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OriginAl title:Four children with Autism difficult"LeArning wAy"(1)



On October 9, 7 points,Mother sent smAll lei to the school gAte.SmAll lei 14 yeArs old this yeAr,Autistic children.This yeAr in hAidiAn A high school junior on.


Li Ming(AliAs)Drop out of the.His clAss,From Beijing chAoyAng district FAngCAoDe internAtionAl school century fourth grAde clAssroom into A home.


By the end of September,More thAn 30 pArents together A joint QuAnTui suspected Autism students And strike event,He lost the opportunity to study.In these pArents' description,He is A dozen students/Dozen teAchers,Crying loudly students.


In the dAys before,Shenzhen hAve hAppened QuAnTui similAr events,A Autistic children were 19 pArents joint QuAnTui.


But in ChinA welfAre institute releAsed this yeAr[ChinA Autistic children present situAtion AnAlysis report]displAy,Most pArents think Autism,Children should be reAd Along with the clAss.


Through the visit,Reporter discovery hAppened in Autistic children body"WAs QuAnTui"Event is not the cAse,From their experience,Show the current educAtion environment do not seem to do Accept their prepArAtion.


On October 12, Afternoon 3 when,The bell rAng.Ten yeArs old with steer cleAr of clAss At the school gAte row of queue,Rushed out of the school gAte.His hAnds shAking Around errAticAlly,His mouth from time to time the hum,Is only he didn't understAnd the lAnguAge.


Behind the school for children,Inclusion in A simple dwellings And between plAnt,Only A simple two of two floors of the building And A smAll plAyground.


Here's A receives the school hAs been the AreA school deniAl of Admission,And by Another primAry school QuAnTui Autistic children.


"slowly,oceAn,And so on sister."Or relAtives cAn Apply for little sister sun(AliAs)With behind you cried.21 yeArs old to leArn speciAl educAtion bAckground in the sun,CompAny's neArly 1 yeArs,She tried to explore the oceAn immersed one of the world,"But I still don't understAnd whAt he's thinking."


OceAn hAve double bright cleAr big eyes,But his eyes AlwAys Across the fAce of the person, .He seems to be indifferent to everything Around;Like to turn the circle to wAlk,Don't like other people touch;Will the whole night sleep,Tore heArt crAck lung to cry...


's mother wAs despAir,"He to me like A mystery.Term I Asked him,Scold him,Didn't reAction.He doesn't know normAl communicAtion mode."


Stereotyped behAvior/Existing sociAl disorder And lAnguAge communicAtion disorders,Autism is A group of chArActeristics,But every Autistic children Also hAve different performAnce.YAngyAng mom cAn quickly describe the son's behAvior chArActeristic,And will speciAl emphAsis on oceAn never AttAck people.


Although the doctor emphAsize,Autism will AccompAny with life,But like mAny Autism As pArents,YAngyAng mom hope son cAn out of loneliness.And fusion educAtion,It is she cAught A piece of strAw."He will in ordinAry school to leArn how to communicAte with people."


The speciAl children in the clAss


In All kinds of society-AdAptAtion rehAbilitAtion trAining institutions After five yeArs,In 2010,,Eight yeArs old with people's AlreAdy cAn simple diAlogue.


YAngyAng mom investigAtion some society-AdAptAtion school,But there children reAd toss And turn"A/o/e",CAlculAtion simple Addition And subtrAction,These will be the oceAn.


YAngyAng mom going to put son into ordinAry primAry school.According to the student stAtus AreA division,YAngyAng should points in hAidiAn district, A fAmous primAry school.


Before the stArt of the Autumn of 2010,YAngyAng mom flew with son go to A school visit the heAdmAster,Results even the school leAder fAce didn't see.The school hAs A teAcher of the children will Also be Autism,But only in school for one semester,He turned to society-AdAptAtion school.The principAl think,A teAcher s plAce,More suitAble for Autistic children.


Think of school competition pressure,YAngyAng mom chAnge the wAy of thinking.HeArd the door elementAry school children who hAd receied welfAre home,She hAs found the principAl relAtionship,FinAlly for the oceAn to the conditionAl Admission opportunity.


But the schools hAve no precedent or relAtives cAn Apply,"The heAdmAster worry or relAtives cAn Apply into clAss will influence the clAssroom."Designed for oceAn employed by the school or relAtives cAn Apply for the little sister,FinAlly cAn only stAnd outside the clAssroom quiz.


YAngyAng soon show different.


School the first dAy,Don't understAnd clAss rules he fretfully rock body,A mouth mixed noise,The chAir friction cement ground jAngle cAuse need to teAchers And students.


The teAcher in chArge to stop immediAtely,Like Add fuel to the flAmes,YAngyAng body swAying Amplitude more big,Voice mouth more ring,The lAst burst into teArs.Helpless under,The teAcher in chArge hAve to let keep outside"Or relAtives cAn Apply"With the first home.


The next few dAys,OceAn in worse,Upper clAss on the,Or long time in A dAze,Either out of the clAssroom,Either to himself,Or no cAuse crying loudly.But the teAcher did not give this speciAl students more"AppeAse".


"They And the other child is not the sAme,Need more understAnding And tolerAnce."This is severAl Autism pArents A common feeling,Society for Autism understAnding too little,System on the support of this group is not perfect enough,Let children study roAd very hArd.


Encounter QuAnTui crisis


With the first school life,Only for five dAys.


To QuAnTui feAr,Never fAils to extend for the child to go to school for Autistic pArents heArt.'s mom is no exception,In the 5 dAys,"My heArt hAs been leApt mentioned,AlwAys feel AlArmed,TAke phone hAnd keep cringe,For feAr thAt the school's return to."


Fifth dAy,YAngyAng mom Active About the teAcher in chArge to consult,Hope I cAn find A set of scheme let oceAn into clAss.


But the teAcher in chArge is very helpless."I don't wAnt to be model workers,Just wAnt to put my shAre things well,Divide the clAss tAke.I don't know how to communicAte with your children,There is nothing I cAn do."


The reporter contAct of 5 cAses,There Are four Autistic children Are encountered QuAnTui crisis.Some insist on leAving,Others choose to leAve.


Xin xin QuAnTui encounter more frequent.StArt from A kindergArten clAss,The principAl hAs repeAtedly let xin xin don't come to school.Persistent xin xin mom will shout together on the fAmily send children.The teAcher sAid,Xin xin will climb window,She pAid for the Windows of the clAss loAding guArdrAil.


In second grAde,He hAd the biggest QuAnTui crisis:Is the clAss 43 pArents joint requirements QuAnTui.


ThAt is A fuse Assignments event.Xin xin And clAssmAtes Assignments in line,When it wAs his turn,The teAcher confiscAted,Xin xin line up AgAin,The teAcher didn't pick up the pAst."The teAcher usuAlly wAs kind to him,But don't know why thAt didn't Answer his homework."


For behAvior stereotyped Autistic children in,When the rules be broken AgAin And AgAin,Don't know whAt should I do.Xin xin directly exercise books will be thrown out,Hit femAle clAssmAte fAce.the,Xin xin mom with A femAle clAssmAte to go to A doctor,Bought students like AntennA bAby offer An Apology,But by the pArents refused to directly.


"They sAy my son's violent."1 mouth fAce And mouth thAt moment,Xin xin mother very helpless."WAs reAlly terrible,My voice so smAll."


"You don't wAnt to Accept him,You will be trAnsferred."The QuAnTui,FinAlly becAuse the heAdmAster's insist on,Let xin xin got going on the chAnce to go to school.now,He is A junior high school,PlAy the piAno well.


"Autistic children need A lot of humAn resources,Schools receive thAn other disAbled students with more difficult."West totAl cloth in the primAry school teAching SunQuAnGong the teAcher pointed out thAt,She hAs been to Autism rehAbilitAtion institutions,There Are mAny children s teAcher one-on-one/Two on A,Even for A three to trAining.And regulAr school teAcher will fAce is 40 students of the clAss.


PArticipAted in joint QuAnTui pArents sAid,They Are not AbAndon Autistic children,Also hope thAt the child cAn get the correct treAtment And educAtion,But not shAll estAblish in the serious influence other children on the bAsis of leArning.


Another pArticipAtion of pArents pointed out,In the normAl clAss before policy,Whether Autistic children/pArents,Or school/The teAcher/students,All is not fully prepAred,CAuse problems follow.


Visit object


WhAt is the Autism?


Autism,Also cAlled Autism,Is generAlized developmentAl disorders of A speciAl type,Commonly occur in three yeArs Ago,To see more boy.In 1943,,The eArliest Autism by the AmericAn psychiAtric experts's cAmp in clinicAl medicine found.The mAin performAnce of the Autism for children's sociAlizAtion disorder/CommunicAtion disorders And repeAt stereotyped limited behAvior And interest.

  洋洋 10岁,被学籍片区名校拒绝入学,在第二所小学就读5天又被劝退,目前在一所郊区的打工子弟学校就读三年级。

's ten yeArs old,School is the school deniAl of Admission,In the second primAry school Attend five dAys wAs QuAnTui,At present in A suburbAn for children of school grAde three.

  鑫鑫 13岁,幼儿园时就频繁被劝退,小学二年级被43名家长联名要求退学,最终留在了学校,目前就读初一。

Xin xin 13 yeArs old,KindergArten is frequently QuAnTui,Second grAde wAs 43 pArents joint requirements drop out of school,FinAlly in the school,Currently studying month.

  唐唐 20岁,小学二年级被10多名家长劝退,转到培智学校一年后,重返普校,完成9年义务教育,读职高一周被劝退,目前在家。

ThomAs 20 yeArs old,Second grAde is more thAn 10 nAme QuAnTui pArents,Turn to society-AdAptAtion school A yeAr lAter,Return to regulAr school,Complete 9 yeArs of compulsory educAtion,ReAd vocAtionAl week wAs QuAnTui,At present At home.

  小磊 14岁,在郊区普校顺利完成小学学业,目前就读初一,与老师同学关系融洽。

SmAll lei 14,In the suburbs regulAr school complete primAry school,Currently studying month,Students And teAchers hArmonious relAtionship.


(The children Are AliAs)


SmAll lei elementAry bills


Or relAtives cAn Apply:PleAse teAch professionAl or relAtives cAn Apply for 4 yeArs,SAlAry 2500 per month,The bAg eAts encAse,Bonus At the end of,About 40000 A yeAr,Four yeArs A totAl of $160000.


schoolwork:PleAse Chinese/MAth tutoring,Every yeAr 10000 yuAn,6 yeArs spent About 60000 yuAn


totAl:ElementAry school six yeArs in Addition to tuition outside,AcAdemic cost 220000 yuAn.


OriginAl title:Four children with Autism difficult"LeArning wAy"(2)



On October 12,,After school time,HAidiAn suburbs A school for children,Students line up out of school,oceAn(Second right to weAr the blue boy)WAlk strAight for the school.


Inclusive of"trAnsfer"


OceAn is the first school when QuAnTui,The teAcher in chArge hAve yAngyAng mAmA sAid,"And let him stAy in school,As home to leArn to do A bowl of tomAto egg noodles".


But's mother glAd his insist on.


She gAve yAngyAng find A willing to include oceAn"shortcomings"The school for children,The students Also don't understAnd,Why's for no reAson in the clAssroom crying.But the June 1 children's dAy,The whole clAss to oceAn A cArd:"oceAn,We're All very fond of you,I hope you don't love After crying."


The teAcher YAngChunHui still put the oceAn As A good student."He is very good,Tell him not to touch,Don't cry,three/5 minutes he will stop."


Now the oceAn,As the exercise books will be"fork",The teAcher sAid"YAngyAng to red hook hook".He seldom Active hAnds the Answer,But when they Are cAlled when reAding the text,He will be in not fluent lAnguAge reAding quietly.HeAr the students give him A stAnding ovAtion,He will then reAd the next text.


Or relAtives cAn Apply for sister sun sAid,YAngyAng AlreAdy know to prAised,This A little bit of progress,Is enough to let them rejoice.


"In fAct I don't expect oceAn cAn leArn much knowledge,The key is to he will leArn to communicAte with people,Into group life."ThAnk you very much for the school's mother,To the oceAn A tolerAnt wArmth school environment.


"If is to go to A school society-AdAptAtion,These children still cAn't into society,SociAl development todAy,CAn't go bAck to the Age of greenhouse."Beijing normAl university educAtion division professor wei grAin buds pointed out,Autistic children must contAct the society,Just know the sociAl code of conduct is whAt.Let suitAble for normAl clAss Autistic children into the regulAr school,For other children is Also good,Such As love educAtion.TAke cAre of side Autistic students,FAr more thAn AbstrAct love sermons more closely.


Stick to mother's confusion


But not All of the students with clAss Autism,CAn be very good fusion.


Insist thAt son in regulAr school complete nine yeArs compulsory educAtion,ThomAs mom confused."I begAn to doubt,I hAve to,Whether is reAlly good for him."


ThomAs 8 yeArs old the AreA of elementAry school,But the school didn't Agree or relAtives cAn Apply for,He wAs Alone in school,No outside the clAssroom or relAtives cAn Apply for the little sister's wAiting for you.


ThomAs AlwAys sitting in A clAssroom in the lAst row of the corner,Around no students.


Hiding in the school in the corridor,ThomAs mom see son clumsily hAnd,Active And pAssing the clAssmAte tAlk,The first students with feAr AwAy,The second clAssmAte AgAin AwAy...ThomAs outstretched hAnd And shoulders in trembling,GApes At Julie.


His emotionAl lie between period of time will outbreAk.He hAd rushed out of the clAssroom,RAn to the AdjAcent clAss clAssroom bAste the teAcher,Also once took About A stone hit clAssmAte.Second grAde,ThomAs wAs more thAn 10 nAme pArents joint QuAnTui.ThomAs society-AdAptAtion bAck to school for A yeAr,A yeAr lAter bAck to school.But five grAde,He suddenly the whole body in the clAss clothes And cut into cloth.


ReAd junior high school,ThomAs wAs in the toilet students bullying,He becAme cAn't drink wAter,DAre not go to the toilet.In the school ThomAs often Anxiety,Serious you then people nervous,WAs quAking with,Keep his mouth out voices,The veins stood out on his fAce suddenly And violently.


"TeAchers And students is not the lAck of love,Just don't know how to communicAte with ThomAs."ThomAs mom feel,In mAny conditions under the condition of lAck,Even though his son wAs in regulAr school completed 9 yeArs of compulsory educAtion,But his fusion educAtion is not successful,Soon And be QuAnTui vocAtionAl schools.


ThomAs mom spent two yeArs let the son to relAx,Morning plAying the piAno,Afternoon drAwing/plAy/Swim etc.Now ThomAs like to help mother do the housework,Side dish side hum.A neighbor sAid,Now ThomAs,Looks like A docile sheep.


"Let children reAd Along with the clAss,A lot of Autism pArents will be At A loss."Beijing XingXingYu educAtion institute, executive director of SunZhongKAi pointed out,Most of the children with Autism is ActuAlly in Along with the clAss"mixed"read.There Are no speciAl teAcher s/Resource room,And to give these speciAl children to provide personAlized educAtion,It is difficult for them to fusion.


The fAmily cAn't beAr the heAvy


More time,PArents tAke the children with Autism fusion educAtion pressure.


SmAll lei mom more thAn 40 yeArs old,Just colored hAir is difficult to cover A few wisp of hAir,"All is for smAll lei school of Anxiety."


She used to be A lArge IT compAny professionAl women,In the son three yeArs After they Are identified As Autistic,She begAn to Autism And endless struggle.In 2009,,SmAll lei mom resigned from his job,Life the goAl is to help son mAximum limit in the generAl populAtion.


SmAll lei diAgnosed"ModerAte to severe Autism Along with disAbilities",Intelligence quotient (IQ) in 46 points below.test,The doctor Asked,WhAt AnimAl bones to love to eAt?SmAll lei sAid,Round And round.The doctor shook his heAd,Mother is on the other side feel funny.Round And round is home A chubby yellow dog.


Some experts think the,The child is not suitAble for the ordinAry school.But little lei mother firmly believe thAt,Fusion educAtion cAn chAnge the fAte of the smAll lei.


In order to smooth the son with the clAss,SmAll lei mom mAde A lot of foreshAdowing:To the teAcher give thick Autism is introduced;PleAse pAy speciAl experts to school speAk fusion educAtion;PleAse or relAtives cAn Apply for Aunt;To the son's leg of the desk And chAir with A cloth,Prevent son shAking tAbles And chAirs produce noise;Liu yi every yeAr to the whole clAss to prepAre A smAll gift,Let little lei write A thAnk you cArd...


In the smAll epitAxiAl growth leArning on the roAd,Mother envisioned A son mAy come into contAct with everyone,To All sorts of emergencies mAke plAn.SmAll lei teAcher/Students Also Accepted smAll lei."A lot of things need to be pArents try to do it,Not only the children into the school."


This smAll lei reAd first,In the school the teAcher eyes is A"polite/Clever students",Mother tAught him will meticulously to do,See everyone will sAy "hello".In the home is mother's good helper,Will help my mother cooking/CleAn the floor.But the kitchen kitchen utensils Are According to his order plAced,Shovels row first,Then is the spoon/ColAnder, etc,Mother set the wrong he would immediAtely corrected.He likes to bAking cAkes,The pAstry distributed to neighbors And property.His dreAm is to open A coffee shop,Be A hAppy bAking division.


SmAll lei once the primAry school principAls sAid,Although the school Accepted the ideA of inclusive educAtion,Accepted smAll lei,But the school did not equipped with teAcher s,Do not hAve the resources of the clAssroom.The smAll lei"mirAcle",The more big reAson is thAt his mother.


CAse success,It's not the entire community.From 2006 to 2012,SmAll lei Attend elementAry school six yeArs,In Addition to tuition outside,AdditionAl used in AcAdemic totAl money in 220000 yuAn.


"The future of their children should not be mother to decide,Should depend on policy."Xin xin mAmA sAid,Fusion successful children,FAmily economic condition bAsic wAs good,More fAmily even survivAl is A problem,Don't tAlk About the more educAtion.


Stones from other hills


The United StAtes:The implementAtion of the Autistic children fusion educAtion,OrdinAry clAsses And resource room become the mAin mode for Autistic children.In 2003-2007,The United StAtes mAinly for Autistic children in common clAss,And hAve A smAll rising trend,In 2007 the proportion of 89.7%.With the constAnt Attention for Autistic children,The fusion educAtion support strAtegy Also constAntly improve,MAinly hAs sociAl support strAtegy/The indirect intervention strAtegies And AcAdemic support strAtegy.Also developed A vAriety of effective trAining method.


JApAn:JApAn to Autism discovery And reseArch dAtes bAck to 1952,Begin from 1969 JApAn will Autistic children plAced in ordinAry schools Accept educAtion,Mining Autistic children's potentiAl,Through the treAtment of educAtion to improve Autistic shApe,Let the Autistic children in the generAl populAtion.






HAve limited with the clAss


One hundred yeAr old school dongcheng district west totAl cloth primAry school hAs been on now for more thAn 10 yeArs of fusion educAtion prActice.In 1999,,The school wAs nAmed"ShiYAnJiAo with clAss",CreAte the dongcheng district first resource room.At present,All the teAchers Are trAined in the school of speciAl trAining,And invited experts teAch in school,GuidAnce teAcher to the children with Autism individuAl teAching scheme,Allow pArents or relAtives cAn Apply for the whole.


But the school teAching plAce SunQuAnGong teAcher sAid,In the school s experts more is AuxiliAry And guidAnce,SpeciAl students' teAching pressure still by generAl for the teAcher."Even if the pArents or relAtives cAn Apply for,The teAcher's pressure Are very big,So the school cAn only Accept mild children with Autism."


SunQuAnGong cAlculAte A bill:A duty of the director of the Chinese teAcher,Two clAsses to teAch Chinese,A week At leAst 13 clAss.extrAcurriculAr,Also counsels the student,Do clAss mAnAgement/PrepAre lessons etc.This is AlreAdy full loAd workloAd.If she teAches two clAsses hAve speciAl children,She shAll be Added two clAsses A week At leAst.


The school, including Autism speciAl students tAke double registrAtion mAnAgement,To AdApt to the normAl clAss children stAy At our school,Not to AdApt to keep one's nAme on the books,The first in the eAst society-AdAptAtion school rehAbilitAtion,Better bAck After.


Beijing in the promotion of inclusive educAtion concept,NAmely not reject/No discriminAtion/No clAssificAtion of educAtion,A lot of schools in exploring fusion educAtion,The government is Also continuously push forwArd with the clAss.


But wei grAin buds pointed out,At present the relAted system hAsn't fully estAblished,Along with the clAss cAn hAve only conditions,Not All Are suitAble for Autistic children."No professionAl support,Some children will be more setbAcks."




TeAcher s into the regulAr school


"Some regulAr school teAcher didn't even heArd of Autism,Even if hAs the compAssion,Is Also difficult to do."Wei grAin buds pointed out thAt,In foreign,TeAch the teAcher Asked the mAster's degree.


Now the quAntity And quAlity of the teAcher s,CAn't meet the Autism And other speciAl the needs of their students.Wei grAin buds Suggestions,TrAining still need to strengthen,CAn let more professionAl teAcher s onto the post."I hope eAch school cAn be equipped with severAl professionAl teAcher s,And the generAl teAcher to teAch trAining."recently,Wei grAin buds hAve been cAlled on to the relevAnt depArtments.


"In fAct, we Are very willing to employ the teAcher s,Is not only beneficiAl to children,And cAn reduce the generAl teAcher's pressure."But the west totAl cloth SunQuAnGong elementAry school teAcher sAid,At present the dongcheng district AppropriAte to school with clAss limited funds,Schools hAve no spAre money to hire s.


More key is,The school is equipped with speciAl teAcher,Also involved in stAffing,"It needs the support of the government."


According to the oceAn or relAtives cAn Apply for sister sun reveAled,Although leArned five yeArs professionAl s,But her students After grAduAtion fresh rAre s engAged in professionAl work,On the one hAnd is stAble of speciAl institutions work hArd to find,On the other hAnd scAttered work s sAlAry is not high,Future work will not be vAlued.




Or relAtives cAn Apply to finAnciAl support system


For mAny schools speAking,ConfigurAtion of speciAl teAcher just pie in the sky.


this,ChinA welfAre institute child welfAre reseArch center deputy director of the stAnding GAoYuRong Suggestions,At leAst shAll estAblish or relAtives cAn Apply for system,In order to prevent further intensificAtion of the disputes.


But even in Beijing,There Are still the school will refuse or relAtives cAn Apply for,The school Also don't know how to or relAtives cAn Apply for.In Autistic children or relAtives cAn Apply not the cAse,TeAcher will only member to mAke improvements,In order to give Attention to both pArty insteAd of the other pArty.Some QuAnTui events,It is from this And up.


"You hAve the right to receive compulsory educAtion,But if hArm to others,Is A kind of evil rights,So to do not hArmful And self-cAre."Beijing Autism children rehAbilitAtion AssociAtion director ZhouJing think,Or relAtives cAn Apply for the estAblishment of the system is necessAry.


GAoYuRong pointed out thAt,In foreign,According to the speciAl needs of children,The government will hAve or relAtives cAn Apply for finAnciAl support system,The school will specificAlly for these children or relAtives cAn Apply for teAcher s employed.Autistic children out of control condition,Or relAtives cAn Apply for the teAcher cAn tAke him to leAve.


"So for mAny yeArs,There is AlwAys someone is cAlling for or relAtives cAn Apply in the system,But so fAr hAve not estAblished."GAoYuRong emphAsize,LAws must be put through to estAblish or relAtives cAn Apply for system,Ensure the implementAtion of this system.The government should not only policy,Also from the finAnciAl support And encourAge schools to receive Autistic children,Such As increAse the speciAl children speciAl educAtion subsidies.The money in After their children to school,Will the school to use,CAn employ the teAcher s,IncreAsing the teAcher's sAlAry,To the teAcher's pAy is A kind of encourAge.At present,Some AreAs hAve some preferentiAl policies,But Also very limited.

  A08-A09版采写/新京报记者 王卡拉 萧辉

A08 - A09 edition collection &composition/Beijing news reporter wAng CArlA XiAoHui

  A08-A09版摄影/新京报记者 浦峰 周岗峰

A08 - A09 edition photogrAphy/Beijing news reporter PuFeng ZhouGAng peAk
