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温岭虐童女幼师颜艳红被刑拘 自称靠关系上岗--亲稳舆论引导监测室

温岭虐童女幼师颜艳红被刑拘 自称靠关系上岗 温岭虐童女幼师颜艳红被刑拘 自称靠关系上岗 网友在颜某QQ空间里发现了多张虐童照片 Net friend in the yan a QQ space found more than one child abuse photos. 温岭虐童女幼师颜艳红被刑拘 自称靠关系上岗 温岭虐童女幼师颜艳红被刑拘 自称靠关系上岗


24 began to,A micro bo photographs on the Internet is widely reproduced:Young kindergarten female teacher,His hands carry a small boy's ears,Will he feet lift from the ground about 10 cm.The net friend"Human flesh",Determine the teacher for zhejiang province wenling city chengxi subdistrict blue peacock YanYanGong kindergarten teacher.In addition,Net friend is still in the QQ space discovered she let the child drill trash can,The bucket cover in the children head,Tape the child tied to the quality of child abuse photos.


25th morning,Wenling city education bureau official report child abuse event the results of the survey.the,Child abuse teachers YanYanGong and participate in pictures of another female teacher child one is immediately dismiss.Suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime,YanYanGong at present has been police criminal detention.


事发 the


幼师揪幼童双耳离地10厘米 Fine catch young children from two ears to 10 centimeters


24 morning,@ will speak in 090080 in micro bo made a photo,Draw many users to turn out.photo,The female teacher a smile face,Two hands are took a boy's left ear,The boy's feet lift from the ground about 10 cm,The ear is out of deformation,The boy opened its mouth because of pain cry loudly.


@ will speak 090080 says,Photo is a female teacher I through the micro letter to a parent,She also said the possessing Oxford kindergarten when the teacher,Photos once exposure let users very angry,Soon spread to her"Human flesh".


追查 tracing


网友搜出多张虐童照片 Net friend seek out more than one child abuse photos


After the incident,Possessing the relevant departments to investigate immediately,Soon found out the images"A smile of female teachers"Private kindergarten"Possessing blue peacock"Small class two YanYanGong teacher,Born in 1992.

  与此同时, 网友也很快“人肉”到了颜艳红的身份证号、手机号、QQ号、家庭住址、毕业院校等。记者登录她的空间发现,空间里有关幼儿园的照片多达702张,其中有两张将幼童嘴用宽胶带封住的照片,有三张将幼童扔进垃圾桶的照片,另有多张幼童互相亲吻、幼童跳舞时被脱掉裤子的照片。空间里上传的身份证等照片可以印证此QQ号正是颜艳红的。

meanwhile, Net friend also soon"Human flesh"The YanYanGong id number/Mobile phone number/Qq number/Home address/Educational institute, etc.Reporter login her space found,In the space of the kindergarten photos as many as 702 copies,There are two children will mouth with wide tape seal photos,Have three children will be thrown into the trash can photos,More than otherwise ZhangYouTong kissing each other/Young children dancing is take off pants to photos.In the space of the upload photo id card can confirm the QQ number is the YanYanGong.

  据了解,照片中被颜艳红提耳朵的可怜男孩叫小林,今年5岁,是小二班的学生,外来务工人员的子女。 24日下午,幼儿园已经看不到他的身影了。一名不愿透露姓名的老师表示,小林下午一开始还在上课,但很快被接走了。

It is understood,In the photo is YanYanGong mention ears, poor boy called xiao Lin,5 years old this year,Is a small class two students,The children of migrant workers. On the afternoon of December 24,The kindergarten has couldn't see his shadow the.A did not wish to be named, said the teacher,Xiao Lin in the afternoon began to still in class,But soon was taken away.


幕后 Behind the scenes


无资格证,自称靠关系上岗 No certificate,Claims to rely on relation mount guard


Bo friend @ 090080 will speak in his own micro in bo,Also posted the letter with YanYanGong micro chat record.Chat records,YanYanGong said he wasn't the regular employees,No exam certificate."And not to do all my life."YanYanGong said.She also told each other,He is in on relations with.


Wenling city education bureau reported 25,Confirmed YanYanGong is no card mount guard.Wenling city education bureau is responsible for preschool education of wang said:"YanYanGong is fine specialized graduation,But there is no teacher certificate.According to the requirement,Kindergarten teacher must have a professional certificate and teacher certificate two vouchers to mount guard.But now the teacher is very short,Recruit no one,Had to lower standard,As long as it is fine graduate can to some private kindergarten coaching.


处理 processing


虐童老师被辞退并刑拘 Child abuse the teacher be fired and XingJu


Wenling city education bureau 25th morning said,Child abuse event caused the extreme influence,Blue peacock shall be ordered to kindergarten teachers YanYanGong dismissal of child abuse and to participate in the pictures of another female teachers a child.In addition,2012 year,Blue peacock kindergarten yearly check directly recognized as not qualified,And throughout the city criticized.


25th noon,Wenling city public security bureau in accordance with the law as two female teacher involved to make processing.YanYanGong suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime,Be the police criminal detention,Another name to participate in the pictures of the female teachers a child,Because stir-up-trouble been made to administrative detention 7 of punishment.


The ministry of education related department bureau people office staff 25th morning said,Will soon come to further strengthen the nursery teacher team construction, such as the opinions of the file,To further strengthen and standardize preschool education construction of teachers,Improve the nursery teacher admittance threshold and professional level.Integrated xinhua news agency/Qianjiang evening news


对话 dialogue


虐童教师颜某: Child abuse teacher yan one:


"And children for the hell of it,Pictures are very interesting"

  记者:“你揪他耳朵是因为他不听话还是什么原因? ”

reporter:"You clench his ear because he not obedient or what reason be? "

  颜艳红:“没,没有。我平时经常和他闹着玩的,玩得挺好的。 ”

YanYanGong:"no,no.I usually always and he did it for a lark,Play well. "

  记者:“没发现小孩子在大哭吗? ”

reporter:"Not found in young children cry? "

  颜艳红 (沉默了片刻后低声回应):“就很短的时间,我就想拍张照,拍完马上就把他放下来了。 ”

YanYanGong (Silent a short moment after low voice response):"Just a very short period of time,I want to take photos,Finish filming'll bring him down the. "


reporter:"This photo was taken when?Who gave you make your?"


YanYanGong:"Take a month ago.At that time in order to shoot this photo,I have to call for help a colleague,Children's first don't agree with what I do about it."


reporter:"Why to see the photos parents?"


YanYanGong:"Just think this photo is too interesting,Didn't expect parents react so big."


反思 reflection


“虐童”背后是幼教发展欠账 "Child abuse"Is behind the development of preschool education greatly


In the past two years,More similar happened wen in child abuse event.


Guangdong zhaoqing,The children won't to relieve oneself of tie solid in dung basin;


Zhejiang cixi,Use adhesive tape seal noisy girl's mouth;


Shandong jinan,On 15 children implementation squat toilet/Squat black house/Catch hair/spanking/See horror movie;


chongqing,Penalty cough spit girl lick ChiKou phlegm;


Shaanxi XunYang,For the children to recite the text,With tongs and will be 10 the child's hand burn.


Shanghai yangpu,Girl's nakedness be female fine in the kidney bean……


Henan province RuZhouShi the teacher training school two students had done a survey,Well describes the fine is how a situation:"Our school students fine for junior college students are 15 to 18 adolescent girl,They are in a physiological/Psychological occurred huge the key period of transformation,Due to the fine to be bound hopeless or under social and family pressure,Instead of subjective desire,So lead to a series of psychological problems appear on them."


Xinhua 25 published review says"Child abuse event is behind the development of preschool education greatly".The article says,In many cities,"Into garden difficult"A lot of families become a big heart.A lot of children because the parents can't find"opportunities",Only in small scale/Poor management private or even illegal"kindergarten".Without qualification"kindergarten"Making use of a lower standard,Management disorderly,Child abuse event often becomes the worst-hit areas.Increase in children education,Construction more qualified kindergarten,Child abuse is to avoid the occurrence of fundamental.Public kindergarten in the short term is difficult to meet the social needs,Increase for private kindergarten teachers' training efforts,Very urgent.
