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女大学生给校领导写信 吐槽女厕太忙男厕太冷清--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “眼看着隔壁男厕门口冷冷清清,实在是羡慕忌妒恨啊!”昨天,南京大学小百合BBS上的一封写给校领导的“请关注女厕所排队”的信引发师生热议。因为女厕所数量有限,女生课间须排长队上厕所,这名网友在排队等待时还拍下照片,并用写信方式向校领导诉苦。记者调查发现,女生如厕排队现象普遍存在。 大学生记者 宋璟 姚瑶 扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦 张琳

"See the next gent the door cold and cheerless,It is envy envy hate ah!"yesterday,Nanjing university little lily BBS on a letter to the school leader"Please pay attention to female toilet queue"Letter trigger hot debate between teachers and students.Because female toilet limited number,The girl must break long queues toilets,A net friend in the queue waiting also take pictures,Write and way to the school leader complaint.Reporter survey found,Girls toilet queuing phenomenon exists generally. College students' reporter song Jing YaoYao yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi zhang Lin

  女生写信吐槽: Girls write vomit tank:

  女厕所“太忙”,男厕所“冷清” ladies"Too busy",Men's room"Cold and cheerless"


In this the posts,Net friend"icemoon"Wrote a letter to the school leader letter,"Please pay attention to girls toilet difficult question",The letter the students think,Due to physiological characteristics,Women spend time and the toilet of CunWei area is larger than men,And girls than boys less number of ntu,In the school break only ten minutes,Female toilet always queuing up,The girl more departments is even more so."Good luck when the bell rang teacher call it a day,The first rushed to the toilet,Can also be solved successfully,A little bit a slow action to the long lines,Before class can exhaust to have a problem."Vomit more than the slot,The students also puts forward some Suggestions to the school:Increase the ladies room quantity or the part of the gent reconstruction for ladies.

  帖子一发就引来师生们热议,女生们纷纷为上厕所的问题出谋划策,除了改建男厕、增加女厕数量等,甚至有人提出,可以直接 “霸占”男厕,趁男生不在的时候一人望风一人“解决问题”。“太尴尬了,”一位女生直言,即便再着急,也不愿到男厕“解决问题”。

Post when teachers and students would attract hot debate,The girls are to go to the toilet question ideas,In addition to alteration gent/Increase the number of women,Even suggest,Can directly "commandeer"gent,While the boy when a person is not keep a person"Solve the problem"."It's so embarrassing,"A girl the truth,Even if again try so hard,Don't let to the men's room"Solve the problem".

  记者调查: Reporter investigation:

  女生数量猛增,“方便”问题席卷高校 Girl quadrupled,"convenient"Problems across the


Yesterday afternoon,Reporter in nanjing a high xianlin campus building observed,Teaching building each floor have boys and girls each a toilet.During the break,The girls' toilets really appeared"lively"Queuing scene:Class is over less than a minute,Ladies team is arranged to the door,The girls look slightly helpless.The boys into the toilet after a moment came out."We can only a class is over quickly to the toilet,Or maybe really wasted 10 minutes to queue."Girl XiaoFan said.The XiaoTongXue to reporters about her a embarrassing experience:"Have a class has already begun I haven't row to.Finally only irritated at the empty men's room shout at top of voice‘No one I will come in la!’,Then awkwardly back to the classroom."The southeast university he told reporters,Although the school boys and girls in proportion so or so,But girls toilet still more difficult."A layer of building hundreds of people at the same time the class,Only a female toilet,Ten several CunWei,If break only five minutes,Line up to three or four minutes."


Journalists to investigate other jiangsu university found,Almost all schools of men and women toilet number and area is the same.Girls break such as toilet queue is very common.Nanjing some college rear-service management office of a person in charge told reporters,Girl quantity increase,Indeed the test the school the original infrastructure,Female toilet not enough use this problem is obvious.Reporters interviewed yesterday nanjing several universities in logistics,But get answer is there is no increase female toilet or transformation consideration.

  多地高校减男厕加女厕 Many women university minus gent added


The reporter understands,Domestic a few universities have staged"Occupation of men's room"activities,Think many gents free,And the women of long queues,Ask for an increase in the number of women and CunWei.


In April 2011,The Chinese media university will be building part of man's room to ladies.University officials said,Because school female students more,The first part of the toilet to do experiment.


In October 2011,Guangdong college teaching building 1-8 floor between 8 men's room and vice versa complex 1/2/3/6 floor of the four men's room was transformed into between the women,Men and women from its original toilet proportion of 1:1 to 1:3.Guangdong university of foreign studies in recent years the number of men and women proportion of about 3:7,The new teaching building in when,Has special increase the number of female toilet,female/Men's room ratio is 2:1,Even higher.


In April 2012,Central China normal university will institute of foreign languages in the no. 3 floor part of man's room for simple transformation,To female toilet.In the past,The building of the men and women living in the toilet room number is the same,now,Between four boys toilet to do identification,For girls use.In 2011 the central China normal university enrolling in the new,The boy accounts for about 30.83% of the total number of recruitment of students;The girl about 69.17%.


In September of 2012,Xiamen university because of the new term zhangzhou campus students move back,The more than three thousand new students,Lead to the male to female ratio is 46:54.The school reform of public toilets,Increase female toilet.At the same time Suggestions such as foreign girls relatively concentrated departments peak time class,The teachers and students can go to CunWei more nearby public toilets,Avoid person more public toilets.


In February 2012,A few female college students worked in guangzhou street staged"Occupation of men's room"Behavior art,Men and women called for the resolution of toilet a disequilibrium problem,The women's advice to build a scale.

  高校女生如厕 College girls toilet

  为什么难 Why difficult to


1/Girls increase of the proportion


Statistics show that,In the 1999 years before enrollment,In the college students in our country girl is less,Only 20% or so.But development today,"qiankun"Big turn the,The girl bound proportion increasing speed is very fast.In this new student enter a school,Yangzi evening news reporter once more investigation of nanjing university:In nanjing university,Men and women living almost 1:1 proportion;NaShiDa/South filthy such a liberal arts college mainly,Girls more than 70%;Even in science and engineering colleges and universities,Hohai university/Southeast university of the men and women living proportion also so to achieve.


2/Girls toilet for a long time


Experts told reporters,According to the data display,Because men and women physiological characteristics are different,Men and women such as toilet time ratio is 2-1,And in toilet area the size of cases,Often gent of toilet a more than women,These are the cause"Ladies queue,gent‘Cold and cheerless"factors.
