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男老师“绑”病母去上班 学校为其安排新岗位--亲稳网络舆情监测室

男老师“绑”病母去上班 学校为其安排新岗位  上周五,在学生们的祝福声中,陈老师母亲抱上电动车准备离开冷水镇中心学校。工作调动后,陈老师再也不用这么辛苦绑着母亲上班了。 Last Friday,In the students in soul.but about beats,Chen will mother held on electric cars leaving cold water town center school.Work after transfer,Chen will no longer have to work so hard into the mother to work.

  “绑”着母亲去上班 浙江磐安孝子再书孝道传奇

"tied"The mother go to work zhejiang panan filial son filial piety to book legend


昨天,磐安实验中学为“最美教师”陈斌强安排工作岗位 yesterday,Panan experimental middle school for"Best teachers"ChenBinJiang arrange jobs


新学校离家只有1公里,他将和妻子利用课间回家照顾母亲 The new school is only 1 km away from home,He and his wife using the class recess home take care of a mother


从此,陈家可以天天吃上团圆饭 From now on,The every day can eat on family reunion dinner


panan"Best teachers"ChenBinJiang,Finally realized his back to the county teaching/Better take care of mother's wishes.


Six o 'clock yesterday evening,Panan experimental middle school held a week will,Arranged ChenBinJiang jobs panan county experimental middle school first(12)Class of Chinese teacher,And temporarily to assist academic administration work.


The new school distance ChenBin JiangGu only 1 km,He can no longer bind the mother went to work,But the future how to continue to take good care of mother,He had wanted to good.


离家很近 Close to home


课间就能回家照顾母亲 Break you can go home and take care of mother


In the cold water town center school,ChenBinJiang mother have a special room,Each class after class,ChenBinJiang will return to the mother's room,Serve her toilet,Talk with her.


Although panan experimental middle school no worker dormitory/Mother can only stay at home,But fortunately near home,Convenient ChenBinJiang take care of.


"Including fluctuation floor/Serve mother go to the toilet,A trip back and forth is 10 minutes."As a son of alzheimer's patients,ChenBinJiang most worried about is the mother's toilet problem.


In addition,ChenBinJiang wife FuLiuPing work from home panan experimental kindergarten only 2300 meters distance,Break back to take care of her mother-in-law toilet also does not have the question,"Every day we according to their own course arrangement,Can call each other under the confirmation,Take turns to take care of mother."


As for the problem of mother to eat,ChenBinJiang also want to good,"My wife and I work of schools have the dining room,Every day we can take turns playing the rice mother come back to eat."ChenBinJiang said,Although food is mess,But take turns playing the rice can let mother to eat more varieties,Let her keep the freshness of dinner.


before,Only when the weekend family to eat dinner together,Now everyday can eat together,It makes extremely value family ChenBinJiang very happy.


课时不多 Class not


但教学的担子一点不轻 But the burden of teaching don't light


In the new unit in the arrangement of the,ChenBinJiang work five days a week,At half past eight every morning to 11 points,Afternoon at 1 to 4 PM.but,Every day he just lesson,Responsible for the other two early self-education and a late self-education.


And than in the past,Time bounteous a lot,More energy to take care of the mother,But he work burden is not light.


According to the experimental high school principal countries FuXiaoWei original idea,In two weeks after the mid-term examination,Language result poor class will be assigned to ChenBinJiang,"Considering the Chen business ability is good,We will arrange he taught Chinese level difference some class."


And this week will,Direct class among the ChenBinJiang,Two weeks later,He will be faced with students' mid-term exam.


"Before teaching is there,Now teach first,Work a little easier."ChenBinJiang said,How to in a short time familiar with the class's and grade's student,And let them in the near the mid-term examination play a level,Is he immediately to solve business problems.


Two days before,Cold water town center school vice President sheep xin popular specialized to ChenBinJiang a telephone,Encourage him to adapt to the new school as soon as possible,As to the past,The class language result to the best,"This is the best school in the countries,Can you take the best,More can prove your level".


“不管前方的路多么艰难 "No matter how difficult the path ahead


我们会像您一样勇敢走下去” We would like you to brave go on"


冷水镇中心学校的孩子们写给陈斌强的信 Cold water town center school children to ChenBinJiang letter


yesterday,Attended the new school will be weeks,ChenBinJiang returned home is at 8 o 'clock.His table head and a few of them just open letter,It is cold water town center school children to his,They spend two months a year of time.


Last Friday,ChenBinJiang to cold water town center school students on the last day of Chinese classes.In the afternoon,In the eyes of students will not give lower,He is like the past five years,Will be strapped to her mother behind,On battery car home.


"The day go on Friday,They put the letter to me,But I haven't see."ChenBinJiang said,"I'm afraid to see them write of thing,Think they want to have to can't do other things."


The consent of Chen consent,We extract the one of the letters.


today,You will then have to go,I can't bear losing you.


Recall you once said on TV:"I loathe to give up the children,I have to take them into the summer so far",I was very moved,but,Then hear you to go news,And I think the teacher you are mean,Why do you want to tell lies?


See you and we goodbye tears,My heart and some understand,Maybe I station in your point of view to think about,Your life is so hard,Your rush about is so tired,If because our selfish let you stayed,Your mom I'm afraid and want to suffer a lot of bitter.


so,I'm the only requirement is:You can remember we,Remember this place,Remember here you ever has brought a group of students.


The teacher,This may be the last time I in class so that you,But in my heart,You will be my most respected/The most beloved a teacher!




Autumn is the season of thoughts,This autumn,You are the focus of our thoughts.


Perhaps the Chinese lesson,We'll see you that in a hurry the figure,But I know,You've become twinkles in the sky the stars,later,No matter how difficult the way ahead,I would like you,Brave enough to go on.


students:JiangSu jas


Your class is always on so interesting,We often hear you out the classroom"Ha ha"laughter,but,In response to problems but I always not positive,Miss a lot of teacher and communication opportunity,Wait until I want to change this time,Had already too late,I'm here to you say a sound:"I'm sorry".In the future,I will redouble our efforts.


As the saying goes,"All good things must come to dinner",but,I really hope,My teacher and I between you"banquet"Never loose.




For the first time with your contact,To tell you the truth I am more afraid,Afraid your majesty,You begin to our good pupil,Let us class atmosphere all dare not out,You also have relentlessly tear my word this,From then on,I am to you away from the sufferer.


Thanks to have the opportunity to let me know you again,Your filial piety that moved me,Your optimistic let me infection,That turns to open me on your misunderstanding,Leaving only admire and give up.


Wish you,The teacher,You have a more convenient to take care of mother a good place for children,I for you glad.


Your students(Reporter note:unsigned)


When you see this letter,I guess you would say so:What happened?All taught you write the format,How to still get so mess?or,It seems I have no white teach you ah,You all know that for me!...


Most lets me"miss"of,Is your voice.Just hear time,A surprised:wow,How the man also will have so exquisite sound,It is to learn bel canto.really,In my impression,Men of the most beautiful voice,Is you.

  现在,你去别的地方了,就听不到你的声音了,但,你放心啦,啥时候我去县城的时候,一定要去你“老巢”看看你的。学生:蒋越君 (记者 张苗 朱丽珍 本报特约记者 傅颖杰/文 记者 陶玉其/摄)

now,You go to other place,Just hear you voice,but,You can rest assured!,What time I went to the town,Must go to your"Gretel-style trail"Look at your.students:Jiang jun the (Reporter ZhangMiao ZhuLiZhen our stringer FuYingJie/text reporter TaoYu its/taken)
