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奥数禁令未解禁培训已复燃 授课现场依然爆满--亲稳舆论引导监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:今年8月,北京市教委宣布,到10月31日前,全市所有涉及奥数培训暂停。目前禁令已接近尾声,记者调查京城部分教育培训机构发现,被叫停的奥数培训经过包装,又以“拓展班”“素质班”等名义重新出现 …… August,The Beijing municipal education commission announced,Until October 31,The entire city involves aoshu training pause.At present the ban is closer to the end,Reporter investigation city part of education training institutions found,Stop by the Olympic math training after packaging,And to"Expanding class""Quality class"The name such as to appear ……更多精彩新闻进入搜狐教育>> More exciting news into sohu education>> 奥数禁令未解禁培训已复燃 授课现场依然爆满 禁令未解,孩子们已坐进课堂开上奥数课摄影/本报见习记者刘洋 Ban unsolved,The children already sitting in class on Olympic math class photography/our trainee reporter were


August,The Beijing municipal education commission announced,Until October 31,The entire city involves aoshu training pause.(新闻回顾:北京叫停奥数 挂钩升学择校问题成为家长新烦恼) (News review:Beijing called aoshu hook school entrance problems become new parents worry)目前禁令已接近尾声,记者调查京城部分教育培训机构发现,被叫停的奥数培训经过包装,又以“拓展班”“素质班”等名义重新出现。市教委相关负责人表示,本市对所有涉奥培训机构的治理由各个区县教委牵头,目前各个区县已对培训机构课程要求、广告宣传、任课教师主体等方面进行梳理。本市力争在10月底初步完成治理奥数成绩与升学挂钩的工作,治理完成后,奥数班仍可以兴趣班形式开办,但坚决不得与升学挂钩,同时有关方面将着手研究更为完善的入学政策。

At present the ban is closer to the end,Reporter investigation city part of education training institutions found,Stop by the Olympic math training after packaging,And to"Expanding class""Quality class"The name such as to appear.Municipal education commission officials say,This city for all Mr Training institutions in the management of each area county education commission by the lead,Each area county at present already training institutions course requirements/advertising/The teachers of carding subject, etc.This city in October to completed preliminary management Olympic math scores and bound hook work,Management after completion of,Olympic math class can still set up programmes will form,But determined to not and bound hook,At the same time the set out to study more perfect admission policy.


记者调查 Reporter investigation

  培训机构低调招生 Training institutions low-key recruit students

  教材老师全保密 Teaching material the teacher all confidential


yesterday,It's in chaoyang district ShiLiBao a village near the PeiXunDian giants,Training institutions to write the roof is still not removed"aoshu"billboards.Walked into the PeiXunDian,All promotional materials are can't find"aoshu"".Sign up for a class consultants made clear,Now there are no Olympic math class.Now we offer the mathematics class training content than ordinary classes some difficulty.Grade three mathematics class 6 class charge 1600 yuan,The instructor is a public school teachers,Specific school name confidential.


Reporter noticed,In this teaching school show three grade mathematics interest in expanding exercises,Examples have been beyond the normal grade three of the learning difficulty.For example,"Methyl ethyl two barrels of oil were weighed 77 kilograms,If a barrel oil used up after 5 kg,B barrels of oil weight than a barrel oil more times,So methyl ethyl two barrels of oil originally the heavy how many kilograms?"And this kind of question is after common grade three Olympic math problem.


教室紧闭门窗 The classroom doors and Windows closed

  授课现场依然爆满 Teaching field is still full


Located in the zhongguancun avenue a"Giant education"Training institutions,Reporter to the identity of the parents of students for consultation,Staff immediately introduces to the reporter,At present the school in view of mathematics course set up regular class/Competition class and top class three grade,The regular class and race class accept outside registration,And top class must be through the school each year AD hoc exam,Or the teacher recommended only then has the qualifications to enter.


then,Reporter arrived at the BaoMingChu opposite of dahua technology malls,According to the malls security is introduced,The malls B/C two three layer/Four layers are all"Giant education"Class the classroom.The reporter comes to malls B seat 411 outside the classroom,Through the classroom closed doors and Windows to see the teacher is teaching students about"Odd even division"Related knowledge,In the classroom is full of about 25 students and dozens of parents,Otherwise several parents outside classroom for the children to class is over,Due to the break at 2:30 in the afternoon,Because part of students did not complete the assignments and delay ten minutes.


And parents in the chat in reporter learned that,411 the classroom the autumn start in September,A total of 14 class per semester,The course take the weekend afternoon three hours,Each semester 2400-2700 yuan tuition inequality.


奥数班悄然改名为 Olympic math class quietly renamed

  “拓展班”“素质班” "Expanding class""Quality class"


Use the clearance between the class,Reporter in consulting for teaching contents and competition class teacher gave a brief conversation.Hear the reporter asks whether this class for"aoshu"Game in,Teacher answer,This term will begin on this class has been by"competition"Class renamed"expand"class,But content didn't change,Main professor above school textbooks mathematical knowledge,And flexible and diverse types of problem solving method.Subject difficult,Students in advance the next two semester grade or higher knowledge,Mainly to mathematics foundation is good student open.If you want to go further,Can apply for into the top class.


Leave dahua technology malls,The reporter also call the two other Beijing large education training institutions.When the reporter indicated that there are Olympic math learning intention,One of the education institutions staff told reporters recommend the current mathematics of the highest rank"Quality class",But because August this year has been completed selection examination,So want to wait for the next four next year in the entrance examination.And another is located in the east side of the training organization staff, said,Currently contains aoshu content training course has been closed for months,But still acceptable registration,The end of this month or early next month is expected to start may continue to recruit students.


“教材题目就是 "Materials subject is

  典型的奥数试题” The typical Olympic math exam"


various"Expanding class""Quality class"The question is what is mathematical olympiad? Content?Through the reporters got in grade five special teaching materials and problem sets and"AoShuWang"Review and long endavors of contrast,Found including"Cows eat grass problem"/"The postman deliver letters stroke problem"/"Qiao skill anagrams"Etc topics include digital, exactly the same Settings.In view of this phenomenon,Reporter telephone counseling the Beijing normal university mathematics professor CaoYiMing teacher,The comparison of professor cao said:"The teaching materials and exercises is typical Olympic math exercises."


In view of the present mathematical olympiad in chi-mates training is still the problem of teaching,Professor cao told reporters,Although not exclude some more interested in mathematics,Or learning talent children can will aoshu as extracurricular expand to study,But according to the elementary student's age characteristic and the ability to see the problem analysis,90% of primary school children actually not suitable for learning mathematical olympiad,If another examinations do not explicitly stipulated does not contain Olympic math problems,To give students will cause certain burden,At the same time strike the students study mathematics confidence.


This articles/our trainee reporter were


Our reporter ZhaoYuanYuan Sue Ann


官方回应 The official response

  奥数兴趣班下月起可开办 Aoshu interest may be established next month

  但不得与升学挂钩 But not and bound hook


Yesterday reporter to the identity of the parents contacted the training institutions units in charge of the haidian district education commission,There are still training institutions in reflecting the intervention Mr After the training,Staff said,It will further attention.


Municipal education commission officials say,From August 29, to stop play involving Mr Training on October 31,,The entire city involves aoshu training must be suspended.At present,Each area county education commission of the ministry of commerce has and conduct joint law enforcement inspection,Focus on training institutions course requirements/advertising/Subject teachers/School management review.Municipal education commission officials said,The regulation,Cover all of public school/Private schools and social training institutions,Once found does and studies the hook,Will be implemented accountability,Serious processing,Never palliative.It is reported,The work is being done by the competent education run by the local people each district and county of education, deputy director of the lead,Private education section/Taught the department in/Studies department/Supervisory department and joint development.


Municipal education commission officials say,This city in October to completed preliminary management Olympic math scores and bound hook work,Management after completion of,Olympic math class can still set up programmes will form,But determined to not and bound hook.In order to ensure Olympic math scores in the process of study in complete failure,Municipal education commission will focus on promoting"another"Entrance way to reform,At present,Already started research more perfect admission policy.


业内说法 The statement

  为避检查 奥数改头换面 To avoid check aoshu change the appearance


One does not wish to disclose the name of the Olympic math training institutions responsible for the teacher said,Education commission issued suspended"Wade Mr"After training,The agency has"Olympic math class"Change the appearance,repackaging.Replaced aoshu training materials cover and brochure,Although the content or aoshu content,But no mention of"aoshu"Two words,Olympic math class also renamed"Mathematical thinking class"Such names.


According to reveal,suspended"Wade Mr"notice,Area county education commission has many times to institutions attachment Olympic math class.In addition,Before and after every summer and winter vacation;Meet media reports;Parents to report, etc,Education department will check more strict.The teacher thought,Another if no standards of admission,Mathematical olympiad will still and bound hook."Otherwise, primary school students in junior high school how to test,1 + 1 = 2 pupils will be,Do not look to give difference,High school or need by can distinguish between students level exam".


家长声音 Parents voice

  学奥数是为应付未来竞争 Learn to cope with mathematical olympiad is the future competition


interview,Reporter met in the competition outside the class children are waiting for the end of the class, Mr Xu.According to he introduced,He is in September this year to give yourself is read five grade daughter register to attend the training,At that time, Beijing has begun to stop mathematical olympiad.But in when signing up,Mr. Xu understanding to this class the professor's content and the original Olympic math contest questions are not significant.


Xu said,Although this year has been canceled aoshu game,But the child is interested in mathematics,And in the long run,Only by the textbook knowledge is not enough to cope with the coming studies and future performance competition.Started from last month,Have the parents have received training aoshu race course class and continue to notice,Many parents worry that their children once closed,Will fall behind the other children,So choose to continue to class.

奥数禁令未解禁培训已复燃 授课现场依然爆满 培训机构的奥数班广告从未取下摄影/本报记者陈柏(2 /2张) Training institutions Olympic math class advertising never take photography/our reporter ChenBai(2/2 zhang)
