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在祖国的蓝天上书写奇迹 In the motherland blue sky writing miracle


北京航空航天大学科技创新人才培养“双轮驱动”采访纪实 Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics science and technology innovation and personnel training"Two-wheel driven"On-the-spot interview


On October 22,,China aerospace science and technology corporation and Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics signed in Beijing the collaborative innovation cooperation agreement,Both sides build"Northing aerospace science and technology institute of collaborative innovation",With the national science and technology major projects and major projects for traction in applied basic research and cross scientific research.China aerospace science and technology corporation set up special funds,Quota for 100 million yuan a year(For five years),Including special fund 20 million yuan a year.


From October 25, 1952 so far,From Beijing aviation college to Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics,The new China's first aviation universities and the establishment of the development,Doomed to reflect the will of the state,Bearing national mission.The country"211 project"and"985 project"Construction of universities,People in beihang university created a and a miracle,Will a university spirit and she bearing responsibility mission be in harmony is an organic whole,Realize the science and technology innovation and personnel training"Two-wheel driven".


创新之基:在科研中建立新功 Innovation base of:In the scientific research and the building up of XinGong


At the beginning of the school,Northing masters gathered,National assemble the national almost all aerospace field elite education,The composition of beihang university business team,The teachers and students full of loyalty to the nation and to the cause of the tenacity,Writing the new China was founded more first research feat.


The s,From China's first light-duty passenger aircraft"Beijing no. 1"To China's first sounding rockets"Beijing no. 2",To China's first rack automatic pilotless aircraft"Beijing no. 5",Established in beihang university exploits.


In the 21st century,Northing continuous 7 years won seven national science and technology reward the first prize,Three consecutive years won the first prize four national technical invention,Create a continuous university won the national first-class reward record,By society as the China science and technology innovation"Northing mode".


A university why have so contribution?Academician of the Chinese academy of sciences/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics with the principal into peng said:"The school has always to serve national important strategic demand as own duty,Constantly breakthroughs discipline boundary and development barriers,Yong hair first sound/Dare to rush the spirit of new road buaa has become the gene."


Northing people have strong national sense of mission,Scientific research has always adhered to the national strategic demand as the guide.Room built professor team around our country high resolution for earth observation satellite and large spacecraft high precision long life attitude control actuator technical problems,Research with great concentration,Developed the maglev flywheel and control moment gyro,Control accuracy improved one order of magnitude,To break the foreign technical monopoly,Won the 2007 national technical invention the first prize.


Professor ZhangGuangJun with small high precision celestial sensor technology research team to realize miniaturization in spacecraft/High precision independent operation provides attitude measuring important technical way and the updated products of the success,To solve the high precision satellite attitude measurement technology bottleneck,The results won the 2008 national technical invention the first prize,Is then applied to"Hope one"And satellite mission.Only 2005 to 2007,Create economic benefits reached 135 million yuan.


Based on"985 project"Aviation materials and manufacturing platform,XuHuiBin academician established by material/Control and mechanical three disciplines cross research team,Its scientific achievements"Wide WenYu corrosion giant magnetostrictive material and its application"Won the 2008 annual national technical invention the first prize.


Professor ZhaoQinPing led research team ten years rub a sword,research"Real-time 3 d graphics BH_GRAPH platform"In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony and the capital National Day military parade scheme has produced significant social and economic benefits,Won the 2010 national scientific and technological progress award.


Huaichuai the dream of science and technology power,Northing a person with"innovation"courage,Inspire their own constantly encourage forward.


Deputy secretary of education BuDangZu/Vice minister/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics former secretary of the party committee DuYuBo said:"Buaa science and technology innovation from beginning to end around national strategic needs,Formed a kind of special research culture and mechanism."


In the Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics secretary of the party committee HuLingYun looks,Aim at the discipline overlapping fusion international front,Lead the important scientific problems,Is the higher fields of beihang university have been popping up with happy regularity in the secret.


创新之问:在培育人才中追求卓越 Innovative asked:In cultivating talents in the pursuit of excellence


"Adhere to the cultivation of talents in this,The university is the essential attribute of the rational return."Bosom into peng think,"University is teachers' and students' academic community,Is the student life transformation and innovation develop the palace,And the research university should be a first-class talent and new ideas/The new knowledge of the incubator."


Six years ago,Once there is a news is a national.On November 1, 2006,The northing space institute 14 undergraduate spent a year development completed"Northing 1"Sounding rocket,In the jiuquan satellite launch center successful launch,And according to the scheduled design reach 10000 m height.This is China's first nuclear by college students independent design and production of the sounding rocket.


Wonderful continue to continue.On dec. 5, 2008,"Northing 2"Solid-liquid mixed rocket engine sounding rocket flight test has come to a successful conclusion.This is China's first will be solid-liquid mixed rocket engine for dynamic sounding rockets successful launch and recovery,The project team main force is still in school undergraduate and graduate students.


As China's aerospace and higher engineering education platoon guide,Northing comprehensive entered"Excellence engineers plan"/"Top-notch innovative personnel training plan"and"Talent training mode reform"Three major national education reform pilot program.


Around how to"The first-class students into the first-class talented person"goal,Northing to serve national strategy demand as the drive,The scientific research advantage into talents training ability,The excellent culture nourish into talents cultivation environment,Move the high side international cooperation into talent training characteristics,Promote has general basic innovative personnel training quality reform.


In recent years,Northing through the study more in line with the talented person growth law and adapt to the individualized requirements of the teaching mode reform,The Great Wall is vigorously implementing the personnel training plan of action,To build up a scientific basis/Humanities cultivated manners/Practice ability of the coordinated development of top-notch innovative personnel training system,Established undergraduate seven basic divisions/Four academy,Start liberal arts education pilot,Continuously strengthen the cultural education environment and the cultivation of practice ability,Basic formed reason/work/Wen and internationalization four kinds of education reform experimental plot.Through the well countries"Pilot college",Punning national education system reform pilot project and education teaching quality engineering,Promotion of higher engineering college/French engineer college/Hua luogeng class/Arts and the experience of the experimental class, etc,The full implementation of the tutorial system,Promote students personalized/Small class change/International culture, etc"A system of three"And curriculum system construction,To promote the teaching and research of this research are integrated training.


In the educational practice exploration,Buaa has not only by the national science and technology reward high and crack international frontier problem as a representative of many achievements in scientific research,And through science and education combined,A large number of outstanding creative talents stand out,The graduate student and a large number of undergraduates has become innovative scientific research force.Such as fresh graduate WangLiZhen dr,In order to reveal the woodpecker"Iron TouGong"The secrets of the,And FanYuBo tutor professor resistance to live lonely and interdisciplinary hardships,Established the woodpecker head resistance to impact the biomechanical mechanism;Access to the national technology invented the first doctor tsai open spring,In 2011 was named person of the year Chinese college students.


创新之志:在大力协同中服务社会 Volunteers of the innovation of the:In the strong synergy in serving the society


Advantages of running school how into service social advantage?"Positive around the regional economic and emerging industry development,With a variety of forms to carry out in-depth cooperation,Vigorously implement science and technology achievements in industrialization."Northing gives the answer to say.


According to the statistics,buaa"11th five-year plan"Accumulated during complete enterprise technology development/Technical service/Technical consulting scientific research item 8381 items,The total research budget exceeds 2.5 billion yuan,52.1% of the total scientific research funds.In 2010,,1.728 billion yuan in scientific research funds about 1 billion yuan from industry,Results conversion rate reaches 60%,Direct service to the development of the national economy.


The scientific and technological achievements into enterprise initiative,Strive constantly for self-improvement scientific spirit can be born flowering.


For many years,Northing innovation mechanism system,And scientific research institutions/Enterprises depth cooperation,Build research and development centers or joint laboratory,Actively promote technology innovation.


High-level talents and a high level of scientific research is the development of beihang university wings.


Inviting beihang university (htma JiangLei researcher academician as chemical and environmental dean of college,Effectively promote the Chinese academy of sciences and beihang university in scientific research and personnel training cooperation,Realized in[Nature]Top journals such as the zero breakthrough,Have a major impact on academic papers for emerging.


How to fly higher?Northing initiative and enterprise carry out collaborative innovation.


In September of 2012,Northing and catic industrial group signed cooperative innovation cooperation agreement,Each spent about 500 million yuan of funds,Around the aviation science and technology/General aviation/Aviation engine as well as other key areas to carry out scientific research and personnel training further cooperation.The same,Northing and China electronics technology group signed a strategic cooperation agreement,The two sides will in combine the national major scientific and technological projects/The cultivation of talents in carry out in-depth cooperation.


Northing also and aerospace science and industry group/China ShangFei company build research institute or r&d center,From basic research/achievements/Base construction/The cultivation of talents and build the full range of technology innovation strategy alliance,Joint development of important scientific research project research.


At the same time,Northing is still in Beijing/Shenzhen established international aerospace innovation park and emerging industry research institute,Play the advantage of college basic research,Service area economic and industrial development.

  沐风历雨六十年,砥砺前行铸辉煌。新时期的北航,就像一只志存高远的雄鹰,在浩瀚的时空中叱咤风云、展开翱翔的双翼,开启了迈向空天信融合特色的世界一流大学的新征程。(记者 唐景莉)

MuFeng calendar rain sixty years,Encourage forward brilliance.The new period of beihang university,Like a high-flying eagle,In the vast space ride the whirlwind/Expansion flying wings,Open the move towards empty day letter fusion characteristics of world class universities in the new journey.(Reporter TangJingLi)
