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研究生种地父自杀续:曾出2本书 因无钱离婚2次--亲稳舆论引导监测室

苗卫芳的著作 作协颁发的会员证书 MiaoWeiFang work One member of the issued certificates


Although facing the father's bad,But his father in the hospital treatment of three days,MiaoWeiFang step from the bed.Three days after,From the risk of life-threatening MiaoFengShan from shijiazhuang home.In the face of weak/Earth cannot the old father,MiaoWeiFang think these years I'm sorry this home,I'm sorry parents.MiaoWeiFang why always find a job,He has what kind of experience and dreams?

  曾为代课教师,月薪240元 Had to substitute teachers,Monthly salary is 240 yuan

  1971年6月,苗卫芳出生在柳树沟村,他上有一个哥哥,下有一个妹妹。尽管苗卫芳平时木讷 ,话语不多,但在家里的老人看来“苗卫芳悟性高,背过的课文忘不了”。

In June 1971,MiaoWeiFang was born in willow ditch village,He has a brother,Have a younger sister.Although MiaoWeiFang simple-hearted at ordinary times ,Few words,But the old man looks at home"MiaoWeiFang understanding high,Back of the text forget".


after,MiaoWeiFang are eligible for the Inner Mongolia Hohhot management cadre institute.After graduation,MiaoWeiFang do a country doctor,And in their hometown according to custom married daughter-in-law.


In the eyes of the parents at that time,MiaoWeiFang although school didn't go to work in the city,But after all"A PoYi",Also be married.Willow ditch in this remote village,The somebody else's girl can marry into the mountains to,Son can marry last"PoYi"Warm bed,The old man is also a concern.


Can this kind of happiness is not in doing MiaoWeiFang between wife and how long.New two years later,Young couple divorced.

  离婚之后,面对一贫如洗的家 ,苗卫芳觉得只有知识是改变命运的唯一出路,之后,单身的苗卫芳开始在家挑灯夜读,踏上了自学之路。

After divorce,In the face of the poor house ,MiaoWeiFang think only knowledge change destiny is the only way out,after,Single MiaoWeiFang start reading all night at home,On the road to self-study.


After several years of hard work,MiaoWeiFang got the university self-study bachelor degree.


After a record of formal schooling,He wants to jump out of the door for the agriculture generation,He began to walk with a diploma in some rural middle school near home,Hope their knowledge plays out,Do a teacher.


When teachers teach students,On the one hand for his own character,Oneself also feel meaningful,On the other hand also can earn some money subsidies household.


Although the first marriage is not successful,But in MiaoWeiFang heart,The marriage has been let parents almost spent all the money,As a family man,He can't always against the father this old tree life.


In their constant efforts,Fuping county locust tree village middle school promised him to school contemporary class teacher.


In the school substitute,Although only 240 yuan a month salary,It also let MiaoWeiFang realized early ideal.

  为找“铁饭碗”多次跳槽 To find"Iron rice bowl"Multiple job-hopping


Each day in this school,MiaoWeiFang always repeat his Chinese teaching,Sometimes he want to only 240 yuan a month salary,"For him, this,Income really is too low.More let he couldn't accept is,Although his class students like,But the school does not tackle my whole life for him"Iron rice bowl"problems.


Substitute after a year,MiaoWeiFang from sophora japonica chong middle school to resign,Again the star private schools continue to teach.To this school later,Problem is still and locust tree as the middle school,lifelong"Iron rice bowl"Not solve.then,MiaoWeiFang quit again.


After the resignation MiaoWeiFang came again to guard the emperor Tuan middle school continue to substitute,During this period the monthly wages has reached 700 yuan.


This still does not meet the needs of the MiaoWeiFang,In this school substitute the near MiaoWeiFang and has two job-hopping,In shijiazhuang LingShouXian horizontal mountain middle school and dragon boat middle school substitute.At this time,His salary is achieved 1200 yuan/month.


Honesty MiaoWeiFang Harper, constantly between job with a also in school teacher collision out of the love of spark.soon,MiaoWeiFang and the teacher get married.

  成亲后的苗卫芳没有新房子,带着妻子回家 ,新婚夫妇就居住在他在柳树沟村的那间低矮的房子里。

After their marriage MiaoWeiFang no new house,With his wife to go home ,The couple will live in him in the willow ditch village between the low house.


In constant in the job,MiaoWeiFang found that he and colleagues to pay the same or even more labor,He get salary is not as good as the formal teacher to half,It makes MiaoWeiFang mind balance again lean.

  此时的他仍觉得,唯有知识能改变他的命运,唯有学历能让他享受和别人一样的甚至超过别人的工资和待遇 ,唯有知识能让那些对他嗤之以鼻的人重新仰视他。

Right now he is still feel,Only knowledge can change his fate,Only education can let him enjoy and others or even more than other people's wages and treatment ,Only knowledge can make those who he sniffed people to look up to him.


In 2008,,Through their own efforts,He hit are eligible for the modern history of hebei university graduate.


news,The village boiling.


MiaoWeiFang experience,Less than one hundred people to the small mountain village understand a truth:CunWaZi also have wisdom,CunWaZi also is a good school,Small mountain village can also fly out of the order of the phoenix.


therefore,MiaoWeiFang become the pride of the village,MiaoWeiFang become proud merchant,MiaoWeiFang more become the pride of the MiaoFengShan.


The family is looking forward to the prospects of the MiaoWeiFang to the graduate student's identity change their own destiny,Change the fate of the merchant family.


But contrary to,MiaoWeiFang master graduate student of reading,And not his neighbour and merchant hope so,Can change your fate out of the village,But MiaoWeiFang end with graduation certificate and degree certificate back to the willow ditch kind of up the earth.


Let oneself forget father committed suicide after experience happen,In the father's body make a little better,MiaoWeiFang quietly take the package,Back to the Alma mater hebei university city BaoDingShi.

  服毒事件后回到城市 Poison after events go back to the city

  回到保定后,苗卫芳在河北大学附近的一个农村租住了一个平房 ,一边找工作 ,一边致力于自己喜爱的文学创作。

Back after baoding,MiaoWeiFang in hebei university a nearby rural lodges a bungalow ,While looking for a job ,One side is committed to their favorite literary creation.


Reporters saw when MiaoWeiFang,Is already on October 19 afternoon.


By telephone appointment before,In the afterglow of the setting sun,He rode bike to hebei big school door,The sight of MiaoWeiFang is very thin,Dark skin.


Bike turn to turn to,After 15 minutes,Reporters as he came to the village in small house.


The house except for a bed/A table/A furnace and some books besides,Few other objects,The table a bowl filled with is MiaoWeiFang noon leftover half bowl of pumpkin millet porridge.Autumn in hebei province,Let the dark room is cold.


After their hometown farming day and father committed suicide after keenly felt pain,MiaoWeiFang still often want to go home to see my father,But he didn't dare to.


"Old father saw me home to gas,"He said,"Because the drug,Old father looks blue today,That is sequela,Don't even talk to before the agile."


In addition to his old father will no longer be fond of this son outside,He also understood that,Now he a neighbor to the village they'll coldly looking at him,It takes only a smile but don't talk.


He clearly remember,The Spring Festival in 2012,He's relatives to borrow a bicycle rejected experience.


He was more clearly remember,In his 2 to go to graduate school,Because he is unable to make money,Her second wife to divorce him,Left home and go to.


After school time had two books


October taihang mountain red diffuse mountain,Melons and fruits.

  在河北保定市阜平县城南庄镇柳树沟村67岁老人苗风山的家外,几个南瓜挂在树上。因为这南瓜是儿子苗卫芳春天种下的,此时的老人已无心将儿子所种的南瓜摘回家 。

BaoDingShi in hebei fuping county town willow ditch village, founded in, the 67 - year - old MiaoFengShan outside the house,A few pumpkins hanging in a tree.Because this pumpkin is a son MiaoWeiFang spring,The old man has a son will be the pumpkin pick home .


See pumpkins and done die back,The old man why not pick?The old man's eyes,For the son"worthless",He refused to pick a pumpkin reason.

  在与其交流的数个小时里 ,他的手里始终攥着那本《教师招聘考试专用教材》。他说他当前已经报考了一所学校的招聘考试,他不知道他的这次应试能否改变自己的命运。

In its ac several hours ,His hands always clutched the[The teacher recruitment exam special materials].He said his current has enter oneself for an examination a school recruitment exam,He didn't know his the exam-oriented can change our own destiny.

  事实上早在读研一期间,苗卫芳就利用课余时间,出版了 30万字的小说《二月兰》;2011年6月与李卫东合作出版了 26万字的《大清河水系与津保内河航运研究》,自己还是保定市作家协会会员。

In fact as early as in a period to go to graduate school,MiaoWeiFang will use their spare time,Published 300000 words novel[February blue];In June 2011 and LiWeiDong cooperation published 260000 words[Big qinghe drainage and tianjin the inland waterway research],His or BaoDingShi writers association members.

  苗卫芳曾在他的著作中评价自己说:年届不惑,然而世事尚不洞明,人情亦未练达;平生唯知耕田以奉亲,读书以自娱 ,淡泊以明志,宁静以致远;虽潦倒落魄,坎坷蹭蹬,仍意志不移 ,弦歌不辍。

MiaoWeiFang had in his writing evaluation of their own say:Years needs the,But the world is not fully understanding,Customs and also has not;Life is only to plow in close,Reading can ,Indifferent to simple,Peace so that far;Is down come down in the world,Bumpy meet with setbacks,Still will not shift ,Ceaselessly system.

  文/图 信报特派河北保定记者 王永端

Wen/diagram hkej accredited hebei baoding reporter WangYongDuan
