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副教授课堂劈砖视频走红 网友惊呼知识就是力量--亲稳舆论引导监测室

[提要] [abstract]昨日,一段视频在网上火了:在一个大学课堂上,一位大学男教师利用自己对物理公式的理解,徒手劈开一块粘土砖。很多网友惊呼“知识就是力量”,也有网友感叹:“教授会武术,流氓挡不住。”到底是科学还是武术、抑或是魔术?[更多精彩新闻] yesterday,A video online in the fire:In a university class,A male university teachers use their physical formula for understanding,Unarmed split a piece of clay brick.Many netizens exclaimed"Knowledge is power",Have net friend exclamation:"Professor will martial arts,Rascal stop."What is science or martial arts/Or magic?[more wonderful news] 副教授课堂劈砖视频走红 网友惊呼知识就是力量 10月23日,魏骁勇给记者现场演示手劈砖块。华西都市报记者程渝肖翔 摄影张磊 On October 23,,WeiXiaoYong give reporters live demonstration hand splitting bricks.West China metropolis daily reporter ChengYuXiao xiang zhang lei photography视频:教授课堂劈砖 用数学公式讲解 video:Professor classroom split brick using mathematical formula explanation? ?? ?


The university teacher will brick on the desk a head,Left hand pressed,Half dangling,Deep breath,Right hand be knife,Flung down all,Broken bricks answer two section.


WeiXiaoYong said,Split brick is to rely on scientific principle and a little luck,Hope seen video people don't imitate,In case of injury.


yesterday,A video online in the fire:In a university class,A male university teachers use their physical formula for understanding,Unarmed split a piece of clay brick.Many netizens exclaimed"Knowledge is power",Have net friend exclamation:"Professor will martial arts,Rascal stop."What is science or martial arts/Or magic?


West China metropolis daily reporter contact on the video of the university teacher sichuan university computer college 35 years old, an associate professor of WeiXiaoYong,He field shows the whole process of split brick.He said,Although will martial arts,But split brick is to rely on scientific principle and a little luck,Hope seen video people don't imitate,In case of injury.


视频火爆:大学课堂男教师单手劈砖 Video hot:The college classroom male teachers single hand split brick


This section of video over more than 12 minutes,In a short span of a few hours will become one of the most popular online video.Look from the video,The university teacher seems to be talking about"Science and engineering practice"The first section of the course,Brief introduction of the course,Split brick demonstration began.


He first took two horse red brick,A striking each other after,Students will brick to verify true and false,Then with walnut tried brick of hardness,And a few foot.Then the brick on the desk a head,Left hand pressed,Half dangling,Deep breath,Right hand be knife,Flung down all,Broken bricks answer two section.

  演示完后,这位老师又镇静地走回讲台,对着PPT 开始讲述自己是如何劈砖成功的。幕布上出现了一段公式,随后是阿基米德的头像。

After demonstration,The teacher and calmly walked back to the platform,To the PPT began to tell oneself is how to split brick success.Curtain appeared on a formula,Followed by the head of Archimedes.


From the video to see,The teacher will split brick success,Due to the successful use of simple scientific principle.


网友惊呼:现在才懂得知识就是力量 Netizens exclaimed:Now don't know knowledge is power


yesterday,This section of video on the Internet after appearing,Rapid hot propagation and cause of hot debate.Not a few net friend exclamation:"Read this paragraph of video,Don't know what is called knowledge is power."Have net friend ridicule,After this class of boys,Can give girlfriend split brick stunt the performance.Of course,There are the voice of the question.Have net friend say,The teacher looks young and strong,Perhaps itself is a martial arts,"Don't put anything on to the physical?"


Most users attention is,The university teacher exactly is to use martial arts or science split the bricks;The most curious is,The teacher what thou art,Why do we adopt this way lecture?


对话当事人 Dialogue party


曾学过武术 劈砖为教学更直观 Have studied martial arts for the teaching split brick more intuitive


yesterday,West China metropolis daily reporter contacted my computer college 35 years old, an associate professor of WeiXiaoYong.


Talk about why want to split brick teaching,Miss wei special clarified themselves and not to try to please the public with claptrap:"I'm just in order to teaching more intuitive,And not just to split brick."He said,Because this course is"Science and engineering practice",Demo split brick process is to use this way to trigger students' learning interest in this course,Understand the most simple scientific principle is applied proper,Also can produce the result that expect is less than.


WeiXiaoYong is not afraid he would martial arts,He was mianyang young amateur wushu team players,When I was a child was also follow the TV splitting a few times bricks,All succeeded.But he said,Split brick success is the correct use of the scientific principle.


When it comes to the accident famous,WeiXiaoYong said some small troubles:"I want to know is which students upload video,The key is the institute made a mistake."He said, laughing,Will not blame upload video students.


"My heart a little beard hair,Don't know tomorrow will be what kind of situation waiting for me."WeiXiaoYong to oneself when it has a sudden flat red in network,Also some can not accept,"How much more I university play truant/Teaching split brick these things,My parents always is not very clear.This is all exposed."


劈砖原理冲量定理加杠杆原理 外加点小运气 Split brick principle impulse theorem and the lever principle some little luck


yesterday,WeiXiaoYong to reporter explains in detail the split brick process contains scientific principle:"In fact is scientific use in practice,Add a little luck."


Wei teacher explains,The so-called luck is refers to the brick of hardness is different,When the strength of split brick a different,Maybe meet a piece of fire better brick,They could not success at one time.


But if the master to the scientific principle,Right practice,A good chance of success split brick.他说,其中主要包含两个科学原理,一个是冲量定理,一个是杠杆原理。首先要把砖头悬空,这样力不至于被桌面分散。根据冲量定理的公式,当人以很快速度并在很短时间内完成劈砖的动作,这就足以产生很大的力将砖头劈为两半。当砖头悬空部分更多时,事实上砖头与桌面的边缘形成了一个省力杠杆,当力作用于更省力的远端时,就会被放大。由此劈开砖头就更容易了。 He said,The major contains two scientific principle,One is the impulse theorem,One is the lever principle.First of all to put in a brick,This force should not be desktop dispersion.According to the impulse theorem formula,When a person with fast speed and in a very short time split brick action,It is enough to make a big force will brick split in two.When conducting more bricks impending part,In fact the brick and the edge of the desktop formed a effort lever,When work is more efficient for the far end when,Will be amplified.This split brick is more easy.


finally,Wei also remind the teacher,Although the use of scientific principles seem simple,But split brick or have a certain risk,Want to watch the video of the net friend don't imitate,In case of injury.

  现场演示连试两次没成功 第三次砖才断 The demo even try twice failed third brick to break


Last night,The reporter comes to WeiXiaoYong based teaching building is located in my laboratory.In the laboratory in the corner,Still piled up with seven horse fire brick.Because split brick video too fire,Yesterday has quite a few media to find him,With reporters in chat,It has been WeiXiaoYong received five or six telephone.


"I can give you a demonstration."Can WeiXiaoYong even tried twice he didn't succeed,"Ha ha,We need a little bit of luck.Lecture before, I also experiment for two times."And he took off his coat,And in the bricks pad some tissue.Deep suction two tone,1/2/3,hi!Bricks answered and broken into two pieces.


WeiXiaoYong said,Because yesterday split brick too much,Right hand some pain,Affected play,But it also shows that scientific principle is applied proper,Even if the hand pain can also split tiles,By brute force is not successful.

  学生说法 Students view


这老师真牛 还用太极讲科学 The teacher really cattle still use to tai chi tell science


If you think WeiXiaoYong class only split brick this recruit,But it would be wrong to.WeiXiaoYong now took eight graduate student,They are often the teacher a wide range of hobbies and new teaching methods"surprised"to.


"I thought wei teacher teach us tai chi had a cow,(Didn't expect)Now also split brick."One student said,WeiXiaoYong played in 10 years of tai chi chuan,In Hong Kong to read and work to accept more than 100 taijiquan students.In my,The department's students and professors up,Also has more than 40 WeiXiaoYong with learning to play taijiquan.


The students also revealed:"Split brick with as,In wei teacher when tai chi chuan,Also can speak some with our research and curriculum related things."

  老师其人 The teacher known


大学学建筑 曾获老师特许逃课 College building was awarded the teacher franchise cut class


To the reporter when communication,WeiXiaoYong don't like video in so"Put to open",Double-breasted cream-colored wind solidly plastered over two,Though it is already university teachers,But his university degree also had cut class.


WeiXiaoYong in kunming university of reading,Learn building.But from freshman year to cut class,Has fled to the teacher in charge unbearable to find him."Teacher in charge said,I just leave the department and a teacher all persuade,Will agree, I do not have classes."later,WeiXiaoYong really with the advance of the subject to see all the teacher,And successfully persuading them to.Since then,Have been to university graduate WeiXiaoYong were on the back of natural and unrestrained day painting sketchpad everywhere.


In their own ways have been learn good WeiXiaoYong,From a bachelor's/Master has been read, city university of Hong Kong to the doctor.Until 2008 years later,As the introduction of talents,Enter sichuan university computer teaching system.


课堂考勤 他研究人脸识别系统 Classroom attendance he studied face recognition system


Because the class never call the roll,WeiXiaoYong was under attack by the students"protest","Never absent students say I don't call the roll,For they do not fair."

  因为觉得一堂课要花很多时间点完100来个名字很麻烦 ,魏骁勇研究出“基于人脸识别的考勤系统”,他上课前将教室全景拍下,回去用识别系统对照所有学生的面部。没有显现的就是没有来上课的。“所以我的课,出勤率很高。而且其他系也开始在用系统打考勤了。”魏骁勇说。

Because think lesson to spend a lot of time point over 100 to a name very troublesome ,WeiXiaoYong developed"Based on face recognition of check on work attendance system",He the classroom before class panoramic filmed,Go back to use recognition system control all the students' face.No revealed is didn't come to class."So my class,Attendance rate is very high.And other system also began in system play a check on work attendance."WeiXiaoYong said.


补充阅读: Supplementary reading:

  单掌断砖的秘密 在于砖的一头翘起一点 Single palm broken brick secret is brick of a head tilted a little


方法A Method A砖块全部放在桌面上。这样,手劈向砖块时的冲力,通过砖块形成压力扩散到桌面上,力量分散,不易劈断。

All brick on the table.this,Hand split toward bricks of impulse,Through the bricks formation pressure diffusion to the table,Scattered forces,Split off not easily.


方法B Method B砖块的一端留在桌面,另一端伸出桌面。这样,手劈向砖块时行成"剪力",把砖块折断,不过这需要很大的力量,一般常人很难做到。

One end of the bricks in desktop,The other side out of the desktop.this,Hand to make bricks split into"shear",The broken bricks,But it takes a lot of strength,General ordinary people difficult to do.


方法C Method C将砖块的一端放在桌面上,用手按住,另一端伸出桌面,并抬起来一点点。 手劈向砖块时,力量用在砖块抬起的顶部,在最短的时间内以最快的速度劈向砖块。

Will at the end of the bricks on the table,Put my hand on,The other side out of the desktop,And up a little bit. Hand to split the bricks,Power in the top of the lift with bricks,In the shortest time with the fastest speed to split toward bricks.


{1}Cleft end


According to the lever principle,Palm struck the bricks the end,Will produce the maximum impact force.


{2}Micro tilt


According to the principle of impulse,Bricks with desktop to a certain distance,This can produce greater force.


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