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北京市小学首尝将学期一分为二 课程:依四季开--亲稳网络舆情监控室


北京小学设综合实践周开上“四季课程 Beijing primary school set up comprehensive practice weeks on"Four seasons course"


本市小学首尝将学期一分为二 This city elementary school first taste will term in two


Will a semester in two/Set up comprehensive practice weeks/According to the season to determine teaching content...This semester the,Beijing elementary school curriculum reform try many new measures,This kind of break semester teaching attempt,In this city in primary school is the first of its kind.


学期:四个半月课程一分为二 term:Four and a half months course in two


From this the beginning of the semester,Beijing primary school become the city first to a semester teaching primary school.

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The school was in security under the premise of national curriculum,Integrated curriculum resources,The four and a half months each semester course learning time in two:The first two more months of literacy class,And then focus on the comprehensive practice course 1 week,Then two more months of literacy class.


New set of comprehensive practice in weeks,Will focus on the comprehensive practice course.


According to introducing,Since 2002,National curriculum requirements elementary school weekly arrangement 1 hour of the comprehensive practice course.But since the time of dispersion,Quite a number of school teaching effect is not obvious.Such as school to set up scientific and technological innovation contents,But the class time is short,Teacher speak opaque,Students don't understand;Need to organize the students to visit out,And don't have enough time.In recent years,These problems has become a primary and secondary schools with the bottleneck of comprehensive practice course.


And Beijing focus on primary school a week of comprehensive practice course practice has been solved to a large extent these problems.


课程:依四季开课 course:In accordance with the four seasons class


Beijing elementary school to the comprehensive practice course week named"Four seasons course".


The so-called"Four seasons course",In the four seasons is divided theme features:Autumn refreshed,Carrying out science and technology creative;Winter close to the end of the year,To carry on the traditional culture research;Spring of the good weather,Suitable for outdoor sports fitness;Hot summer,Arranged in indoor meditation reading.Autumn course and spring respectively in two semester course of comprehensive practice in weeks,Winter course and summer course in the winter and summer respectively in,Combined with practice the holiday finish.


"season/Climate and other natural environment influence on people,Reflected in children is especially obvious."Beijing elementary school principal assistant monastersky r.studies show biological differences is introduced,"Follow the natural rules classes,Let the student have a full time and space observation experiment and practice."


This semester,The school in grade three and grade four for"Four seasons course"pilot.Considering the children accept ability,Grade three students last week comprehensive practice course focuses on observation,Through the observation of animals and plants autumn characteristic,Think about the basic necessities of life.Compared with,This week began to four grade comprehensive practice course more creative,Students study life in strange think of clever want.


According to the plan,This week,The school grade four students will be out of the school gate,To car museum/Water-saving museum and communication telecommunication museums visiting practice base.According to the words of monastersky r.studies show biological differences,implementation"Four seasons course"after,The teachers design out practice more specific,The students to begin the opportunities are greater.After learning,The school will take multiple evaluation mode,Let the teacher/parents/Students study effect evaluation.


课堂:听“相声”看“魔术” classroom:Listen to"Crosstalk, or xiangsheng,"see"magic"


Yesterday was the first class,Beijing fourth grade 6 class students are not as usual sit in the classroom every class,But together brush came to the hall to the lecture,Theme is:Strange think of clever want in life.This is the fourth grade comprehensive practice weeks"Autumn course".


The lecture is xicheng district xuanwu science and technology museum superfine teacher sun if heart,Two students stand in one of his left a right."Are you sweaty feet?""not,But there is some classmates."Three people answer,As if"Performed crosstalk, or xiangsheng,",The students that a joy.He asked if heart:"I want to use a hair dryer the two wet insoles blow dry,Is there any way?"The children looking curiously at sun if heart,See he will be a homemade plastic pipe stuck in blower mouth,Plastic pipe has two head,Just can blow out two strands of wind.


One hour,Sun if heart like magic for the children like introduced a heap"Small invention",In addition to blower transformation"Fast drying apparatus",Also need not bow can wipe the mop under the bed,And dust storm homemade dustpan, etc.auditorium,From time to time came the laughter of children.


"This lesson is fun!"Lecture clearance,Four grade(6)Class MengChaoRan quietly told reporters.Ordinary like hand made him,Suddenly learn so much"Small invention"Particularly happy,and,Class lively form also let him feel happy.Near the end of the class,He summed up:"Small invention"Without reverse thinking,Watch to make others unexpected things.


In addition,The school also carried out other class to try.For example, shorten the class,The original 40 minutes a lesson,Primary school students it is difficult to concentrate from beginning to end,The school will KeKe each section when reduced to 30 to 35 minutes.class,The teacher such teaching content,Students' attention,The learning efficiency is also improved.


The school also to level five or six years of mathematics as a pilot study,Development stratification teaching,Allow students to go class.Each semester,The same grade math teacher will design about three different levels of teaching course,By the students of the course according to their own actual situation.At the same time,School set up dozens of door personalized course,For different age students take as an elective course.


专家观点 Expert view


此举具有推广价值 The move has the value of popularization


Beijing normal university science dissemination and education research center deputy director LiYiFei think,Beijing open primary school"Four seasons course"Practice is a bold attempt,Has the value of popularization.


He said,Comprehensive practice course emphasizes interdisciplinary and practicality,Best can and real life environment and background connected.but,According to the previous class mode or comparative scattered,The pure knowledge or explanation,Only limited school classroom,Conventional teaching arrangement is not obviously fit for this course features.LiYiFei said,Adjust KeKe comprehensive practice when benefit students out of the campus,Carry out the practice operation.Of course,More important still is how to set up the lecture."Comprehensive practice course should pay attention to people and nature/Man and society/The relationship between man and self,The school to integrate multidisciplinary content system Settings theme and the way,Promote the diversification development."
