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具体执行上仍存问题 老师:性教育,怎么教?--亲稳网络舆情监测室


The ministry of education announced kindergarten/Primary and middle school teachers' professional standards,Requires teachers to respect students' personality,Elementary school teachers should understand sex education


This month 13,The national ministry of education website[The nursery teacher professional standard(trial)]/[Elementary school teachers' professional standards(trial)]and[Middle school teachers' professional standards(trial)],The three sets of standard positioning for countries to kindergarten and primary and secondary schools qualified teachers professional basic requirements,Is a teacher to carry out education of the teaching work of the basic norms,Is teacher training/access/training/Assessment is an important basis of the link.

一个学生全班批 老师教育没问题? A student of the class teacher education no problem?? ?? ?


Reporter noticed,The three sets of standard are mentioned will protect students' life safety in the first place,Teachers should respect students personality,Don't irony/sarcasm/discrimination/The corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms students.At the same time,In elementary school teachers' professional standard,There were clear requests the teacher to understand pupils as adolescence and sexual health education knowledge and method.


In recent years,Students' safety incidents,"Infant sex education"and"The school security"Become a public concern hot spot,Countries on the teachers' professional standard means to the attention of the relevant problems.Reporter in the quizzed the teacher/Parents and education experts to understand after,Although the society to"Sex education"and"Students' safety"The importance of the common understanding,But in the concrete operation on execution still exists many problems.


关键词:性教育 keywords:Sex education


学生面对侵犯伤害 Students in the face of the infringement of damage


小学教师要懂应对 Elementary school teachers should understand to deal with


In recent years,"The teacher obscene girl"incidents,It makes"Infant sex education"and"Infant sex safety"Problems have been public concern.


The ministry of education issued[Elementary school teachers' professional standards(trial)]Explicitly stipulated in the:"Primary school teacher to understand to pupils as adolescence and sexual education knowledge and method,Understand pupil safety knowledge,Master in primary school students may appear all kinds of infringement and damage behavior of the prevention and way to deal with."


The provisions of the state that child sex education problem getting attention.And in the interview process,Reporter discovery,Most parents and teachers to have common consensus,But for how to carry out the sex education there is still worry.


家长:孩子青春期提前 需要懂得性知识 parents:Children need to understand early puberty sexual knowledge


Live in great luck or blessing road ms Yang told reporters,Her daughter five grade first came to"Official holiday",But because of the lack of knowledge,Don't know this is normal physiology phenomenon,Ms. Xiuzhu daughter thought he was ill,Alone try so hard for several days,Just XiangYang lady"For help".


Ms. Xiuzhu said:"Now living conditions well,Children eat very nutritious,Adolescence compared to us that the time for several years in advance,Many girls at level five or six years came"Official holiday",But because of the absence of sex knowledge,Don't know how to handle and maintain."Ms. Xiuzhu think,The elementary school senior children simple sexual education is necessary."Especially for the girl is more important,Otherwise by sexual assault you don't understand."


Guan city Mr Shang have also agreed,But for how to develop sex education,Quotient sir think"Is a difficult problem":"My son elementary school sixth grade,Sometimes he would ask me the human body structure/The men and women don't sort of problem,We parents only know the basic physiological health knowledge,Also don't know how to use the right methods with his explanation."


Quotient sir think,If the school the teacher will teach them knowledge,Will have even more professional,Also can better guide the child.


老师:性教育很重要 但不知该如何教 The teacher:Sex education is very important but didn't know how to teach


In the interview process,Almost all of the primary school teachers all think that the elementary school senior students teach simple sexual knowledge is very important,Many teachers say:"Adolescence children in physiological and will have a lot of change,This will lead to their psychological and emotional produce fluctuation,Appropriate sex education for both the child's health or mental state is good."


But the reporter understands,At present the dongguan most primary school did not open about sex education curriculum.


Hope cattle pier cultivation primary school principals nelson chow told reporters,The school has set up"Science class",But the main is taught/animals/Content such as natural,Did not involves men and women physiological knowledge.


Tigers foreign language school teacher also said,The school to the elementary school higher grades of students with mental set tutorial,But does not teach puberty sexual knowledge.


Many school teachers are reflected,Although everyone has realized that sex education important,But as a result of primary school teacher absence of sex education professional training,Countries also have this aspect of unified teaching materials,so"Don't know how to teach".


关键词:体罚 keywords:Corporal punishment


不得讽刺挖苦体罚学生 Not sarcasm the corporal punishment student


The above three sets of standard of specific provision,Teachers should respect students personality,Protect students' legal rights,Equal treatment to every student,Don't irony/sarcasm/Discrimination students,Not the corporal punishment or the corporal punishment student in disguised form.And in the interview process,For the problem of education way,Parents and teachers have different opinions.


赞:靠“动手”管学生的老师无能 praise:by"begin"Pipe the student's teacher can


Many parents think,No matter what the children make wrong,Should use corporal punishment ways of dealing with.


"Children must be have this or that kind of wrong,If all obedient and don't need the teacher taught."A WuXing parents say,"Students not obedient,Teachers should communicate/More reasonable,Optional hands or take language violence will be to the child body and mind damage."


Donghua kindergarten teacher to think how,As a teacher,The first condition is to have love/Have patience."The students made a mistake,Not simple mishandled,Thinking to find the right/Effective education mode,Want to rely on begin to let the child obey teacher is incompetent/unqualified."


According to what the teacher said,In the dongguan many schools,The teacher the corporal punishment student or insult students,Cause bad influence will be severely punished even fire.


弹:无强制措施管不住“淘气包” bomb:No compulsory measures not tube"trouble"


interview,There is also a small part of their parents think that,The teacher when necessary for students in similar make stand as punishment/Rebuke and education mode can be allowed.


"My child was skin,Love make trouble,At home we have not tube,‘Of military force to solve’Will convergence point,If the school the teacher can't play can't scold,That he had to turn the days."A 28-year-old parents say.


Part of the teachers also said,If meet"trouble"Type students,Really will be very headache."Some parents send children over time will be told us,Said if the child not obedient though dozen/Although scold,Must we help cure bad habit,This also let us very embarrassed."Donghua kindergarten a teacher says.


Interview have teacher reflect,Although not corporal punishment,But the teaching process will take short time make stand as punishment, etc to let the students know error."If a compulsory measures are not,It is difficult to control naughty students."


专家:学生犯错 先“冷处理”再“热关心” experts:Students make mistakes first"Cold treatment"then"Hot concern"


Senior education workers/Preschool education experts HeFang think,Corporal punishment/Speech sarcasm students are not respect the child personality reflect,Will hurt the child's self-esteem,Also can affect a child's confidence,To a child's growth is very adverse.


"For special naughty children,If simple mishandled,Very easy to arouse their produce negative mentality,So meet this kind of student must have the patience,To analysis the reason of students make mistakes,According to students' individual character/Characteristics to adopt suitable education mode."


HeFang Suggestions,The teacher in the student met often teach not to change,Can try first"Cold treatment"/then"Hot concern"way."After a child makes a mistake,Give him to stipulate truth,He didn't hear,In a certain time‘apathy’To him,Let he realized that his behavior will not be around identity;He realized that after fault,Then give care and guidance."(Reporter YuLiPing)

  (广州日报 喻莉萍)

(Guangzhou daily YuLiPing)
