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In recent years,Along with the college entrance examination enrollment year by year,The number of the university more and more,But now after 90 college students to"Why go to college"But little firm the answer.recently,Information times joint jinan university public opinion research center is"Contemporary college students' life and mental status of guangzhou"Make a survey questionnaire and analysis,Conjoint analysis interview after 40 to 90 after several generations of students,from"Why do we go on to college""The university bring us"Several problems,Found that different s of college students on the purpose of university has a significant change,With all my heart from the national construction to contribute for find a good job to make their own free development,Generations of students are given their different but intentions clear answer.


当代大学生:超七成无明确目标 Contemporary college students:Super seventy percent without clear objectives


recently,Jinan university public opinion research center is"Contemporary college students' life and mental status of guangzhou"Do a detailed questionnaire survey,the,Accept investigation of guangzhou university undergraduate students reading a total of 191 valid samples,it"The cause of the college","The most close to university impression of film and television works","University first impression","Professional choice is the primary factor"Problems, such as making questionnaire survey and analysis.


According to the results of the survey,79.6% of the students said in an interview on university is in order to improve the comprehensive ability of the individual,66% of the people who chose to obtain a higher degree,This shows that the contemporary college students read after 90 university more is for personal development,A strong purpose and self pursuit;In the professional selection,40.2% of the people who chose to personal interest is given priority to,This shows that after the 90 students in the professional choice or in the individual interest as the leading factor,Independently choose their favorite professional;In college life,65.2% of the students chose"learning"This option,Now that most of the college students is still learning as the focal point,But there are also many students in the entertainment and sleep, etc spent some time and energy;In the future planning,73.3% of the students said only a rough idea,And no very clear objectives.


五个时代的大学梦 Five times university dream


40后:为好“出身”为“回城梦” After 40:For good"born"for"Returned dream"

  1958年“大跃进”时期,当时中央提出 “鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义”的总路线,上大学机会骤然增加,大批工农兵子女借上大学延续其“好”出身。而到了文革时期,高考停止,大批上山下乡的知识青年也渴望通过免试上大学,重回城市,改变命运。

In 1958,"Great leap forward"period,At that time the central proposed "Go all out,Aim high,Better, faster and more land-saving construction of socialism"'s general line,University of the opportunity to increase abruptly,A large number of workers and peasants and soldiers by their children go to college continue its"good"born.And the cultural revolution,The university entrance exam to stop,A large number of working in the rural or mountainous area of knowledge youth also eager to through an exemption in college,To return to the city,Change destiny.


"Half the people will pass the college entrance examination"


Uncle wang,Born in 1940,1958 take an examination of south China university of technology predecessor


In 1958"Great leap forward"That year,Guangzhou people uncle wang went to the south of south China university of technology, formerly of cellulose chemistry professional.Uncle wang memories,"Great leap forward"When the chance of entering a university many,At that time and his examination of university high school classmates together a lot,And there are more than half of will pass the college entrance examination.Uncle wang's family background belong to at that time"better"The workers and peasants and soldiers,"Countries in college admission when children from the workers and peasants and soldiers tilt,I can't‘waste’his‘born’Not to go to college."


After college,According to the national policy,Uncle wang monthly can obtain 10.5 yuan country grants,He is very satisfied,"It can solve me a month to eat the problem,At that time the family only 9 yuan monthly wages,Very poor,This is also I think one of the reasons for the college."


"Guangzhou medical college can only choose back to guangzhou"


Hair doctor,Born in 1951,In 1974, take an examination of guangzhou medical college


Hair doctor is uncle wang lover,She during the cultural revolution on the university.but,During the cultural revolution,College entrance examination has been abolished,Only junior high school graduation hair doctor is an exemption direct reading university,She to the choice of university to whether can return distribution as the first consider conditions,therefore,She gave up her fame's largest zhongshan school of medicine,Choose guangzhou medical college,Reason is that she heard that zhongshan medical school graduates employment to the national distribution,Guangzhou medical college can be back to guangzhou distribution of employment.


50后、60后:一颗红心,报效祖国 After 50/After 60:A red heart,Contributing to our country


The winter of 1977,China closed 11 years in college entrance examination gate finally open again,Of 5.7 million candidates such as GuoJiangZhiJi way flocked to the examination room.This is the history of the republic of the only a winter the university entrance exam.The size of this year's college entrance examination,Accumulation too many expectations,This is a national the thirst for knowledge,Is a national age inflection point.


"At that time is China to rise books"


Mr. Zhang,Born in 1956,In 1978 HuaShiDa take an examination


From guangzhou Mr Produce was born in 1956,Ten years after the cultural revolution,In 1977 the first college entrance examination,Because did not pass the exams like professional,The second years continue to attend the university entrance exam,The result of guangdong province in the top ten,Because of some common cause,Be back tracking to south China normal university department of mathematics,22 years old at the time.


"I went to college in a factory before work,Take a piece of the salary of a month,At that time I will think of my ability is far more than in this factory work.I attend the university entrance exam is to find a good job,Let his own social level and social status can be improved."Mr. Zhang said.


Mr. Zhang told reporters,At that time college entrance examination enrollment very little,University education which is a real elite education,Finish college will automatically become"National cadre".


"We were poor condition of school teaching,Accommodation difference,But you almost all of the time was spent in the classroom/The library,Spell the life to put delay ten years time rob back,What we had nothing,Than is who study well.We were really is‘China to rise books’,No personal ideal,After graduation is waiting for national distribution,Hope to be able to change the country's poor appearance."


When it comes to 90 now college students after,Mr. Zhang think,Now many students before because the university entrance exam of university don't understand,To professional don't understand,The university stage in a daze,And now the university popularization also resulted in today's college students are gold content greatly reduced.


70后:享受学习,“光耀门楣” After 70:Enjoy learning,"Lintel radiance"


In 1978,,The market economy development,In the transformation period of university campus become learning the holy land,Enjoy learning at the same time,College students passionately to pursue personal value realization.


"Heavy center learning become a kind to enjoy"


Ms. Li,Born in 1970,In 1989, take an examination of huaiyin normal college

  1989年,高考期间,因严重生病影响了发挥的李女士,最终只考上了大专。“不过当时还是高兴坏了, 高考是千军万马过独木桥,能上大学就等于拿到了铁饭碗,加上想离家远一点,见识外面的世界。” 19岁的李女士义无返顾地踏上了大学之路。

In 1989,,During the college entrance examination,For serious illness affected play ms. Li,Finally only admitted to the college."But at that time or pleased bad, The university entrance exam is an army a wooden bridge,To go to university is equal to getting a iron rice bowl,Add to a bit far from your home,See the world outside." At the age of 19 ms lee threw on the university road.


She said,Want to learn/Love learning is the mainstream thought."When communication is not so developed today,Not so many outside temptations.Settling down to study become a kind to enjoy."


"really‘Lintel radiance’the"


Mr. Chu,Born in 1972,In 1990, take an examination of shaoguan college


Mr. Chu 1990 to become the first college in the village."Then thinks is to study well,Have learned something,Just rightness get family of hard to pay."Thought very simple,Read only sage with books,Two ear not smell things outside the window.A senior,Against his own knowledge,Mr. Chu to buy all kinds of parts,For home assembly a TV set.This event to declare the in the whole village.So far,Mr. Chu still think that is the most proud of their university things,The university let him really"Lintel radiance"the.


80后:就为找份体面工作 After 80:To find a decent job


In 1996,,Higher education implementation and the recruitment of students,College tuition began to increase.In 1997,,China's higher school recruitment of students and the unified implement,All implemented higher education charge system,"Free lunch"no.In 2000,,Has been by the state"turnkey"The normal major also execute collect fees,Recruitment of students and the complete reform.


Do not pack the distribution,Tuition rose by,Enrollment and the."When we are reading,Compulsory education also to pay tuition;When we graduate,The university don't pack distribution;When we work,Spell dad era;When we when buying a house,Soaring house prices have started to."Social transition,This sentence in"After 80"Intermediate popular word,Reflect their voice.


"Not going to college would be laughed at"


Small new,Born in 1987,In 2005, take an examination of guangdong college


Small new is guangdong college graduates of 2009.Speaking of"Why go to college?"Small new smile to say,Reading university is a very normal matter."From nearby of the brother and sister,All the people in the entrance examination of university as the goal,Seem to take an examination of the university is a bad child."


In zhanjiang grew up small new say they never thought not going to college."One year I failed,Will you take the exam a year.Then we feel,Only go to college to find a decent job.Don't read university man can do small business,Will be laughed at,Look down on."


To look back his university life,Small new so summarizes,"Rich and colorful,A full."She laughingly called,Although the competition is more intense than ever before of college students,But university life has enriched the many,"We is full of youthful vigor of the new generation,Ha ha."


90后:大学是自由的战场 After 90:University is the battlefield of freedom


In recent years,College entrance examination admission average rate to rise gradually,National ministry of education policy even brake system crazy wind of enrollment.In 2012 the number of college entrance examination to enter oneself for an examination to drop,Acceptance rates at the top colleges were approaching the national average of 80%.Reporter survey found,After today's 90 on the purpose of university has the following several types.


Thought independent model:The most main is to study person


"I go to college the most primary purpose is to attain the undergraduate course diploma,This is the most basic,Is the social reality requirements,But now I find that I read the university to learn the main person,Second is to learn professional knowledge."From guangdong province shantou 90 college students after XiaoZou said.


"In college I inside a lot of time on the community of activities,So learn to is the truth that be an upright person.For example, some of the very real sense:‘Speaking skills is to listen to’/‘Eloquence is not only stay in to talk’And so on used to hear but not really understand the truth,Are my university life in the society."XiaoZou think,Learning professional knowledge just second,The main or through the university learning exercise his work attitude.


Have goals have planned:Big will determine the direction of the future


Speaking of it has been nearly three-quarters of university life,Currently studying jinan university business management specialized junior little kay said and I have no regrets.A big,Because not sure his future want to do,Kai frequently take part in all kinds of social organizations activities,But at the end of a freshman,Find myself is not suitable for management class work,Don't want to have after nine to five white-collar life.So in a sophomore,Kai joined the guangzhou newspaper playfully campus journalists group,Also strengthened do reporters goal.


"In my opinion,The university is just a kind of experience process,University can teach your professional knowledge is not much,More is that you want to learn,Can self-study,I remember one of Hong Kong famous talk-show host said:The university college than not the only advantage,You on the four years of college you will know why the university is useless.It sounds funny,In fact is not without reason."Little kay said:"From campus to the society is need a transition,And the university has largely responsible for this transition,One foot on campus,The other foot slowly to the society."


No planned:"The university in order to delay the employment"


After 90 trabecular enrolled in this Japanese professional.For her,The university can mean delay employment,Don't like some elementary school and junior high school students to the factory jobs.But now to her own surprise,After entering university but he himself completely the decadent,Mention ideal,"Become before,Thinking of studying abroad,Find a high-paying job a career."But now,She said she completely without planning,Only expect to have see the movie/novel,Find a family work will be satisfied."


Nibble at the old type:"work,Uncle help fix"


Studying guangdong a 2 college sophomore international financial professional but the treasure to the university has also explain.About the university entrance exam,The treasure appear very indifference,"My mother to help me to enter oneself for an examination the,So I went to the test."He said,Although since the childhood has always been very good results,But for reading is extremely antipathy,The university is to get rid of the pain of parents and high school life.The past this year,The treasure said its own basic didn't take the class seriously,Is the school all kinds of competition and community activities.


In the eyes of the treasure,The university nothing more than three things:Fall in love/Internet/friends.On his future work are also not worry,"Parents are the members of the bank,Uncle or management,All agreed on the,Starting from the counter,No problem."


专家观点 Expert view


90后烙上了钱权时代印记 After 90 branded with the using time stamp


For different times,Different college motivation,Long-term study education and psychological experts/South China normal university professor ZhangMin strong said,Different age,Appear different thoughts change is reasonable,The key lies in each person's learning and independent thinking,Only to improve their ability to comply with the development of The Times.

  北京大学社会学教授夏学銮表示,针对不同年代上大学的目的调查对当代大学教育是具有重要参考意义的,尤其对当代的90后具有促进意义。夏学銮认为,每个时代学生上大学的目的,因为个人动机千差万别 ,但是一定也受到其特定的时代精神和时代文化的影响。

Beijing university professor of sociology XiaXueLuan said,According to different s on the purpose of university survey on contemporary university education is a important reference significance,Especially for contemporary after 90 has promote meaning.XiaXueLuan think,Every age on the purpose of university students,Because personal motivation differ in thousands ways ,But must also by its special time spirit and the cultural influence.


A long-term work in university psychology professor said,A age have a the branding of the ages,This understandable.Now the purpose of college students' pursuit of knowledge are changed,More zone on color fame and wealth,Even students has become a fame and wealth for field,Money become an important factor affecting the university students' values,Though this is the features of The Times,But as for educators,I hope in the pure under the influence of age,Students can also have some own pursuit.


“全民教育”令竞争压力过大 "Universal education"Make competition stress


Famous education scholars/The 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi analysis,Former college students' test is in order to change fate,Not only that,In the 80 s, college students have the grand ideals and social sense of responsibility and the sense of mission.Now the goal is not so obvious."Exam-oriented education under,Everyone in order to impact school,After the 90 basic seldom have their own after school life,Cast up various types of training,Few playmates.Unlike the older generation,Learning with only hobby."XiongBingJi said.


In addition,XiongBingJi think,Now university enrollment expanding,Is no longer ago elite education,And tend to be more"Universal education",On the university of rate of return than before,This will lead to competition let today's college students have to utility."In the 1980 s of college students are almost‘An unusually lucky person’,Even bus can priority.Now university serious grading,University identity is not identity,Degree discrimination also have.In a multiple choice of premise,Once the utilitarian goal can not reach,Students will naturally produce anxiety.

  熊丙奇建议,新生代的90后要有自我规划意识,正在迷途的孩子应该重新为自己定位,自我负责。90后的大学生也要有理想,不要失去向上的毅力,做好规划。另外,广东外语外贸大学新闻传播学院党委书记孔晓明建议,万一考了一个不喜欢的专业,可以选择第二专业,或者是选择自己感兴趣的选修课来补足,或者是考一个跨专业的研究生,总之混日子是绝对不可取的。专题撰文信息时报记者 徐心欣 高金花 邝凝丹 通讯员 李桂钦 欧阳凯

XiongBingJi Suggestions,The new generation after 90 to have self planning consciousness,Are lost children should be again for his position,Self is responsible for.After 90 college students will have ideal,Don't lose upward perseverance,Do planning.In addition,Guangdong university of foreign studies college of news dissemination secretary of the party committee KongXiaoMing Suggestions,One thousand take an examination of a don't like professional,Can choose the second major,Or select what he is interested in elective course to make up,Or take an examination of a cross major graduate student,In a word drone is absolutely not advisable.Writing project information times XuXinXin GaoJinHua kwong setting Dan correspondent LiGuiQin OuYangKai
