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申请公开微笑局长工资大学生:敢做出头鸟的太少刘艳峰,申请“微笑局长”工资公开当事人,三峡大学经管学院行政管理专业大二学生。 LiuYanFeng,application"Smiling chief"Salary open the parties,Three gorges university collegue administrative management professional sophomore.申请公开微笑局长工资大学生:敢做出头鸟的太少漫画:朱慧卿 comic:ZhuHuiQing


recently,with"Smiling chief"/Shaanxi province administration of production safety supervision and former head of the advancement of YangDaCai events,For application for public YangDaCai wage three gorges university collegue administrative management professional sophomore LiuYanFeng,Also was gradually known to the public.now,YangDaCai have been related department to initiate an investigation,LiuYanFeng goal still has not been realized.


"I will continue to chase them down."a,LiuYanFeng in accepting the China youth daily reporter to interview said,Although the odds may not,But he will continue through the way of administrative litigation,Will apply for public YangDaCai wage it on.He said,said"S rafter first rotten",We present one of the social problems,is"S rafter"Too little.We can't always used to give up their rights,You can't always get social change good blame to others.

大学生要求公开微笑局长工资 College students' requirements public smile director salary? ?? ?


真正看到拒绝公开的决定,心里还是有些小伤感与小失落 Really see refuses to open decision,Heart or some small sad with small loss


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


Why do you want to apply to the relevant departments of public YangDaCai wages?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


And most people,I first also because of YangDaCai in yenan"6 · 26"Jumbo road traffic accident scene uncovering"untimeliness"smile,Did not notice this matter.Remember first net friend of human flesh out YangDaCai have five pieces of watch,He also said the public response to the 5 watch is to use their savings to buy more than ten years.Along with the net friend will he wear watch a photo of the post,The watch was found from 5 block number to 11 block,This explanation is some say no past.Ten piece watch,Little say that also have dozens of millions of yuan,The money where it is,Should give the public a replacement.The best way,Revelation is to pay,Use the fact to speak.


Before submitting your application,I have to check it[On the disclosure of government information].[regulations]provisions,An administrative organ may not open involving state secrets/Business secret/Individual privacy of government information.Officials pay does not belong to the state secrets will not belong to personal privacy,This worldwide are already is consensus,It makes me feel behavior have legal support.


On September 1,,According to the prescribed format I write the government information openness application,In the afternoon by express mail is sent to the shaanxi provincial department of finance and safety supervision bureau of shaanxi province.On September 18,,I just received the shaanxi provincial department of finance staff telephone,Said reply was sent.On September 20th,I received the shaanxi provincial department of finance reply.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


They reply is refused to open it?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


Application was refused to,Actually I have a certain psychological preparation.But really see refuses to open decision,Heart or some small sad with small loss.I have ever wish application can be relevant department to accept,Because I think it is a government honest in the face of public performance.A government department only honest in the face of public question,To win public support and trust.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


According to the report,You have been formally charged shaanxi relevant departments as not.Why did you choose administrative lawsuit this road?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


Don't deceive you to say,After receiving refused to open the information notice,My head is completely put in.Although in books understand relevant procedure,But the actual meet,Still don't know what to do.So I can send a micro bo,Wrote to help.Didn't expect,Micro bo was just sent out soon,There are many lawyers/Scholars active contact me,Give me ideas.


Actually at that time in the administrative litigation and between the administrative reconsideration,I am relatively tendency of administrative reconsideration,Because the program is more simple,Can save a lot of trouble.But many lawyers and scholars from a professional point of view advised me,Best in administrative proceedings.


charges,Many people have asked me odds have how old.To tell you the truth,Odds should be relatively small.For application for public YangDaCai salary as a potential cut,If it was torn open,That may be spiralling out of control,Later for application for public officials pay will be more and more,Most officials pay also is no longer a secret.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


Do it,You think you paid what cost?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


I am a student,First of all, of course, is academic cost.Was originally reported that a few days,More than 200 home media are happening to me,Interview to.once,I'm from started at 2 PM,In the dormitory joint interview telephone,Until very late at night.Beginning is sitting joint,And then lay joint,Finally actually direct fell asleep,A sleep the next day at 11 o 'clock,Missed that morning classes.


It also brought a lot of economic cost.My family condition in general,Sometimes I want to,Isn't this play's doing odd jobs to turn an,At least can earn some money subsidies high telephone.But then gave up the idea.On the one hand, because in the school to participate in a lot of volunteer activities,Really don't have time to;On the other hand,I think,Compared to earn money,Do public benefit activities brought a sense of accomplishment and happiness more.


我越来越深信,权利是要靠自己争取的 I more and more believe that,Right is must depend on oneself fighting for


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


Parents know it?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


They seldom watch the news,Is also a few days ago just know.In this matter,I have been very guilty,Because intentionally from parents,Afraid they worry that.Parents know that news that night,Give me a call,Two people take turns to play,The bitter advised me not to the in hot pursuit,Fear will to me disadvantage.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


The teacher by your side/What is the students reaction?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


Mail the application three days after,Have students know this thing.Side most of the teacher/The students were very supportive,But it also said,Support can only be spiritual.


Some students had said to me,For application for public wages won't have good result,For a college student and a provincial departmental department,Like fine arms and legs bulky as,Arm always twist but thigh.The teacher and the students also worried about my safety problems.A specialized course teacher specialized talked with me,Let me don't grasp the,Lest bring security problems.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


Your micro bo has many message question you are in the hype.What do you think of these questions?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


Not only micro bo,My side also has many people this question.School BBS,Have students to post my behavior analysis and questioned.


Treat question,In general I don't do active response.Now is the diversified society,For any things,A question is very normal,I am not also a question is?I believe that,As long as I keep on doing it,And do public/transparent,Question will slowly disappear.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


When you apply for wages in the process of public,Who helped you?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


For I provide the most direct help,Is close to some public people,lawyers/scholars/Social celebrities.Through communicating with them/Work together,I got a lot of encouragement and advice.I also believe that more and more,Right is must depend on oneself fighting for,It also become I decided to apply for public officials pay important psychological resources.


The most impressed me is,Many ordinary people to spare no effort to support.once,I am in Beijing to participate in an activity,Interview phone too much,Two mobile phones owe the stop.When I take money to top up when,Found that,Two mobile phones unexpectedly each is imitation on the 100 yuan.My cell phone number only friends and relatives/Interviewed my reporters and communication more users know,I asked side of relatives and friends,Say no to me replenishing.Till now I don't know who is at that time for me the telephone charge.


习惯抱怨与谩骂的人多一个,用行动解决实际问题的人就会少一个 Used to complain and abuse people one more,Use action to solve practical problems would be less a


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


YangDaCai wages still has not publicly,You will also continue to chase them down?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


will.I am not completely with a cavity enthusiasm in doing this job,This process also has a lot of harvest.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


What are the harvest?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


I think the ability of dealing with strangers,Deal with all kinds of unexpected question ability,All have improved significantly.In accepting hundreds of media and the process of the communication with friends,I expressing ability also got fully exercise.


To me the biggest harvest,Or find a group of like-minded people.I used to feel side students participating in public affairs enthusiasm is not high,Or is home in the dormitory to play games,Either fall in love.But now,Some of the students did not previously know active sent SMS,I don't want to tell the idle,Want to do with meaningful things.now,I am in the school organization set up a name"Big not young"Volunteer organization,More than 20 members.Every week we will be fixed to a few public welfare projects.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


See your micro bo signature"If you think that the world is not fair,So please use your hands to change,Not with your mouth to complain!"This is your motto?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


It is my motto.I found,The society has such a phenomenon encounter problems,More and more people like to complain and even abuse,The real action to solve the problem of fewer and fewer people,Especially when the problem involved in their own interests,Really willing to give up the little benefit to change the current situation of the people is rare.


Take bus seat to say.Now many netizens like on the Internet to do not let people accused,The reality is this his when his seat,Often pretend not to see.For application for public officials pay too.Front of a computer screen,Many users see YangDaCai 11 block watch,Will be accused.But when need someone to apply for public pay,Many people are afraid that get in trouble,Don't want to stand up.


Used to complain and abuse people one more,Use action to solve practical problems would be less a.Ten thousand other complain all top one action,If we complain about social atmosphere pressure after a practical action atmosphere,so,By constantly complain and produce social rage will more and more heavy,By practical action to solve the problem of the atmosphere will be more and more weak,It will make the society to the brink.


中国青年报: The China youth daily:


As the saying goes,"S rafter first rotten".What do you think of?


刘艳峰: LiuYanFeng:


I have"S rafter"it,But you see,Not only I didn't"rotten",It appeared more"S rafter",Such as commerce chongqing university students to apply for public fujian communications department director LiDeJin wage/Nanjing university of posts and telecommunications students to apply for public guangzhou urban management bureau panyu substation commissar CaiBin wage, etc.


When they say to"S rafter"/"S bird"when,Most of the time with derogatory sense.But I think,Now society is bigger problems,Is to dare to do"S bird"People too little.The so-called citizen,Should be a combination of rights and obligations,But now,Renounce fall into a kind of social norm.For each of us people,Don't always get social change good blame to others.The law of rights,Can't put it there and gets the job done,And should use it,With their own actions to solve social problems/Improve the social status.


(Original title:LiuYanFeng:)
