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虐童老师被刑拘 母亲看到儿子被虐照片痛哭(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

虐童老师被刑拘 母亲看到儿子被虐照片痛哭(图) 网友在颜某QQ空间发现的虐童照片 Net friend in the yan a QQ space found pictures of child abuse


至少10多个孩子被拍虐童照片 温岭虐童颜谋被刑拘 At least 10 more children was taken photos possessing child abuse TongYan abuse for be XingJu


The day before yesterday,Have net friend FaWei bo posted a photo,photo,The boy was carry ears,Upward to,From the ground about 20 centimeters,Face is full of pain.That carry the daughters of the ears is to smile from ear to ear.


Fans said,The woman in the photo is possessing a kindergarten teacher,Many users have HanHen forward.


yesterday,Reporters from possessing the police to know,Pictures of the female teachers from blue peacock kindergarten,Named YanYanGong,Has been XingJu,Suspected stir-up-trouble,When taking photos of another teacher child one was also administrative detention.


For facial teacher,Net friends have a lot of doubt:Is she exactly how to get into preschool teacher team?She used to have child abuse behavior?


还有很多其他虐童照 There are many other TongZhao abuse


Have net friend on the flesh of man to this"Facial teacher"QQ,And from her space search a lot of pictures of child abuse.


Fans said:"These are all we can see,I believe there are many we cannot see,She didn't shoot down,Or take down not upload,I really apart her heart have……"


These photos are the facial teacher take?Pictures in her class children are the children?


The existing photo involves more than 10 children,After comparison at present can maintain have five or six is in her class once and was reading children,These photos are taken this facial teacher,Let children do these movements is she.Police say,Some photos on children is likely to be repeated mistreated,This need to be further recognized.


At present,Possessing the local government department set up a in this facial teacher in class's and grade's students psychological counseling work group,Especially at present has confirmed this a few children's psychological problems including carry ears in the photo that four years old boy,Six or seven children from yesterday began to undergo counseling.


yesterday,Carry the ear photos small and medium-sized the boy's mother also came to the police station,She said before she didn't know it,Children home also didn't said,She saw the police to her to see pictures,She cried.Then little children were brought to hospital for examination,Check the result is good,The mother again to police said:"The child's physical nothing good,Even if the."


这个颜老师到底是什么人? This facial teacher exactly is what person?


"Facial teacher"Was born in 1992,Help her taking pictures in the"Child the teacher"Was a trainee,Two people GuanXiaoEr class together.The day before yesterday afternoon,Micro bo incident,Two people were kindergarten dismissal.


Yan one at that time through the micro xinfa carry ears photos to her net friend,It is a month ago.Do not know from what psychology,She says he is possessing another kindergarten teacher.


But soon,Along with the micro bo forwarding,Her identity final:She is blue peacock kindergarten teacher.


She is June 2010 into the blue of the peacock,This from possessing the teacher training school graduate in children"Facial teacher",When there is no teacher certificate.Help her pictures of a child is the local teacher training school students,Has not yet officially graduated.


Blue peacock is home to private kindergarten,In the local suburban copula,Kindergarten students to receive from the majority of the cadastre of children.


那么,颜老师是不是歧视外地孩子呢? so,Yan teacher whether discrimination field of the kid?


Reporters learned from the police,Child abuse photos have been confirmed in children,Foreign and local children half and half.


她是不是因为孩子不听话进行体罚呢? She is because the child not obedient to corporal punishment??


Because facial one has been XingJu,Temporary can't accept interview.Taizhou commercial daily reporter WuJian in the day before yesterday afternoon have seen a facial,At that time she said:"Because feel fun."


"She was wearing and photos on the same clothes,At that time I ask her answer a word,Expression logy,As was frightened."At first WuJian also think that maybe the facial teacher is ignorance,Think fun shoot.But his facial teacher impression overnight completely change,"Look at her pictures of in the space,The child took off pants,Let a boy kiss a girl,Throw the child into the trash can,A normal person can do it?It is not just limited to feel fun."


Reporters learned from the police,The police found no facial some what mental problems,But the police will also further investigation.Police say,From the current see,Yan a June 2010 to the crime,Meanwhile many times to throw trash can/Sealing tape paper etc give children taking pictures.


Yan is a daughter home,Elder sister already married.Parents have nearly 60 years old,Wen is XinHeZhen cross pond village head,Yan a during the period of school is not good.Since last year,She likes on the micro letter,Also went to see a net friend,But on the whole,She is not making friends widely.


Kindergarten a female teacher said:"Before the teacher to facial impression quite good,Although less contact,But in the start of this year at the beginning of the application field,I see a lot of parents said‘In yan the teacher's class’,So parents the impression to her is also quite good."


Another involved a child,A small than yan 1 year old,Parents also is the local farmers,Home has a six-year-old little brother,She said she was help yan a photo for one hour,Also feel bad want to stop,But yan a say to her:"It's okay,Just as play,Don't let others know."


Yan one and a child be caught,Small class two students from kindergarten teacher in other substitute,Yesterday the class all closed,Substitute teacher home visits;Possessing the police set up efforts,Education department will also investigate whether there are other school child abuse problems involved.


为什么没有教师资格证? Why didn't the teacher certificate?


Wenling city education bureau held an emergency meeting,The meeting about a situation:


Possessing the kindergarten teachers hold certificate holding card rate is only 40%.


Possessing the city has 255 kindergartens,Is business of the 56,The remaining are run by the local people.the,Public kindergarten teachers have certificate of about 90%,Run by the local people more than 10% only.


为什么民办幼儿园执证率这么低? Why private kindergarten hold card rates so low?


Possessing education bureau concerned personage analysis said,Private kindergarten charges are public cheap,And in suburban copula,So many foreign personnel,Preschool teachers' wages were low,Cause fluidity big,Demand big,If the demand is high,The zoo afraid for less than the teacher,This causes the vicious circle in fact,Is not only possessing,Children all teachers are faced with the problem,Preschool teachers mostly low degree,Introduction to the threshold low lead to quality the good and bad are intermingled.


Yesterday's emergency meeting,Wenling city education bureau decided to,In three years will change private kindergarten preschool teachers hold card rate is too low phenomenon,The first year,Requirements of run by the local people reached 40%,The second year will reach 70%,The third year to 100%.


无论何种处罚民事责任都存在 No matter what kind of punishment civil liability in


yesterday,Possessing the police for suspected stir-up-trouble crime XingJu the facial one/Administrative detained a child.


Have net friend asked,Why did they involves not deliberately harm?Fixed stir-up-trouble than deliberately hurt punishment is light?


this,The police have to explain:Yan a involves may have four charges:Crime of abuse/Insult sin/Deliberately mayhem and stir-up-trouble crime.


Crime of abuse:Our country criminal law no provisions of child abuse sin,Criminal law,Abuse refers to the abuse family members,Although from theory can think,Teacher is the extension of parents right,But legal not to put on record.


Insult sin:This sin is need to deal with public prosecution,Can the victim parents to court prosecution.Like others in the photo,Take off pants children,kiss,These are subject to compulsory indecency women and children's behavior.


Deliberately mayhem:Only the victim to injury minor injuries the results,To meet that sin.


Stir-up-trouble crime:According to the criminal law,Optional beating others,If the circumstances are serious;chase/Intercept abuse others,If the circumstances are serious;Strong take stubbornly or any damage/Occupied public or private property,If the circumstances are serious;In a public place kick up a fuss riots,Causing public order serious confusion.Yan a behavior caused the victim panic/Fear and consequences,Accord with stir-up-trouble crime case of standard.


Deliberately harm a maximum sentence is 3 years,And stir-up-trouble crime maximum sentence is 5 years.


颜艳红的行为不适合涉嫌侮辱罪 YanYanGong behavior is not suitable for suspected crime of insult


Zhejiang ShengZhi lawyers association of professional committee of the secretary-general of the criminal/And GaoZhenHua law firm lawyers:


If YanYanGong may criminal suspects,So the related charges may have three:Deliberately mayhem/Insult sin/Stir-up-trouble crime.


Deliberately mayhem subjectively must be deliberately make others health damage,And to the forensic identification,Constitute a minor injury and minor injuries above to just go.Now it looks,These children damage degree and did not achieve this point,Deliberately harm should be difficult to constitute.


From this picture,YanYanGong a series of insult children's behavior:The children in the trash/Mouth winding tape……If she implementation insult behavior of the object is fixed(For instance, in view of some one or a few children,Multiple insult),So even if didn't constitute what hurt the consequences,She also suspected crime of insult.The kid's parents can report a case to the security authorities can also go to the court prosecution,The punishment shall be investigated for YanYanGong responsibility.


But if she is according to different children implementation insult,No specific object,Then said she alleged insult sin is not appropriate.This kind of behavior more like in the breach of social public management order,In stir-up-trouble.


Although YanYanGong at present for suspected stir-up-trouble crime is XingJu,But she actually is a criminal offense still opinions vary,It remains to be further investigation of the public security organs.


家长可选择侵权或违约起诉老师和幼儿园 Parents can choose infringement or breach of contract prosecution teachers and kindergarten


Zhejiang star rhyme, director of the law firm/Dr. Civil WuQingWang lawyer:


The plot of child abuse event how serious?The plot of the damage?This is to decide whether to give the basis of criminal punishment.


If only online"Hand with children ears""The children kissed"This photo,Is not constitute the crime,But if which caused the child depression, and mental diseases is another matter.


There is no specific cases under the condition of materials,We can't will the public's anger and legal confused,The cognizance of the crime or carefully,Make a bad judgment.


Though if"hateful"and"The public's anger huge"But the legal circumstances do not have,The administrative punishment is completed.


But no matter what kind of punishment,Civil liability in.

  家长作为孩子的监护人,可以代为起诉,要求老师和幼儿园赔偿医药费、精神损害费等,并可要求赔礼道歉。(都市快报 胡剑 杨丽 段静 郭婧 陈佳)

Parents, as the guardian of children,Can Sue to,For the teacher and kindergarten compensation for medical expenses/The mental damage fee, etc,And may be required to offer an apology.(Urban express HuJian YangLi DuanJing GuoJing Chen jia)
