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安徽一学校将食堂改建成宿舍 每间住32名学生--亲稳网络舆情监控室


FeiDongXian jin hong high school is one of the local quite a reputation of the non-government schools,The existing staff of more than 12000 people between teachers and students.a,Reporter received the parents of the students reflect,Because of the dormitory is not enough,The school will be a dining room reconstruction became a dormitory,For higher grade boy living.Even more shocking is,Each dormitory unexpectedly lived 32 students.Students and parents generally reflected,So crowded dormitories,Hard to ensure that study and life.


【目击】食堂摇身变宿舍 [witness]The dining room wave body become dormitory

  “我是肥东居民,孩子在县城的锦弘中学读高一。 ”读者叶女士向记者反映,8月底,她送孩子去学校报到,“学校的招生材料中说,8名学生一间宿舍。可是到学校一看,根本不是那么回事。 ”

"I am FeiDong residents,Children in county jin hong high middle school read. "The reader leaf lady told reporters reflect,The end of August,She sent her children to school to report for duty,"The school admissions materials said,Eight students a dormitory.But to the school a look,Isn't that the case. "

  昨日下午,记者来到锦弘中学采访。顺着热心同学的指引,记者来到学校西南角附近的一栋3层小楼前高一学生宿舍。从外观上看,这栋楼与附近的宿舍楼有明显不同。走进去,可见右边是一处公用水池和卫生间。一位正在洗衣服的学生听说是来采访宿舍问题的,顿时有些激动,“你看,这哪里像个正规宿舍啊。 ”他指着一排水龙头说,“这栋楼原本是食堂,临时改成宿舍的。 ”

Yesterday afternoon,The reporter comes to jin hong middle school interview.The enthusiastic students guidance,The reporter comes to school near southwest corner of a building before 3 f high student dormitory.Look from exterior,The building with nearby residence halls have obvious different.Went in,Visible on the right is the one place public pools and toilet.A is washing the clothes students heard that come to interview the dormitory of the problem,Suddenly some excited,"You see,This is like a normal dormitory. "He pointed to a drainage leading said,"The building was originally a dining room,Temporary into the dormitory. "


Visit more dormitory,The reporter still surprised to find,Dormitory wall unexpectedly by board sucks.The students told reporters,They are very worried about security issues,"In case of a fire,Consequence is unimaginable".


一间宿舍住32人 A dormitory lived 32 people

  记者走进多间宿舍,看到床铺密密麻麻地挤在一起,整个房间里,连一张桌椅都没有。说起宿舍,学生家长刘女士长叹一口气说:“我们是开学以后才知道住的是这样的宿舍,最担心的是32个人住在一起,孩子能否休息好。 ”

The reporter walks into more than one dormitory,See bed encircled crowded together,The whole room,Even a piece of desk and chair are not.Speaking of dormitory,The parents of the students liu long give a sigh said:"We are opening before know live is such a dormitory,Most worried about is 32 people live together,Children can rest well. "

  学生们的感受比家长更深刻。学生小李说,由于整个楼层只有一处公用水龙头,夏天晚上排队用水的人都挤满了,连个下脚的地方都没有。即便是天气转凉了,大家也还是要排队才行。在3楼一间宿舍门口,小军(化名)无奈地说:“人这么多,简直就像是生活在鸽子笼里,晚上经常睡不好。 ”

The students feel more deeply than parents.Student a: xiao li said,Because the whole floor only one place public tap,Summer night queue water are packed with,Even without room to swing a cat in.Even the weather is turning cooler,You still want to line up to just go.On the third floor a dormitory doorway,Small army(alias)Helplessly say:"People so much,Like living in the loft,In the evening often sleep well. "


Reporter found that preliminary statistics,The building has been partition become 29 room.Students say,This building is in live high student,Each dormitory live is 32 people.so,The house inside actually lived 928 students.interview,Due to the school does not have relevant personnel to,Reporter is still unable to verify the figures are accurate.


but,The students said,Not all the high student lived in such a dormitory,"Experimental class and major work class is eight people a dormitory".


【调查】说好的新宿舍呢? [survey]Say good? New dormitory?


According to jin hong middle school's access to information display,The school is a full-time boarding school in modern large completely,The school in 2012 plan recruit students 1560 people,Divided into 28 classes.

  可是,招来这么多学生,学校却没有安排好住宿。学生家长介绍,老师曾解释,说是新的宿舍楼还没盖好,只能临时把食堂改成宿舍。 “当时老师曾承诺说明年就能把新楼盖好,可直到现在,宿舍楼还没开工”。很多学生开玩笑说:“楼盖好后,我们也毕业了。 ”

but,Bring so many students,The school did not arranged accommodation.The parents of the students is introduced,The teacher had explained,Say the new residence halls haven't cover good,Only the dining room into temporary dormitory. "When the teacher had promised that year can put new floor system well,But until now,Residence halls haven't started".Many students joked:"Floor after good,We also graduated. "


According to the problems,The reporter contact the school grade a relevant person in charge tsai teacher.phone,Choi teacher did not deny it,But said accommodation problem is logistics department in charge.The reporter also managed to contact the school in the logistics department song teacher,Song said the teacher on something out.

  记者将继续关注此事。(安徽商报 袁兴琴 李进)

Reporters will continue to pay attention to the matter.(Anhui business newspaper YuanXingQin li jin)
