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女教师微博写近千篇教学日记 称珍惜调皮学生--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  长江商报消息@一只曾老师:开学868天,这个天气的武汉,学校的孩子居然还有穿凉鞋和短袖的……不知道家长都是干吗的,不过我也习惯了,很多孩子都是自己上闹钟自己起床自己来学校的……@H丶珊珊 这个小盆友,长得好像孙一浦那个萌样,他告诉我他在做点心,我问,是汉堡包么?他疑惑地看着我,汉堡包是什么? The Yangtze river commercial daily news @ a once the teacher:The 868 days,The weather of wuhan,School children incredibly still have to wear sandals and short sleeve of...Don't know parents a stem of,But I am accustomed to,Many children are his alarm clock yourself up to school...@ H, shan the small basin friend,Long like SunYiPu that sprout sample,He told me he doing snacks,I asked,Is hamburgers??He looked at me in disbelief,Hamburgers are what?


立志做正能量教主 Resolve to be positive energy hierarch


"A teacher was"Was born in 1987,Ruling by jianghan district is forward acoustic primary school music teacher had Cai Cai,In the school the young pioneers counselor.From 2010,She insisted that every day to write teaching micro bo diary.Micro bo sun in her teaching,Sun and"Naughty students"communication,Also sent mingjiaobaina sighed:"Once scolded naughty born,Now think of regret."


"Resolve to be a gold excellent positive energy hierarch.What other people think of you is not important,The only important thing is you like yourself."This is Cai had Cai micro bo signature,"Positive energy hierarch is to give students a good effect,Let the students happy.But I'm in the teachers' vocational practice is not long,Insist on writing teaching diary,Is push oneself progress,Let the students learn better."Had Cai Cai said.


Forward acoustic elementary school has more than 200 students,Relative surrounding other for primary school,Forward acoustic elementary school is still in developing,But once Cai Cai said:"Our students may family condition compare with other school students,But they are very happy!"Once Cai Cai is responsible for the entire school student's music teaching,But she does not think vice lesson is not important,She said:"Music score no pressure,More should give students bring happiness."


“我很珍惜调皮学生” "I cherish naughty students"


"Have you ever found,After the graduation walk on the road shout you a sound teacher good,Most of the study not good,It is those naughty students."Once the teacher in micro bo wrote.Had Cai Cai memories,All the class good,For a small red flag,Accumulated 10 surface small red flag can obtain pencil and small gifts."Some good student take it lightly,It can promote the naughty student learning."


In her small bo also remember a little story,A naughty students make use of their own when the team leader in opportunity,The stick to other people's red flag stick in his textbook,Want to get a gift,Were students"report".She did not deal with the students,But encourage him:I believe this is your own,But eight times behind reward didn't your copy,Because I believe that you will get more small red flag.


Like this story also many."Many naughty students after graduation,To my QQ space message and I said I'm sorry,So the more I cherish these naughty students,Because they need more love."

  当被问及学生看微博,上网过多,是否会有负面影响?曾偲偲认为,网络时代,学生不上网是不可能的,只要合理引导就行。 (长江商报 记者 柯美杰 实习生 于静)

When asked about the students see micro bo,Internet too much,Whether it will have a negative impact?Had Cai Cai think,Network times,Students don't surf the Internet is not possible,As long as a reasonable guide line. (The Yangtze river business newspaper reporter KeMeiJie interns in static)
