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国考报名将迎高峰期 专家建议摒弃功利心态--亲稳网络舆情监控室


today,The central organs and institutions directly under the 2013 annual examinations the civil servants shall have entered the fourth day.Three days before the inventory enter oneself for an examination situation,For several hundred thousand students submit registration information and through the audit,State ethnic affairs commission/The ministry of education/National industry and commerce management administration/The ministry of railways and other departments related position to enter oneself for an examination"hot".Experts predict,Due to the position restrictions increase,This year the number of countries take an examination of the whole or stability have fall,The examinee should abandon utilitarian mentality,According to their own actual situation carefully to enter oneself for an examination.


报名将迎高峰期 国家民委、铁道部相关职位热门 Registration will meet peak state ethnic affairs commission/The ministry of railways related position hot


October 17, is the 2013 national civil service examination registration on the third day,According to the China education network graph statistics,At 17, when 16,There are 147429 candidates to submit registration information and through the audit,3204 no one position to enter oneself for an examination.


Statistics show,Registration start for three days,State ethnic affairs commission for lead"Hot position list",The ZhaoLu of this"To study the place section head and below"A position,17 and when already through the audit the population is 1300 people,Enter oneself for an examination become at present the largest number of position,And this position only admit by examination 2 people,Enter oneself for an examination proportion is as high as 650:1.


In fact,State ethnic affairs commission related position hot,At last year's kingdom in the examination registration has been reflected.Last year,State ethnic affairs commission policy research office of the national theory scientific research administration section head and below a job in 3597:1 to enter oneself for an examination proportion,Become the countries take an examination of the most competitive position.


According to the statistical data shows,At present,In addition to outside the state ethnic affairs commission,The ministry of education/National industry and commerce management administration/The ministry of railways and other departments related position also in"Hot list"forefront.the,The ministry of railways policy laws and regulations company policy research integrated management section head and the following position,In 862:1 to enter oneself for an examination proportion tabernacle of the most competitive position.


According to the trend of previous years,Ten days to take an examination of the kingdom of application in several days ago with the growth of number of applicants are not,Candidates with more wait-and-see attitude.but,Due to admit by examination unit the longest audit time for 48 hours,A sharp increase in the number of registration will appear in enter oneself for an examination the middle of time,China map education and examination guidance experts predict,This day countries take an examination of enrolment will have substantial growth.


职位限制条件增多 报名人数或“稳中有降” Position constraint increasing enrollment or"Stability have fall"


According to admit by examination general rules,The more than 140 central organs and their directly under the body and reference civil servant law management unit ZhaoLu of more than twenty thousand people,This is also in recent years country ZhaoLu test is one of the largest.


In fact,Sign up for the number,Countries have test for two consecutive years"cooling".In the last year countries take an examination of written examination eve,National civil service bureau statistics data show,Countries sign up through the examination examination qualified number about 1.33 million,And in the written examination,Confirm to take an examination of only 960000 people.but,In this kingdom exams to enter oneself for an examination eve,Estimates are,This year the number of registration is likely to close to 2 million,ZhaoLu proportion also could be as high as 90:1,For the prediction,Many candidates, said he was surprised by the.


"I think this forecast is not very scientific,Because we are not in the fortune-telling,As the recruitment of the natural person who signs up much,Sometimes this is a kind of experience,But not necessarily become a law."The Chinese academy of social sciences economic and social construction research director,China map education group chief explain theory research and training ZhongJun experts said,Can't admit by examination position speculate that increased enrollment could significantly increase,For this year's many positions more constraints.


"Some restrictive condition,If only for undergraduate,Only for doctor,Such a position matching degree become more clear requirements,In addition with particular emphasis on some post must be signed for five years,Or work place in state-level counties,Many positions added restrictions."


ZhongJun says,This year's whole admit by examination more scientific,Pay more attention to regulate and rigorous,Policy more strict,This will lead to the name can the number of less than last year.ZhongJun prediction,This year the whole kingdom examination registration number should be steady have fall.


公务员并非“金饭碗” 专家提醒摒弃功利心态 Civil servants not"A golden bowl" The expert reminds abandon utilitarian mentality


For the last few days,About countries take an examination of position"drudgery"The discussion of public opinion increased continues to be a concern.This year's many admit by examination position clearly marked"State-level counties"/"The minimum period of service for five years"/"Work intensity"Etc note matters,Has been the social thought"favourite"Civil servant career,Seems to have not expected comfortable at leisure.


this,ZhongJun said,Civil servants career also have various pressure,Such as professional life is relatively short/Work not free/bother/Temptation more/Have risk and so on,Civil servants is just one of the choices in life,Candidates from the civil service is"A golden bowl"In the traditional concept,From the concept of ranking of liberated,Break the chains.


For the present is holding the wait-and-see attitude,Can not decided to enter oneself for an examination the examinee of position,ZhongJun Suggestions,Candidates do not excessive attention to enter oneself for an examination number of statistical data,"For example the somebody else only recruit a person,One thousand people sign up you take an examination of the first,It must be you,And if ten men you take an examination of the second,That is not you,So you don't need to too much attention to the registration number,Because this is you can't control."


ZhongJun remind,The examinee enter oneself for an examination first according to their professional/age/Grass-roots work experience and other hard constraint conditions,Screening with his job,The second is the be fond of according to oneself and ability,Choose to suit oneself to enter oneself for an examination position."The examinee must first have a clear positioning,More important is not to think too much,The utilitarian things aside".(KanFeng)
