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[Background material and questions]
topic:For investigation in the school set up a private coffer problem,Please design out of your survey plan,Is divided into two stages:
The first stage:To find out a private coffer problem,You need to investigate from which a few respects?
The second stage:Test an officer for a few problems concerning the investigation of a private coffer related material,Please choose the one of the most important a few,Then discussed,Finally by a person to the statement.
[Item analysis]
The first stage is no leadership group discussion in interview open questions,The second stage is to choose a kind of problem.
A private coffer question has been the focus of the ministry of finance interview examination,Especially the school set up a private coffer behavior more let people be filled with indignation.teachers,So impart facts and theories to reassure also,Has a crooked stick,Why are people?If the school set up a private coffer,Affects not only the school teachers' and students' concept of value,And the school good reputation and long-term development.
The first stage,The inquiry can from the following several aspects:
The first,The county finance bureau and the bureau of aspects,To involving education funding for inventory.To the county finance bureau is responsible for the allocation of the staff/County education bureau is responsible for receiving the appropriation of funds and the specific issue of people ask for details,Detailed refer to appropriation school roster,Especially to get down to specific amount.
The second,schools,The school's financial receipts and expenditures for verification,Income mainly check the tuition and fees charged condition/The government to the school funding/The school school-run industry income/Other income and,The disbursement situation main check staff's wages/The school infrastructure investment/The school hardware and software facilities purchase/On the research of the specific project funding.Then the difference between the income and expenditure of comparison,Combined with the county bureau of appropriation roster/The school books financial,Found for rat.
The third,The teachers and students and parents aspects.Trying to hold three national conditions talkfest,A teacher talkfest,A student talkfest,A parents talkfest.Random selection personnel to attend the meeting.Through the school media/Such as publicity column school announced financial discipline,Welcome all people inside supervision,Established a whistleblower mailbox/Report telephone and special report chamber,Encourage people and set up a private coffer financial illegal and criminal behavior do resolute struggle.
The second stage examinee's answer program with the topic keep basic consistent.The examinee should pay attention to the following two points:One is not to be selected a few is not important,But relative to the selected a few,To solve the problem in a sexual,A little sent some;The second is to keep in mind,is"Struggle is the highest state of the art of compromise,No compromise is impossible to reach a final agreement",so,Fantasy debate QunRu,Convince everyone agree with his opinion is mission impossible,Learn to be low-key,Practical work,kind,To learn how to be the order of the final group setters,And don't be someone who deliberately opposites,Invincible mean is not to say that a man strong that no one can beat him,But in the eyes of the person at will not take anyone as the enemy.
source:Public education in
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