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钢琴少年四次被迫离校 曾因自闭症遭到联名反对--亲稳网络舆情监控室


《新闻1+1》2012年10月31日完成台本 [News 1 + 1]On October 31, 2012 complete playscript with stage directions


自闭症少年的求学路! Autism young study way!


(Guide apparent)


Treasure city elementary school students:


You are welcome to our school.




flowers/applause/smile,They welcome a child go back to school.


Parents joint against,School but QuanTui,A piano young why four times was forced to leave the campus?

  蔡老师 龙龙的班主任:

Choi teacher far the teacher in charge:


Day after day he has been reached in the mouth,There are times when hand took saliva touch other classmates, and upon the table.




The social from all walks of life pay attention to,News media intervention,Charity support,To return to the campus he will have a new start?


Far mother:


This time I must adhere to,If I do not adhere to the word,The final result is his this lifetime are certainly no hope.




[News 1 + 1]Attention today:Young far study way.

  主持人 柴璐:

The host ChaiLu:


Welcome to is for you to live[News 1 + 1].


In my behind this photo with a little boy playing the piano,His name is far,15 years old this year,He plays the piano very well,Has passed the exam and level,Especially is very good at play a piece by Chopin.But today said far not to say his piano art how well,But the little boy is very common study wishes,But he study road but walk very not easy,He actually met what kind of difficult?to,We from Monday his high-profile back to school to start.


Treasure city primary school principals:


Please accept students little mind.


Treasure city elementary school students:


Welcome you to our school in experimental class.




The headmaster/The teacher/students,And here from inside and outside of the dozens of media,flowers/applause/smile,And all the way about smile.The afternoon of October 29th,,Shenzhen treasure city primary school a simple and special welcome ceremony,Welcome a return to campus far 15 years old boy.

  刘子瑜 《新快报》记者:

LiuZiYu [New express]reporter:


At the time when to meet,The media and the school leader/The parties of education about 40 or 50 people.The school is the headmaster/Vice President,And the size of the school leadership,District education bureau of,There are some social work organization,Together in treasure city primary school at the school gate,They were about 2:30 or so have to wait at the school gate far go back to school.




They are called to return to school,Because far from this year started in May,Once treasure city school grade six reading,But in September at the beginning of the new term,But far be it kept out of school,Because far is a special children.Back to school again,The school also arranged for special far special teaching plans,Even a exclusive in his classroom.




The school to give it to a name is called thoughts lodge,Cabin inside put the two tables,Put the two computers,There are far more like playing the piano,Entering the house left has a piano,Also puts some learning with books.




Can return to school,Far with a smile on his face,But mother also for the arrangement of the parties so deeply touched.




The mother was far more tears in the eye,The mother said that far,No matter how,No matter far before the mother and school happened??????,But the school can give their children a chance to go to school,She really thank you very much.She even in speak mentioned said,Once thought with far to suicide,Is to seek relief.




On the welcome ceremony,At the age of 15 far in order to express their joy appreciate it,Also use his best way,In their own play up in the classroom.




Play is serenade,Play very well,When all the people are very surprised,That day far not see any score,Is our song casually,He can play out,Popular and classical,These he can play out.Far more that day really special excitement,Far go back to school that day,I'm from involvement in this matter to the two months inside,I have seen the most exciting far/The most happy day,really,Smile face hung,And that one day he particularly willing to talk with other people,Other people chat with him/speak,He is willing to talk with other people,Even the initiative to shake hands with someone.




Far today with a yearning formally started his return to campus study life,We don't know what to meet him and be?When a cause attention welcome ceremony be a thing of the past,The future will be far more smooth sailing?




The headmaster accept my interview before always said he embarrassed,But the day President Lin from beginning to end without feel let far back to school is a very difficult thing.He later stressed,Far back to school later,The school will do my utmost to help his ability to complete their studies.


The host:


We have always said far is a very special children,Of course from his back to school have nearly 20 media in there waiting for him,Including the school specialized give he set up a separate the teacher sent regards cabin,From these can see that he is not a child.We come to formally to meet him,See far material,Far is his alias,15 years old this year,Living in shenzhen baoan district,Specialty is a piano level 7,Especially like play a piece by Chopin.There are far more is mild autistic children,Self-control is not good,Sometimes there are abnormal behavior.What is called autism?Maybe a lot of people sounds can feel very strange.Autistic children were people called stars children,why?They are perceived/language/thinking/These behavior ability of communication and communication with others will have some obstacles,In their emotional expression,In fact know up is disabled,So they often immersed in their own world,But far is such a mild autistic children.So today we talking about problems far to go to school,We have been in such a word back to school,why?Once far in school,But in September this year,In the new school year,His mother received the notice said,Far later don't be to go to school,The reason is 19 a school children's parents joint letter saying,They don't want their children and a far to go to school,Is because far have so mild autism,They are worried about far more abnormal behavior/Don't speak hygiene,He may top over toilet don't know pull my pants zipper etc. Such behavior will affect their children.And such things happened after the media exposure,In the social from all walks of life efforts,In the public opinion under push,Only far back to the school,Of course he's back this road is very difficult.




meet/flowers,On October 29 for 15 years old far big boy is a joy/Unforgettable day,However, in more than a month before,The first time he went into the public eye time,Which remains is the lonely background.He wants to go to school,Because they are a people with autism and rejected,In came to treasure city elementary school four years before,Far has been enrolled in shenzhen yuan flat special education school,In may this year fall far accident,Continuous to do two knee surgery,Mother decided brought him to the nearest treasure city elementary school.When the headmaster agreed to let this special children in school conditional admission one semester,However, in September this year the new school year,Far and mother but received teacher in charge's notice,Said he may not come again to classes,At the same time the class 45 students with 19 students parents also personally wrote signatories,He admitted to refuse.So what on earth is that?

  蔡老师 龙龙班主任:

The teacher in charge teacher CAI far:


With saliva touch other students or on the table,In the toilet/In the hallway began to appear some indecent behavior,Have the teacher saw,Also have children saw.




After receiving the notice of denial of admission,Mother far in your own way with efforts.The school did not let him to come to class,Mother let he sat in the classroom last row to attend a lecture,School confiscated far textbooks,Mother will borrow another textbook to his son.School pulled his desk,Mother let he stood in the last row.However the teacher or the standing in the last row of the classroom far please out of the classroom,Intensive and bring them to the classroom,Notice his mother.




She was said to me,She walked into the classroom guard,See your child a man sitting on protecting the classroom inside doing examination papers,She said I was tears with broken line as beads,Pat and I went to dirty,Then he took the son's hand and said,Go home,Can't.




Things in the past more than a month,Today far back to school again,In the help of the one foundation,Far will first by the special teacher have a class,And then to gradually into the collective.Many people believe that teach school perhaps is the most suitable for far,However far it is mother,For mild since closed for far,Teach school on May be other severe children misleading,At the same time for the child future personal development also adverse.


Far mother:


At that time to special school prepared to read grade four,Results after go in,Should read grade four,Still from 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/The study of 10,I felt that I had children's academic has a great influence.




Far but/at,The school also are suffering,Can far well into the collective,The other students/The parents of the students opinion how to consider,They can understand?In addition to stay in ordinary school far would be suitable for his education?

  林喜瑜 宝城小学校长:

LinXiYu treasure city primary school principals:


Because itself now we these ordinary schools did not through some special education training,Without some knowledge of special education,So it is difficult to achieve the ideal education effect.




An autistic children,Let all the people on this group attention again,In the face of such special children,What should we do?Perhaps is still in groping,But we don't want to see the child so lonely figure.


The host:


The road go straight to school far not flat,He had four times was forced to leave the campus,Originally he also once in ordinary schools over,Later because of potential safety problems and so on such reason to be QuanTui,Later he also once in the special education school go to school,Like to see situation to improve slowly up,So his mother and hope he can to the ordinary school to go to school.Of course far mother's mood,We all can understand,As a child's mother,Of course I hope he can be in the more advantageous environment of growth,But for the school no conditions to create such a special education,We can also understand,For other children's parents don't understand to autism,Therefore to worry about,We think they are understandable,But worry and anxiety can't become the reason of avoid responsibility,Because far and is not a case.


We can come to see such a data,China welfare institute have a report said,The current international universal standards,Every 166 children have a autistic children,So as to calculate,China's young autistic children about 1.64 million people,And every year by the proportion of 10% to 17% growth,Has reached nearly one over one thousand,So large a group,May for many people,A contact to autistic children,You mind come out two problems,Such children can after all be with ordinary children go to school together?For ordinary children will not have a negative impact?So that the child itself,They placed in special education schools accept education well,Or ordinary education schools accept education well?Is this problem,Immediately contact the guangdong academy of pediatrics development behavior of pediatric committee ZouXiaoBing leader,He is also far to do any treatment of experts.


Professor zou,hello.

  邹小兵 广东省儿科学会发育行为儿科学组组长:

ZouXiaoBing guangdong academy of pediatrics development behavior pediatric committee leader:


Host hello.


The host:


What kind of autistic children can enter to the ordinary school?As can be far?




I've seen far,In fact far more like the situation can go to school,Light to moderate of autism,If they don't some harmful behavior,Or serious interference with the behavior of public order,Most of the moderate to mild autistic children can go to school.International this trend,Let these have special hope children to return to the mainstream school to study such a situation.


Our country in the past may this aspect can't do,Now as we the development of social economy,There are some civilization requirements,I think we should constantly create conditions for the school,Let these children can in the mainstream school,In fact just talk to other children influence,Effects actually also has good effects,For some children can help by far such children may also get some one's own growth,So not only is there some bad influence,May good effect also can be in reflected inside.


The host:


But for these itself have autism,Or mild autistic children speaking,They can in ordinary circumstances frustration or more likely to damage,For them the special education better,Or general education to their more advantageous?




From foreign development situation,Should the mainstream school/Ordinary school for their good,Because foreign the past also is to let the children into school s,The last century 67 generation started,Let the moderate/Mild children with autism,Including mild mental retardation children back to the mainstream school,Such social cost is low,For parents/Children speaking is one of the best.


The host:


Thank professor zou.Just professor zou also said,For these have autism children or to the ordinary school accept education better.But just the school of interview also talk about their worry,Because on one hand does not know how to deal with such a child,In teaching, etc. On the strength is insufficient,So we believe that school and not to evade responsibility,They are not don't want to do,But don't know how to do it,How to create conditions to do,What can and who work together.


We'll come to see below such a data,This comes from shenzhen baoan district education bureau foundation education section chief ChengXueCai sir,He said the school difficulty difficult in where?One is the policy lack of people/wealth/things,Of course it is clear that money,Now degree are very nervous,The classroom is also very nervous,Such children may need small class teaching.The second is the teachers strength is very weak,Have a special to teach these special child's teacher,Can enter the teachers,This is not a can be solved.The other is the safety aspects of the pressure,Because after all these autistic children may have some abnormal behavior,So such abnormal behavior may need special chaperone,Or with specialized special education special care for processing.So the whole it appear state just don't know what should I do,And don't want to do.So now the problem is not merely a grass-roots education institutions/A school is able to resolve,Need all social force,Including far it can see,Not only the school in the effort,The local education department in the effort,There are some public welfare organization are also involved.




Today morning in treasure city elementary school specifically for far more open resources in teachers,The teacher for far with the falling of literacy class.Afternoon one foundation of the special hiring s zhao teacher came to the house of far,For his one-on-one autism rehabilitation training,For with mild autistic children speaking,Fusion type education/Along with the class as they can be the best way by education.Based on this,One foundation for far sea tailor a personalized teaching plan.

  陈宏乐 壹基金项目总监:

ChenHongLe one foundation project director:


There are some out of type teaching,In the resources with the classroom teacher s,The rest of the time and will follow the classmates together,The government education system introduced a special school,Hope this teach school can also play supervision such a role,Steering the child in the school education fusion some effect.




In ordinary classroom and class together,In the resources by the classroom teacher s for code of conduct training,Teach school teacher regularly baby-sits supervision inspection,Far to return to the campus will probably make a lot of family encouraged,But being able to return to the school does not mean that the future is all normal.




He needs a good external environment,If the environment not mature words,The child may only be sitting with the class,Sitting in the classroom was.




In the school/parents/To promote the communication between far,One foundation do the work,As far as far as possible is to build a good environment.Everyone knows,Give autistic children's normal education is not an easy thing,But many children need social first to provide them with opportunities with the class.In shandong province as an example,There are 89% of children with autism,Was kindergarten/Primary school close the door on.For autistic children special schools offered a no,And rehabilitation institutions only accept children under 6 years old,Autistic children the right by the education need the security of the system.


On the other hand,According to the investigation report one foundation,There are 10.43% of the autism school-age children in regular classes with the student,But 49.19% of the parents hope children can be in regular classes with the student.Autism family education demand gap is big,Select the feature and placed in special education schools,Teach school quality and quantity and can't satisfy each autistic children's education development needs.




The government or carry out above some policy,If these policies have not paid close attention to,There is no regulation system,They think it is still difficult to some,Still need to face the problem from higher attention,Is the system level a support.




Stars children,Love angel,When people use such call to describe autism children,The growth of their steps/Education, the status quo can not continue to wait for,A scientific/Complete system of security to fundamentally solve the problem of autistic children by education.


The host:


Experts after consultation to far after,Has preliminarily to he made a scheme called fusion education plan,Is actually in-class study plan.Understand the,Fusion education scheme three main points:


The first,Need to accept early intervention,The autism experts to professional intervention,Let him have a basic accept daily teaching ability;


The second,Don't regularly arranged for him with the class,Step by step and ordinary students fusion,To adapt to the common teaching;


The third,Under the premise that gradually transition to the official with the class.This process one foundation public welfare organization will also set up some personnel or relatives can apply at any time to accompany him.


Of course such a consultation scheme actually finally can effectively?Still trying stage,The results also need to experience,But we hope to have a good start,After all, far and far not case of himself,Involves 1.64 million children of things.


Saying that autistic children how to deal with the problem,We can borrow stones from other hills may attack the jade,For example the recent Hong Kong,We look at Hong Kong how to solve these problems of autistic children.Ordinary schools in Hong Kong can not be refused to any a special children,And the Hong Kong government every year training must be different levels of the teacher,By the government to cultivate the special education teacher,Let them have the ability to face special children.While Hong Kong society still have a lot of NGO,They can also with a lot of special children to create a good living environment.Actually besides,We review the mainland,In fact the mainland in whether love aspects,Or all levels/Each organization sense of responsibility are not missing,Even in the policy formulation on early one step ahead.To see,We have[Disabled people read the job along with the class management measures],2011 revision,Such management measures of regulation,Along with the class object refers to all can adapt to ordinary school vision disability/Hearing disability/Speech disability/Physical disability/Mental disability/Mental disability,Including autism multiple disabilities such as of the disabled,And in the education teaching,The school with the class into the whole school schedule,Unified planning and management,Designate special persons to take charge of and so on.


So now that have this regulation in here,Then the present implementation/Implement what what vacancies.Attachment of the Beijing normal university special education department professor GuDingQian sir.Professor gu,hello.

  顾定倩 北京师范大学特殊教育系教授:

GuDingQian Beijing normal university professor of special education:


hello,The host.


The host:


How to see at present in treating children with autism,What level is lack?




Work level need to have specific implement security these disabled children including autism children go to school the implementation of these rights,Such work rules still need further perfect.Another is to their education training scheme,Also need to focus on education/medical/social/Psychology and so on multi-disciplinary such experts and scholars,And includes the first line teacher and parents come to study together,For their education training this content/methods,For their education absolute can't just education department a thing,Or just school teacher's things.


The host:


Is more than a department linkage process.




to,Many departments and multidisciplinary.


The host:


Thank you for your.


I want to separated by a fan school is in retreat is depends on a group of the fate of their children,For them by education is their rights,And also the whole society must help obligation.


In the end of the show,We fell far see a diary,This is what he said,"I am going to back to the school to go to school,I am very happy,I had a feeling the mood good,The sky like a more clear,The leaves have also become more green."We hope that such good mood forever will accompany far.


Subtitles hint:


I am going to back to the school to go to school


I am very happy……


I had a feeling the mood good


The sky is clear like the


The leaves have also become more green


[Diary far]Written in the back to school before……


"The far"refueling.
