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中国作协副主席何建明:中国强大,世界影响力提升 China's vice chairman of attracting HeJianMing:China's strong,The world increasing influence


HeJianMing said,This is happy mo yan,Is all Chinese contemporary writer's wedding.This is the dream of generations of Chinese writers!The Nobel Prize for literature awards committee will this awards mo yan,Not just to mo yan literary creation achievement affirmation,For more than one hundred years is the affirmation of the generation of Chinese writers,For Chinese contemporary literary affirmation,From a side, reflects the strength of the country and the world influential ascension.


[关于诺奖的两大疑问] [about the Nobel two big question]

  诺贝尔文学奖是如何评选出来的 The Nobel Prize in literature is how to list


From 200 was nominated the writer choose five places runoff,18 academicians takes three months after reading all works


First of all,Not anyone qualify as Nobel award nominee,Group the nomination and self application shall not be accepted.The prize nominees qualification is:(1) the Swedish college of liberal arts academician and is equivalent to the qualification of the member countries literary people;(2) the higher colleges and universities literature professor and professor of linguistics;(3) the Nobel Prize winner;(4) countries writers association President.


Each year on September,Ask for the nomination of next year the Nobel Prize candidate invitation sent to all over the world,In recent years the only prize each year more than 600 issued a invitation,Send countries related organizations and be think are eligible to nominate individuals.And this nomination mo yan is the winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize kenzaburo oe,Is a component.

  评奖机构瑞典文学院由18名终身任职的院士组成,他们精通英、法、德多门语言,都是著名作家和学者,其中包括历史学家及专业语言学家。曾任诺贝尔文学奖评委会主席长达17年的谢尔·埃斯普马克戏称,“我们这个俱乐部,18个人都是学养深厚、才智卓绝的大家,但也都是极其固执的老家伙,你以为其中一两位可以主导整个局面?不,他们绝对做不到! ”

Awards mechanism of Sweden by 18 lifelong employment of the academician composition,They speak English/method/DE several languages,All is a famous writer and scholar,Including historians and professional linguists.Once was appointed chairman of the Nobel literature prize for 17 years cher · ace general mark calls,"We this club,18 people are quite profound/Intelligence and tribulations of everyone,But also is extremely stubborn old man,Do you think that in them one can dominate the whole situation?Don't,They absolutely can't do! "

  据谢尔介绍:“每年诺贝尔文学奖初评委员会由院士中的5位组成,他们工作量巨大,要看很多作家的书,眼睛都快读伤了。自2月至5月,先从全球200位被提名作家中选出二十来人,5月底再筛选出5个决选名额,通常这5名作家来自不同国家,甚至不同大洲。 ”

Cher is introduced according to:"Every year the Nobel Prize for literature registration committee member by the five composition,Their huge workload,To see a lot of writer's books,Eyes are going to read hurt.Since February to may.,The first global 200 was nominated the writer choose two months,At the end of may to screen out five places runoff,Usually this 5 writer from different countries,Even different continents. "

  6月起,院士们开始放假,“看这5名作家的全部作品,成了18位院士整个夏天的‘暑假作业’,这5个名字,只有这18位读者知道,我们必须小心地守住秘密。当9月开会再聚时,所有院士都已看过作品了,经过3周激烈讨论,最后由全体院士投票决定今年的获奖者。 ”谢尔说。 (据南方人物周刊)

June,The academician start off,"Look at the five writer of all works,Become 18 academicians of the summer‘Summer homework’,The five name,The only 18 reader know,We must be careful to keep secret.When September when the meeting again,All academicians have seen works,After three weeks of intense discussion,Finally by all the academician voted to this year's winners. "Cher says. (According to the south people weekly)


什么样的“喜好”左右着诺奖评委 What kind of"Be fond of"About the Nobel judges


Nearly 10 years described in the second world war or racism work half,Focus on idealism tendency


Let's review of the last two years the Nobel Prize in literature works,Find a find the Nobel award rules.


语言是首要因素 Language is the primary factor


The Nobel Prize for literature has a strange phenomenon let the reader is hard to ignore,Since 1895 the Nobel Prize for literature since its inception,The writer from Europe and North America,Asia only India's tagore,Japan's kawabata/Kenzaburo oe and Israeli agger farmers prize.Don't is Asia works really in art value lower than Europe and the United States works?The answer is no,Review the 100 years of Asian literature,Endless good work.so,What is it about Asia works hard to gain a firm foothold in the Nobel in?language,Become the primary factor.


Asia works rarely in the English writing,Review the knowledge to enrich can't understand the unique culture all over the world.so,Translation become the among them very important one point.Translator in the comprehension of the pieces more profound,Natural translation work the better,and,Will reduce the original works of art value.


群体记忆的描写 Group memory description

  从近十年来的诺贝尔文学奖获奖作品中,我们不难发现,描写二战或是种族主义的作品就占了一半。 2007年的获奖作品《呼吸秋千》与2009年的《金色笔记》就是典型。 《呼吸秋千》讲述了“二战”结束时与纳粹政权合作过的德国人受到的非人待遇;而《金色笔记》,其中的一部分则描写主人公作为作家在非洲的经历,涉及殖民主义和种族主义问题。

From the last ten years the Nobel Prize for literature in the work,It is found that,World war ii description or racism work accounted for about half. 2007 years of winning entries[Breathing swing]And 2009 years[Golden notes]Is typical. [Breathing swing]Tells the story of"World war ii"With the end of the Nazi regime cooperated by German's treatment;and[Golden notes],Part of it is described as a writer hero experience in Africa,Involving colonialism and racism problem.


Group memory is a group for their specific cultural experience memory.Some people think that,It is a naked for Asian literature injustice.In fact,Such biased judgment,Like the Anti-Japanese War on the Chinese people as well as the impact of,For Europe and the United States for,World war ii/Racism is their social and personal life shall be an integral part of.Description to group memory event works,Nature is more easy to arouse readers' resonance,Also won the Nobel's favour.


 理想主义的亮色 Idealistic bright color


The Nobel Prize in the last testament,To mention the Nobel Prize for literature"Ideal tendency"attention.

  我们如何去理解 “理想主义倾向”?陕西青年学者陈仓认为,“就作品本身来说,诺贝尔文学奖的指向是作品的‘理想倾向’,很在意是否关注人类精神困境,作品的社会影响力。 ”要么是作品中主人公对真、善、美有强烈的追求,要么,是作家在作品中要肯定、倡导一种符合人性发展、人道主义的生存方式。 (据三秦都市报)

How do we to understand "Idealism tendency"?Shaanxi young scholars think that old,"It works itself,The Nobel Prize in literature is the point of the work‘Ideal tendency’,Very much care about concern for human spirit dilemma,Work the social influence. "Or is the heroine works to true/good/The pursuit of beauty has a strong,or,Is a writer should be sure in his works/Advocate a accord with human development/Humanitarian way of living. (According to shall metropolis daily)
