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中国城镇登记失业率为4.1% 毕业生就业形势严峻--亲稳网络舆情监控室


    Human resources and social security issued by 25,At the end of the third quarter in China registered urban unemployment rate is 4.1%,And at the end of the second quarter flat.The data has its ninth consecutive quarter remain at 4.1%.


from[Economic reference to]Reporters know the situation,The current our country employment situation overall smooth,But structural problems are still,Especially fresh graduates employment situation is still severe.


 形势 situation

  当前就业总体平稳 The current employment overall smooth

  据人力资源和社会保障部新闻发言人尹成基介绍,前三季度我国就业形势总体平稳。1至9月,全国城镇新增就业1024万人,完成全年900万人目标的114%。城镇失业人员再就业完成432万人,完成全年500万人目标的86%。就业困难人员实现就业135万人,完成全年120万人目标的113%。三季度末,城镇登记失业率为4 .1%,与二季度末持平。

According to human resources and social security ministry spokesman YinChengJi is introduced,The first three quarters our country employment situation overall smooth.1 to September,The new town employment of 10.24 million people,Hit the year 9 million 114% of the target.Town unemployment personnel again obtain employment finished 4.32 million people,Hit the year 5 million 86% of the target.People who have difficulty finding employment to realize the employment of 1.35 million people,Hit the year 1.2 million 113% of the target.At the end of the third quarter,Registered urban unemployment rate is 4. 1%,And at the end of the second quarter flat.

  《经济参考报》记者多方了解到 的 情 况 与 尹 成 基 介 绍 的 基 本 相符。据了解,当前我国多个行业用人需求仍然较为旺盛。

[Economic reference to]The reporters know affection condition and Yin into base interface shaoxing base this consistent.It is understood,The current our country many industries employing demand is still relatively strong.


China's human resource market information monitoring center through to the country's 100 city public employment service agencies market supply and demand information statistical analysis found,More than eighty percent of the employing demand concentrated in the manufacturing industry/Residents service/Wholesale and retail, etc.Compared with the same period last year the industry employing demand are is rising,The construction/Residents service and other services needs or larger.


Although economic growth continued to slide,But the employment index obviously better off,Have analysts said,From the industrial enterprise of employees/Town new employment and the national talent market data to see,The current employment status overall still more smoothly,The employment problem has not been worrying.

  东方证券在近日一份研报中指出,前8个月规模以上工业企业全部从业人员平均人数为8978 .5万人,累计同比增长1 .3%。尽管同比增速较去年年初显著下滑,但在工业企业主营业务收入增速显著下滑 、 利 润 额 增 速 处 于 负 增 长 情 况下,工业企业就业人数仍处于正增长说明目前我国就业环境还不错。

Oriental securities in recently a research report says,In the first eight months industrial enterprises above designated size all employees average number 8978. 50000 people,Accumulated year-on-year growth of 1. 3%.Although year-on-year growth is significant decline at the beginning of last year,But in the industrial enterprise advocate business wu income growth decline significantly / The amount of moisture in increasing speed in negative increase long affection condition,Industrial enterprise employment is still in the positive growth that at present our country employment environment is good.


Not long ago, a spokesman for the national bureau of statistics news filled to transport also made clear,Since this year China's employment situation overall stability,In the economic operation of the developed countries is different from a prominent window.

  盛来运说:“世界经济复苏缓慢的一个重要的拖累因素是失业居高 不 下 , 如 美 国9月 份 失 业 率 是7 .8%,欧元区8月份平均失业率达到11.4%,这些国家虽然经济在复苏,但是一种无就业的复苏”。

Cheng to transport said:"The world economic recovery slow an important drag factor is high in unemployment not down , Such as beautiful kingdom of September lost industry rate is 7. 8%,The eurozone average unemployment reached 11.4% in August,These countries although economy in recovery,But a no employment of recovery".


 原因 reason

  劳动力供需和结构变化 Labor supply and demand and structural change

  根据国家统计局上周公布的数据,三季度国内生产总值(G D P )以7 .4%的增速创下年内新低,这也是中 国 经 济 增 速 连 续 第 七 个 季 度 下滑。然而,在经济下行过程中类似2008年底时的大批农民工失业返乡现象并没有出现。对此专家分析,劳动力供需和劳动力结构的变化、以及中西部地区经济增长的后发优势明显是重要原因。

According to the national bureau of statistics data released last week,The third quarter gross domestic product(G D P )With 7. 4% of its fastest growth in a year low,This is also in the countries to increase speed even continue the seventh season degrees glide.however,In the economic descending process similar to 2008 at the end of the year of a large number of migrant workers return unemployment phenomenon and did not appear.This expert analysis,Supply and demand of labor and labor force structure changes/And parts of the Midwest economic growth is the important reason that the obvious advantage of backwardness.


Oriental securities analyst ShaoYu said,Enterprise employment demand is closely related to economic growth,In the process of economic growth decline enterprise employing demand gradually deterioration.But in China since 2010 the Labour market supply and demand change,The status of the labor supply exceeds demand, never to return.In the Labour market demand exceeds supply situation,The enterprise needs a certain degree of decline in employment market will not have apparent effect.

  对此,中国银行首席经济学家曹远征也持类似观点。他表示,过去相当大部分的劳动力的供应来自农村,但近几年随着农民收入的提高和其他方面的原因,农民工的供给开始明显不足。此外,曹远征认为,人 口 结 构 的 变 化 也 将 直 接 影 响 就业:“从第六次人口普查的结果来看,按过去的增长速度,应该明后年是新产生的劳动力和市场所需要的劳动力基本持平。”

this,The bank of China, chief economist CaoYuanZheng has a similar view.He said,The past is most of the supply of labor from the rural areas,But in recent years along with the improvement of the farmers' income and other factors,The supply of rural migrant workers began to obvious deficiency.In addition,CaoYuanZheng think,People mouth "structure of variable change will also direct joint shadow ring employment:"From the sixth time census results to see,According to the speed of growth in the past,Should side is a new produce labor and market need labor flat."


See from the regional economic development,China in the Midwest is growing rapidly also contributed to the new employment.Cheng to transport said,The Midwest economic growth speed although is in fall,But the third quarter industrial added value growth rate is still in more than 10%.A large number of labor intensive industry by the eastern region to the central and western regions,These areas plus western development and regional economic development along the way,New increased a lot of jobs.

  事实上,从农民工劳动力的专项资料调查来看,中西部地区的后发优势也比较明显:前三季度流向中西部地区的6个月以上外出农民工的增长速度,分别增长了5.5%和5 .6%,比东部地区要高4个百分点左右。

In fact,From peasant workers labor special material investigation to see,The Midwest region are obvious advantage of backwardness:The first three quarters to the Midwest 6 months above out the speed of growth in the migrant workers,Were increased by 5.5% and 6%,Than the eastern region should high 4%.

  难题 problem

  结构性矛盾仍存 Structural contradictions are still


Although the overall employment situation stabilised better off,But the reporter through the interview found,Our country employment structural contradictions still exist,Focus groups especially fresh college graduates employment situation is still severe.

  事实上,从各地就业市场情况看,“高级工短缺、蓝领工人走俏”的趋势越发明显。西安市的数据显示,具备职业资格五级(初级技能)、职业资格四级(中级技能)、职业资格三级(高级技能)的求职人员的求人倍率1 .17、1.72、2.09,求职难度与其所掌握的技能成反比。

In fact,From all around the employment market conditions to see,"Senior worker worker shortage/Blue-collar workers popular"The more obvious trend.Xi an data display,Have professional qualification category five(Primary skills)/Professional qualification level 4(Intermediate skills)/Professional qualification level 3(Advanced skills)The job applicant's ask for help ratio 1. 17/1.72/2.09,The difficulty of the job and mastering the skill is inversely proportional.

  而与此相对的,是高校应届毕业生求职普遍困难。中国人力资源市场信息监测中心提供的数据显示,与去年同期和上季度相比,进入市场求职的人员中,应届高校毕业生增长幅度较大,而就业转失业人员有所减少:与去年同期相比,新成长失业青年的求职人数增加15 .8万人,其中应届高校毕业生增加了11 .9万人,增长20.1%。

And the relative,Is college graduates generally difficult to apply for a job.China's human resource market information monitoring center provides data display,With the same period last year compared to the previous quarter and,To enter the market to apply for a job in the personnel,Fresh university graduates growth to a larger extent,But the employment turn unemployed personnel has decreased:Compared with the same period last year,New growth unemployed youth cover increased 15. 80000 people,The fresh college graduates increased 90000 people,Growth of 20.1%.


"From this year we Beijing university employment situation,Both undergraduate or graduate student than usual to difficulties."Beijing university President assistant HuangGuiTian said.


Another recent a research report,Master graduate student employment rate of the first consecutive two years less than undergraduates.Beijing normal university for postgraduate work ZhouXia researchers[Economic reference to]reporters,In recent years, with the scale of graduate student recruit students gradually enlarged,The employment problems of postgraduates is highlighted,The employment rate and salary keep falling.


Universities do so,nationally,Situation is difficult to optimistic.In 2012,,Years national ordinary university graduates of about 6.8 million people.CaoYuanZheng said,China's economy in the future a long process,Graduates' employment such structural unemployment will is a very important problem.


this,Day is economic research institute of academic committee chairman zhang shuguang,[Economic reference to]reporters,The current recruitment difficult and the problem of employment exist at the same time.College students' employment difficulties,The salary is not high also,College students and migrant workers even appear the phenomenon of competition.Which means education mistakes,Also shows that the distortion of the job market.


 趋势 trend

  未来就业压力仍大 Future employment pressure is still large


Considering the employment belongs to the economic growth of the lagging indicator,Future economic if continue to descending,The enterprise the management situation is likely to form a larger impact on employment.


The bank of China international finance research institute senior analysts to ZhouJingTong[Economic reference to]reporters,Employment situation future exactly,All depends on the future economic situation."From the current economic we judge to see,The next period of time from industrial production is likely to inventory turn again to inventory turn,Rather than from to inventory turn to go to productivity transition,If from to inventory turn to go to productivity transition,The employment problem will highlight."

  根据国家统计局数据,今年8月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润同比下降6 .2%。这已经是从4月份起我国规模以上工业企业连续第5个月出现同比负增长了。作为宏观经济的重要组成部门,工业表 现 不 佳 必 然 会 影 响 整 体 经 济 情况,尤其在当前经济下行压力仍然较大的情况下,还可能对就业产生影响。

According to the national bureau of statistics data,In August of this year,The national industrial enterprises above designated size realized profit year-on-year drop 6. 2%.This is from April up our country industrial enterprises above designated size for the fifth consecutive month appear negative year-on-year.As a macroscopic economy important constituent ministries,Industrial table is not beautiful will however will shadow ring the whole body by the economic situation,Especially in the current economy is still greater downward pressure of the situation,May also impact on employment.

  汇丰银行宏观经济分析师孙君玮认为,企业利润的持续收缩表明制造业企业面临很大困难,如果短期内内需不能有效提振来抵消外需不足的影响,那么这将对企业的用工需求产生负面影响。“就业数据本身是滞后指标,而近期的数据和报道都表明劳动力市场面临的压力在增加,比如汇丰制造业P MI中的就业分项指数已经连续7个月处于收缩区间,此情形只在金融危机期间出现过。”

HSBC bank macroeconomic analysts SunJunWei think,The steady shrinkage of corporate profits that manufacturing enterprises are facing great difficulties,If the short-term domestic demand can not effectively boost to counteract the effects of overseas market demand shortage,So this will to enterprise's labor demand have a negative impact."Employment data is itself a lagging indicator,But recent data and reports show that Labour market pressure on the increase,Such as HSBC manufacturing P MI of employment subentry index has continuous seven months in shrinkage interval,This situation only in financial crisis occurred during."

  事实上,即使在今年以来经济加速增长的中西部地区,四季度就业压力也难言减轻。陕西省人社厅相关负责人介绍说:“今年以来,陕西省经济下行压力较大,实体经济的有效信贷需求下降信号明显,中小企业的盈利能力和吸纳就业人口的能力降低,部分企业特别是劳动密集型中小企业生产经营困难,企业用工需求趋缓。加之今年陕西省高校毕业生人数达到29 .6万人,规模为历年之最,就业形势更加严峻,劳动力供大于求的矛盾仍将长期存在。”

In fact,Even in since this year the accelerated growth of economy of the Midwest,Four quarter employment pressure and reduce the difficult.Shaanxi people club hall relevant controller introduces said:"Since this year,Shaanxi economy large downward pressure,The real economy of the effective credit demand down signal obviously,Small and medium-sized enterprise's profit ability and the ability to absorb employment population to reduce,Part of the enterprise especially labor-intensive small and medium enterprises have difficulty in production and management,Enterprise employee needs to slow down.Shaanxi province this year and the number of college graduates to 29. 60000 people,Scale is the warmest,More severe employment situation,The contradiction between labor supply exceeds demand will exist for a long time."
