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EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:10月15日,四川省宜宾学院人事处在学校办公网上公布了新一轮职称评定的校级评审结果,其中,申报副高级职称(副教授、副研究员)的共有64人,最终有23人通过校级评审。但在这轮评审结果中,很多学术科研业绩评分在学科组排名靠前,甚至排名第一的教师却发现自己落选了,一些业绩评分远远低于他们的人却在名单当中 …… On October 15,,Yibin in sichuan province college personnel in the school office online announced a new round of the title of the evaluation of the results of the field,the,Declare four titles(Associate professor/Associate researcher)Of the 64 people,Finally the 23 people through the field rank evaluation.But in this round of the evaluation results,A lot of academic scientific research performance rating in the subject group ranked higher,Even ranked the first teacher but found himself wasn't in the squad,Some performance score far less than they are named in the squad ……更多精彩新闻进入搜狐教育>> More exciting news into sohu education>>


On October 15,,Yibin in sichuan province college personnel in the school office online announced a new round of the title of the evaluation of the results of the field,the,Declare four titles(Associate professor/Associate researcher)Of the 64 people,Finally the 23 people through the field rank evaluation.But in this round of the evaluation results,A lot of academic scientific research performance rating in the subject group ranked higher,Even ranked the first teacher but found himself wasn't in the squad,Some performance score far less than they are named in the squad.


In this school,Declare the subtropical high qualifications,Need through the three evaluation,The first two wheel are in school to complete:First of all by the discipline group evaluation through,To report the school through review committee,finally,The school of the provincial education department relevant discipline group recommended review.


recently,The school many teachers to the China youth daily reporters about school internal title assess a like the school does not meet the conditions"connections"lenient,Even special policy for its the green light.


教学科研评分高的反而评不上职称 Teaching and scientific research evaluation score high but not title


According to introducing,In every field rank evaluation before,Yibin college can apply for promotion of teachers' duty personnel performance show,And the basic situation of the declaration personnel in public.the,Quantitative standard main points of scientific research and teaching two parts.


In scientific research,The school will be released every name eligible teachers' academic research performance score for reference.


According to the 2011 school official documents[Yibin college academic scientific research performance scoring method],Academic research achievement scoring scope includes papers/works/Achievements in scientific research/project/Rewards and patent, etc.To academic papers, for example,From E to class A different levels of journals were add 1 ~ 12 points inequality,Be SCI/EI/CSSCI collected article is added 12 points,Published in academic journals supplement or internal journals not scoring.


By the end of September,The school office online to all eligible personnel's academic research performance rating for the public.It is strange that,Through the field rank evaluation among the 23,10 people performance rating are under 30 points,Six people and less than 20 points,There is even a few people score only single-digit;But not through the field rank among the review,But there are many performance score are in more than 30 points,There are even some up to 50 ~ 60 points,But wasn't in the squad.


And in teaching,School faculty committee to submit the teacher's a lesson and for its marking,If through the 80 points,Can run.Teaching score or not released to the public school,The review meeting only read.however,Reporters access to public teacher's resume is found,A teacher has access to a high quality class contests award,3 article published by EI papers,Scientific research performance score 60 points,Failed to through the review.


"If scientific research not,We can try our best to;If teaching not,We can improve.But now really don't know how to improve."The teacher HeNa said.


发表在非法刊物上的论文也算分 Illegal publications published in the paper also calculate points


In the most basic on the threshold,According to the official website of yibin college published[Yibin college professional technotogy management measures]The second chapter article 6,Declare promotion associate professor and quite position of personnel,Must have more than 7 and article published research papers,There are two articles and above in paper core journals.


The school a young teacher christoffel said,The 2 kinds of undergraduate course colleges and universities the threshold of the prize will be a very low,Teacher is very easy to enter the review,The competition is fierce."This standard can low to wide of the mark,Especially for for science,Use hair two articles core journals,In some other universities in the province is not possible."


however,In through the review of all the people,Some even in the basic conditions are suspected of cheating.In the office announced on the prize public personnel in the table,There are two teachers in your resume says in core journals published two articles,But reporters found search,The two articles are published in the journal on the supplement,Not should be admitted;And a teacher articles,It was published in the national press and publication administration named illegal journal.


When the reporter to the science and technology department is responsible for the scoring when asked,The other workers interviewed said inconvenience.But the scientific research management department a staff revealed,Compared with last year's scoring method,This year's rating methods have certain change,But has not been announced,Such as originally supplement can't add cent,now,"985"University journals' supplement also calculate 4 points.


Entirely by the vote,Only see related to does not reach the designated position


为什么业绩评分高的反而评不上? Why performance score high but not evaluation?

  “说是参考业绩评分,但实际上,评选完全是由学科组和校级评审委员会投票决定的,赞成票数超过2/3就能通过。你问评选理由,从来不给理由,这也是一大特色。” 何南说,“尤其是在校级评审委员会那一关,投票完全不看你的资质和履历,只看‘关系’到不到位。”

"Say reference performance rating,But in fact,The selection is composed entirely of subject group and field rank evaluation committee decided to vote,More than two-thirds vote in favor of you could pass.You ask the reason,Never give reason,This is one big characteristic." HeNa said,"Especially in the field grade evaluation committee that a close,Vote completely don't look at your qualifications and record,Only look at‘relationship’To does not reach the designated position."


8 ~ 9 months each year,Yibin college will be announced the new field rank evaluation committee list,Usually have more than 20,Mainly includes the school leader/The dean of college and some important administrative department,Such as the personnel department/The head of the office,the,The headmaster as the chairman of the committee,There are three vice chairman of committee.


"Publish the list,Is tell you,This began to‘activities’the."HeNa said,Many teachers a year early start"activities",Dotting relationship,Pay to have a meal,To judge a gift.


A did not wish to be named, yibin college middle-level cadres has revealed,In the subject group after registration,According to the eligible teachers' performance rating and teaching score ranking,And the judges to school,In the field grade evaluation meeting public read out.But he was part of the field of the voting process,Judges often fundamental from eligible teacher's teaching and performance rating,Just began to read the contestant teacher's material,The judges have to vote well."Actually everybody's heart are already had a candidate."


Reporter contact two vice President,Participate in the evaluation for interview.the,A vice President on phone said he in the field on a business trip,It is not convenient to talk;The other woman says,Judges chose nine finalists situation belongs to the school inside information,Cannot external revealed,Should the President office and the relevant departments of the school to explain.


Participated in the field/But eventually lost the election CuiYuShan remember teachers,He had been a close second, dean of the college of persuasion to"Walk relationship"."This is the rules of the game."This name dean said to him.


混行政圈子,比教学科研更重要 Mixed administrative circle,More important than the teaching and scientific research


CuiYuShan said,When in the field grade evaluation,Regardless of liberal arts/science/engineering,All together to vote,Some director/Dean doesn't understand another field,Just throw know."Universities should have heavy teaching and scientific research,But our school teaching and scientific research level is not high,With key university has the very big disparity,therefore,Administrative were placed in than in teaching and scientific research in the higher position."


Christoffel think,In this small"2"The school,Vote before the"activities"Is not the most important,School internal relationships is more important,This makes a lot of administrative personnel are successfully on the subtropical high professional title.


According to the results of the field published last year,The school through the review of the 25 teachers,To determine each in the school office/Department as an executive position have 11,There is no lack of among them some section chief/director,In addition,Some is the school middle-level relatives.


The school's website[Yibin college professional technotogy management measures]provisions,Party and government management work part-time teachers and pluralism of the teaching work of the party and government management cadre(ShuangJianTiao cadres),Declare assessment of teachers' positions,Its teaching load should be to achieve the secondary college regulations more than a third of the teaching work.


But according to many teachers reflect,In fact,Most of the administrative staff basic not engaged in teaching,Far to finish teaching load.But because often deal with administrative affairs,And leadership relations well,So easily through the review.


"They in the administrative circles mix,And many of the judges relations are ripe.To acquaintances no gifts,Give not familiar people need a gift."Christoffel said.


"On the associate professor is an associate professor of life,These administrative staff have title later,More can feel at ease to do scientific research,Concentrate on the official career."Another teacher li beauty said,Due to the professional title evaluation is the once and for all,And thus led to the shady.


Several teachers to reflect China youth daily reporter,Nearly 3 years,Due to the highly educated percentage of teachers is more and more big,The contestant has subtropical high title qualified teachers also more and more,The competition will become more intense.Before a few years,Declaration of an associate professor basic it can judge on,Now with evaluation as professor.


But in this case,Every year, the school evaluation to the province teachers list,But often less than half of the province plan to give the school places.


Lee beauty said,This is because a lot of dean in order to protect their own"connections",Often abstain,This makes more than two-thirds of the number of votes teachers,Unexpectedly is always less than the number of reported school plan,this,Quota can postpone to next year to use,"Not cheap stranger",The number of precious it is wasted.


At the press to the principal's office interview request is put forward,The other side with not clear for things,Refused to be interviewed.


In the personnel department of the public has a word:Has the need to reflect the situation,Please in this week in written form and the personnel department contact system.


"Has anyone ever report the situation to them,Results secretly be whole."Christoffel said,"Now everybody can't speak,After all, even life."


(Should people questioned in the requirements,The teachers are all aliases)

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