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河南某校调查幼师生:性别比扭曲 多有心理问题--亲稳舆论引导监测室


《新闻1+1》2012年10月29日完成台本 [News 1 + 1]29 October 2012 complete playscript with stage directions


幼儿园,为什么“不好玩儿”? kindergarten,why"Play bad"?


(Program guide apparent)




When feeling joke.




Kindergarten child abuse case,She still feel interesting?

  陈正广 温岭市城西街道派出所

ChenZhengGuang wenling chengxi subdistrict police station


In order to seek personal stimulus.




Have fun and her feel bad.

  陈茜 原温岭市蓝孔雀幼儿园园长:

ChenQian original wenling blue peacock kinzley kindergarten:


saddened,I have nothing to say.




Feel more bad and they play.




I didn't think himself sent to my son,Was the teacher abuse.




Our kindergarten how?Why will appear the lack of qualified teachers.

  滕林华 温岭市教育局副局长:

Teng Lin wenling city education bureau deputy director:


the(The nursery teacher qualification ChiZhengLv)Is not a little more than forty percent.




Our education how,Why is it hard to give the child a interesting childhood?

  李天顺 教育部基础教育二司副司长:

Li tianshun ministry of education foundation education two department deputy director general:


We really is like strength to avoid or correct(kindergarten)Primary school change phenomenon.




[News 1 + 1]Attention today:kindergarten,why"Play bad"?


The host:


Hello audience friends,Welcome to are live[News 1 + 1],Close to a period of time,Zhejiang wenling city a kindergarten teacher of child abuse event in continuous fermentation,Everyone has been focused on two problems,The first is the teacher is only child abuse?If I had suspected to illegal?The second is the teacher why did not have a card?We have to have how many teachers didn't card??Today this two things with this transition,Have officially implemented among to her,It means she shall be investigated for the criminal responsibility for,This is the first point.The second point,Not only zhejiang,And the national many places in all through the media reports,A lot of kindergarten teacher didn't card.


But the things over?Return to want to be among the child abuse the teacher itself is only 20 years old,Is she is our education problems of the victims,Why was she so distorted?The second,Don't kindergarten teacher has a card can take these things don't happen?The deeper reason be?This is our attention today the question mark,First of all,To pay attention to the news and events of the latest dynamic.


(Play video)

  颜艳红 温岭市蓝孔雀幼儿园教师:

YanYanGong wenling blue peacock kindergarten teachers:


Then the feeling is did it for a lark,nothing.




"Laughing matter,nothing".This is the media is now able to get the YanYanGong short can't short explanation,As a once kindergarten teachers,She must learn to takes responsibility for his actions,Must learn to an adult in the face of a child shall have the behavior,More must deeply understand each a parent/Every public,She and her colleagues in the face of these photos taken when why cause of the anger.


The child thrown into the trash can,Tape seal child mouth,Let the child the top of head is worn dustpan,There are even various difficult to describe behavior,These behaviors can say it's not good at all play.And in YanYanGong personal network space,Have found as many as ten pieces of child abuse photos,YanYanGong is still in each photo side is equipped with text.


(In October 2012, 29 news)




Child abuse teachers YanYanGong suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime is a criminal detention punishment,The next step of the ministry of public security will be arrested for procuratorate as soon as possible,At the same time to participate in pictures of another name for a female teachers were fined seven days administrative detention of punishment.




Did she confessed she do this motive is what?

  陈正广 温岭市公安局城西派出所所长:

ChenZhengGuang wenling city public security bureau west police inspector:


motivation,She is for fun,She for fun,We stir-up-trouble crime recognized her,In order to personal pleasure,In order to seek personal stimulus.




Event development so far,YanYanGong should never feel less than fun fun.Reporters in the process,A lady has been kept crying,She is in the photo was picked up the ears of the boy's mother.


Wenling city blue peacock kindergarten parents:


See photos to know,Don't know what to say.I had thought like this mention,Did not expect to be so serious.My son is now in kindergarten small class,I don't know how to do later,To his later growth have what effect.He used to sleep,In the evening he can sleep,Now sometimes midnight climbed over,Climbed to my bed,Sleep beside me,Will do nightmare.




Look at the cry mother,Look at the cry of the children,This is definitely not the kindergarten should happen.


Wenling city blue peacock kindergarten parents:


All day long he asked my mother what day is it today,I told him that today is Wednesday,Anyway, not Saturday,He said you'd have to say on Saturday,On Saturday I don't go to school.




Why do you want to throw you to the trash?


Wenling city blue peacock kindergarten students:


Because I bathe at noon,I yell at the last row,The teacher is thrown me into the trash can.

  余伟 儿童治疗师:

Yu children therapists:


The child this time,He thought that the teacher all the action is right,Because she is a teacher,These children may be in the future in this way to other children,Even treat their children.


The host:


As a father,In this group of photographs first see when,To the teacher is very very angry,I believe that all the people saw these pictures feeling is the same,Hated her very much,How could you,How can you do this teacher.When she really is of necessity,After was arrested,And suddenly found that the hate not initially found it so heavy,why,Because this is only a teacher she is my responsibility?The whole around us one of the environment,Or our education actually there have been some what problem.We now return to YanYanGong the teacher resume up,Here has revealed a lot of information.


First of all, we see,She was born in 1992,But 20 years old this year,.Her 2010 years in July,At the age of 18,Graduated from possessing school performance professional fine direction,Began in March 2010,In the blue peacock kindergarten teaching,Her monthly pay about 2000 yuan,But it is understood the reporters to reveal,She just into the kindergarten when,Her salary is also 800 pieces of or so.As we all know,In fact possessing is an economy is also very very developed area,In such a region,First this month income is 800,Or now monthly income is two thousand,Want to put their own day good almost is unlikely.And look at the teacher's time you will find 20 years old may also count as a big boy,Still have to through other behavior to analysis.You see,She first very, very hateful,Clearly is child abuse,Have a series of pictures,The result is not to be ashamed of her own,Anti think fun,Give hair the network space,Although can't call surrender to it,But their this kind of unbearable behavior all up front and in public,Finally also gradually cause be hated by both man and god,In turn affected to her own,Finally came to want to go to law before the face.


We now look at this,She may be involved in the crime,Crime of abuse/Insult sin/Deliberately mayhem/Stir-up-trouble crime,But since there is no sin of child abuse,So in the end give her to set the stir-up-trouble crime,Just police station also talked about why,Because she said amusing,In fact, this is also a little a little far-fetched it.Stir-up-trouble crime may be sentenced to higher is five years of imprisonment,Think this is 20 years old girl.But on the other hand,When she wanted to punish by law have 2 o 'clock is very important,The first is a good thing,There is no child abuse before sin,There are a lot of teacher abuse the children,Often criticism education,Or rather internal administrative sanction it is past,So such things do not have enough deterrent force,Happen over and over again.This time finally in be hated by both man and god the social mood of the law to the front,This to all future teacher in want of child abuse there will be a great deterrent force.


But the second,I also want to emphasize,This time stir-up-trouble crime in the 20 years of age, the necessity to the teacher,Public opinion is in great pressure under the legal act it,I thought I'd better law very fair,Not by the surrounding the influence of public opinion,According to the law how to do to normal do,Finally found her no matter what kind of a year,Also want to give the public a transparent confessed.So to legal construction well,On the 20 years of age, the teacher is good,To the society as a whole are good.


Next we want attention is the second focus,About the teachers have card no card problem,The things it is not small.

  画面提示:2012年10月28日 新闻

Screen prompt:On October 28, 2012 news


The host:


Should be just short of the statement,Yan a no teacher qualification.




In fact reporter survey found,Widespread around the preschool teachers without card mount guard phenomenon.




YanYanGong child abuse event is after exposure,Public opinion in question,A company of qualification of teacher didn't get into any of the people,Why can be in wenling city blue peacock kindergarten did more than two years of preschool teacher?This question not wrong,But the reality is that no card mount guard is not YanYanGong one.




According to the understanding,In the blue peacock kindergarten 16 of teachers,Moreover, including ChenQian,Only three teachers has the teacher certificate.


Have teacher certificate should be the basic condition of kindergarten teacher,But wenling blue peacock kindergarten ChenQian calls for the first YanYanGong,This certificate is clearly as a negligible project.

  陈茜 原温岭市蓝孔雀幼儿园园长:

ChenQian original wenling blue peacock kinzley kindergarten:


For I was impressed,She can,Her words not,Look is affable.




An important background is,You go to kindergarten look,Everywhere people without card mount guard.

  滕林华 温岭市教育局副局长:

Teng Lin wenling city education bureau deputy director:


Our private kindergarten ChiZhengLv is relatively low,The city is a little more than 40%.




This is a piece of run by the local people how much?


Teng Lin:






Not the teacher certificate the hard conditions,That means that the local kindergarten teacher recruitment will have a lot of freedom.On October 26,,Zhejiang provincial department of KanWen on its website,To be hurt children and parents said deeply regret,At the same time,They also announced,In the future the kindergarten teachers must have advanced teaching certificate,And will it as the premise condition of employment.In addition to zhejiang,Shandong province department of education also released them to the province's 17 cities,194 kindergartens to selective examination results.




53% of the early childhood teachers have not obtained the ministry of education approved the teacher qualification certificate,17% of the principal have not obtained the principal qualifications training certificate.The obtained dezhou of qualification of teacher of preschool teacher proportion is zero,Laiwu city this data is 3.2%.


Basically this a kindergarten teacher in charge only a card,Other teacher no card,Even small private kindergarten,Even the teacher in charge all have no card.




According to the central people's broadcasting station reported,At present,Our country has sixty percent of kindergarten teacher no teacher certificate.Our problem is,Applicants without certificate,Why can mount guard?The national was full of fine without card mount guard phenomenon,So why do we bother to implement this system?this,Chinese preschool education of the meeting FengXiaoXia think,Fine without preparation/Low wages,The kindergarten is hard to attract licensed practical teacher's primary.But the children can't wait,How to solve the problem?


The host:


Speak with justice to social issued many why,In fact very easy to,But do reporters after so many years,The more I think,So the straight back to ask why,Heart a little virtual,Because of my dream is always very, very lets the person feel very good,But the reality was always so have to cruel.You see Chinese teachers development foundation secretary general YangChunMao accepted the media interview said,The national sixty percent kindergarten teacher certificate no.One night to be able to solve this problem?Besides we can change an Angle to think about,If there is a card can ensure that such a thing will not happen?Let's return to child abuse of the teacher,Through her example to analysis,I'm afraid you will feel,This pit true enough deep.


Do you think it YanYanGong the teacher,She was born in 1992,Just said for 20 years,Although she had no card,But please note that she graduated in July 2010 in possessing school performance professional fine direction,Somebody else is not to say that to learn other professional,The school is fine direction,But maybe more like to show it,This is another matter the.therefore,A card no certificate is a certificate difference,But a lot of people are in surprise,Why learn the fine direction and major,But did not teach her love for the child??Words why want to say so,Let's look at.


On November 4, 2011,In her hair pictures,She said a sentence like that,"For some people's fire,All out on the students' body,vexed."At that time only 19 year old girl,vexed,Then the fire of for some people,What is boyfriend/Is parents,Or around the rich man,Because of her initial in so developed economies,She's just earn 800 dollars to more than one thousand,Less than two thousand,So the bother and for some people's fire in fact a lot of social reality background.But the problem is she doing now kindergarten teacher,So the holy profession,This is two very great contradictions.And so this sentence will appear,"All out on the students' body",Also is we come to understand of child abuse,Perhaps is our own children.


Next we see more terrible,Henan province RuZhouShi the teacher training school student survey.Our school classroo m fine college to the kindergarten when the teacher is 15 to 18 years old the flower girl,They are in a physiological period,Adolescent girl,Basically do not have the boy,Great changes are happened the key period,But as a result of these students are learning difference,Studying the good person continue to the high school,Examination of university to the.Bound hopeless,To the fine is forced to social and family pressure,Himself may not want to,But the pressure is bigger,So they went to the,But forced love does not last,So lead to a series of psychological problems appear on them,They are to cultivate children's mental health,But first they have psychological problems.


"75% of the students think learning is too boring,42% of the students always feel in a bad mood,57% of the students think life is painful,52% of the students don't know why I always love firing."Don't deceive you to say,When I see this screen the whole content of the time,Think of it is our future one kindergarten teacher,My heart is very heavy.This also means that we generation after generation of Chinese people,In the life in the first teacher,Just is in just such a seemingly very cruel,75% of all think learning is too boring,42% of the students in a bad mood,Mostly poor learning/Bound hopeless,Then a series of psychological problems.Is this child,Be our future generation after generation of Chinese people's first teacher,think,This is to condemn the 20 years old YanYanGong etc can?I'm afraid we really want to change.This society including each one of us how to supervise,Let more outstanding person,Every child can become the first teacher,Of course,This is a good wishes,Reality will be cruel?Hope the cruel reality, promote this kind of look forward to,Realize as soon as possible.


Next we want attention is deeper one reason,Why is there some kindergarten teacher corporal punishment child/Child abuse,Will now exam-oriented education has been to advance to the kindergarten,The kindergarten is not the place,Not see day look at the moon,But by learning to,To learn very complicated learning,The child couldn't keep up with,Corporal punishment teem,It will be a reason for this?to,Continue to pay attention.


(Play video)




today,According to the wenling city education bureau deputy director teng is introduced,Instead of the principal ChenQian before,In blue peacock kindergarten is responsible for the temporary management work,From the local public kindergarten recommended three out of three pair of the principal,The three pair of the principal are preschool teacher certificate,And was engaged in ten years or more children teaching management work.




Why will give you the mouth stick glue?


Wenling city blue peacock kindergarten students:


Because I hit.




Why does she want to throw you into the trash can?


Wenling city blue peacock kindergarten students:


Because while you take a shower at noon,I row last,Shouting,The teacher put me into the trash can.




These naughty children,Perhaps because his occasional rock the boat by punishment,And in other kindergarten,Whether it's because of other reasons by the teacher? The punishment?In 2009,,LongAn town east shaolin martial arts school kindergarten,5 years old boy because calculate not 11 + 2 is equal to a few be kindergarten teacher ruler with beaten black and blue all over.In 2011,,Shaanxi XunYangXian grinding groove kindergarten the principal substitute teacher XueTongXia because children can't completely to recite the text,Then with tongs will the children's hand scald.


Less than 6 years, and he was asked to blurt out beautiful English,Tang poetry can song has a flowing,Oral arithmetic mental arithmetic is not in the words,They have learned knowledge,Far more than the age children can accept.Preschool education elementary school change this phenomenon,Education department also early have vigilance,And strictly prohibited.In October 9,,Issued by the ministry of education for three to six years old children's learning and development guidelines,From five fields describe children learning and development.


Li tianshun:


We really is like strength to avoid or correct elementary school turn of such a phenomenon,Preschool children in kindergarten learning and primary and middle school education study,Seeking truth from facts to speak,The distinction that having essence.In particular should be follow children's physical and mental development law,Want to cherish childhood children of such a kind of unique value.If really is to primary school change,Want to spoil things by excessive enthusiasm,Can say is only backfire.


The host:


To solve this problem next to attachment to an expert,She's authority,Issued by the ministry of education has[Three to six years old children's learning and development guidelines],She participated in the set,Is China's preschool education research association chairman and director of the academic committee,Beijing normal university preschool education research institute professor FengXiaoXia.Von professor hello.

  冯晓霞 北京师范大学学前教育研究所教授:

FengXiaoXia Beijing normal university preschool education research institute professor:




The host:


Now kindergarten,According to our reporter,Including our a lot of people feel,As primary school was to advance to the kindergarten in,More study is complex,How do you look at kindergarten these children,In the kindergarten should learn,How should be the period of time?




I want to issued by the state[Three to six years learning development guidelines],In fact it has put the kindergarten children,Should how to learn,Should learn what,Probably in what age,Should achieve a what kind of degree.Also, by what kind of ways to learn,In fact in the inside should say has written more clearly.For example target part,Him out means in children during this period,Included in different age stages,His goal should be??????,The goal in different age stage performance should be??????,Through what way,To achieve such a.


The host:


Professor von,You are academic language,May the TV audience more feel is the,Want to know in the kindergarten, primary school the professor taught things,What is right or wrong?




From a long-term point of view,This kind of practice for children is wasteful,why,Because of different age stages,His mental development level,His body and mind development needs is not exactly the same,We are very small age,With more suitable for big age way,Come and go for our children,In fact is indeed a spoil things by excessive enthusiasm.


Perhaps in some ways,We'll able to see some results,Some achievements,But these achievements,Maybe he won this achievement,He have to take out a lot of effort,Maybe in the future it is after the twice the result with half the effort,But now is the wasted effort.And it's very likely fall children learn appetite,Let him have not enter the formal learning stage,For learning produced a kind of hate and fear.From this perspective,In children is more bad,For long-term development is adverse.


The host:


Professor feng said very well,Is because it might fall down children learn appetite,This is the negative effect of life.




to,And he is very likely in the process,Let children to oneself also lost confidence.


The host:


But professor von,You must be noticed,Sometimes not only because of the kindergarten to do so,But some primary school,Although the national also don't advocate,Or not allowed,But they also implemented the entrance examination,So only those who created in the kindergarten learn a lot of primary school curriculum children who can pass into good primary school,How do you treat malignant cycle,Estimate you also very helpless.




I think this and our country now compulsory education stage is not really balanced development is related.If primary school,He itself and the so-called quality,There are common,Even the relatively more nearly,So as a parent,We all can understand,His natural hope their children to good primary school,Everybody good primary school,If we can't do common development,Is the one of the few.So this way must be an army,Also can't called it an army,Will also have a lot of children,Will go to this school squeeze inside,So the school can make selection.But compulsory education stage,We don't think it should be a selection type education,It should be a universality of,For all the children are all fair such an education.


So young children education really can according to the law of children education,Let the child in the game when middle school,Let the children happy learning,So elementary school itself,It must be in the compulsory education stage balanced development.


The host:


good,Thank you very much von professor bring us analysis,More hope in daily life,More than you for three to six years old children take calls for called for,Don't let them in a grade primary school,From three/At the age of four began,Thank you for your professor feng.


Why to want to discuss such a problem,Because we are the surveys and interviews,Easily can find,Since the present kindergarten more and more assume exam-oriented education advance change such a trend,So the teacher for children sometimes not standard.For example for a while before the problem is,Three to six years old guide said,In the kindergarten teaching as long as ten the following add and subtract is finished.The results was a child,Ten plus a few a few answer not to come out,A teacher's a slap in the face,A large number of corporal punishment as kindergarten into the exam-oriented education such a process closely related.


Columnist xu said in a speech in fact it's rather interesting,"For adults play bad,So the child play bad."My daughter two years old next month,I this has decided to never destroyed her childhood,But elder people tell me,If children don't advance starting,Into the kindergarten or school,Will be the teacher discrimination,Students isolated,That trauma,This ellipsis means that he may be surrendered,But every a parent in fact do not want to surrender,Special hope community is putting greater pressure,Can let the kindergarten children a good childhood.
