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虐童事件多发生在非公办幼儿园 部分为“黑户”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  仅仅“因为好玩”,就把幼童的双耳当“把手”,将其拎至双脚悬空,并要求同事拍照留念;其QQ空间中还有多张儿童被胶带封嘴、蒙脸、扔进垃圾筒的照片--20岁的颜某,再次刷新了“虐童教师”的黑暗记录。 only"For fun",The young children's ears when"handle",Will the carry to feet dangling,And ask colleagues photos as a souvenir;The QQ space how zhang children were tape FengZui/Have face/Thrown into the trash bin pictures - 20 years of age, a facial,Renewed the"Child abuse teachers"Darkness record.


Recently, the frequent exposure preschool teachers of child abuse event.photo/Video in,Those who have no resistance and the self-protection ability of baby,disturbing.Experts say,Child abuse event happens,Can't only stay in condemning individual practitioner of teacher's morality/character."Down market"Behind the fine,Preschool education is as a basic education"burden"Cruel reality.


含笑虐童,“90后”幼儿教师恶行非首次 Smile of child abuse,"After 90"Preschool teachers not evil for the first time


October 24,,Zhejiang possessing exposure together kindergarten teacher hands carry boy's ears/Will the carry to feet impending event.photos,The boy's ears dragged to deformation,Mouth cry,The female teacher is a smile face.The sharp contrast of Internet users sparked intense anger.Many people question,"So no good,How to become a teacher?"


Wenling city education bureau 24th noon emergency this investigated,In the afternoon namely oblige chengxi subdistrict blue peacock kindergarten make deep inspection,"Carry ear"The teacher yan a and for its pictures of the other teachers were both dismissal,Kindergarten yearly check as not qualified.


In the investigation,When asked about"Why to carry children ears,And let others take pictures"when,Born in 1992, yan a say,"For fun".


25,Involved in a female teacher yan by the public security organs of criminal detention,For its pictures of teachers are administrative detention for seven days.


In addition,The angry netizens in spontaneous"Human flesh search"Found in,Yan a QQ space has more than one children were tape FengZui/Have face/DaoCha rubbish bin and photos,netizens"Changan county magistrate"Etc exclaimed"The wickedness of child abuse is not the first time!The criminal is ready!"


The police then investigation to verify,Yan a has worked since 2010,Indeed many times for kindergarten students FengZui with tape/DaoCha rubbish bin, etc to abuse,And take pictures for fun.


A fear is,Yan a child abuse behavior are exposure,Is her own request of pictures,And will"Carry ear as"Upload to"Micro letter"The network social platform,Then report was found.


"If not she harp,Society does not find her apparent children for plaything evil ways."Hangzhou citizens SunWei said.


“黑幼儿园”+“无证上岗”教师:学前教育“所托非人”? "Black kindergarten"+"No card mount guard"The teacher:Preschool education"'s inhuman"?


"Carry ear as"Once again make fine child abuse become social a topic of hot debate.In micro bo,25"Hot topic"Is one of the first"Net exposure more fine child abuse pulled the heart,Please stop of child abuse!"Related micro bo article more than 3.9 million.


In zhejiang before wen,Be exposure of child abuse cases including teachers:Xian a kindergarten with tongs kinzley is the children's hand scald;Guangdong and yu a preschool teacher malicious cast 4 years old girl's cause in critical condition;In late October,A kindergarten in taiyuan, Shanxi Province female teachers in only a few minutes crazy fan a five-year-old girl dozens of a slap in the face,Exposure video display,This is not her first time in this way the corporal punishment student,The girl is not the day was to clap only a child.


Observe these case,Is not difficult to find,Most occur in the public kindergarten,Some kindergarten even"HeiHu",Part of the teachers has not been even teacher certificate.


however,It is these nursery school and teacher,Hold up in the field of preschool education of most of the sky.


Wen in,Preschool education only forty percent of qualification of teacher of a teacher."We appeal to repeatedly,Also set up posts a year an increase of three thousand yuan income encouraging policies,Not many people have the enthusiasm."Wenling city education bureau deputy director teng Lin told reporters,Because most of the teachers working in a private kindergarten,Their average income is one third of the public establishment teachers.Over the past few years private kindergarten students competition,Charge play"Low-cost brand",The human cost more compression.


"Kindergarten run by the local people in,The teacher is generally believed that this is the door to eat meal youth work,Do a few years will be leaving,Liquidity is very big."Teng Lin said.


Engaged in preschool education nearly 30 years of zhejiang superfine teacher wang fang told reporters,Baby period is the key period of life accept education,corresponding,Natural selection should be the most excellent teachers engaged in preschool education.However the domestic current preschool education stage,To most of the teacher education/Ability is difficult to say good.


[Qilu evening news]Commentators LouShiJiang think,Into the threshold of the fine is too low.The basic reason is that the countries of the preschool education as the foundation of education"burden"Resulted in,Not included in the scope of compulsory education,Many public garden are responsible for their own profits and losses,Let all kinds of private private institutions,Eventually lead to all kinds of preschool education institutions to become an individual or a minority of people accused of channel,Such a situation,"Down market"The fine arises at the historic moment.


Taiyuan in Shanxi Province"Teachers' crazy fan girl's dozens of a slap in the face"event,Wade things kindergarten belong to unlicensed kindergarten,District education bureau have 6 times issued notice of suspension,Still can't shut.


"Although in recent years the government at all levels in the public kindergarten to speed up the construction pace,But the short term public kindergarten demand exceeds supply pattern is still difficult to alleviate.These are to some private even illegal kindergarten provides survival soil."Education scholars XiongBingJi said,To fundamentally solve the problem,Still need government guarantee investment,Satisfy the entrance requirements.


网民呼吁:为孩子筑起“法律保护墙” Netizen called for:Built for children"Legal protection wall"


Strengthen the education input,Change the public kindergarten demand exceeds supply situation need time,In the current financial investment limited circumstances,Need to related department to enlarge profession supervising and managing and violations of the punishment,Built for children"Legal protection wall".


Shanxi taiyuan to"Crazy fan girl's dozens of a slap in the face"Wade things LiZhuQing teachers implement administrative detention 15 days after the punishment,Many netizens said"Punishment too light".


netizens"Modesty and"said,"Does not love,Why is a teacher by worthy example;No virtue,Why to preach to reassure;Far from a man standard,Dare to be the enlightenment,shame!"


Zhejiang possessing female teacher yan involved a 25 to"Suspected stir-up-trouble crime"By the public security organs after the criminal detention,Made by netizens question,"Why not intentional injury or child abuse sin".According to the ministry of public security to explain,Our country criminal law there is no"Child abuse sin"Such a crime;Crime of abuse refers to abuse family members,Children do not belong to the teacher's family members;Deliberately harm must be the victim to injury minor injuries the results.


Nanjing netizens"zhuang"said,The child's psychological damage how to calculate?


Micro bo netizens"ZhangZhou"think,In addition to punish the murderer as soon as possible,The mainest is can't let these"abnormal"Have any close to the freedom of children.

  娄士强认为,仅从行业自律和职业道德方面对幼师的从业行为进行约束是不够的。频频爆出的幼儿园老师虐童事件,正是相关法律法规在学前教育管理方面滞后性的力证,以此为据的监督管理工作,同样有很大的提升空间。(余靖静 张遥)

LouShiJiang think,Only from the self-discipline and professional ethics of fine working behavior of constraint is not enough.Frequently explode of child abuse event kindergarten teacher,It is the relevant laws and regulations in preschool education management of hysteresis demonstrates,This is according to the supervision and administration of the work,There are also a lot of will to rise.(YuJing static zhang remote)
