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徐永贞,98岁。养老院床边的墙上贴满了她的生活照。她是大家闺秀,受过良好的教育。“文革”期间虽然经受了不少磨难,但老人依旧豁达坚强,对生活充满了希望。孩子们对老人非常孝敬:老人喜欢大海,孩子们就带她去海边散心;老人喜欢花,尤其钟爱牡丹,孩子们就找来牡丹干花放在老人的床头。2011年年底,老人去世。(摄于2011年8月13日) XuYongZhen,98 - year - old.Nursing home bedside the wall was covered with her is illuminated.She is a good family,Received a good education."Cultural revolution"Although a lot during the tribulation,But the old man still open-minded strong,For life is filled with hope.The children to the old man very filial piety:The old man like the sea,The children took her to go to the beach trip;The old man like flowers,Especially love peony,The children will find peony dried flower on the old man's bedside.By the end of 2011,The old man died.(Taken in on August 13, 2011)   白宝成,75岁。他患病多年,行动不便,为了不影响孩子工作,一个人住进了家附近的老年公寓。69岁的老伴尚巧顺每天都来精心照顾他。(摄于2011年8月13日) BaiBaoCheng,75 - year - old.He fell ill for many years,Action inconvenience,In order not to affect children work,A person live in the neighborhood of the old apartment.The 69 - year - old wife every day is the coincidence to carefully take care of him.(Taken in on August 13, 2011)

  87岁的何瑞山(左)和76岁的周竹萍吃过午饭在养老院大厅里休息。两位老人生活都不能自理,孩子们抽空会来陪伴他们。(摄于2011年8月13日) The 87 - year - old HeRuiShan(left)And the 76 - year - old ZhouZhuPing had lunch in a nursing home to rest in the hall.The two old man life cannot provide for oneself,The children time will be with them.(Taken in on August 13, 2011)
