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粉笔网:做专属教育培训的微博式学习社区 粉笔网首页最吸引眼球的是一连串数据,“与53个领域、693位认证名师一起交流。” 网站截屏 Chalk web page most those who attract eyeball is a series of data,"And 53 field/693 the authentication teacher talk together." Website screenshots


创业团队名片 Entrepreneurial team name card


From APP applied to network course video to social platform,From early childhood to examination training to interest,Education in the field of mobile application gradually permeated our daily life,But entrepreneurs and capital to education field mobile application potential show full enthusiasm.In the first half of 2012,Main education field of social interaction"Chalk network"The product is not online had won IDG's ten million yuan investment.


缘起 施受双方缺少精准可控的沟通渠道 Just by both sides was lack of precision controllable channel of communication


By the end of 2011,Li yong want to give the child find a juvenile's English training teacher.After a inquires,He depressed found unexpectedly has no one can get the teacher professional degree/Teaching style/Students' evaluation information channels.When chatting,Li yong around with friend speak up their own misery,Didn't expect everyone have a similar experience.This let the media was born,On business/Internet industry all has the rich know li yong started to pay attention to the market.


After further investigation,Li yong found,Demand and training institutions and teachers,"Education training institutions also lack of low cost/Can control/Audience accurate marketing channels,While training the teacher man can get promotion and propagation is limited to the promotion of resources institutions".


In march of 2012,Li yong resign,Resign together business and three of his colleagues.In early April,Li yong in the house next to the coffee shop,Four core team started to discuss the direction of the product.

  “方向性的讨论用了不到2个礼拜。最早想做点评。学生想找到满意的老师,老师想推广自己,点评的方式最有效。但做点评并不容易。基础数据怎么来?数据的积累是一个非常缓慢的过程。而且点评是静态的,要想获取用户点评也很困难,这都需要时间的积累。”粉笔网市场总监帅科回忆。 "The discussion of direction in less than two weeks.The earliest want to do comment on.Students want to find a satisfied the teacher,The teacher wants to promote their,The way the most effective.But do comment on is not easy.Basic data how to?The accumulation of data is a very slow process.And comment on is static,If you want to retrieve the user comment on is very difficult also,This needs the accumulation of time."Chalk network marketing director ShuaiKe memories.粉笔网:做专属教育培训的微博式学习社区
Li yong,Chalk network founder/CEO,The original netease portal division President,Graduated from China people's university department of journalism,Successively in the service[Workers' daily,]/[financial]Magazines and[Southern weekend],Once was appointed[Global entrepreneurs]Magazine produced by.Vice President LiXin,Before undertaking for netease portal marketing general manager;Product technical director guo often Zhen,Once was appointed netease youdao senior r&d manager,Their marriage started a website"Love Angle";Market director of operations ShuaiKe,Netease science and technology before the business for channel editor.


定位 简约的专属教育培训互动平台 Positioning contracted exclusive education training interactive platform


Entrepreneurial four people group finally the product as direction"Exclusive education training teachers and learners' interactive platform".ShuaiKe explained,They just want to solve good student and teacher of the rigid demand,"On the one hand,Let the students and parents convenient and quick to find a teacher in chalk online/Comparison the teacher/And teachers communication,Finally forming judgment and to quote the teacher's class;On the other hand,The teacher, as well as institutions also can use chalk network do promotion and marketing,For more accurate student users and influence".


mid-may,The project began to enter the overall development phase."We four people frequently touch function of products,Originally thought for many functions.But in two to three weeks after adjustment for many,Cut off many functions."In ShuaiKe seems,At present the Internet education product a lot,But users are generally not high popularity,Reason is that too much function/Too complicated,Many products is still in rote offline class/Class, as a model,The line is very easy to function of the realization of the want to move to online actually difficult to,Or will let the user experience is bad.Based on the lessons drawn from others' mistakes of some products,Chalk nets in the function on the design"contracted"route,Registered users directly/Pay attention to the teacher,Don't need for the use of this product reeducated process.


运营 让师生间的搜索更为直接快捷 Operation between teachers and students make the search more direct shortcut


"Online before,We invited more than 100 teachers,Every field has several,There were no resources,It is through the micro bo looking for."ShuaiKe smile to say,"Just started the teacher will ask,I in micro bo has a lot of fans,Why do you want to go to chalk net.I'll give them to calculate a bill,With sina micro bo, for example,In the Pacific on the stage,And star/Male know than the,The teacher is just a small group,And is not the focus of their promotion,For a teacher for authentication,A silk fan is the impending,But with star millions of fans than number is very few.and,The teacher with micro bo when still have a misery,Is difficult to differentiate themselves fans group composition,A teacher and I complained,He in micro blog don't know what the hair content,Hair's life bagatelle,Students don't catch a cold,Hair study information it,Relatives and/Colleagues not interested in.But in chalk network won't have this kind of ravel,For a pure students."


Speaking of the student,Chalk net this platform also let search teachers become more simple and quick,Obtain information more convenient."Students can indeed through professional BBS gets a lot of learning material,But BBS to stick to the user,Will usually give users access data set up a lot of conditions,Such as the need to register reply to posts/Need to save integral to download, etc,And because its material user subject is not clear,Lead to material reliability affected,In addition,Users in the BBS gathered his attention exam or learning new material is very time-consuming/energy."ShuaiKe said.


At present,Although discipline has covered preschool and primary school/Middle school/university/Study abroad/Civil service examination/Professional qualification/Job skills/Interest, and other fields,But chalk network promotion key lies in the exam,After all this is the reality environment users the most rigid demand.ShuaiKe said,Their goal is to cover all phases in the life of the user/All aspects,Let users in the growth of each stage can get help.


创业访谈 Venture interview


平台型互联网在教育培训市场有天然优势 The Internet platform type in education training market has natural advantages


The Beijing news:With the intelligent mobile phones and flat popularization of the computer,Mobile learning and online learning became the focus of attention,Also emerge many innovative education mode.Chalk and how to face other online education project competition?


ShuaiKe(Chalk network market operation director):Chalk nets don't do online training,More don't do physical training,It is only a platform,Students in this platform can find teachers and teachers of all content released,Including the original material and topic/Teaching video/Courses and book information,Can and teachers and xueyou interactive communication,The teacher and training institutions in here can directly face the most accurate student group.so,We haven't called competitors.


The Beijing news:after,Some experts have pointed out that,For online education field of venture project,content/Content display technology/Training management mode/Database structure/Business model/Marketing mode is restricted entrepreneurial performance.Chalk and how to solve these problems?


ShuaiKe:We only do platform,Specific training still need students through the chalk and find the right after the teacher,To institutions to the teacher's course,So nonexistent content show/Training management mode of these problems.In late April this year,We won the IDG A wheel ten million yuan financing,In the two years are not the topline of pressure,So the two years only pay attention to the following this time:Products to meet user needs/To improve user experience/Get more users and improve the viscosity.Profit model haven't as the current issues,We have several kinds of future profit channel also have some ideas,But it is not charging users or sell the form of advertising.


The Beijing news:The personage inside course of study thinks,At present China or even the world as a business online learning and training the outbreak of the age.Especially in China,Due to the large population base,Education content and system not perfect,Market opportunities are everywhere,Market capacity and huge potential,Infinite prospect.But so far,Mobile education is still facing mode not clear problem,Is far from traditional education industry as failed to appear like famous enterprise or industry giant.For online learning the industry's future development,What do you think of?


ShuaiKe:Users to participate in education training belongs to the rigid demand,Education industry is a ironing cycle or even reverse cycle industry,In the economic downturn,The user can instead more participation in training so as to get a job.In addition,Education training market value is quite large,At the same time is also a long tail market,There is clear regional characteristics and field expansibility,Do platform type Internet products are natural advantage.Traditional education industry giant produce,Is actually experienced a start from scratch/From weak to strong long process.Education in the field of Internet products,From the time dimension is up,Has just started,The future will certainly appeared a number of famous enterprises.


其他模式 Other mode


实时在线教学平台 Real-time online teaching platform


Bayesian network is more dedicated to the teaching/Trainers and knowledge service distributors real-time online teaching platform.Many bei network classroom support audio/video interaction/Classroom real-time video/Group chat language/Document demonstration/Electronic whiteboard/Raised his hand and/Text communication function,And free download and install.Many bei net all borrow by the network platform finish.After completing the registration,Everyone can real-time upload their own lecture content of the video and data,At the same time can choose resources sharing or small range through the password authentication propagation,Free of charge or.In bei online,There are users upload content including language/The Internet/humanistic/The four categories of life, etc.


每个人都可以是老师 Everyone can is a teacher


Class 9 from a online to offline personal skills trading platform,The teacher online release course,The students/pay,Both sides in the offline complete teaching and learning process.With a number of bei net different,Class 9 did not take online video teaching method,But the combination of online offline.


And other traditional training institutions or web sites,The ninth classroom teachers to tens of thousands of Internet users as the foundation,Everyone can according to their own expertise and experience and release course tuition,Everyone also can according to your own interests search course and sign up for.Class 9 to hundreds of millions of Internet users to learn from each other/share/communication,Everyone is a student,Also can become the teacher.
