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16个班10个女班长 男孩危机时代降临--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Original problem:16 class 10 monitress let boys shame ah!


Nine of helicopter was born in 50 people only 18 a boy"The boy crisis"age,Wrong age entrance feasible?

     “为什么我们孩子班里的班长是女生?”“男生的成绩怎么一直超不过女生?”很多家长对这一现象纳闷的同时也在担心 ,男生不如女生吗?10月16日,记者从小学到大学阶段对学生的成绩进行调查发现,岛城校园里确实出现了“阴盛阳衰”的情况,记者采访的东胜路小学,一共 16个班级里有 10个班都是女班长,在直升青岛9中的直升生名单中,50名各所初中的直升生里有 32名女生,18名男生;即使在大学的理工科专业,拿奖学金的也是女生远远高于男生。对此,北京大学的教育专家建议男女生“错龄上学”,而岛城的教育工作者多认为错龄入学不可行,男生成绩上比不过女生,家长和学生先别着急,教育专家认为,男生综合能力的培养更重要。 "Why do we children in the class monitor is a girl?""The boy result how has been super but girl?"A lot of parents to this phenomenon wonder at the same time in the worry ,Boys than girls?On October 16,,Reporters learned from the university stage to student's result survey found,Located in the campus do appear"Yin flourishes while Yang declines"situation,Reporter the interview win east road primary school,A total of 16 class has 10 class are monitress,The helicopter in helicopter Qingdao and born in the list,50 the junior high school life of the helicopter has 32 girls,18 boys;Even in the university of science and engineering major,A scholarship is the girl far higher than that of male students.this,Beijing university education expert advice boys and girls"Wrong age to go to school",Located and the education workers thought that wrong age entrance not feasible,The boy scores than but girls,Parents and students first don't worry,Education experts say,The boy cultivate comprehensive ability is more important.


小学 女孩普遍比男孩吃香 Primary school girls than boys in general


We elected the monitor will choose a group is conspicuous/Speak boldly children.Girls language expression ability,Class active hands up,And execution pretty good also,Compared with the teacher kiss,So monitress many.


On October 16,,A boy's parents reflect to the reporter,His children always when not on the monitor,The reason is monitress various are excellent,"Feeling now teachers like to choose girls as our monitor,My child learning is very good,Is naughty some."This name parents also told reporters,His colleagues in the son,Also there are few cadres on duty,Why did the boy in elementary school so don't dominate?


In view of this famous long question,The reporter interviewed located a few primary school teacher.Yanerdao road primary school guidance director told reporters:"Elementary school,Girls generally more obedient,In the discipline/Finish the homework, etc are better than the boys."Ningxia road second primary school a teacher said,Especially the elementary school lower grade,The girl performance more grab an eye,The boy and the girl's different characteristics,Expression must also different,So for boys and girls of the evaluation should be worth school and teachers in-depth study.


And in the east - road primary school,The school a total of 16 class,There are 10 class monitor is a girl."This also can't say Yin flourishes while Yang declines,But the primary and junior high school girls are more self-discipline,So better management,The boy of course also have self-discipline,But in terms of relative girl,Self-discipline of boy is less.Our monitor is the class teacher according to the comprehensive ability of the selected,Junior male monitor some more,Our school grade 5/6 grade are girls as our monitor."The teacher told reporters,For boys and girls about developmental research in brain research is based on,There are several national key laboratory in to do the research.According to the research results,For boys and girls in the same age stage,The girl to be more mature some."We elected the monitor will choose a group is conspicuous/Speak boldly children.Girls language expression ability,Class active hands up,And execution pretty good also,Compared with the teacher kiss,So monitress many."


初中50个直升名额里32名女生 Junior high school 50 helicopter in the quota thirty-two girl


As children age,The boy's potential will also gradually uncovered,Especially science,Early start from,The boy in the science performance is the grab an eye,The third day,Top student was often the boy more some.But the girl overall is rather than the boys.


In 2012 in Qingdao no. 2 helicopter was born in the list,The reporter sees,From Qingdao city four area each secondary schools helicopter to Qingdao 2 of the 100 students,There are fifty-five are girls.And in helicopter Qingdao 9 of the helicopter was born in the list,50 the junior high school life of the helicopter has 32 girls.


Primary school girls in school performance grab an eye,Qingdao 2 and 9 Qingdao the helicopter is born in the list"Yin flourishes while Yang declines",so,Junior high school girls and boys' situation is like?


Qingdao and vice President of the LinBo told reporters,Junior high school boys and girls in the performance difference is not big,The mainest is physical difference,The boy in the psychological age generally no girl more mature,Sometimes between male and female students still have conflicts."The teachers in our school,In some individual education time,Can consider to men and women living mental aspects of the development.

  青岛44中的范老师告诉记者,学校各个班级里,女班长比男班长要多,不过原因并不是因为女生的成绩好,班长也不一定是学习成绩最好的那一位。“女生比较稳当 、细心,男生就比较调皮,有时候让人不放心,所以老师们选班长都愿意找各方面能力强,有威信又细心的女生。”范老师说,“随着孩子年龄增长,男孩的潜力也会渐渐发掘出来,尤其是理科,从初二开始,男孩在理科方面的表现就比较抢眼了,到了初三,尖子生往往也是男生更多一些。但女生总体是要强过男生的。”

Qingdao 44 of the fan teacher told reporters,Each school in the class,Female than male to monitor the monitor,But reason not because the girl's result,The monitor is not necessarily the best grades one."Girl is safe /careful,The boy is naughty,Sometimes make people don't trust,So teachers choose monitor are willing to find various aspects ability,Have authority and careful girl."Fan teacher said,"As children age,The boy's potential will also gradually uncovered,Especially science,Early start from,The boy in the science performance is the grab an eye,The third day,Top student was often the boy more some.But the girl overall is rather than the boys."


For helicopter born list girls than boys situation,The reporter understands,Qingdao 9 in the standard of the helicopter,Will organize the student to carry on the written examination,In junior high school mathematics discipline knowledge, etc.And in the written examination aspects,Girls than boys must be strong,So the helicopter was born in the list"Yin flourishes while Yang declines".


高中 高考阶段男女差距不大 High school college entrance examination stage gaps between men and women


Common study of words girls than boys predominate,Because the girl is meticulous,But the boy at senior high school/three,Concentration can also reflected,A girl and catch up with the potential,To the university entrance exam when,The difference between male and female students have very small.


Generally think that boy in elementary school/Junior middle school's performance than girls outline difference,But in the high school stage,The boy potential will be reflected,Even run faster than girls.Is such a situation?


The reporter understands,This year the university entrance exam,The 4 areas inside city science high score is 712 points,Get a high score is Qingdao 2 and 9 of the two girls,Qingdao 2 JiaLin is the tsinghua university chemistry and chemical industry institute of a teacher in charge teacher zhang said,He took the professional although it is science and engineering,The number of girls is not less,40 individual class girl 16,Although the number as more than boys,But the girl was strong results."Our class in the top ten girls have six,The first is the girl."


Qingdao university of science and technology of China institute of science and technology professional setting mostly for machinery/Chemical engineering,College three level department of the men and women living scale up to four:1,College counselors to reporter wang made a list of scholarship,"Our institute of professional girls rarely,Want to see results look at the girl and the proportion of scholarship it."Teacher wang said,By comparison he found,Two grade were 75 girls,The contestant scholarship girl number had reached 65,The girl scholarship in the proportion of close to 90%.


观点男生不如女生家长先别急 View the boys as girls parents first don't worry


At present our country social or male dominated,The boy in school performance is better than girls,Does not mean the future won't succeed,And the current social situation,Successful men than women are more easy to implement.


A boy parents eyes stared at his son's grades super girl but worried,The teacher suggested that these parents to the king:"Don't be impatient."

  “目前我国的社会还是男性占主导地位,男生在上学时成绩不如女生,不意味着今后不会成功,而且目前的社会现状中,男性成功也比女性更容易实现。”王老师说,部分家长仍然是一种传统的观念,对男孩的期待很高,认为自家孩子成绩一定要优秀,王老师认为这是一个误区。“其实,家长们更应该看重孩子长远发展的能力,而不是一时的学习成绩,所以,家长不能单纯对学习成绩提出高要求 。家长发现男生成绩不如女生,应该激发男孩更长远的志向,让他们对未来树立信心。在传统的学习方面男孩可能不及女生,但是他们的创造、创新、动手能力要比女生强,在男孩的成长过程中,家长更应该培养男孩的综合能力。”

"At present our country social or male dominated,The boy in school performance is better than girls,Does not mean the future won't succeed,And the current social situation,Successful men than women are more easy to implement."Teacher wang said,Some parents is still a traditional ideas,To the boy's expectations are high,Think oneself child achievement must be excellent,Teacher wang think this is a misunderstanding."In fact,Parents should place greater value on children long-term development ability,But is not the for a while learning achievement,so,Parents can't simply put forward high request to academic performance .Parents found the boy scores than girls,Should arouse boy more long-term ambition,Let them for future build confidence.In the traditional learning boy may be less than girls,But their creation/innovation/Beginning ability strong than female students,The boy on the growth process,Parents should cultivate boy more comprehensive ability."


During the university,Also appear girls do better in boys,The boy and how to grow?Teacher wang said:"The university stage although have grown up,But the campus it is quite simple,The girls by studying hard will still do well.But at this stage,The boy should have clear the ambition,The boy should have the pioneering consciousness,Public affairs to also should have certain participation,Such as to take part in student community organization/Social practice activities."Teacher wang said,When the boy's comprehensive ability training up,Enter the society after male leading ability is gradually revealed itself."So during the school boys than girls performance,Parents first don't worry."


观点交锋 View aircraft


错龄上学?多数教育工作者不看好 Wrong age to go to school?Most education workers don't value


September this year,Beijing university professor wu will tiger in micro bo published on view,That boy should be later than girls entrance."In view of the children's intelligence development of men and women at different speeds,Boy's common later than girls 2 years,Gay children have developmental differences,So the national unified regulation 7 years old children of men and women in violation of education law school.Suggest girl can be in 6 ~ 7 annual income study,The boy can be in 7 ~ 8 annual income study.Now the university admissions girls generally high scores than male ones,Need to reflect on."In the subsequent a reply to the Internet in micro bo,Wu will tiger said,In the same grade,Girl 5 annual income study/Boy 8 annual income study,More suitable for both sides get along with.Wu will tiger this view,Quickly on the network to form the hot topics.The vast majority of users to wu will tiger views are not special support,Netizens think,"Early admission also have good grades,Late admission also have learning achievements are bad.Each child's talent and preschool family education at different levels,So cannot treat as the same physiological age."Even some in favor of point of view,Also think wu will tiger train of thought is very good,But wrong age not feasible.


Qingdao 44 of the principal MaPengYe think,Wrong age entrance way is not feasible."There is something wrong age to go to school,But the rise not feasible.If the will certainly bring a series of operation problem,If the boys late one to three years admission,Also late one to three years into the kindergarten,Or is much more kindergarten for several years.Most parents certainly won't be willing,Now a lot of parents wanted to give their children can advance admission.And to the junior stage,The general boy are catching up with,Not more than their peers weak girl."MaPengYe told reporters,If the 6 year old boy see and his contemporaries girls go to school,Because you don't have your own normal entrance,Must generate question,Even produce self-abased psychology.Qingdao and vice President of the LinBoZe think,Wrong age entrance point of view is not"By spectrum","There is no such legal support,Must implement don't get up,And the boys came to after junior high school,Potential slowly began to show up."


Qingdao city education bureau of the relevant person in charge told reporters:"Law is 6 years old entrance,Small a month all not line,This 6 years old entrance is after many years of practice,And after a lot of famous experts of the argument,Primary school education is compulsory,Parents should in the legal age to send their children to school.Wu will tiger point of view is a person point of view,But not universal."The person in charge told reporters,To acquire high school,Basic education a total of 12 years,Their peers in high school boys and girls all aspects of development is about,The university entrance exam without too much difference.
