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工程院:造假者取消院士提名 借节日宴请算拉票--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Release add choose discipline treatment method,Clear material false/campaign/Soliciting votes and indiscipline determination

  据新华社电 中国工程院日前发布《院士增选违纪违规行为处理办法(试行)》,材料弄虚作假、拉票、侵占他人技术成果者,将被通报;情节较重的,终止当次被评审与选举资格;情节严重的,除终止当次被评审与选举资格外,还取消下一次被提名或推荐资格。

According to report of xinhua news agency released by the Chinese academy of engineering[Academician add choose discipline violations treatment method(trial)],Material fraud/Soliciting votes/Occupy others ChengGuoZhe technology,Will be posted;If the circumstances are relatively heavy,Terminate when times by review and electoral qualification;If the circumstances are serious,In addition to terminate when times by review and election the qualification,Also cancel the next was nominated or recommended qualification.


Have the discipline violations,According to[way],Will be in the related divisions within the bulletin;If the circumstances are relatively heavy,Terminate the when times by review and electoral qualification;If the circumstances are serious,In addition to terminate the when times by review and election the qualification,Also cancel the next was nominated or recommended qualification,And credited to the credit archives.


In addition,[way]emphasize,Academician and staff for or illegally accept others' property,Engaging in malpractices for personal gain/If the circumstances are serious,According to the law in accordance with the gauge strict sanctions.Be processed to affirm discipline illegal facts have objections,Upon receipt of[decision]Within 15 days from the date can present a statement and defend oneself,And to provide full and accurate description material.


About discipline violation processing material management,[way]clear,Academician and candidates discipline violation processing of all related materials are credited to the credit archives,Functionaries of discipline with all the relevant materials are recorded in the personal files.


The Chinese academy of engineering is China engineering science and technology circles highest honourable/ZiXunXing academic institutions,Chinese academy of engineering is set up by the state science and technology project of the highest academic title.Academician add choose work shall be held once every two years.

  - 焦点

- focus


According to the relevant person in charge of academy of engineering is introduced,[way]Clear the material fraud exists,Occupy others of scientific and technological achievements,campaign/Soliciting votes,Interference add choose work discipline violations such as approved.


Borrow festival fete identified as soliciting votes

  材料弄虚作假 候选人基本信息、主要学历、主要经历、主要学术团体兼职等内容有伪造的;候选人工程科技主要成就和贡献、重要科技奖项、发明专利等有伪造的;单位推荐(或院士提名)意见和遴选单位推荐意见以及遴选投票结果有不实之处的。

Material falsification candidate basic information/The main record of formal schooling/The main experience/Main academic groups have forged a part-time job, etc;Candidate engineering science and technology main achievements and contributions/Important science and technology awards/Invention patent and so on have forged;Unit to recommend(Or academician nomination)Opinions and to select units recommendations and to select the voting results in the false.

  侵占他人科技成果 主要成就和贡献有侵占他人学术成果进行拼凑和包装;学术论文、重要科技奖项和发明专利有侵占他人学术成果进行拼凑和包装等。

Occupy others main achievements of scientific and technological achievements and contributions have occupy others academic achievements together and packaging;Academic papers/Important science and technology awards and patent of invention have occupy others academic achievements together and packaging, etc.

  助选、拉票,干扰增选工作 候选人本人通过各种方式,利用节日、乔迁、升学、红白事等机会,或者以学术交流、学生答辩、考察、评审、评奖等名义,采用宴请、送礼、安排高档消费娱乐活动等形式,借机为自己当选院士进行活动的;候选人本人或委托同学、同事、亲朋好友等,以各种形式向院士行贿,为自己当选院士进行助选活动的;候选人所在单位或部门为本单位、本部门候选人当选院士进行说情、打招呼、送礼等活动的。

campaign/Soliciting votes,Interference add choose job candidates personally through various ways,Using the festival/move/bound/Opportunities such as weddings and funerals,Or in academic exchanges/Students answer/investigation/review/Awards and name,The fete/gifts/Arrange high-grade consumer entertainment activities form,Looking for himself elected academicians activities;Candidates personally or entrusted by the students/colleagues/Relatives and friends, etc,In various forms to academician bribery,For his election campaign activities to academician;Candidate place unit or department for this unit/The department of candidate for intercession/Say "hello"/Activities such as a gift.
