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 主持人: The host:我们知道101中学有着光荣的传统,也是基础教育领域的一个旗帜。那我们学校的价值,它的优良传统所体现的方面有哪些?

We know that 101 middle school has a glorious tradition,Also is one of elementary education field of a banner.The value of our school,It's fine to traditional what what reflect what aspects?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我想首先是知道为什么叫101中,它不是一个排序,101中是1946年建在张家口,然后跟着中央到西柏坡,1949年进入北京,1951年建在现在圆明园的地方,当时是周恩来总理划定的地方。1955年,郭沫若先生题词北京101中学。零还是汉字的零。什么意思呢?郭老有一个解释,百尺竿头更进一步,100分不满足,要得101分,所以我觉得学校的与时俱进从那个时候就开始了。65年,学校形成了非常好的文化和传统,我们自己做了一个总结,是不是从这样几个方面去体现。第一,首先是自强不息,不辱使命的责任意识。在每个重要历史关头,都有敢于担当的责任一时。第二,健康育人的宗旨。第三,百尺竿头,更进一步的进取精神。这些精神丰富了我们教育的内涵,也帮助我们去寻找教育的规律。

First I would like to know why call 101,It is not a sort,101 is 1946 years built in zhangjiakou,Then followed the central to xibaipo,In 1949 in Beijing,Built in 1951, on yuanmingyuan place now,At that time is premier zhou enlai designated place.In 1955,,Mr. Guo moruo inscription Beijing 101 middle school.Zero or Chinese characters zero.What do you mean??GuoLao have an explanation,Further progress,100 points not satisfied,To 101 points,So I think the school to keep pace with The Times from that time began.In 65,,The school formed a very good culture and tradition,We made a summary,Whether from such aspects to reflect.The first,The first is to strive constantly for self-improvement,The fulfilling the responsibility consciousness.In every important historical juncture,All have dared to bear responsibility at that time.The second,The purpose of health education.The third,progress,Further enterprising spirit.These spiritual enriched the connotation of our education,Also help us to find the rule of education.


主持人: The host:一个学校,尤其是基础教育的中学,教师是很重要的一个环节。

A school,Especially the foundation education of middle school,The teacher is a very important link.


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我们学校4000个学生,专职教师240多人,这个群体非常年轻,因为在65年资料的整理,前后在101工作的有1600多人,发展到现在我觉得继承了非常好的传统,如果用几个字来概括,也是我们倡导的教师群体文化:责任、自律、求实和大气。如果从职称结构来讲,特级教师大概有十多位,学历结构,最高的就是博士后,硕士以上的50多人。在101中学工作,给的是机会,并不是必然的一种能力,所以要继续不断的努力。

4000 students in our school,More than 240 people full-time teachers,This group is very young,Because in 65 material finishing,In 101 before and after the work of more than 1600 people,Development up to now I think inherited the good tradition,If you use a few words to summarize,Also we advocate teacher group culture:responsibility/self-discipline/Realistic and atmospheric.If from professional title structure speaking,Superfine teacher about more than ten,Degree structure,The highest is postdoctoral,Master of more than 50 people.In 101 middle school work,Is giving you a chance to,And is not necessarily a kind of ability,So will continue efforts.


The second,Students choose us because they think we can provide high quality education,But the essence of quality education is the quality of teachers.The third,Not to advance is to go back,Small also back into.The school had history and policy resources,Want to rely on our further efforts to achieve new results.The fourth,A little less sense of honor,A little more than the investment of life.In 101 work really very glorious,The school alumni foundation education in China is very little,Party and state leaders,Republic general,Academician of the republic and all walks of life model character.finally,We have advocated,We have only one brand,101,A glory and honor,mine.


Around these basic ideas,We have some measures,The first is the perfection of the system.System to ensure the stable state.The second,We are very rescue school-based training,He is the teacher 101,One is to agree with our concept and culture.The second is now young people very much,Values may have some problems,We want to help them.In addition,Basic education for all kinds of reform,The reform we can follow on,Otherwise it is a kind of idle,So we are very emphasize school-based training,We have our own a insist on more than 10 years of training school.


主持人: The host:这个培训学校是针对教师队伍吗?

This training school is aimed at teachers?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:对。因为你到我这儿来,是入模子的一种培训,要接受我们的价值观,我们主要是讲上好课,基础教育,你这个课堂要站的好,上好课,带他们到我们曾经的西柏坡进行革命传统教育。

to.Because you come to me here,The mold is a kind of training,To accept our values,We mainly speak good lesson,Foundation education,You this classroom will stand good,Good lesson,We had brought them into the xibaipo in revolutionary tradition education.


主持人: The host:每个教师如果能来到101这样的学校,作为他本身来讲也是非常光荣的。那是不是在教师选拔上也是有着严格的标准?

Each teacher if you can come to 101 such a school,As he itself too very glorious.If it is in the teachers' selection on is also has a strict standards?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我们选拔的渠道除了一般的公共招聘等等,主要是后面的教育要跟上,因为现在说起来,基本素养素质潜质都是不错的,关键是后面的教育能不能跟上,这是非常重要的。

We the selection of the channel in addition to the general public recruiting, etc,Mainly is the back of the education to keep up with,Because now it,Basic literacy quality potential is good,The key is the back of the education can not keep up with,This is very important.


主持人: The host:其实现在学生的教育,无论课程怎么变化,在德育这块一直是我们国家传承下来的教育体系,当然也有着一些时代性,我们学校在德育工作开展上有没有什么很好的经验?

In fact now is students' education,Regardless of the course how to change,In the moral education in our country has been passed down education system,Of course there are some times,Our school is in the moral education work in any good experience?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:应该说德育工作或者说德育教育是我们学校的一个亮点,101中的历史是跟着中央进程,确实是党创办的进北京的第一所中学,学校位于圆明园爱国主义教育基地,这两点就决定了我们学校的德育工作跟其他学校的不同。这些年,十七大讲德育为先,这次国家颁布的中长期教育改革纲要再一次强调要德育为先,所以我们自己的认识和体会就是立德树人是教育的根本任务,但是面对着90后、21世纪,我们最大的挑战是来自学生的成长环境和他的北京,所以应该到学生当中找问题。另外,我们非常重视常规管理。我们现在有很多套道德观念,你无所适从,有时候有无所不从,所以要扎扎实实的进行养成教育。另外我们非常强调德育的入脑入心,把德育做实在,在活动时间中去育人。所以有一个口号就是用心做德育,像对待智育一样去做德育。

It should be said that the moral education work or moral education is a window of our school,101 of the history is to follow a central process,It is the party founded the first middle school in Beijing,The school is located in yuanmingyuan patriotism education base,The two decided to our school moral education work with other schools is different.these,17 big speak moral education first,The medium and long term issued by the state education reform outline once again stressed the need to moral education first,So our own understanding and experience is khalid ents is the basic task of the education,But face after 90/The 21st century,Our biggest challenge is from the growth of the students environment and his Beijing,So should be to find out the problems of students.In addition,We pay much attention to routine management.We now have many sets of morality,Do you not know what to do,Sometimes that is not from,So to form a solid of education.In addition we are very emphasis on moral education into the brain into the heart,The moral education to do it,In the time of the event to education.So have a slogan is to get on the moral education,Treat as intellectual education to do the moral education.


主持人: The host:你主持编写了德育教材,您是从哪些方面下笔的?

Your host write the moral education teaching material,You from what aspects of writing?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我想大的环境左右不了,但是能不能用微观努力来减少宏观的振幅,让他在101这个小环境中成长,当时考虑最重要的是生命健康教育,最近德育教育内容增加了这块,应该说我们的认识还是比较早的。这是一个校本的教材,在校本德育这块有很多内容,主要表现在课程方面,比如说模拟联合国,就是学生领袖素养的培养。在德育方面有和大师的对话,就是站的比较高,视野一定要宽广。我经常跟老师和学生讲,为什么要读书?人的眼界、视野宽广,你想让他庸俗都难。高一,做合格的101人。高二,要做优秀的101人。高三,要做卓越的101人。这本教材是一个代表,但是除此以外,我们有系列的校本德育课程。我们叫生命从这里开始。

I think big environment right,But can use microscopic efforts to reduce the amplitude of the macro,Let him in 101 the little environment growth,When considering the most important thing is life and health education,Moral education content recently increased the,It should be said that our awareness or earlier.This is a school-based teaching materials,In the school-based moral education this there is a lot of content,Mainly displays in classes,For example model United Nations,Is the cultivation of student leader literacy.In the moral education aspect have and master's dialogue,Is the station is higher,Vision must broad.I often speak with teachers and students,Why do you want to read?ant-man/View is broad,You want him to vulgar are difficult.higher,For 101 people.high,To do good 101 people.three,To do outstanding 101 people.This textbook is a representative,But in addition,We have a series of school-based moral education course.We call life start from here.
