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武汉七成大学生有就业焦虑症 男生比女生尤甚--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  提前“海投”简历,到处跑招聘会……日益严峻的就业形势,使得不少在校大学生产生“就业焦虑症”。近日,武汉长江工商学院关于“大学生心理焦虑问题”的调查报告出炉,结果显示:72%的大学生存在就业焦虑问题,16%的同学不是很心急,12%的同学完全不着急。 advance"For the sea"resume,Run about fair...Increasingly serious employment situation,Makes a lot of college students produce"Employment anxiety".recently,Wuhan Yangtze river about business school"College students' psychological anxiety problem"The survey report,Results show that:72% of college students employment problems existence anxiety,16% of the students is not very impatient,12% of the students don't worry.


六成大三学生也焦虑 Sixty percent of junior students anxiety


The investigation object,Including the wuhan university of science and technology/Hubei university of Chinese medicine/Wuchang engineering college/Wuhan transportation professional technology institute and so on school students.In the past,College students appear"Employment anxiety"Psychological problems in senior student is in the majority.The questionnaire survey,this"anxiety"Psychological early arrival,Originally to graduation front began to concern the employment problem,Now bothering ahead of junior students,Many junior students have been playing ahead of employment"Try war".


Wuhan Yangtze river business school junior journalism students JiangHui,Use their spare time,Greatly small fair ran for five games."He is news professional students,Must practice,More than a also follow the newspaper teacher practice."JiangHui said,Arrogant since three,Every large fair,Will go to sound out the situation.


Through the survey found,JiangHui such as playing in advance"Employment test campaigns to"The junior student accounts for 60%.In addition to run recruitment,A lot of students but also advance"For the sea"resume,part-time.


男生比女生“更焦虑” Boys than girls"More anxious"


JiangHui trip,"Anxiety is not without foundation appear,I'm not‘Rich the second generation’,Is not‘Officer the second generation’,Not by our own efforts to spell a,Job later/To buy a house/Married...All kinds of pressure heap together,Couldn't imagine."Investigation shows that,The boy anxiety detection rate was 20% higher than girls.


专家建议 Experts suggest


放下身价不断提升自己 Put down continuously improve their social status


"College students worry about I fail to find a satisfying job,Worry about enterprise do not suit oneself,Worry about the salary is too low is employment anxiety performance."The central training section mental health education research experts DengAn Yin said,Employment among college students anxiety disorders are quite common.

  就业焦虑,轻者可以使人产生一种压力,唤起人的警觉使自己积极行动起来;重者会使人在就业面前惊慌失措 ,甚至对就业产生恐惧。尹邓安谈道,如果长期处于过度焦虑惊恐状态 ,容易造成生理失常或产生焦虑性神经症。

Employment anxiety,Light person can make the person produces a kind of pressure,Evoke one's vigilance make oneself positive action;The person that weigh can make the person in front of employment panic ,Even for employment produce fear.DengAn Yin said,If long-term excessive anxiety state in terror ,Easy to cause physiological disorder, or develop anxiety neurosis.

  “大学生要学会放下身价,积极行动,提高自己的交往能力,有目标和侧重点,加强学习。”尹邓安建议,即使在最忙的时候,也不能把自己的专业知识丢了,这是根基。(长江商报 记者 张瑜琨 实习生 莫玉津 陈晶)

"College students should learn to put your head down and social status,Positive action,To improve their communication ability,Have goals and emphasis,To strengthen the study."DengAn Yin Suggestions,Even in the most busy time,Also can't take their professional knowledge lost,This is the foundation.(The Yangtze river business newspaper reporter ZhangYuKun interns MoYu tianjin ChenJing)
