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北京市大学生参军比例全国最高 好政策频出台--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  10月17日,清华大学退役大学生士兵王晓丽参加今冬征兵宣传咨询活动。她不仅被免试保送研究生,还光荣当选为海淀区征兵宣传形象大使。(石海峰) On October 17,Tsinghua university students in retired soldiers herskovic a winter conscription propaganda consulting activities.She not only be an exemption walks graduate student,Also glory was elected to the haidian district recruiting propaganda image ambassador.(ShiHaiFeng)
  新闻背景 News background


78 college students retired soldiers were directional ZhaoLu to civil servant posts,Hundreds of college students retired soldiers were directed recruitment to enterprises and institutions,76 the Beijing college students by retired soldiers settled in Beijing...Since this year,The city departments earnestly implement military service the new policy.The people's liberation army general staff also specially written Beijing municipal party committee/The municipal government said thank you.


A student at China university of mining(Beijing)Environmental engineering professional senior student zhang yong,Not long ago for success to the Beijing municipal bureau of fiver-lake administration,Post belongs to the business establishment.More let classmates envy is,From the ningxia hui autonomous region's shizuishan city of zhang yong,Came to Beijing in.


All this,Benefit from zhang yong another identity retired soldier college students.Last year,To encourage high quality young enlistment,The city issued a series of military service the new policy,ZhaoLu admit by examination of directional retired soldier college students/The Beijing university students in cadastral retired soldiers performers make a rigid quantitative provisions.


本市大学生参军比例全国最高 The city college students join the army proportion the highest in the country


"Based on the head of the army of the soldiers,The source of soldiers in the draft,The core of the draft in the policy!"The Beijing garrison command leaders said,Last winter the city college students joined the army to reach 51% of the number for the task,In all provinces/area/A proportion of the city is the highest.


The result obtained,Benefit from this city to military service policy to make the practical adjustment and implementation.


Last year on the introduction of the military service the new policies,Every year the city took out a certain number of civil servant posts,Directional KaoLu retired soldier college students,KaoLu not less than the number of qualified college students 10% of the number of retired soldiers,If the civil servants KaoLu position overall number less,KaoLu amount shall not be lower than the 5% of the civil service KaoLu plan;institutions/Under the state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned economy organization separately according to 15%/15%/The proportion of 10%,Receiving qualified retired soldier college students;From the city college enrollment not Beijing college students by retired soldiers,Go back to school finish school and was the city unit of choose and employ persons receiving,Besides can deal with settle formalities, etc.


The new policy comes out soon,Municipal party committee/The municipal government and the Beijing garrison command that is invited well-known experts flexibly/Professor to the party and government organs/Capital university and large enterprise to carry out national defense education preaching tour,In the news media under the concentrated propaganda four Beijing an excellent active advanced deeds,To commend outstanding active-duty service personnel and their families,Organize the related WeiBanJu/ENTERprise or business the unit leadership to the frontier military camp experience life,Make YongJunYouShu social atmosphere more strong.


"Military service the new policy is to the retired soldier's promise,Is to pipe the long-term."Municipal leaders pointed out that,Must publicize/Implement good military service the new policy,The party and government encouragement/Support and care to the school-age young heart on KanEr,To let people do one's duty"Political progress/Economic preferential treatment/Work on the way out/Development has a promising future".


"Outstanding young to join the army,Hard to service area,Is for Beijing residents to do the dedication,We should with Thanksgiving mood to repay them.Implement good military service the new policy,Ensure that school-age youth soldier does not suffer,Not only the job requirement,Is political responsibility."City human resources and social security bureau NiuBaoLin investigator deep understanding,In every relevant department heads and handle affairs personnel most representative.Such thinking,In order to promote the new policy implement military laid a solid ideological basis.


预留工作岗位 Reserve jobs


均高于政策承诺 Promises are higher than those of the policy


This year,This city for college students were retired soldiers reserve post 91 civil servants/Institutions 100 jobs/Under the state-owned enterprise post 243/Non-public ownership economy organization 251 jobs,Accounts for 501 qualified college students retired soldiers to 18.2%/20.0%/48.5%/50.1%,Are higher than the proportion of policy.the,The number of non-public economy organization is a stipulated ratio more than five times.


These jobs are how to coordinate out,Why can take out so many jobs for college students retired soldiers?


The key lies in the clear"Altogether three points"System of responsibility:"altogether",Is municipal party committee/The municipal government and the Beijing garrison command is responsible for ZhuaZong,Municipal party committee organization department is responsible for the overall plan/The overall arrangement/The overall coordination."Three points",Even every departments in accordance with the division of responsibilities separate implementation,Municipal education commission and the Beijing garrison command headquarters publicity mobilization/Personnel statistics and qualification examination;City human resources and social security bureau is responsible for civil servants/institutions/Non-public ownership economy organization orientation KaoLu recruitment,And the Beijing college students by retired soldiers in by policy,City sasac responsible for state-owned enterprise directional recruitment;Citizens political situation was not responsible for directional recruitment of college students employment retired soldiers recommended.Because ZeQuan clear,A clear division of labor in,Soon formed a concerted effort/Strong propulsion situation.


Municipal party committee organization department leaders said,Municipal party committee/The municipal government and the Beijing garrison command fully considering the retired soldier college students psychological look forward to,Request that the relevant work went as far as possible drive.Relevant departments have 23 times university research deeply,Listen to 15 unit of choose and employ persons opinion,Sure all directional KaoLu recruitment post.


It is reported,Retired soldier college students in Beijing last December return,This year the capital draft network on January 8, published the first orientation KaoLu post.City human resources and social security bureau civil service examinations marshal WeiXiuFeng said,Considering the retired soldiers of the particularity of the college students,Specifically for the civil service orientation KaoLu puts forward"Unlimited degree/Unlimited degree/No professional"requirements.


As a soldier in the political quality/Will quality/Discipline idea has the outstanding advantages,So beloved by unit of choose and employ persons favour.In the first half of,Many enterprises and institutions leadership frequently visit city human resources and social security bureau,Purpose is to want to beat step dig talents.


Although the government authority/ENTERprises and institutions especially non-state-owned economy organization for college students KaoLu recruiting retired soldiers high enthusiasm,but,The relevant departments or strictly,Essence of life to carry fine anthology post."Chaoyang district, a unit only five indexes,As a result, they provided hundreds of jobs.Terms are too harsh/Pay is bad position,We all give out."According to city human resources and social security bureau staff NiuYue is introduced,The relevant departments were eliminated more than 300 college students is not suitable retired soldiers work of the non-state-owned economy organization post.


“阳光作业” "Sunshine operation"


确保好事办实在 Ensure good to do it


March 23,,The China youth political college students LiXueBin retired soldiers early open a computer enters Beijing personnel exam net.Learning he participate in the civil service public course written examination result after qualified,He got very excited.


"Issued by the Beijing public admit by examination announcement to examinations plan/registration/interview/medical/The specific procedures such as public to detail/public,Security of our right to know/Participate and fair competition right."Also participate in the examination of retired soldier college students/Beijing university of commerce separately students said,Side some students though exam is not ideal,But not a whine/Grumble about the.


Login capital draft network,You will find,In 2012 the Beijing accord with directional KaoLu requirements retirement college students soldiers list/Civil servants and enterprises and institutions directional KaoLu recruitment post directory,In the Internet are released.


"Now the employment pressure is bigger,Directional KaoLu recruitment is not only a retired soldier college students personal,Their family is a great event.Even some seemingly small problems also nots allow to ignore,Because of the social public opinion to KaoLu recruitment error tolerance is almost‘zero’."City deputy director of the conscription/The Beijing garrison command headquarters mobilization marshal SongXie peng said,They insist to do recruitment information openness/Standard conditions public/Audit personnel public/Setting position open/Wanted to record the results public,Ensure that the retired soldier's right to know college students.


In order to ensure the seriousness of the KaoLu civil servants,Ensure university students retired soldier's legitimate rights and interests,City of conscription retired personnel to participate in the examination qualification strict censorship.City conscription ZhengJiZu leader/The Beijing garrison command headquarters in the mobilization, deputy director of the LiXiang achieve,Last year the army veterans,In conjunction with the conscription education at all levels/Military service organs and college students to retire the soldier four times a baseline statistics,Eliminated the seven non-academic education/Be not full-time education and early retirement to wait not to accord with directional KaoLu conditions the retired soldier,And the ZhuRen patience careful interpretation work.


In interviews/For enterprises and institutions, etc,Municipal party committee/The municipal government and the Beijing garrison command are introduced in detail through the different form KaoLu recruitment program/post/Conditions and time,The WeiBanJu and conscription also announced the consulting and complaint telephone/mailbox,Ensure that students retired soldiers can get timely guidance,And give them full supervision.


College students WeiXueWen retired soldier said,Since this year,The military service policy being implement,Students from my body to see the country can enjoy so many preferential policies,All envy."now,More than 10 students have to I consulted about the army's application!"


延伸阅读 readings


21名清华退役士兵免试保研 21 name tsinghua retire the soldier an exemption insurance research


5人毕业后二次入伍 Five people after the graduation secondary into the army


Is a year when recruiting.From the Beijing 2012 winter conscription work of news conference,Tsinghua university has retired soldiers reinstatement of college students has reached 21 people,They all get an exemption walks postgraduate qualification,The JiaNa/Et al/The door LiangJie five retired soldier has college students and school choose culture do signing,Become national defense students.


Tsinghua university have patriotic support the army/Knowledge of the glorious tradition of the country,Since the country began in high school since for personnel,The school has 41 college students with pen enlist in the army,including"Tsinghua first women"JiaNa/"The first generation of women's missile operation bugler"Herskovic a/"Tsinghua to hide the first soldier"WuYi identity excellent representative.During the service,College students' soldiers not bitter tired/Positive as,Performance good,Mostly in the service period.


To encourage excellent students joined the army,Tsinghua university on set[Undergraduates enlistment optimal treatment regulations],During more than to serve pacesetters or two consecutive years was named outstanding soldiers,Retired after the resumption after achievement is admirable to achieve an exemption push research basic conditions,Priority to give an exemption to go to graduate school qualification.Tsinghua university teachers LvJi shu is introduced,So far have retired and college students soldiers,14 men won a respectively/two/I,Seven consecutive years was named outstanding soldiers,With excellent performance is to push the research basic conditions.


Retired college students soldiers et al,After the army in Beijing military area commands a army,In Beijing military region have held out first tournament competition,Won the individual order of merit.Retired after the resumption after,He submitted to the school to national defense students application,Is approved,Tsinghua university to become the fifth national defense students retirement college students soldiers.Beijing's haidian district RenWuBu commissar ZhangLan back evaluation said,As a soldier most who know the glory of a soldier,Five of the national defense students to the retirement of college students' soldiers chose"Secondary enrollment",Main is subject to the influence of army life.

  据悉,21名免试保研退役士兵,目前有12人正在攻读硕士研究生学位。5名转为国防生的退役大学生士兵,有一人已经到部队工作,目前在新疆军区某部服役。(刘洋 周景红)

It is reported,21 name an exemption insurance research retire the soldier,There are 12 people pursuing master graduate student degree.Five of the national defense students to the retirement of college students' soldiers,A man has to work force,At present in xinjiang a military service.(ZhouJingGong were)


征兵指南 Draft guidelines


Editor's note:The annual conscription work begins,Joined the army is many school-age young dream and pursuit.Forces is a big school,In calling the school-age youth to join.In order to further help the school-age youth know joined the army the problem needing to pay attention to,We hereby will some draft little common sense to be published.


体检前尽量避免感冒 Before the physical examination to avoid cold


Physical examination is an important link of the draft security forces,There are 10 sports examination content,Including medical/surgery/eye/otolaryngology/Department of stomatology/Abdominal B to exceed/Chest X ray/electrocardiogram/Laboratory tests and psychological testing.Female youth also should undertake gynecological B to exceed check and performed a gynecologic examination.


Now fall on/upon autumn winter season,Changes in temperature indefinite,Night temperature is low,Easy to catch a cold.Usually to keep warm,Increase or decrease the number of clothes,Drink more water,More rest,Less to many public places,Away from cold patient.If caught a cold,To timely seek medical advice.Avoid taking damage liver drugs and nourishment,So as not to affect the test results.If the illness needs are not forced drug withdrawal,Physical examination should to the doctor to stipulate.In order to make the youth to smoothly through the physical examination,Prophase should do as follows preparation:


1/The body slants fat person control diet exercise more.At the same time,And balanced diet,Eat less food of high quantity of heat.


2/Physical examination first half of the month drinking less alcohol/Less smoking.Can eat more roughage/fruit/Food such as vegetables.


3/Medical 1 to 3 days before the normal light diet.Medical the day before,Avoid strenuous exercise,Dinner should be light,Don't drink,Do not eat greasy spicy food.Careful take a shower,Guarantee sufficient sleep.


4/The physical examination in the morning fasting.Can a small amount of drinking plain boiled water,To ensure the accuracy of the test results.


5/As far as possible comfortable clothes,To wear off.Physical examination, do not wear clothes with metal button clothes and wear metal accessories,Don't wear contact lenses,To carry my citizen id card,Verified identity to receive medical guide single and laboratory sheet into medical area.For female youth in case of physiological period,Please check to the Lord explained the situation,Don't do gynecologial examination and urine test,Stay physiological period after review.


如何顺利通过心理检测 How to smoothly through the psychological testing


Draft psychological test is mainly used to test a person's basic ability and character,Determine whether to adapt to the training of troops and life,The main detecting intelligence/character/Personality analysis and whether there is a spirit obstacle factors, etc.


Psychological testing including computer detection(Man-machine conversation)/Paper and pencil detection and structured psychological interview.Wish every name youth first computer detection,Then according to the need for part of the youth will accept the paper and pencil detection and psychological interview.


All the operation in the standard keyboard on the right side of the digital keyboard the finish,Namely by pressing the"0-9"Digital key and"ENTER"Key can complete.So no matter whether past youth to contact a computer,Are easy to master the answer will bring.

  进入心理检测室必须遵守以下规定:听从工作人员指挥,在工作人员指导下完成测验;关闭手机和其他电子设备;检测过程中保持室内安静,不得大声喧哗,不许交头接耳,不得干扰他人测验,不得擅自走动,检测完毕,经工作人员同意后迅速离开检测室;在检测室外等候时也要保持安静,不得大声喧哗和打闹。(王震 赵波)

Into the psychological measure the room must comply with the following provisions:Follow the attendant's instructions,In the staff under the guidance of completion test;Closed cell phones and other electronic equipment;In the process of detecting keep indoor quiet,May not make a racket,No whisper,Shall not interfere with others test,Shall not without authorization about,Check out,The workers agreed to leave quickly measure the room after;In the test when she was waiting outside also want to keep quiet,Shall not make a racket and pillow fight.(ZhaoBo wang)


适龄青年应征入伍四步骤 School-age youth enlistment four steps


This year,Beijing first opened draft online application system,Male and female school-age youth should register online,After the first trial in physical examination and politics.


If you want to achieve their childhood dreams of the army,As long as the login capital draft network(http://www.bjzbb.com)Through the"Real name registration"Fill in the personal basic information,Can sign up on the Internet.Young woman can also direct login defense women online application system(http://zbbm.chsi.com.cn)For applications.The online registration can record your enrollment to retired during the information,Very important yo!


If network report through the,In early November,You armed forces department of seat of registered permanent residence or place school will notify you have a medical check-up,At this time,You take my id card to the designated hospital for medical examination the can.Everyone pay attention to,There are ten physical examination content,Usually pay attention to the protection of the body and exercise is also very important!


Medical examination after passing,You need to be ready I residence booklet/Id card/Graduation certificate and other related certificates to accept examination organization.College students based on the school requirement receive political review.This link will be to ensure political qualified primary condition.

  如果您体检、政审都合格,那么恭喜您,您已经圆了儿时的从军梦。12月中下旬,您将和战友们一起奔赴神圣的军营,实现自己的理想抱负。(文/易潇 赵波/贾博)

If you medical/Politics is eligible,So congratulations you,You have round the childhood dream.Late December,You will and comrades-in-arms together to the sacred camp,To realize my ideal ambition.(Article/YiXiao ZhaoBo/JiaBo)
