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打工妹学生妹做人流像儿戏:14岁初中生已做3次 一名家属坐在佛山市妇幼保健院的药流室外,等待着做人流手术的病人 A family sitting on maternal and children health care centers of foshan medicine flow outdoor,Waiting to do the stream of people surgery patients 打工妹学生妹做人流像儿戏:14岁初中生已做3次 两名家属坐在佛山市妇幼保健院药流室外一边等待做手术的病人,一边看着电视上的人工流产宣传片 Two families, foshan city, sitting on maternal and children health care centers of drug flow outside side waiting for the surgery patients,Looking at the TV induced abortion promotional material 文/羊城晚报记者 郑诚 马一凡 实习生 陈丽霞 图/羊城晚报记者 周巍 Wen/Yang cheng evening news reporter ZhengCheng MaYiFan interns ChenLiXia chart/Yang cheng evening news reporter ZhouWei


"A 30-year-old migrant,Less than two years to our hospital for many people,Uterine wall thin we all can't give her to do the surgery,But not long ago,She came."This is a doctor, foshan city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to the yangcheng evening news reporter tells the true story.


Foshan maternal and children health care centers of latest statistics data show,The hospital since last October to October this year a total of 9493 cases of implementation of the stream of people surgery,More than half of the women for migrant workers;Foshan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in the stream of people surgery more than 3600 up,Most of the migrant workers who work also;Shunde has two hospitals do every year the stream of people surgery more than 10000 cases,More than fifty percent of them are migrant worker……


The pearl river delta region in the manufacturing industry developed,A lot of gynecological doctors say,Migrant has become the main body of the stream of people surgery to accept,And present DiLingHua/Repeat people of multiple characteristics.Many doctors worry high flow ratio will be"Damage generation".

  4次人流,惨痛的“学费” Four people,painful"tuition"


At the age of 19 beautiful(alias)From the hunan rural,17 years old to foshan,In a small textile factory jobs.Her big eyes/The skin fair-skinneds in vain,"May I just come in and sisters in temperament is more outstanding."Beautiful smile said.


To foshan after six months,Beautiful met a big than her more than ten years old factory small boss,Each other for families.But yearn for affection/Eager to secure beautiful or choice and the man secretly together.Soon after she is now pregnant,The other party made it clear that it could not be the child.Beautiful still clearly remember the first time to do people scene:Lying on the operating table she because of strain and shed tears more than,Until after general anesthesia in gradually lost feeling.


In the next years,She actually and three times"patronage"The hospital department of gynaecology and obstetrics,the"Hit and"Man always just racily pay/Granted, a few words of comfort."Do a few times after people,I began to feel the body becomes poor,Often in the road walk have to atrophy feeling."


The fourth people after finish,Beautiful abdominal pain more than,Two legs stiff ache/Menstrual disorder,To the hospital examination found her because the number of people too much and postoperative do not pay attention to rest,Had pelvic inflammatory disease/Tubal adhesion and other diseases,Is likely to lead to infertility in the future.For her surgery doctor looking at all the tears.


"In the relationship between a man and a woman,Women always want to assume more serious consequences,If you don't know how to protect themselves,Will hurt."Beautiful said,She used"Four abortion"when"tuition",It is his life"A lesson".

  学生妹:“人流有什么可怕?” Students younger sister:"People have what terrible?"


The national population family planning science and technology institute released this month said data,Every year China abortion 13 million people;But in guangdong sexology be released[Guangdong floating population reproductive health knowledge status and influence factors analysis]The report shows that,About 31.91% of women migrant workers have accidental pregnancy;Recently, reporters to visit foshan many hospitals survey found,People in those foreign migrant generally more than half,This does not include many conceal the true identity.


"Students younger sister’Group also at the person of those is higher."Foshan chancheng district central hospital, director of the department of gynaecology and obstetrics ZhangYingHui told the yangcheng evening news reporter,In her decades of medical profession career,For a to do people 14-year-old girl is very deep impression


"She is a junior high school student,That day to wear uniforms,Grow very young,But it can give a person a kind of mature feeling."ZhangYingHui said,When checking out the girl had more than 40 days of pregnancy,He recommended her medicine flow.ZhangYingHui love dearly the little girl,She pulled into a room ready to separate told her how to take the medicine,But the girl some impatiently say:"I know!!I have eaten two times."


ZhangYingHui in the mind a surprised,In order to girls,She decided to"scare"She once:"Do you know the consequences of people?Can lead to a lot of gynecopathy,Born after the children,May marry not go out,Not afraid??"The girl lightly response 1:"People have what good afraid of?"


ZhangYingHui said,A year do two/Three times of the people in the school student she met a lot of,People DiLingHua/Repeat a people is an obvious characteristics.


Foshan maternal and children health care centers of department of gynaecology and obstetrics attending doctor YeXiuTao said,She also met many students younger sister to do people,The smallest only 12 years old.How many students are there specific younger sister do people's hospital can't statistics,Because a lot of minors in filling data lie about your age,The doctor also can't JiePo,They were afraid of force to black clinic,The they will cause more damage.


YeXiuTao in work found,Older women,In accepting the stream of people surgery often after a psychological trauma,Many young girls are wrong to think that the body"Is a bear for punishment".In fact,Because people will cause endometrial reduce/Tubal blockage and intimitis infection such as problem,About a third of the abortion women in the future of birth will be affected.Previous research has found,About 70% of infertile patients because abortion late infection/Injury and other reasons lead to the uterus couldn't be pregnant.


ZhangYingHui, said:"Over the past few years infertility rising velocity is very terrible,About two or three years ago than increased by 20%,the,It is poured caused part of female infertility."


ZhangYingHui for our country a year 13 million passengers poured the data a qualified opinion,She thinks that quantity is far more than these."Because there are a lot of private hospital/Black clinic number is not statistical."She was afraid,High flow rate could be"Damage generation".

  性教育缺失,关爱不到位 Sex education lack,Love does not reach the designated position


YeXiuTao said,For each to do people of women,The doctor will be given about contraception suggestion,But some women heard that eat contraceptives'll get fat and refused to take,With luck,Result repetition people.


"Migrant women in the group,Most people with low degree,We found that individuals have gave birth to the child they still don't know what is‘contraceptive’,Never even heard of‘On ring’."YeXiuTao analysis this group, the higher rate of flow when it causes,"They live in foreign,Very easy and her boyfriend love each other/cohabitation,Some people soon after her,Do not take contraceptive measures."


ZhangYingHui said,Family education/School education and social publicity is not in place,Caused the situation."Over the years, I've found that,A lot of people to do the young girls are from single-parent families,From childhood or not live together with their parents,Family in sex education is of absence."The most to her concern is also from rural migrant population,"Twenty years ago,I also often follow family team together to rural regular distributing condoms,Explain contraceptive knowledge,Now doing this kind of things but as before."


In recent years have a factory or school please ZhangYingHui to lecture,"I'll be glad to go,But a year is two or three factories and schools to find us,Too little."


Reporters from foshan maternal and child care service centre to know,The hospital has to may begin to carry out this year"People love after the project",After the operation to women detailed introduction the matters needing attention/Provide contraception consulting.however,So far more than five months,To do the stream of people surgery of women still does not see reduce.


National secondary marriage and family consultants warmth in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview Suggestions,The government should expand their social platform,Growth their marriage knowledge,Adjust their social position."The hospital should also regularly to industrial park to PuWei propaganda,For they opened special hotline,And don't just do one or two lectures."She thinks,Set up a long term care mechanism is a way to overcome the difficulty.

  故事 The story

  从恐惧到麻木人流竟成习惯 From fear to numb people unexpectedly into habits


There is a case,Let foshan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine of doctor of vice director of gynecological ZhuQiaoLing always unforgettable.


About 2004 years,ZhuQiaoLing accepts a 17 year old girl wang Juan(alias).She comes from jiangxi,In chancheng district a clothing factory jobs.Just enter factory soon,See around a lot of workers found a boyfriend,Wang Juan also in a rush to find a boy.Communication is less than three days,They happened sexual behavior.Because no contraceptive consciousness,20 days after,Wang Juan found that official holiday has not to,Thought it was caused by working hard.Until two or three months later,She didn't realize to the hospital for examination.


"She was already pregnant more than three months,Can't drug abortion.For the first time have an abortion,The girl is very fear,Always kept an eye on me,Kept asking operation painful not painful."the,ZhuQiaoLing and wang Juan had a long chat,Introduces a lot of contraceptive knowledge,Hope she later know to protect themselves.


"But more than four months later,She came."It makes ZhuQiaoLing particularly surprised.Asked her why that was,Wang Juan answered understatement:"Boyfriend don't like to wear set."ZhuQiaoLing to ask her warning to do people words,Later, they could not pregnant.


Make ZhuQiaoLing unexpected is,Then eight years,Wang Juan altogether to the hospital do eight people."The most terrible is,Wang Juan often say so,"Me many friends abortion,It is spend some money,And not painful."


"All kinds of abortion mode are selected,Even has 4 times is ectopic pregnancy.The last time when people,I found her uterine cavity adhesion,Uterus already damaged,The girl is only 25 years old,Have appeared amenorrhoea situation."ZhuQiaoLing said,Because many ectopic pregnancy,Wang Juan after the possibility of normal pregnancy has very low,"Probably a bear is abortion."


