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校外补课狂潮无人能逃 成绩越好越要“拔高”--亲稳网络舆情监控室(3)

“全科保证”收费2万多 "General guarantee"Charge more than 20000


The whole people all"fans",The cost of the remedial work outside how expensive?A counseling agencies listed"Every Saturday specifies remediation"Need 780-1200 dollars,This means that,With two/Three subjects,Spend at least two thousand yuan.


According to another and all kinds of tests"Elite class"/"Commitment class"Charge more expensive.Reporters from a certain guidance mechanism"2013 tests that class"To understand,Tests guarantee class"General guarantee"The charge of 20160 yuan.Another training institutions of all kinds of"Commitment class"/"Another elite class",Specifies generally charge 2000 yuan of above.


Guangzhou's political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Members of the China guangzhou city councils all along WangCaiXia says,Only in the tianhe district of guangzhou city as an example,In the school make up a missed lesson cancel after three years,Social counselling organization is increased more than 700.WangCaiXia the truth:"Social counseling is a windfall industry,The original school to students make up a missed lesson is generally a lesson 2 yuan,These expense deduction teacher remuneration/Water and electricity fee after a little residual,And now in the society counselling organizations charge less each class is 10 yuan,Many even up to 50-100 yuan,Some economic condition not good family can't bear,Initiated the new education unfair."


“一对一”每小时450元 "one-on-one"Each hour 450 yuan


In the small class training at the same time,"one-on-one"Counseling is quite popular in recent years.Reporters from online inquiry to guangdong province all kinds of primary and secondary school training remediation mechanism as many as dozens of,Which specializes in"one-on-one"Coaching is ten to home.


According to the training mechanism is introduced,"one-on-one"Training fee in external remediation project of the highest price,According to the different foundation of the students,Each hour 150-200 multivariate inequality.

  初中就读广州113中学的其其成绩一直在年级前列,中考取得730多分的好成绩。她告诉记者,她从初一就开始在学校附近一家培训机构补习, “妈妈一次给我报了300多个小时的课程,花了几万元”。

Junior high school in guangzhou 113 high school the result has been grade forefront,Tests made 730 points good result.She told reporters,From her first began to near the school a training institutions remediation, "A mother give us more than 300 hours of course,Spent tens of thousands of yuan".

  家住佛山南海的小星妈妈说,儿子每周到芳村进行作文“一对一培训”,每小时收费高达450元。效果怎么样? “还看不出”,小星妈妈坦言,“这么贵,别人肯定觉得我们疯了”。

Live in foshan nanhai little star mother said,Son week to aromatic village to composition"One-on-one training",Fees as high as 450 yuan per hour.Effect how? "Also can't see",Small star mother said,"So expensive,Others must feel we are crazy".


热爆网络 Heat explosion network

   女儿想报第10 个兴趣班 Daughter wants to report a 10 interest家长叹“拿什么阻止你” Home have a deep sigh"Take what stop you"


Before and after National Day,A post"Take what stop you,Want to report 10 the daughter of interest?"In guangdong local BBS on lasts hot,Cause the parents pay attention to.Net friend"In just in"Online post sigh with regret:The god of his eight years old girl,The hobby is widespread to the same period in the nine extracurricular class,Now a daughter is put forward"Want to go to the area for"."Have mercy on us two couples become slave boy".


On October 2,,Reporter online released a survey the pearl river delta family education expenditure posts,Get a great deal of attention,Breakthrough 3000 daily.


Net friend SHANMA5858 says,Elementary school children of all kinds of remediation and interest,Spent about 10000 yuan,month/Each year about 20000 yuan early classes,At present to spend 800 yuan a week of classes,Grade estimation and doubled.Net friend isabellawu more sun out as high as 50000 yuan every year the huge education bill:"Ef 14000 yuan a year,A foreign teacher in 7200 yuan,A new concept of 7200 yuan,A mathematical olympiad in 11500 yuan,Piano a year 7200 yuan,Travel 8000 yuan a year",This is not including the normal tuition/books/Various kinds of extra readings spending.


对话孩子 Dialogue children


“超累!脑子都塞不下了” "Super tired!All the brain can't fit"


Before primary school grade five,Jay young mother has encouraged the son read kinds of extra readings/"Happy learning",But another face the great pressure,Jie son finally in fifth grade to join extra-class continuation of the flow of large.Now jie young mother worried:


"late"Tutorial will probably let the kid of another on the bridge"a".


reporter:Results the best students don't have to cram?


Jay young:wrong!The worst result in.


The best of all in the training class.


reporter:When the class you how always looked everywhere?


Jay young:headache!I doze died!


reporter:Do you like training class?


Jay young:(smile,Shook his head)reporter:The training you feel tired not tired?


Jay young:Super tired!All the brain can't fit.


专家剖析 Expert analysis


疯狂培训折射“大众焦虑” Crazy training refraction"Public anxiety"


Why external training institutions so hot?Hunan provincial party committee party school hunan demography have bean little red doctor accept the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview pointed out:"People to the traditional education/School education trust appear deviation.When the traditional education/School education can't satisfy the public school/To apply for a job, wait flow up demand,A lot of parents can only turn to seek other channels to meet the demand."


Bean little red also said,External training almost crazy hot behind,Reflects the"Social public anxiety",Especially in the reading/employment/Work on the insecurity.This leads to their inevitable through some other way,Such as special training on their own anxiety.


各方声音 Parties voice


New Oriental group assistant vice President/Guangzhou school principal ZhaoErDi:

  对于普通家长,特别是农村家庭来说,上名校的可能性越来越小,这已经有统计数字证实。比如说,北大、清华里面, 农村家庭的孩子比例一直在下降。

For ordinary parents,Especially the rural families,School on the possibility of more and more small,It has been confirmed that statistics.For example,north/Tsinghua inside, Rural families children proportion has been declining.


Guangzhou's political consultative conference (CPPCC)/City in 57 WangCaiXia vice President:


Some social counseling agencies from often/In the elementary school employ in-service teacher to counselling organization class,Some employed teachers employed seven days a week,Disperse the teachers' energy,Seriously disturbed the normal order of teaching in schools.
