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刘彭芝校长在艺术教育峰会上谈艺术教育 LiuPengZhi principal in art education summit talk about art education
  2012年10月20日,“庆祝北京市学生金帆艺术团建团25周年艺术教育峰会”在中国科技会堂隆重召开,当代教育家、中国人民大学附属中学(简称人大附中)刘彭芝校长在教育峰会上做了题为“开辟艺术教育沃土,促进学生全面发展”的专题发言,全面介绍了人大附中艺术教育的理念、思考和实践,用爱与尊重搭建起发展艺术特长的平台,艺术教育面向全体学生,不仅关注学生学业的进步,更关注情感品质的提升,尊重他们的兴趣爱好,满足他们的个性化需求,为所有孩子搭建起放飞人生梦想的舞台。刘彭芝校长讲述了人大附中电子轻音乐团和男子舞蹈队的成立和发展历程,介绍了李天行、廉政等同学的成长过程,旨在培养全面发展、有突出特长、有创新精神并品格高尚的人。 On October 20, 2012,"Beijing students celebrate the 25th anniversary of the JinFan group to build mass art education summit"Science and technology of China was held in the synagogue,Contemporary educationist/Chinese people's university attached middle school(Referred to as the National People's Congress affiliated)LiuPengZhi principal in education summit on the topic"Open up art education fertile soil,Promote the comprehensive development of the students"Project to speak,This paper introduces the concept of art education school of National People's Congress/Thinking and practice,With love and respect set up development art specialty platform,Art education for all students,Not only focus on students' academic progress,Pay more attention to improving the quality of the emotion,Respect for their interests and hobbies,To meet their individual needs,For all the children set up flying life dream stage.LiuPengZhi principal tells the story of National People's Congress affiliated electronic light music group and man choir and the establishment of the development process,Introduces the LiTianHang/The students such as the growth of the process,Aims to cultivate all-round development/With outstanding specialty/Innovative spirit and character the salt of the earth.


The following is the full text of the LiuJiaoChang speech:


各位领导、各位同仁: All the leaders/colleagues:


Very happy and you explore the art education this topic.Art is human to sex to the natural language of the love,Reveal the human really/good/beauty.The complete education can't do without art education.It is respect for students' personality/In developing students' potential/Guide teenagers pursuit of a beautiful life and the life value the important way.


As the capital and even the national art education a piece of calling card,JinFan group proud to witness for 25 years Beijing primary and middle school art education development,Carrying a batch of and a group of young students dream of art,As the national culture/Transfer the large number of outstanding artistic talents.More important is,25 years,"JinFan"Has become a kind of thought,A kind of culture,A model,Lead Beijing's primary and middle school go DE/wisdom/body/The beauty of the all-round development of the road.Let the students bathed in art education sunshine all-round development


Beijing"JinFan"Group has been through 25 years course.Zhuangzi speak:"Beauty into in the long",this"long"Is permanent"long";[I ching]has"Then is good"that,this"the"Is inherited"the".a"long",a"the"Tell us,The most precious is to inherit,To stick to,At the same time, to keep pace with The Times,Long often new.Beijing to JinFan art/development/Brilliant 25 years,Be countless education workers to struggle and constantly of the inheritance of a great career,This in itself is"Your long after your"A template,Is it worth us to comb/summary/Curing and promotion,This will help promote our art education more on a higher level.the,I"Open up art education fertile soil,Promote the comprehensive development of the students"issues,Will we art education concept/Methods and thinking as well as a brief report.

  人大附中艺术教育与“金帆”结缘也有25年了。1986年,人大附中管乐团成立,1995年发展为人大附中交响乐团,成为我校第一支金帆艺术团体,也是北京市最早的金帆艺术团之一。发展到今天,学校已拥有由金帆交响乐团、金帆合唱团、女子舞蹈团、男子舞蹈团、行进管乐团、电子轻音乐团以及武术队、健美操队八个团队、500多名成员组成的人大附中艺术团,它为具有各类艺术特长的学生提供了广阔的发展平台,成为他们展示才华、放飞梦想的摇篮。艺术团多次参加国内外各种比赛并取得了优异成绩,交响乐团在第35届维也纳国际青年音乐节上获得艺术节交响乐组金奖第一名。大赛评委会盛赞他们的演奏展示了“一流的音乐教育”。健美操队曾获世界冠、亚军;舞蹈团、合唱团、行进管乐团多次获得全国、北京市艺术展演一等奖。艺术团受国家委派,连续8年在春节期间赴美、英、法、俄罗斯、希腊、澳大利亚等国家外宣演出,所到之处掀起了一股“人大附中热”, 纽约、芝加哥、波士顿市市长相继宣布,人大附中艺术团到访之日为该市的"人大附中日"。美国明尼苏达州中美联谊会等华侨组织专门致信给温家宝总理:“我们感谢祖国培养了这么好的老师,这么好的同学。”2010年9月胡锦涛总书记考察人大附中,在观看了学校交响乐团的演出后说,刚才听了同学们精彩的演奏,使我想起我们的学生时代。总书记对人大附中艺术教育成果给予了充分的肯定。

National People's Congress attached middle school art education and"JinFan"Become attached to also have 25 years.In 1986,,National People's Congress attached middle school was founded band,1995 years development as the National People's Congress affiliated symphony orchestra,Become the first team in our school JinFan art group,Beijing is also one of the earliest JinFan art.Development today,The school has the JinFan symphony orchestra/JinFan chorus/Woman dance/Man dance/Marching band/Electronic music group and wushu team/Aerobics team eight team/More than 500 members of the National People's Congress art school,It has all kinds of art specialty students to provide a broad development platform,Be they show their talent/Release the cradle of the dream.Group participated in various domestic and international competition and obtained the excellent result,Symphony orchestra in the 35th Vienna international youth festival festival won the first gold medal symphony group.Competition jury praised their play shows"The first-class music education".Aerobics team won the world crown/runners-up;dance/chorus/Marching band has won many national/Beijing art performing the first prize.Art appointed by the state,Eight years in the United States during the Spring Festival/British/method/Russia/Greece/Australia and other countries WaiXuan performance,They lifted a share"'s affiliated heat", New York/Chicago/Boston mayor announced one after another,National People's Congress affiliated group visit shall be the date of the city"School of National People's Congress,".The U.S. state of Minnesota association between China and the United States, such as special overseas Chinese organizations wrote to the premier wen jiabao:"We thank the motherland culture so good teacher,Such good students."In September 2010, general secretary hu jintao's affiliated investigation,After watching the school symphony orchestra after the show said,Just listen to the students wonderful performance,Reminds me of our student age.General secretary of National People's Congress attached middle school art education results give the full affirmation.


用爱与尊重搭建发展艺术特长的平台 With love and respect building art specialty development platform


National People's Congress attached middle school art education can get today's achievement,Consumer is not born,Is not"Big investment"Change of"Big output",But starting from scratch,Hard work,From scratch,And support us to overcome the difficulties of the development of the innovation,Is attached to National People's Congress"Respect individuality,Mining potential,Everything for students' development"Teaching ideas.Specific tell,Is I summarized four words:Love is the highest state of education,Love is a natural flush out dedication;Respect is the true meaning of education,Respect is the source of creation.Love and respect,Education is the kernel,Is the comprehensive development of students/The foundation of healthy growth.Each child's personality differ in thousands ways,Learning ability have high low,Hobbies each are not identical,But everyone is a fresh and unique life,Free happily development is their needs.Love and respect,Will not only focus on students' academic progress,Pay more attention to improving the quality of the emotion,Respect for their interests and hobbies,To meet their individual needs,For all the children set up flying life dream stage.


National People's Congress attached middle school have a electronic light music group,This is the only a modern electronic musical instrument and the traditional ethnic Musical Instruments combining student orchestra.Its establishment,Fully embodies the love and respect of the education idea.In the annual enrolment,I found some of the children is good at Chinese lute/guzheng/yangqin/Xiao national musical instrument, etc,There are some children are good at the keyboard/guitar/Bass and other electronic Musical Instruments,Some has reached a very high level,But the school did not corresponding orchestra.In order to give these children a bring into play one's strong points/Show the talent platform,I propose that will they called together,The formation of a electronic light music group.The band that is produced.Because it is"The only",No race can participate in,No MEDALS,No peoples attention of the flowers and applause.once,The art teacher wang xin will with electronic music group students attend district-level instrumental music game,Got the third prize last name,The judges tell he shouldn't come to take part in this competition.Wang xin will write an apologetic letter to me,Said oneself give school smeared.I said to him:"We set up the orchestra,Not for games and MEDALS,But in order to let the children growing,In order to let them in the youth with good experience,In order to let them deeply remember this section and people's congress the same school performance of the good time."later,We will in the school for students to create internal performance opportunities,Let them in the school faculty and staff at Harbin industrial university performance,I took the entire school teachers gave them a big hand.now,Electronic music group has the famous,Musicians also become the classmates sought after"star".They held regularly band training"Open Day"/Small modern light music salon,Invited to join the student union organization"carnival"activities,Hold Christmas music special performance.The branch shall not copy team,Become the art school of National People's Congress in the garden of a rarity.


As long as it is the children need,We can try,All leave no stone unturned to them by platform.National People's Congress in the dance with,Aerobics classes……,According to the needs of students is established,Let every child has show their talent/Development specialty/Flying dream stage.Only in this way,They can really get all-round development,Their school life is healthy and happy/Worth recalling.


National People's Congress in the attached Alma mater[Together with the sun rises]Is 2008 sessions of graduates LiTianHang creation.Graduates for a year,For his Alma mater created two song at different times and more than 20 song,Fully display their talent in music.LiTianHang learning foundation has been poor.His parents' degree is high school,Hope he can take an examination of a good university,He is very fond of music,Want to enter oneself for an examination art colleges,And parents happened of sharp contradictions.His parents can't,I finally found.I listen to LiTianHang sang several songs,Feel sings very well,It advised his parents,To respect the child's opinion,Let him do like to do,Also found a make music parents help him coaching specialized course.Finally he admitted to their ideal media university,A heart of Thanksgiving/A professional pursuit of the people,This is the respect and the power of love.


Ten years ago,A group called the little girl walked into my field of vision,The girl is single parent families,Life is very difficult,She and her mother came to school many times,Was not admitted,At the end of the mother and daughter persistence,Manages the teacher introduced to me.The girl with a beautiful, calisthenics performance,Moved me deeply and admission office teacher.so,She was granted special recruit into the National People's Congress attached middle school.In order to give her open up a piece of appropriate personality growth fertile soil,We also have brought a few like aerobics students,Set up a campus aerobics classes.In order to give her builds a party to display their talent/Flying dream stage,School for her many times the funds to participate in competition at home and abroad,Exercise growth.Every home with honor,I put her please go to the seat,In front of the students and teachers praise her,This is not only a kind of incentive to her,Is also a kind of spur.Five years later,She was an international competition has silver,Her lower classwoman get the gold medal.After returning from the,During a flag-raising ceremony I routinely drove them please onto the stage,And ask her to speak,But in the face of my,She was crying,Said I'm sorry I.In the presence of the thousands of teachers' and students' surface,I a will she fell into the bosom,Said to her:"children,Don't get the first place it doesn't matter,You should be glad to students the lower classwoman more than you,You bring up a good campus aerobics classes."Every time the game back,All teachers will take time to give her"KaiXiaoZao".In addition to"Aerobics championship",Honest or an excellent/All-round development of good students,Once was evaluated"Campus an",Won field rank"Outstanding special prize",Also many times in the art of performance as the host's role.After following the,National People's Congress attached middle school emerged in a number of aerobics nova,Grow up a young excellent aerobics classes,Many times at home and abroad and analyzes the game.For eight years,From one person to the team,To respect and care for children specialty,Success one,Achievement is also a group.


艺术教育要面向全体学生 Art education should be geared to the needs of all students


Art is human to sex to the natural language of the love,Reveal the human really/good/beauty.The complete education can't do without art education.It is human improve themselves,The important way to make noble personality,Also respect individuality/Development potential/Guide teenagers pursuit of a beautiful life's important means.The lack of art education,The all-round development of students/Harmonious growth will become ShaZhiDa together.however,Easier said than done..How to make art education as an important part of quality education for the students,Be implemented the basic education,Our particular way is to open a rich art elective course and organize various kinds of artistic community,Make students to participate in music/dance/painting/Poetry reading/ceramic/sculpture/calligraphy/The literary creation and so on the many kinds of art activities,By the influence from infection,Ascension artistic.The school opened in art elective course dozens of door,This not only meet the needs of the students,Also mobilized the enthusiasm of teachers.The teacher mentioned wang xin will in the beginning/High school opened respectively[Computer music making]and[Music and creation]Elective course,Is very popular with the students,Some of students also choose,editor[Students music creation anthology]Nearly 20 copies,He used his equipment self-built recording studio and music studio.The school organized a small one/Reading club/Film festival/Culture festival/Singing and dancing carnival dozens of student associations and campus culture activities,To meet the children's diverse individual needs.


The form class is the National People's Congress attached school-based curriculum,Is the new moon/For all the students of grade of a required course,It to dance as the means,The cultivation of the students' physical beauty/Temperament beauty,Also make the boy had close contact with the dance of the opportunity.In people's habit of thinking,Dancing is a girl of patent,The boy dance seems to be a freak things.Once I go to form class,The class students are all boys,They follow the teacher learned to dance Mongolia dance.I was surprised to find,They jump special input,Special god,Special happiness!so,I spot initiative,In the junior middle school second grade ten several class pick some love dancing/Jump good/Image good boy,Form a man choir,And let them after two months in general meeting to all the teachers show.so,This group of love dance boy took to the stage,To bring you too much surprise and shock!They show the Mongol dance[YanZhen]Will the Mongolian man just inside the characteristics of toughening show incisively and vividly.In the audience's applause and cheers in,The more they jump wonderful,More jump professional.This group of school-based compulsory course from walking on out of the ordinary boy,The National People's Congress achievements attached to a unique scenery's affiliated man choir.In just the end of the fourth session of national primary and secondary school students of Beijing municipal art show trials,Leaders and experts get unanimous recognition and high evaluation.Because it broke through a long box,So that ordinary boy to show their own dance talent and unique charm.


In the National People's Congress attached middle school quality education on the big stage,Unfolds has started,Hundreds of thousands of children to be a star on the stage,And our people's congress all affiliated teachers for their employees is the open man.We use efforts/Sweat and realize life love promise namely train all-round development/With outstanding specialty/Innovative spirit and character the salt of the earth.


finally,I wish Beijing JinFan group is getting better,Let us create the Beijing primary and middle school art education of a better future.
