady told reporters,In addition to the morning go to work time,Lunch break and the peak work,also"It is difficult to find a ladder".At noon yesterday,Within the building workers began to go downstairs and have lunch.Building 20 floor,Waiting for the elevator man is lined the elevator.The reporter sees,Many people reached out his hand and touched the up button,Ready to go up first to the top floor to go downstairs."Not waiting for the elevator down,Early full. "

       在位于星海广场的一栋大厦内上班的邹女士说,“楼内的电梯不是智能的,超重了也没有警报,大家乘电梯,只要有一点空间就往里挤,实在挤不进去才放弃。而且电梯在满载的情况下,凡是被按到的楼层一定会停,有一次电梯已经塞不进人了,可是从20楼下来,层层都停,真是让人闹心。 ”

       At the xinghai square within a building to zou woman says,"Inside the building elevator is not intelligent,Overweight also have no warning,You take the elevator,As long as there is a little space is to pile in,Really crowded in to give up.And the elevator in under the condition of full load,Those who were on the floor will stop,Once the elevator have fit into a person,But from 20 floor down,Layer upon layer all stop,It is to let a person could. "

       此外,邹女士尤为不满的是,电梯运行高峰时段,有些四层以下的人竟然也按电梯,“甚至二楼还有几个人按向下的电梯,遇到这样的人,我都有把他们踹下去的冲动。 ”

       In addition,Zou lady especially disgruntled is,The elevator operates peak period,Some people under four layers even according to the elevator,"Even the second floor and several people in the elevator down,Met such people,I have put them down tread the impulse. "


      等梯烦躁 一个来回得半小时 And ladder fidgety a return to half an hour


       Reporter found that visit,In the heart of the city of some of the office,Like ms weeks/Zou lady as,Encounter a few difficult waiting for the elevator.Elevator difficult, etc,Let many in high-rise scriptorium work white-collar big call"Injury can not afford to".

       在中山广场附近一栋高层写字间上班的王女士介绍,在这里上班,每天等电梯的时间,比坐公交车的时间还长!乘一趟电梯上下一个来回,有时竟需要半个多小时的时间。“有的人素质差,插队、按着电梯按键不放,造成上层的人等半个多小时的情况也时有发生。 ”王女士说。

       Zhongshan square in a nearby high-rise scriptorium work introduced ms. Wang,Work here,Every day the time of waiting for the elevator,By bus than the long time!Take a trip to lift up and down a back and forth,Sometimes but need more than half an hour."Some people quality is poor,Jump the queue/According to the elevator button and hold it down,Cause the person to wait for more than half an hour situations occasionally. "Ms. Wang said.


       上下超员 乘电梯得动脑筋   One take the elevator up to brainstorm


       The company carries out a strict clock system,In order to avoid fined,Ms. Wang"Theory with practice",Summarizes a set of crowded elevator"secret".The first is position,Standing in the elevator waiting for the elevator on both sides have more advantages,Because most people walked out of the elevator from out front,The elevator door opened a moment,From both sides enter sideways,A greater chance.


       instead,If waiting position is at the door of the elevator,Even have the opportunity to squeeze up,Also is standing in the most depend on external position.At this time,Once the overload,Active bottom to go to of person must be you.


       The second is to break the traditional,Invert it,Crowded elevator don't need to have piled on the first floor the elevator,A lot of times wang is first of the stairs to the second floor,Then follow after the elevator first.


       Ms. Wang said,This way it's kind of like halfway interception,Although not every time work,But most of the time,All also can have a small amount of free position.And the peak work,Can be the first to the top floor,Follow the elevator down.


       物业头疼    Property have a headache 实际使用人数常超标 The number of actual use often exceed bid

       对于电梯难乘这件事,多家高层写字间的物业公司均表示,高峰期电梯紧张已是普遍现象。一家物业公司的相关负责人介绍,“凡是大型的写字楼,在上下班高峰期,电梯的运行肯定是饱和的。 ”

       For elevator difficult to take it,Several top scriptorium property company has said,Rush hour elevator tension is common phenomenon.A property company's relevant controller introduces,"Every large office buildings,In the rush hour,The elevator operation must be saturated. "

       记者了解到,部分物业对于电梯难乘这一问题,采取了分单双层、高低层停靠的办法,但依旧未能缓解高峰时段电梯难乘的局面。市内一家物业公司的李女士很无奈地说,对于高峰时段电梯人满为患这一现状他们也很头疼,“主要是因为商住楼已经改变了它原本的使用功能,许多业主擅自将房子改作其他用途,有的成了办公单位,有的在办学。 ”李女士说,商业经营肯定比单纯居住的人流量要大,如此一来,电梯运行高峰时段,人满为患也就不足为奇了。

       The reporter understands,Part of the property for elevator difficult by this problem,Take the points single layer/High and low layer call way,But still failed to ease the peak time elevator difficult to take the situation.The city a property company's ms. Li very reluctantly said,Peak time for elevator packed this situation they are have a headache,"Mainly because commerce-residence building have changed it originally use function,Many owners do STH without authorization will house rehashing other purposes,Some become office unit,Some are running. "Ms. Li said,Commercial operation must be higher than pure living communities to big,so,The elevator operates peak period,It is not surprising that the people.


       At present,Some of the senior scriptorium elevator operation pressure is too great,But building elevator number is based on building planning and area to decide,Accord with a standard.The senior experts say,In architectural design specification,According to the number of service office each layer to the configuration of the elevator.But in the delivery after use,Due to the change of the reality,For example in more than the original design standards,It also can lead to the elevator traffic congestion.(Reporter TongLiang)

       白领总结的“挤电梯秘笈”        White-collar summarized"Crowded elevator secret"


       The first is to choose a good position,Standing in the elevator waiting for the elevator on both sides have more advantages,Because most people walked out of the elevator from out front,The elevator door opened a moment,From both sides enter sideways,A greater chance.


       instead,If waiting position is at the door of the elevator,Even have the opportunity to squeeze up,Also is standing in the most depend on external position.At this time,Once the overload,Forced down are also standing here.

       其次是打破传统,反其道而行, 挤电梯没必要都一窝蜂挤在一楼电梯口,不妨先走楼梯到二楼,然后跟随电梯先下后上。

       The second is to break the traditional,Invert it, Crowded elevator don't need to have piled on the first floor the elevator,Might as well go first stairs to the second floor,Then follow after the elevator first.


       Although not work this way every time,But most of the time the elevator energy content with a small amount of the vacancy.And the peak work,Intermediate floor, could start to attic,Follow the elevator down.


      业内声音 The voice

       商住楼按住宅报建        According to the residential building construction

       对于本市写字楼电梯普遍紧张的状况,业内人士认为,部分商住楼报建的时候是按住宅标准报,但是很大一部分都是用作商用,所以才会出现电梯紧张的情况。 “商住两用楼按住宅报建能省下一大笔费用。 ”业内人士说,部分商住楼按住宅标准报建,也导致了电梯难乘局面的出现。

       For this city office elevator common tense situation,The personage inside course of study thinks,Part of the building construction is according to the housing standard newspaper,But a big part of are used as a business,So would appear elevator tense situation. "Commercial/residential and residential construction according to the floor can save a large sum of cost. "The personage inside course of study says,Part of the building according to the housing standard construction,Also led to the elevator difficult by the emergence of the situation.

       关于如何解决电梯紧张的问题,业内人士认为,“最好的办法就是按照建筑实际使用功能报建,确保电梯数量足够用,其次是提高电梯的运行速度和技术含量,自动分析和调节高峰时期的运力。 ”

       About how to solve the problem of elevator nervous,The personage inside course of study thinks,"The best way is to use a function according to the actual building construction,Ensure that the elevator with enough,Second is to improve the operation speed and technical content,Automatic analysis and regulating peak period of capacity. "

       为了缩减‘电梯之旅’的时间,我有时会先走到10楼,再搭乘上行货梯到20楼,有时甚至要一路跑上20楼。最近一段时间经常跑全程,哎,权当锻炼身体了。 ” ——周女士

       In order to reduce‘Elevator ride’time,I sometimes go first to 10 floor,To take up cargo lift to 20 floor,Sometimes even ran on the 20th floor.A recent period of time often run the whole,ah,Replace the physical exercise. " - weeks lady

       四层以下的有些人竟然也按电梯,甚至二楼还有几个人按向下的电梯,遇到这样的人,我都有把他们踹下去的冲动。 ”——邹女士

       Four layer the following some people unexpectedly also according to the elevator,Even the second floor and several people in the elevator down,Met such people,I have put them down tread the impulse. "-- zou lady
