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  一堂关于声音传播的有趣科学表演课在广州大学城穗石小学上演,孩子们被各种自制可发出奇妙声音的乐器深深吸引着。 吴晶平 摄

A lecture on sound transmission interesting scientific acting class in guangzhou university town ear ShiXiaoXue stage,The children were all kinds of homemade can be a wonderful sound instruments deeply attracted. WuJingPing perturbation

中外科普人员合作实验秀进广州小学课堂   图为新西兰奥塔哥博物馆Katie Topham在为孩子们演示声音在水里传播的样子。 吴晶平 摄 The graph is New Zealand otago museum Katie Topham for children demo voice in the water spread appearance. WuJingPing perturbation

  中新网广州10月26日电(杨薇 吴晶平)广东科学中心26日携新西兰奥塔哥博物馆科普人员走进广州穗石小学,为学生上了一堂关于声音传播的有趣科学表演课。

Guangzhou Beijing on October 26(YangWei WuJingPing)Guangdong science center with 26 New Zealand otago museum science personnel into the guangzhou ShiXiaoXue ear,For students a lesson on about sound propagation interesting scientific acting class.


The performance class by the guangdong science center and New Zealand otago museum science personnel joint.Staff through the tuning fork/Beverage tube/Paper cups/Plastic bottle/Drain etc do play a musical instrument,And singing and dancing and experimental way to explain the characteristics of voice and transmission principle,Attract ear ShiXiaoXue dozens of students to participate in.


It is understood,Guangdong science center organizes more than 20 session similar scientific acting class,Free into the school,Especially in poverty mountainous area school,Let the students close and scientific intimate contact.

  Katie Topham是新西兰奥塔哥博物馆派往广东科学中心实行专业人才交流的科普人员,也是这次科普实验秀的重要表演者。她在新西兰从事科普教育工作已多年,对“馆校”如何结合进行科学教育方面颇有心得。她告诉记者,广州的学生原来在课堂上非常活跃,颠覆了她原本对中国孩子“一本正经”的印象。看到中国孩子黝黑的眼睛里对科学充满热爱,她觉得很兴奋。

Katie Topham is New Zealand otago museum sent to guangdong science center a professional talent exchange of scientific researchers,Is also the popular science experiment show the important performers.She engaged in popular science education work in New Zealand has been going on for several years,to"GuanJiao"How to combine scientific education had considerable insight.She told reporters,Guangzhou original students in class is very active,She was upset to Chinese children"solemnity"impression.See Chinese children dark eyes filled with love of science,She felt very excited.

  据了解,去年9月,广东科学中心与新西兰奥塔哥博物馆在第六届世界科学中心大会上签定了合作备忘录,计划在科学展览、教育、科研、人力、信息和网上博物馆等领域开展的合作。继Katie Topham到科学中心作为人才交流后,奥塔哥博物馆还将计划安排一批特色展览到广东展出。(完)

It is understood,Last September,Guangdong science center and New Zealand otago museum in the sixth session of world science center conference signed a memorandum of cooperation,Plan in science exhibition/education/Scientific research/human/Information and online museum in fields of cooperation.After Katie Topham to science center after as talent exchange,Otago museum will plan a batch of special exhibition on display in guangdong.(finish)


(Source: China news network)
