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男幼师惊艳一跃引孩子们尖叫 不喜被喊男阿姨--亲稳网络舆情监控室

男幼师惊艳一跃引孩子们尖叫 不喜被喊男阿姨 幼儿园老师纵身一跳,跳过12个障碍垫,令在场的孩子们兴奋地尖叫。 Kindergarten male teacher leap to jump,Jump over 12 disorder pad,To present the excited children were screaming. 男幼师惊艳一跃引孩子们尖叫 不喜被喊男阿姨 男老师带着孩子们做游戏。 Male teacher took the children to do the game.


Taking the children physical education classes,Jump run-up should skip 12 disorder pad,A young from nanjing high FangXing teacher's physical education let the children screamed,Kindergarten female teachers have find humbling!Yesterday, nanjing kindergarten sports activities the first male teacher conference special view in the home in kindergarten,Learn to view more than 300 preschool teachers up overnight in nearly 50"scarce"Kindergarten male teacher.It is reported,Yesterday, nanjing urban male fine announced formally established"group"BaoTuan development,There are teacher smiled and said:"People can compressive."


A 男老师上课究竟怎么样 A male teacher have A class on earth


"Stretch your little arm!In your little nose,Then from the mouth call out!"Led the children to prepare the activities LiYing teacher leaned forward a face of mysteriously said:"The children,You see,Front is a row‘jungle’,You don't think‘jungle’To exploration?""Want to!"The children shouted in chorus."That we went through this piece‘jungle’,good?"Miss li asked."good!"Children respond."But we provisions good after ather,You must do the fastest speed through the jungle,And I can't meet‘tree’,Can do?""can!"The children have the jump the gun.A sound short after the whistle,Nanjing richly villa kindergarten classes of 16 children like to forest birds generally to the chair of the composition"jungle".This is one by two male teacher in the class with the infant physical education,Theme is"Disorder run".From nanjing on the kindergarten LiYing is this class Lord class teacher,From the home ZhengXiaoLong kindergarten will be the match class teacher."Master class teacher is mainly responsible for teaching,With class the teacher is to assist the main class teacher preparation activities equipment,Intensive care the children's safety."


The next show class is from nanjing, the first kindergarten teacher on the high FangXing,Lecture topics is the run-up stride leap.The children in the high teacher's encouragement,From a/two/three,Keep trying"hurdles",And the more jump much,Happy at.finally,High teacher in the playground with plastic pad set to a hurdles,And he is rapidly running after the jump leap,Jump over 12 disorder pad,To present the excited children were screaming,Many female teacher looked at have also find humbling.


"Male fine advantage obviously,They have masculine temperament,vibrancy.Like the second game playing crocodile high FangXing teacher,Can even let the children standing on the body across the barriers,We the female teacher almost difficult to do."The relevant experimental kindergarten teacher zhang to speak out.From nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics subsidiary kindergarten a female teacher also agreed:"Male teacher put compared to open,The female teacher in sports teaching generally can not reach the male teacher brings the active atmosphere."


"The child 3-6 years old period is an important stage of character formation,This period for children habits and the cultivation of emotion in the future development is very important."Nanjing BaiXiaOu the teacher training school preschool education teaching and research section horse transient music director stressed to the reporter,"Family education and cannot completely replace the kindergarten education.The father of the child generally in career stage,Usually busy working,And the children of the contact is not much chance.Thus in the kindergarten, there is a father's image of the male fine,Children to accept differences on education,Form a sound personality is very important."


B 近50名男幼师昨“结盟” B nearly 50 male fine yesterday"alliance"


It is understood,These popular with children love to male teacher in nanjing kindergarten is not much,According to rough statistics,In nanjing, the number of male fine less than 50.And among them,This year the new term has just to nanjing richly villa kindergarten when the principal of it may be said is ZhaoRui of leader.


12 years ago,ZhaoRui have because in nanjing first kindergarten when the nanjing first coaching kindergarten a line of male teachers, but become"People in the news".the,The handsome boy graduated from nanjing normal university sports science college department of physical education."When I came,The second year nanjing added a some male fine,But a year later,And only I a.After two or three years experience gap period,Until 2005,Nanjing and new appeared male fine."ZhaoRui told reporters,For men in terms of fine,Insist on down the hardest is actually"alone"."When the society has a lot of discussion,There are many people leave.I can stick it out,The most want to thank is the support of your family and kindergarten leadership training."It is for her own experience,ZhaoRui see male teachers in kindergarten education to the unique function,So he is also pay attention to culture"seeds".


It is understood,This fall began to,Nanjing BaiXiaOu has established the first kindergarten regional male teachers mutual aid team sports.ZhaoRui told reporters,In nanjing BaiXiaOu in 46 kindergartens,Only 15 male fine."Male teacher before each other much contact,Has been a self groping stage.These male teachers mostly not preschool teachers' professional graduation,But sports teachers' professional college students."In BaiXiaOu nursery school sports teaching and research section of the planning,Established the kindergarten regional male teachers mutual aid team sports.The team the first kindergarten in nanjing city/Nanjing richly villa kindergarten/Nanjing plum blossom villa kindergarten/Nanjing Dan Yang kindergarten four kindergarten for mutual base,A week for a collective lessons and observation activities discussion,Monthly collective a quarter report in the group lessons,Each semester examination a student,The future will be subject research and writing children sports monographs."After the members not only feel found‘organization’,And in professional made significant progress."ZhaoRui told reporters,In order to let more children male teachers can speed up/A lot of people had proposed to expand the range,Nanjing kindergarten was established male teachers mutual growth group.


C 男幼师的快乐和哀愁 C male fine happiness and sadness


乐 和孩子们在一起能忘记“失恋的痛” Music and children together can forget"Brokenhearted of pain"


"To nursery school when the teacher,The most happy thing or and children together,Again big troubles can forget."In 2010 a young into nanjing high FangXing teacher told reporters,Before their brokenhearted,Originally the in the mind be very uncomfortable,Or the children help he spent"Brokenhearted period"."In the kindergarten are willing to when the teacher of boy is common characteristic is careful/The sun/A childlike innocence."Another male teacher told reporters,As a teacher,Must have the heart of love for children."Before the report child abuse event,It is to let a person can't imagine."


"In the kindergarten,Let's male teachers is less,So basically can pack the physical strength live,But the us all is as it should be,Work done are quite happy."A male teacher told reporters.interview,There are male fine smile told reporters,In the kindergarten can also"A tun",They several personal life great events"Internal solve"of.In addition,Male fine despite of the vineyard by social many misunderstandings,But in the garden is affected by the giant panda of care.A BaiXiaOu bureau of the relevant person in charge told reporters:"We will go down to greet the calls,Must be good to them,Even if occasionally out some mistakes,Criticism is to pay attention to methods."


忧 他们最不喜欢别人叫他们“男阿姨” Sorrow their most doesn't like others to call them"Male aunt"

  采访中,说到当男幼师的烦恼,很多人都坦言,最不喜欢听到的是别人喊他们“男阿姨”。 “孩子们经常称呼我为李老师,偶尔也会称呼我帅哥老师、变形金刚和灰太狼什么的。我们最不喜欢被别人称为男阿姨。”李迎老师坦言,因为社会观念的因素,很多从事幼教工作的男教师不愿意向别人说明自己的职业,一般都以“当老师”含混以对。

interview,Said when male fine troubles,A lot of people said,The most prefer not to hear someone else is calling them"Male aunt". "The children often call me for miss li,Occasionally call me handsome boy teacher/Transformers and grey too Wolf what.Our most don't like being called male aunt."LiYing teacher said,Because the concept of social factors,Many engaged in preschool education work of male teachers don't willing to others that their career,In general"When the teacher"Ambiguousness to.


"We are professional teachers,Not aunt."A chinese-speaking from kindergarten male teacher told reporters,called"Male aunt"Is a lot of people to their the professional don't understand."In fact in kindergarten when the teacher is a very professional education practice,In the early childhood education male teachers also have their own unique role."


"Such as to teach children to walk,Action to decomposition,Small class middle shift executive do level is not the same."Nanjing first kindergarten points of the garden LiZiJiang teacher told reporters,Kindergarten stage children to learn to walk/run/jump/throw/drill/climb/Roller and some ball games and sports,As to how to scientifically teach your child,Are all need professional research.But to some male teachers worry and prepare questions."Into the knitting need professional to mouth,Many of our professional graduate from sports,Not preschool education direction,Often it got stuck."


D 今后男幼师要求将更高 D future male fine requirements will be higher


It is understood,To encourage good boy when kindergarten teachers,To solve the kindergarten teachers gender structure imbalances,Relevant departments are to take some measures to cultivate the kindergarten male teacher.In 2010, for example, up,Jiangsu recruit training 300 five-year normal preschool education specialized boy.The children free normal directional recruit students/Orientation training/Directional employment integration,To advance batch admission,Before entering school admission schools and students with the education administrative department agreement,After graduation from the commitment in kindergarten teaching work and no less than five years.And there are also some areas to explore;For another example to solve the burning issue,Nanjing JianYeOu bureau of pioneering last year, they had to primary school teachers about men"borrow"To the kindergarten.


"In the future to the kindergarten of male teachers will more and more."ZhaoRui told reporters,Society for male fine this career will be more and more recognition,Teachers' professional stability will also attract more people are willing to join in this industry to;On the other hand,Due to see male fine in preschool education has the unique effect,The government has taken some measures to cultivate."Professional training, such as the male teacher out,Will slowly fill kindergarten in the male teacher blank."

  除此之外,到幼儿园当男老师要求也会越来越高!采访中,一位不愿透露姓名的教育界人士告诉记者,幼儿教师评职称要求越来越严格,不仅需要幼儿教师的资格证,而且还要求有本专业的学历证明。“这对男幼师来说,无疑需要提高自身的专业性要求。”(实习生 金菁 扬子晚报记者 王 璟) In addition,To the kindergarten when male teacher asked also will be more and more high!interview,One does not wish to disclose the name of the educators told reporters,Preschool teachers professional evaluation is more and more strict requirements,Not only need preschool teacher's certificate,But also require the professional education certificate."The male is fine,Will undoubtedly need improve their professional requirements."(Interns JinJing yangzi evening news reporter Jing king)
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