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Each have to buy a house experience,All have their own stories and buy a house to buy a house by.Maybe you have to buy a house turn all houses still nothing,Maybe you are to buy which house and hesitate to swing,Maybe you have many home buyers have buy a house of their own experience.So please contact us,Tell we belong to you to buy a house stories and experience to buy a house.Our telephone number for 66733397.this,After the 80 JiXiaoYan/ZhaoXiYe and after 70 XueLei share with us their stories to buy a house.


80后小情侣: After 80 little lovers:


相恋6年买套房 Love six years to buy suites


JiXiaoYan and ZhaoXiYe is a senior high school classmate,Xiao yan said they has been dating for six years,Proved that they"Early love"fact.Two people after the college entrance examination,A in hubei,A in jiangxi,Although every too far,But it was also a long distance relationship worthy of the name.After graduation,Together they return to shenyang soon in shenyang bought a house,Speaking of the process of buying a house and industry feeling quite a lot.

  “我们已经相恋6年了,虽然婚期还没定,但是想快点有个自己的房子,无论什么时候想开始自己的小生活了,随时都可以开始。所以,买这套房子也是为我们结婚买的。”希业告诉记者,晓颜喜欢复式的房子 ,有大大的窗户,每天可以享受暖暖的阳光,环境要清幽,不要吵闹的闹市区。而他喜欢绿化好的小区,物业也要好,入住后省事方便。

"We has been dating for six years,Although day haven't fixed,But want to hurry up a house of his own,Whenever you want to start their own small life,Can start at any time.so,Buy this house is we get married to buy."And industry told reporters,Xiao yan like the house of double entry ,A big window,Every day can enjoy warm sunshine,Environment to quiet and beautiful,Don't noisy downtown.And he likes green good plot,Property is also,In convenient save trouble.


"We just over the years from the start things,A glance at the three to four months,The availability of shenyang we basically all see.At first we want to in the experimental primary school nearby a project to buy,But feel that make a room time too late.Then valued JinRiZi are,There very good family,However, due to various reasons also not been decided.finally,We valued vanke · city garden,Because my uncle lived in the city of charm,So know vanke property service is better,And this is fine decoration,Comparison about province."ZhaoXiYe introduced,He and xiao yan house process really"moved"For a long time,After various measure chose can make a room next year the city garden,87 square meters set of two door model is also very suitable for them when marriage room.


Xiao yan told reporters,Although it still didn't make a room,But at ordinary times after the future home,Several times she can't help but stop and look for a while,Nearby are residential area,Also accord with her house to the expectations.ZhaoXiYe said,"Although suddenly become a mortgage slave,But we still very happy,After all have their own house.Now every month should pay 2800 yuan of mortgage,We just graduated became a mortgage slave,But home can give us part of the support,Pressure is not very big".


70后“大叔”: After 70"uncle":


亲朋好友一起买房 Relatives and friends together to buy a house

  今年38岁的薛磊和妻子都在棘洪滩工作,有一个漂亮可爱的女儿。今年3月份,他们在青啤TAHA 时区买了房。“当时我和妻子去看了几次,最看重的还是那里环境好,比较安静,而且我们单位的班车经过这个小区,我俩上班非常方便。”薛磊告诉记者,搭班车从青啤TAHA时区出发只要半小时就能到单位,所以他和妻子很快付了首付,买下了房子。

This year the 38-year-old XueLei and his wife are in spine flood beach work,There is a beautiful and lovely daughter.In march this year,They are tsingtao TAHA time bought a house."When my wife and I went to see a few times,The most valued or there environment is good,quiet,And we unit bus through the village,We go to work is very convenient."XueLei told reporters,Take bus from tsingtao TAHA time start as long as half an hour can to the unit,So he and his wife soon paid down,Bought the house.

  “我的第一套房子在棘洪滩,是一个120平方米的三居室,现在在青啤TAHA 买的这套房是92平方米的两居室,10月1日已经交房了,目前正在装修。装修好应该就会搬过来,女儿已经上四年级了,我们想让她初中在城区上,所以应该不久后我们就要搬家。不过大房换小房还是挺闹心的,感觉空间有点小。”薛磊说,很多同事、朋友都跟自己在同一个小区买了房,自己认识的一家三兄弟全住在小区15号楼。

"My first house in spine flood beach,Is a 120 square meters of three-bedroom,Now in tsingtao TAHA bought the suite is the two bedrooms of 92 square metre,October 1 has make a room,At present is to decorate.Good decorate should move over,She was up to the fourth grade,We want to let her junior high school in the city,So should soon we will move.But big room in cellule was the could,Feel the space is a little small."XueLei said,Many colleagues/With his friends in the same village bought a house,His understanding of a three brothers all live in community building no. 15.

  “我今年3月买房,在买房前我就建了一个业主的QQ 群,从一开始邻居们零零散散地加进来,到现在群里已经有150多个业主了,每天在线人数就有五六十人,大家一起聊聊房屋建设情况、装修进度,晒晒自己家装修的图片 ,或者在群里共享一些装修的情况。”薛磊告诉记者,他建的业主群里都是纯邻居,装修公司也加进来过,都被他踢出去了。每天在业主群里,跟以后的邻居们分享一下买房的事儿和装修的事儿,提前跟邻居们培养一下感情 。薛磊说,他的群友们大都没见过面,即使现在见了也不一定能对上号,但是邻居们在群里分享自己的经验和遇到的事情 ,已经成了朋友。

"I this year march to buy a house,Before buying a house I built a owner's QQ group,From the beginning the neighbors to add back in,Up to now the group has more than 150 the owner,Every day the number of online there is 60 people,Everyone together talk about housing development situation/Decorate progress,In home decoration picture ,Or in the group to share some of the case that decorate."XueLei told reporters,He built the owner group is pure neighbor,Decorate a company to also have added,Were he to play out.Every day in the group,After neighbors to share the house business and decoration business,Prior to the neighbors get in the feelings .XueLei said,His group of friends are mostly not met,Even now saw also can not against the number,But the neighbors in the group to share their experience and meet things ,Has become a friend.


